After a talking plate of lasagna from space forced you to eat it. You learn that you now have the power to summon any one dish(food) of you choice anytime you wish. You also get a cool chef hat.
What dish-wizard are you?
After a talking plate of lasagna from space forced you to eat it. You learn that you now have the power to summon any one dish(food) of you choice anytime you wish. You also get a cool chef hat.
What dish-wizard are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
I am the Wing Wizard, lord of chicken wings. Buffalo, garlic, barbeque, sriracha, and more, all are mine to summon and command! All shall love me and despair!
Lutefisk. I will drown the world in lutefisk.
Soylent. Not the green version, the regular tasteless gray foodpowder.
I can weaponize it.
Well done steak with ketchup.
>ruining a good steak with ketchup
We have our BBEG here folks.
More lasagne
Gold leafed truffles. I then exploit my powers to make millions
>well done
Well, he's not making it any worse...
Cake Wizard
>Anything but a nice hot plate of Fish n' Chips
not much variety in it, but still pretty delicious
Logically I'd pick something good, relatively healthy and somewhat expensive.
Smocked salmon is the first thin that came to mind
I choose to summon talking plates of lasagna from space. Then whenever I want to summon something else, I'd eat one of the space lasagnas and choose another food-summoning power.
>After a talking plate of lasagna from space forced you to eat it.
Hold up, what? Was it psychic or something?
That said, sushi- the good kind, or some sort of crab dish, because it is balls hard to get decent crab where I live.
Galadriel is more of a garden salad elf
Freshly baked homemade bread. If possible, adding some brown and white cheese, and eggs.
It held a gun to your head and told you you to eat it or die. Space lasanga are weirdly suicidal.
Can I be lord of the pies?
Pie is a very versatile food, good options hot or cold, sweet or savoury
My tacos would block out the sun.
What's even the point of this thread? Are we supposed to all have one gimmick so we end up losing to the only guy who was smart enough to not focus all of his talents on a single gimmick?
I am Reuben Meister.
>Work at a lutheran church in the midwest
>Every year there's a massive lutefisk dinner
>Every old norweigian in a hundred miles is dawn in by the smell
>Lye, swedish meatball, and Bengay scent fills the building
>Lasts for a week at minimum
I don't think people realize how fucking evil this is.
Surströmming. Because fuck you, that's why.
Turkey breast tendies, strips and wings.
Spaghetti. I want to drown the world in it. I want to hear the Lamentations of the pitiful unwashed masses.
I want them to never forgetti.
You've crossed the line Sven.
I'd assume the guy who can summon any kind of pizza will have a pizza that tastes at best like a chain pizza.
While the guy who can summon only a specific type of pizza will have a much better tasting pizza.
We all have to make sacrifices.
>I fear not the man who has baked a thousand pizza's once, I fear the man who has baked one pizza a thousand times
>What's even the point of this thread?
To remind you that summer is still here.
That aside,
>Nospastramus, Sorcerer of Salted meats.
>talking lasagna
>chars forced to X
That could have gone better ...
Poetic Justice demands that the end to hunger in Africa is an endless supply of crackers.
S.O.S with hashbrowns.
I think everything would be burned by the end, though
Gold dipped doughnuts
Boeuf bourguinon with a side of crique
don't be upsetti
Agreed. Instead he should throw some confetti.
He's following a recipe, not literally baking and rebaking the same pizza a thousand times. Unless your character used a Wish spell to acquire an infinite pizza slice or something.
Raw mushrooms sounds cool.
>A talking plate of lasagne
>Forced me to eat it
You don't know me.
Also, Milanese steak. Or Hamburger. I'd die in a week
Is booze food?
>the power to summon any one dish(food) of you choice anytime you wish
Potatoes or rice.
I would become the Lord of Za.
More magical talking lasagne, or course.
And then, eventually, all foods.
Beer is basically liquid bread.
So yes.
Dorohedoro is pretty dope fampai.
Am I a fruit for wanting to choose Ceaser salad?
>Romaine lettuce will bring cultivation to dried up lands
>Bad guy coming at me *WHAP* dressing to the face
>Garlic croutons shards to pierce my foes, slow them down when thrown at their feet
>Cheese makes them smell bad
I will be a god
>What dish-wizard are you?
Checkmate, atheists.
I found this confusing until it happened here
An SCP comes to mind.
>It is estimated that an uncontrolled outbreak originating with a single instance would render the earth uninhabitable within 80 days.
Sandwiches, because a sandwich can be fucking anything. Grilled cheese one day, hamburger the next, a gyro the day after that. It'd be fantastic
The most smelly shit that Scandynavians got.
Drown China, Middle East and Africa in it.
Crock pot pot roast with gravy and loads of vegetables on the side.
>Not Lord of the Wings
I shall be the lord of bbq brisket. All shall succumb to the succulent taste of slow cooked meats!
Assault dwarven bread.
Fuck, this is hard. I don't have the culinary refinement necessary to pick a truly good dish, but which has nondecreasing or at least very slowly decreasing marginal utility.
Anyone got any ideas?