Are there any women on this board who are heavily invested in alts? I feel like I'm the only one here. Should I even care?
Are there any women on this board who are heavily invested in alts? I feel like I'm the only one here...
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im a gurl on the inside sista
>in crypto
Kek nice try.
How could you know you are the only women if it is an user board ?
No it's true, I'm a ginger.
Post a sharpie in pooper and ill send 0.3 btc
I'm in a crypto experts group on facebook, invested $100, already up to $250. 250% gains, not bad for a girl hehe ;)
> heavily invested in alts
How much for a regular selfie?
I ran into one on Veeky Forums the other day that was in xmr, but no don't see why you care or it matters the gender
pics or gtfo (clothed is fine this isnt /b/)
Women are an alt.
I know
the original pump and dump
Genuine femanon here. Genuine Bitcoin (i.e. BTC) maximalist, sorry.
what your networth
Qt as fuk. I can send you some of my arks if real. Gingers are my type
I'll pay you 0.5 btc to shit on a plate and eat it on camera.
sick desperation ITT
Pls show femmen benis
>No other sizes of this image found.
Could have been quite a bit if I kept bitcoin
Sure :) Ark Address: AQujN2BxDsQausgq9RpPSKAxsed1nMbRcJ
I highly doubt that
>I feel like I'm the only one here.
YTF is your gender relevant? Fucking get out you attention seeking cunt.
Holy crap you're qt
Good luck miss, I'm not in crypto yet (because i dont make really anything beyond my living expenses)
I will shill myself till the day I get some seed money or pay off my student loans and finally can invest iwth my own money.
You're not that special.
Ill send you ark if you will touch me
nothing beats autist thirst. the guys that make it on this board are going to lose half their assets marrying the first pussy flashed their way
BTC maximalism for the win: your fiat gains don't mean a thing because you would have made more just by holding BTC instead, sorry.
we’re all special here except that dumb bitcoin maximalist bitch in here
Only one way to find out. Now get the plate.
many such cases
She literally got gibs for taking a selfie
>I’m a women validate me!
Show pussy or portfolio
I’m saving this, for the Sonia bank you know? Will send you some bleeding arks when i get home, not using bittrex on the phone
Why hold Ark on bittrex rather than staking?
Kinda reminded me of pic related
Biz is a men's board
pliez open bob an show vegana sweethart :)
Because I only have 350, thought I needed way more
350 is more than enough to stake lol
I’ve been holding these for months are you kidding me !
I've been holding my Ark for 3 months.
"...more, just by holding BTC".
Let that sink in for a moment.
I have 20k Ark, want to date?
What's your age? I have 50k ARK
wanna fuck?
Got .2 BTC for one nipple pic
Not the only one but one of the very few
21, lol I don't know what you're trying to imply but my Ark address is up there lmao.
i dont judge something based on how much money it will make me. hard to believe for bitcoin retards i know, where that is the only thing running through your mind. my livlihood doesnt revolve a complete piece of shit
>Covers throat in both pics
>Chest of a 14 year old boy
He's got a dick user.
Traps are not even human
Needs to be human to be a man
and needs to be a man to post on biz
He needs to GTFO
Hahaha even if I had a million you wouldn’t see 1 fucking Ark from me. Fuck off gold digging whore, find your white knight orbiters somewhere else
So why mention 20k at all?
Fuck, he got me boys. Pack it up.
I don't care if ur a trap. QT af, take my link plz. Bonus if ur actually a trap.
Cause stupid cunts like you prey on weak men, easy targets to leech off of. Women are fucking predators, you’re no different you disgusting slut
Ok qt ginger I was legit bout to send ark but wallet is down for maintenance on bittrex
>all these dumb fags taking the bait to give some cunt free fucking money because she posted a couple of photos
you guys are fucking sad. save your money and fuck prostitutes
Why the fuck does it matter? You want to spread your social justice cancer to the biz world?
Tits or gtfo, whore.
Wow you're cute
buy LINK faggot
Dont give this bitch your money. Let her work for it like us men have to, equality right?
Hey m'lady
Woman are things
Lol wtf is wrong with you. She didn’t start the thread.
Jesus some of you are cringe. Confirmed normie here who got in back in Feb. don’t give a shit about the tech. Have 4.2 btc from golem, neo, rdd, mooncoin, omg runs. Will be going balls deep in LINK soon.
Normies have been on this board easily as long as I have
You're not asian
Idk why you haven't showed your tits yet, easiest money ever, i'd do it if i was a qt girl
>white knight fag who has been here for almost a year that doesn't know how IDs work
>admittedly a normie
fuck off faggot. your 4.2 btc isn't shit
Lol enjoy getting ass-blasted in divorce rape you cuck. Life ain’t a fairytale, clearly you haven’t awoken from delusion
It's not gay if it's cute.
She did start the thread, look at the IDs, faggot
This, screencap this entire thread as an example of how manipulative women can be. This whole thing was built as a way to separate beta cucks from their money.
She has almost 20k Ark if you check her address, meaning she has more than your 4.2 BTC. Billy Betas like you assume she can’t fend for herself, but she’s a twisted cunt
are you female?
She said pack it up and packed up. I was hoping for a nice ass pic. One day I may.
Hahah damn I didn’t even bother to check the thread title. I deserve it.
Yeah for most. I can say without a doubt not for me lol. I am by definition one of those chads you guys talk about. I am not even remotely kidding lol. Presuming most of you guys look so plain that you fade into the background of real life, unmemorable faces.
Also since the girl posted the thread yeah that’s pretty low.
You fuckers annoy me beyond measure this is a anonymous image anime board the only girls that should be posted here are 2d.
It's mainly girls I see doing this shit, making Veeky Forums mainstream was a mistake, why on Earth do you need to make your idenity known. If you want attention then go to either >>/soc/ >>r/eddit or facebook
You don't belong here, best fuck off.
Samefag here. Wasnt larping. Am complete chad. lol at billy beta.
Girls is plain af too. Didnt bother scrolling up to .
the ideal crypto gf
You’re not the only fucking Chad in here, I’d fuck this hoe if I met her in real life and she’d have no idea how I really think. Women are literally just dumb cum dumpsters who are good at manipulating men
Then stop trying to defend this hoe, well done on lifting. You really should read redpill to avoid getting fucked over in the future
>tfw will never have qT redhead gf who is a cryptographic
Not defending her at all. She's baiting since she started the thread, knowing people would ask for a selfie. SHe's a loser too.
lol that red pill stuff is for you guys who just wanna circle jerk each other because you hate women, because you can't get any or constantly get taken advantage of.
Never had issues with women. Ez pz. I'm good bruh.
wtf, she's rich bitch
Aww, you're adorable
Pic related, it's me.
It’s mostly about self-improvement and things like lifting. The woman-hate thing is usually for newcomers, You wouldn’t need it cause you’re a natural alpha from the looks of it, just be aware of how shitty women can be
Wew lad
>tfw no rich cryptoqueen gf
sit on my face
You people are fucking pathetic
pajeets are now lusting after your shit, enjoy never be left alone
I love you
What did you expect when you openly post you're a female hahaha. A bunch of sweaty spotty men rinsing you up