How viable is a half-orc barbarian who uses unarmed in Pathfinder...

How viable is a half-orc barbarian who uses unarmed in Pathfinder. I don't really mind if it's not the most effective way of fighting, I'm going more for flavour. Just imagine an extremely buffed out Half-Orc ripping duded in half and generally wrecking them while raging.
It was a 25 point buy in and these are my stats.

Fluff builds don't work in PF. You'll never get what you want.

Probably still more effective than playing a monk.

Just go brawler instead

Just play monk instead.

A monk has to be lawful and my character is going nowhere near that. he lives for the slaughter



Hey, if I want to grab a monster's mouth with both my hands and split it all the way down to it's neck, then that's what I want to do.

Play Fantasy Craft.


Also true

Then play a barbarian who uses a warhammer shaped like a fist.

Then the rules go
>roll to grapple
>roll 1d3 damage since you're unarmed
>oh, right, you take penalties since you're dual weapon fighting, so that's -6 on your attacks if you don't have feats

And so on. The rules get in the way of the cool shit you want to do.

Also I forgot to mention but he also carries a large Greatsword, so he can dish out some serious damage if he needs to "get serious"

>make a lawful code around slaughter
>character is a fucking orc, so slaughter probably is the law already
was that so hard you faggot

Unchained Barbarian 1 / Brawler X should do it. It won't be great, but it'll work.

>Half-Orc Barbarian

I haven't looked at unarmed much in PF, but I don't recall there being much to make it actually good. That includes the Monk and Brawler classes.

No, it wasn't hard at all, though with your -3 charisma bonus you don't meet the DC to change my mind

DESU if you went full Orc instead of half orc you'd have a 22 strength
that would help a little

If DSP material is allowed, just take Primal Disciple from PoW:E, then do a discipline swap for Broken Blade. Alternatively, martial training feats also offer access to PoW maneuvers. If DSP isn't allowed, you're better off using natural weapons(via Beast Totem and Animal Fury, for example) than normal unarmed attacks, but it's still doable.

It would completely wreck my already low charisma and wisdom however and also give me negative modifiers with intelligence

Tell your DM to let you into Reaping Mauler.

I was planning on doing that, 2 1d6 claws, plus two weapon fighting, alongside with +5 strength modifier should allow me to hit a minimum of 12 damage each turn or 22 without a crit

you want to build unarmed combat without being a monk, so obviously negative modifiers are not an issue

TWF doesn't actually work with natural attacks. Instead, whenever you do a full attack, you get one attack(and one attack ONLY regardless of iteratives you'd normally get unless you only have one natural attack) at full BAB with each of your primary natural weapons and one at BAB-5 with each of your secondary natural weapons. So at least until you hit sixth level, it'll be straight-up better than if you had TWF.

I'm fine with my 2 negative twos, but 2 negative threes and a negative one would really mess my build up, and also character story wise, it wouldn't make sense if my character was a pure blood orc, this character is just in general going to be a for fun character.

Barbarian is better than Monk even at monk's specialty. Monks just suck that much.

The claws are a result of the beast totem, as I'm planning on using normal fists outside of rage, I think it's still necessary to have TWF

They still follow all the normal rules for natural attacks.

under what circumstances is your unstoppable unarmed warrior ever going to need to think in a party of 3-4 other adventurers? just get swole and punch shit
INT is for fucking nerds anyway
CHA is for pinkskins who can't kidnap a woman
WIS is for fucking nerds anywya

I kind of want my character to be able to make rational decisions, rather than "Duval angry, Duval kill human for this", he isn't an extremely suave guy, it's just that he can make rational sense when speaking, although he doesn't plan ahead

I know, I'm just stating that outside of rage, I will still be using my fists, so I would need TWF, just not for claws

WIS is for people who don't want to cause TPK the first time they encounter an enemy with Dominate Person.

aww cmon man, it'll be fun
if OP wanted a balanced game he wouldn't play Pathfinder in the first place

I simply enjoying using or doing ridiculous things whilst playing, such as using weapons that are too small for me

I seem to remember there being something like Vow of Poverty in pathfinder that is very strong and it's pretty apt for a half orc unarmed barbarian to play.

However you're playing Pathfinder.

If DnD is the quiet kid who sits at the back of class picking his nose and eating pencils, Pathfinder is his younger inbred half-brother who is a couple of classes down smacking his malformed skull against a colouring book.

Hahaha, that genuinely got a chuckle out of me, also what other tabletop would you recommend, I'm interested in attempting to learn L5R, Shadow Run and Call of Cthulu

Fantasy Craft is 3.PF but better in every way (other than numbers of players). You can be an Orc who fights unarmed and actually be very good in combat without needing abilities from 20 books.

I'll check it out, I've bookmarked it and after I finish my current Pathfinder campaign, I'll be sure to read through it.

Also, where would I play it, as I can't find it on roll20

It's on roll20, I'll see if i can upload the off tonight if the thread is still here.

You forgot the
>Also it has 5283298 cmd because reasons
>And grapple rules dwarf GURPS Vehicle rules
>that'd be 1d4 damage per round son.

Shitty. A Barb/Brawler might be passable.
Significantly better, still usually suboptimal.


I wish I knew this one year ago.

Ask your gm if you can gestalt barbarian and monk at no penalty.