First let's decide on a theme: Modern Day? Sci-Fi? Fantasy? Horror?
Post your suggestions, Highest d100 roll decides.
First let's decide on a theme: Modern Day? Sci-Fi? Fantasy? Horror?
Post your suggestions, Highest d100 roll decides.
Rolled 36 (1d100)
Rolled 26 (1d100)
Sci Fi
Set in Ancient Mythological World, based on Greco-Roman, Mesopotamian and Egyptian legend.
Rolled 31 (1d100)
Low fantasy inspired by late iron age/early medieval Baltic Seq area incl. Finland.
Magic should be mostly rites and rituals which give skill/stat bonuses or grant the favour of Gods and spirits. Failure to appease spirits and Gods of an area you enter would cause the said beings to fuck you over in increasing magnitude.
Kinda like Unreal World if you've played it.
Rolled 88 (1d100)
Let's do Modern/urban.
I second these three: iron and bronze age flawored science fantasy
Modern/Urban it is. What's the hook? Magic? Tech? Horror?
Rolled 60 (1d100)
Urban Fantasy/Cospiracy
Rolled 34 (1d100)
Commercial Magic. Magic that can be bought and downloaded through apps. Magic that's developed by big corporations and sold at your local Magmart. It's magic alright, with runes, cantrips, invoked demons and cursed artifacts, but it's made available to the consumer.
+1 to this, I'd love a pen and paper game of UrW (though the magic aspects might need to be amplified a little for the escapism factor/longevity of originality)
Too late
Rolled 73 (1d100)
why not both?
Rolled 97 (1d100)
Hard Scifi with high fantasy
Rolled 74 (1d100)
post-apocalipse described by those real life guys that try to prepare for it
Rolled 8 (1d100)
modern high fantasy
What do you mean with 'amplifying' magic?
I was thinking along the lines that appeasing the spirits & Gods, or at least keeping them from hating you, would be a sort of a big deal. At first there'd be minor setbacks like them spooking you which would later escalate to you tripping over at tree roots you swore weren't there, stat/skill maluses and finally elves burning down your shit.
Each area would have its own spirits & elves who keep watch over the nature and inhabitants of their locale and fucking with them could possibly invoke their wrath if you're not careful. Of course, if you help them they'd be grateful and give you bonuses like bountiful hunts and skill bonuses etc while in their area.
Then again, this shit might be too complicated for P&P and more fitting for a vidya, but I digress.
Op already stated, we're going with Modern/urban
Why not indeed! I support this.
Conspiracy in the magical business!
We could have CEO-Archmages spying each others for spells and thus products, for instance. Basically The usual "Wizard in The high tower vying for his rival's secrets" except the tower is an office building and the apprentices used as puppets in their masters shadow wars are basically Dilbert.
Majority ruling, we're going Modern Conspiracy/Fantasy, where Magic and Tech Coincide in a Non-Gibson/Shadowrun-esque setting. Who's the major antagonist? The government, the Secret Organization, or major corporations?
Fuck yeah. Mobsters from different familia's selling illegal magicals.
Forged scrolls, wands without a license and that new 'fairy dust' the kids are snorting in the playground these days...
But who's supplying them and why? It's a conspiracy.
Rolled 99 (1d100)
rolling for this
> government
> corporations
> aliens
> artificial intelligence
> china
> demons
> mutants
> terrorism
Rolled 48 (1d100)
rollan for genie smuggling turk-mongolians
Rolled 60 (1d100)
I am a fan of seriously including Grey Aliens.
No other aliens needed, just the Ayy's.
Kobold cartel?
>magic lamp cartel that whoreds all the magic lamps
>like them fuckers with all the diamonds
>call themselves the illuminati
>creates black market for illegal "blood wishes" harvested from civil war strewn countries
Rolled 57 (1d100)
The Cartels are actually what remains of The old magical nobility that the industrial revolution displaced. Impoverished and stripped of power when every peasant could suddenly compete with them (about 100 years ago) they survived as crime sindacates.
Are we talking D&D Kobold or classical fey-like Kobold? I dislike the D&D kind.
Rolled 35 (1d100)
Why not both?
I mean the genies are actually greys LARPing and laffing like mad.
Alright. Cartels run the world. Fantasy races or no fantasy races? What races to include, if any?
>Why not both
Because it complicates two distinctly interesting ideas. I would like them both, but I wouldn't mix them.
Hey OP, how do decide what we keep and what we toss?
Rolled 66 (1d100)
Fantasy races but NO elves, dwarves, haflings, Orcs, Goblins.
> gnolls, underrated race
> ghouls in the shady parts of town
Rolled 10 (1d100)
Voting for no elves/dwarves/orcs/halfing/typicalshit
Right now we have
>Grey aliens/Ayy's
>Genies (although they are less like an active sentient race and more like a magical side-effect)
>Kobolds perhaps?
Agreeing with this. Let's throw in some lesser races we don't see as often, maybe even throw in our own.
Rolled 12 (1d100)
Dante Must Die version: No humans either.
Are we talking spectral ghouls, or Lovecraftian Ghouls, because a world with dog-like Corpse-eating imps sounds awesome. They run the morgues. All of them.
Rolled 45 (1d100)
Just plain, sentient, armor wearing, non-magical realm Octopi.
The dice gods wanted this to fail. I'll drop it now.
Upvote for either ghouls OR gnolls OR very gnoll like ghouls. For some reason there's a lot of overlap between the two in my brain
Supporting Gnoll-ghouls. Gnouls.
You'll have to sell me on that with something beyond an image I fear.
Lovecraftian Ghouls. Somebody roll for it.(my phone app won't let me)
Rolled 54 (1d100)
Let's try it. However it's popular enought that it should pass without rolling.
