How do you feel about combat leotards in fantasy RPGs? Do you hate them? Love them? feel neutral? Have you ever/would you ever play a female character wearing one?
How do you feel about combat leotards in fantasy RPGs? Do you hate them? Love them? feel neutral...
They're cool
Not interested in bein a chick
They're very much appreciated.
Is this your fetish?
They give extreme bonus to friendly troops morale. If worn by proper person, they _crush_ the morale of the enemy as well.
You know men wear leotards too, right?
Get the fuck out of here with your fetishshit.
Homie, he only brought up chicks at the end.
Don't get so defensive and snappy.
They're also classy as fuck if done properly.
I've... actually never thought about it. Which surprises me, given how often I play female characters.
... huh.
brb researching leotards in history.
They don't exist until dancing outfits in the 20th century
>How do you feel about combat leotards in fantasy RPGs?
I like them, and want to see them come back.
>They don't exist until dancing outfits in the 20th century
19th century, actually.
I'd probably have a wrestler character wear one.
Shame Celes' outfit for the game isn't canon.
I suggest to hover over image title first.
Very classy
I see someone appreciates good leotards!
Anybody playing those is a sweaty fatty all erect of playing a thicc woman in her underwears.
Literally magical realm exhibitionism tier.
I'm afraid that is all from me.
Maybe you should try ERP before making blanket statements about who plays them.
I understand you are uncomfortable roleplaying sexual stuff in a group but that doesn't mean you should shit on other people's fun.
Oh, so this is one of THOSE thread, it didn't seem like it the way the OP was written. I'll see myself out.
>Petite monk-brawler.jpg
Nigga, that's just Yukikaze...
they leave hitzones 1-10 and 11-20 and 28-30 unprotected
if you have enough mana to create a sufficent protective barrier, you can enjoy the mobility bonus
user, with pictures I have, she is petite.
Disgusting, worthless slutwear UNLESS it emphasizes her ripped abs.
Needs more eyebrows.
We call them "swimsuits" user
I don't get it. Is she jumping? Was she flying on that stick, and fell off because of that spell? Is she sneaky-attacky witchcrafting?
>whatever it was, that chick is cute
I don't have any drawn one, but I want to help.
I've played a male PC with one.
Best one so far, in my opinion.
My upper and lower brain salute you for posting this.
>liking pedoshit
I love her
not bad
>complicated stretch fabric
>in a fantasy game
come on, just admit you want a fap thread
Could be pretty cool I guess, for the right characters.
(Something like the OP picture, a nimble acrobatic fighter and such. But for a Paladin, let's say, it might be weird instead of an armour or something.)
>chainmail leotard
oh god the chafing
In every possible aspect, a spider silk leotard sounds like something drow would do.
>[insert any anachronism here]
>in a fantasy game
This DESU family.
I honestly doubt chain would actually chafe that bad. Metal rings are pretty smooth and don't offer that much friction in comparison to say, wet cloth.
I'd be more worried about the terrors of the day star and having potentially hot metal in direct contact with my flesh
Well, people who wear chain usually say it's pretty cool and the rings just hit body temperature.
The real issue would be hairs getting ripped out if they get caught between a couple of links. If you weren't hairless when you started wearing a chainmail thong you would be once you'd finished.
I enjoy leotards.
Does this count?
I love them,
They make it so much easier to rape my enemies ;)
Get out of here birdie
You will never be as comfy as an athletic man in a wrestling singlet.
That is because my wrestling getup is tights, a mask, and a cape.
Later, I get a fake claw arm and red eye after I am killed in the ring.
"Classy" like an expensive escort.
Not Classy like someone with y'know, actual class.
Still, I ain't a hater.
They're lying to you.
Or they never go out in the sun while armoured.
I don't fucking understand your fixation with fashion in games where fashion generally isn't represented through anything but numbers and words, and in case of the latter only rarely.
I think it has something to do with imagination.
What the fuck does imagination have to do with traditional games?
I'm sure the shit your character wears is very imaginative and that it's of extreme importance that you constantly bring it up.