So does anyone play this game still? The approach to time travel is PRETTY DOPE but some of the mechanics are odd.
Continuum: Roleplaying in the Yet
It's super dope, but the rest of the game doesn't seem all that exciting. I wonder what the writers of the game are up to these days.
Yeah it seems as though it slightly falls apart when you reach the higher levels of Span. Still, I would like to see a new version of it, with some updated/fixed mechanics. Seems like having to record every jump you make would get to be a bit much.
Anyone else have any experience with it?
Played it a bit, it's pretty great. Having to record all the jumps can get to be a bit much but the most that usually means is eventually looking at the rats nest of time travel you've built for yourself in a particular region of space/time and saying 'I'm never coming back here if I can help it', marking off a few safe points in case you end up in a time combat that strays through the area and mentally fencing the whole thing off.
I've never played Continuum. I appreciate it as a fascinating work of design, but I've never really felt any pull to actually run it and I've never seen anyone else do so.
Yeah I like to think I don't have anything against extensive bookkeeping. And the way you describe it makes it seem less intimidating. Really wish I could find someone willing to run it!
It warms my heart to see that people still talk about Continuum on here. It was my original enquiry that had Yue buy the last available copy on Amazon and get it scanned all those years ago. It still remains my favorite RPG I know I'll never play. It's great to hear that some of you have gotten it to the table but I've never found anyone confident enough to run a game as I sure as shit know I'm not up to the task myself. Never change, Veeky Forums.
I wonder if one could do a version of Continuum that takes a page on how Retrocausality does time travel. Could cut down on the need to record jumps.
Pretty sure I have a copy of that scan. God bless Yue.
What's Retrocausality like? I know there's a lot of other time travel games out there but Continuum certainly takes the cake in some departments.
It's a looser, more comedy-based take on time travel that uses a deck of traditional playing cards for conflict resolution. It approaches its time travel by using a timeline with events written down on index cards. Players denote where they arrive on this timeline, and should they change events in the past, a card of what they did overtakes one of the event cards, leading to a forked timeline represented by a new line of cards as events play out.
It's an RPG that came put of a game jam, and that shows at times, but it's pretty neat.
Huh. I like that a lot, actually. Continuum could work well with that I think. Having index cards with points in time players have spanned to along with what they've done there could be a good way to keep track of things...
That sounds pretty cool. One of the things about Continuum's time travel system is that it kind of marries it to the record keeping aspect. The only way out of it without loosing the aspects that make it unique that I can see relies on going non-linear in your gameplay and then backfilling the relevant holes which isn't something that can be done consistently (and would probably end up taking more total work for a lower intial investment).
>a forked timeline
That sounds like Narcissist talk to me, Spanner. From the first Maxim recall that "upon whether I know or not know a thing, depends my existence" and that "change of the known is resisted by the Continuum ceaselessly so that our greater liberties and lives will be fulfilled".
(Sounds like a novel solution to the challenge though and one I'd be interested in trying out for a less strict game)
I remember hearing about a Narcissist version of the game which allowed for the various things in their philosophy. Anyone got any word on how that fits with the immutable timeline theory that the Continuum operates under?
Never heard of it, but you make it sound interesting. Got a pdf?
I've got the v0.7 PDF. It was never finished, but it's a fun read. I'll throw the file up somewhere and provide a link.
Basically though Narcissists believe in a multiple-worlds outlook and try to build enough Frag in a specific point to tear through to whichever parallel existence they've got their eye on.
It's been a million years since I've had a need for this kind of file sharing. Let me know if I've fucked anything up and you can't access it or anything.
Here's Continuum, Further Information, and Narcissist 0.7.
I didn't know Further Information got scanned. Nice.
Apparently the Aetherco website is still up, which means that someone must be maintaining it or they paid for it to be up for a long time. I hope they're still around somehow.
Narcissist is really interesting. I like how they insist multiple worlds exists despite what the Continuum says and that you can in fact "crash free" of Swarm Prime as they call it. Makes me sad they never finished it. Apparently there's a version out there that is significantly different from the 0.7 version. I think people have only played it at small conventions, though.
I know right? The fact that it's still up gives me hope. I know awhile back the creator posted a bit on I think he still has an account there. Wish there was a way to show him that there's interest for a Continuum 2nd Edition. Dunno if he'd have the time or money to get that going, though, even with Kickstarter these days.
I would honestly pay good money for a Continuum 2e with some cleaned up rules. Apparently there's a Facebook community but I have no idea if it's still active.
One of the authors said something implying they were still working on it in 2015.
Well how about that. Here's hoping the next few years are kind to them.
Yep that's the post. Hope he's still working away on it. Can't stop reading the book myself.