Agreed. A large corporation of these guys run the cemeteries and morgues. They basically use taxidermy to skin, then re-skin human corpses, harvesting the flesh, then distributing the meat among themselves. Too edgy?
Also, how does everyone feel about minotaurs?
As we all know, the kingdoms of the deep are very different to our society. The diverse creatures there (sharkpeople, starfish walking around... Too many and mysterious to sum up, you get the gist) appear sentient when studied. They build grand structures like us and are seen to have their own distinct brand of magic.
However, these kingdoms are completely alien to us, they fall outside of what we call 'globalization'. They are too hostile and powerful, so all governments leave them alone. The sea is a separate world.
Yet, one particular breed of sea beings is biologically opposed to live in families: the Octopi. They are solitary, wandering creatures who prefer to stay away as far as possible from their own kind, only to seek them out during mating season. This causes many of the octopi to be wanderers, adventurers. Added bonus: they are one of the few sea creatures who can live on land and they are fast learners when it comes to language!
All Octopi are cold and deliberate. They are out on a personal mission, whether that is money, power, philosophical enlightenment or just some peace and quiet. They are always very eager and skilled in some way: an Octopi on the quest for glory will hone himself to become a great warrior. You can find them in towns and they're not shy from people. They will want to work together with a group if it benefits them, but don't kid yourself, the octopi will never become emotionally attached.
When two Octopi learn that they are in the same area, they will either move or engage...
Am I selling it?
Minotaurs sound good for a brute race.
love it.
So we were talking about Kobolds and how we don't want them DnD like. What about we get back to the roots of the word and we have them like basically "tamed" genii loci?
I like minotaurs, but I feel like they should be a minority.
Yes you are. They can be the link between The Mysterious Deep and the regular setting. I'll buy.
Tamed creatures who are mischievous cunts at their core? Am I wrong that these could be similar to the demons of 'Kill Six Billion Demons'?
Rolled 58 (1d100)
They could be artificial,"spliced" to be bodyguards and security for the "towers". Strong and Magic Resistant but easy to control for The Direction because they "imprint" with social structures and are loyal to a fault, what remains of their herd animals instincts.
Rolled 77 (1d100)
Why not indeed
So, a list of candidates
>Gnoulls: In charge of cemeteries and morgues
>Octopi: Solitary wanderers from the sea
>Minotaurs: Artificially made?
>Kobolds: Tamed spirit-beings made flesh?
>Grey aliens?
I'm going to bed. Make it grand anons, godspeed.
Alright, we've got a few good core races. Will probably need to flesh out with more races later. So far we've gotten into Magic is common, and integrated with technology kinda deal, and that it has various applications, but just how strong is magic in this world? How accessible is it in the world? I like the idea of actual Casters who can spontaneously do Magic be really rare, whereas more common magic is done in a similar manner to Coding or Chemistry, through complex algorithms and balancing material components.
Not minotaurs. Muleotaurs. Literal drug mules.
Humans/Wizards: The main race after having outcompeted most others, with the exception of those that were usefull (genies, minotaurs and kobolds) or lived in remote places/ did disgusting jobs and didn't compete with them for places to live in and food (Gnouls and Octopi). They see the Greys as their counterparts from another world to trade and have wacky fun with, and that's more or less correct.
They originally were ruled by noble families with magical blood but then the burgeoise caused the industrial revolution and the old nobles now moonlight as Crime Sindacates that rule the world behind the scenes while being opposed by The Corps and The Board of Directors, the new official government.
One other thing, as an aside, if we were to make this a full-blown system and setting, what system would be ideal for this, and what should we call it?
Magic should be powerfull but not open-ended. Each spell is either the result of hours of R&D in a professional lab or of hours of meditation behind a waterfall while hanging upside down from a tree into a pool of psychotropic gila monsters or something similar. Genies and Kobolds are valuable for their ease in using their own innate magics, but actual human and gnoll "sorcerers" are extremelly rare and mistrusted.
Yeah, that was my take on it. We'll say Human Sorcs are on the level of Generic Fantasy Tieflings? Often mistrusted, but totally a valid player option.
System: something we must not reinvent the wheel for perhaps even DnD 5 with houserules or nWoD:Mirrors with the fantasy ruleset.
Name: Magic&Meetings.
Yup, with the added malus that they often come from a criminal background and law enforcement is VERY distrustfull of them.
Eh.. I'm a big fan of 5e, but D&D has never done too well for itself in terms of Modern settings. What if we used the Gumshoe System, with the Voodoo 1 & 2 supplements?
Rolled 1 (1d100)
Rolling again for this
I'm not very familiar with it how would you describe it?
Son of a bitch. Allright some alternatives?
Centered around Investigation and Intrigue. It's mostly a single D6 system when it comes to actually rolling, with target difficulty rating between 2 and 8.
Esoterrorists with the Voodoo supplements would be almost perfect for our setting, though it does gear the game towards a mystery thriller genre.
I say we leave it open. The GM decides. Doesn't make you feel like you're pigeon - holed into one specific lead, and actually adds to the mystery.
Ok, so the Mafia as ex noble families is just one option for the gm, along with ayylmaos behind all and illuminaughties. I'm fine with it.
brb reading.
Lamest fucking setting.
Lamest fucking post
my only issue with that is that it suggests Magical Gene-Splicing. Which could get Dangerously Furry if any different species were created.
Is rolling something to do with the post options? Or are we actually rolling irl?
read the front page, it tells you about rolling, anytime you enter a new board read the intro page
We can invent any one bullshit excuse for wich it was done with minotaurs but can't be done again, like the lab was destroyed by the Board of Directors and all notes destroyed.