>A magical disease that spreads through eye contact has just been released
A magical disease that spreads through eye contact has just been released
>playing a fighter with no eyes who relies on blind-fight
I purchase mirrored sunglasses
Does this plague work on people with mechanical eyes?
If not I mind link and get a brand new seeing eye psyker
Just as well I'm a beta who always avoids eye contact.
Look to the blind to guide us.
Who could be behind such a disease, I wonder?
>The Black Crusade train has one direction and no brakes.
Thankfully I never allow anything to touch my eyes except their own lids.
right right very interesting; post more sexy eyes
>The king decrees that everyone in the kingdom must go around naked until the disease is contained and purged.
Problem solved.
Wait, *only* through eye-contact?
Should be pretty easy to contain, then.
ha ha ha, joke's on them, I'm autistic and avoid eye contact in social interaction!
Event Horizon is really just one big prelude to 40k
How far will it spread before people realize what's going on? Note too that doctors tend to make eye contact with their patients.
Do it yourself dude. Google is right there.
but i wanted to fap and have an intellectual discussion
I don't see how that's an explanation at all.
>>A magical disease that spreads through eye contact has just been released
And thus the meek shall inherit the Earth.
Actually a plot point in the webcomic Unsounded; called the Weeping Plague.
Should I sue them for stealing my idea?
I think it would definitely depend on how long it takes for someone to show symptoms. Also, the success rate of passage, minimum time of exposure. I assume, for the sake of making it interesting and compelling, it'd probably be incredibly successful and probably only a brief amount of exposure needed, but even then-- what does it DO?
I too would like to know more about the Weeping Plague, OP.
But what does it actually do?
It's not really much of a disease if it lets you get on with your life as normal unhindered
>A magical disease that spreads through sound, and is an incredibly catchy song
>A magical faggot that spreads shitty threads has just posted
>not rubbing your tear ducts on people
>not playing iris chicken and always suprising your friends by butting their iris with yours within seconds of the game starting.
>not leaving your eyelashes in someone's eye and yelling "MAKE A WISH"
Autistic fuckers. How are you gonna lose your virginity until you've rubbed eyes with your partner?
inb4 normie leave
I buy stocks in sunglasses manufacturers and watch the cash roll in.
Do normal glasses block it? Because eye contact through glasses is not direct eye contact.
I had this in a setting I ran once. People took to wearing masks to cover their eyes, and people in the region still wear masks ever since.
The disease was a kind of gradual possession - it opened your body up to being corrupted/possessed by spirits or demons.
Explain. By that same logic two people looking at each other is not "direct eye contact," because there's air in the way, moisture on the surface of the eye, etc.
Whuzzat Smell
Careful, I hear it can be fatal.
Don't forget about the time it takes to associate the symptoms with 'eye contact'.