Is this correct Veeky Forums?
Is this correct Veeky Forums?
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>50 coked out gangbangers vs a killing machine with centuries of experience
You tell me.
No, this is.
Needs more dead Lamenters.
those coked out gangbangers are given a gun capable of bringing down battlecruisers and motherships with enough firepower to glass planets, oh and there's plenty of em so losing 50 ain't nothing big. They got this.
That's only in crunch, though. I doubt they could bring a battlecruiser down with their basic guns in the lore.
That's only evidence of Terran battlecruisers being utter dogshit that could be taken down by some ooga boogas with glocks.
I don't see why not, they die in droves both in fluff and crunch. Terran Marines are universally considered expendable, but hey that 50 minerals gets you arguably the best starter unit of the 3 races.
No. Starcraft is a considerably more advanced setting than Warhammer. They even know how their technology works for crying out loud. Their coked out gang bangers are better trained, better equipped, and more resilient than the Imperium's pinheaded manchildren because the Confederacy, Dominion and UED weren't retarded (unlike the Imperium, which only makes sense if you assume everyone from the Emperor on down is retarded).
>No helmet
>Only Boltpistol
>Gunwalled to death after running out of ammo
>muh gameplay equals lore
Okay, bud.
>Starcraft is a considerably more advanced setting than Warhammer
Necron semi-casual paradox-free time travel, Tau (who aren't particularly advanced) scanners that can scan a Voidship hundreds of thousands of km away and still detect the exact amount of lifeforms aboard, standard shielding that literally doesn't care about how strong the attack is via sending it to another dimension and voidships that can handily survive a barrage in the megatons says otherwise.
>Better trained
Probably, but the Astartes has a lot more experience and is generally physically and mentally superior.
>Better equipped
In a lot of lesser cases, sure, I can concede that.
>More resilient
Absolutely no suggestion that they are. Those guys get cut up by Zerg claws without some bullshit power-field excuse.
>They even know how their technology works for crying out loud
Oh look, it's the "Adeptus Mechanicus are retards," meme-headcanon again.
40k doesn't run off logic, you can't call 40k retarded when comparing it to a more grounded setting anymore than you could call Starcraft retarded for not following 40k's principles.
>because the Confederacy, Dominion and UED weren't retarded
I dont know why people insist on talking about 40k vs Other settings like any interesting conversation could come out of it
Thankfully gameplay doesn't equal lore than both games would be a mess, well 40k would be even more of a mess.
>Necron semi-casual paradox-free time travel, Tau (who aren't particularly advanced) scanners that can scan a Voidship hundreds of thousands of km away and still detect the exact amount of lifeforms aboard, standard shielding that literally doesn't care about how strong the attack is via sending it to another dimension and voidships that can handily survive a barrage in the megatons says otherwise.
None of that applies to the situation in the OP. Fifty starcraft marines would absolute kill one 40k space marine.
Closest I've seen was basically a comparison discussion between the histories of Dune and 40k. Lots of thematic similarities with different conclusions drawn.
Space Marines used to be those coked out gangbangers.
Isn't that because 40k is a rip-off of Dune (and Nemesis the Warlock)?
Oh yeah, but that applies to virtually anyone in any situation. If you call yourself a soldier and try to take out multiple squads on your own (unless you're going stealth wetwork route, which has its own issues), you're a poor excuse for a soldier.
That being said, I'd argue to hell and back that the typical Astartes is on another level to the Terran Marines. But more "elite soldier vs. green recruit," in terms of other level, the greens will paste the operative if he's enough of an idiot to take a bunch on.
Marine armor is utter dogshit compared to power armor, and is only as good as Imperial Guardsmen carapace you mongrel.
Yeah that's what started the talk. I don't know that it's so much a ripoff, but it's obviously heavily influenced.
Not really. Starcraft Marines have worse training than Imperial Guardsmen, and are basically dogshit militias made from prisoners thrown into battle who have a lifespan measured in seconds on the field. A single bolt will kill them, they struggle to hit fast moving targets. As long as the Space Marine uses cover he could definitely take on fifty by picking them off and moving fast. And if he gets to melee the Marines are liable to simply break and run for it.
Suddenly Protoss, thousands of them.
Marine rifles fire metal spikes at supersonic speeds.
What about an Astartes against the original space marine?
They'd get their asses kicked. While Space Marines would shred the shit out of Starcraft Marines for being the fodder they are, Heinlein's Space Marines are insane. They all carry tactical nukes and REALLY big guns.
What about this?
>MI:on the bounce
>spuzz mahreens:not on the bounce
That you even need to ask, fills me with disgust.
When did this meme start? Kids nowadays see any kind of reference and cry out HURR THEY STEAL IDEAS
Starcraft is a sort of 90s dark and gritty sci-fi.
Warhammer 40k is an 80s heavy metal parody of dark and gritty sci-fi with gothic aesthetics.
This is a setting where tanks with armor comparable to WWII infantry transports can survive drops from orbit.
You are applying an autistic rationalist's need to compare things across genres to a setting that was literally designed from the ground up to frustrate those attempts.
The Tau should be invincible you think, because they fight a modern war and are secular humanist liberals like me! Except then they get their asses kicked by Cato Sicarius and like ten space knights because Warhammer 40k isn't about modern war, it's a parody of a parody of the Holy Roman Empire in space.
Also acceptable. That marine wearing Starcraft 1 style armor? It looks really wierd, or at least not quite like the SC2 variant.
>Warhammer 40k is an 80s heavy metal parody of dark and gritty sci-fi
warhammer 40k isn't a parody
Maybe you weren't around when Obiwan Sherlock Closseau was still a thing. Warhammer 40k's roots are brazenly comedic back before GW started hedging in (ironically) on the Starcraft market, but the discordant power levels are still there.
That's fucking tiny. Like, elf escort frigate tiny.
>Maybe you weren't around when Obiwan Sherlock Closseau was still a thing
m8 I've been playing since RT. Please actually read the book in question before saying it was brazenly comedic.
Actually, the marine gun fires finger-sized uranium spikes at Mach 7. You could level a mountain with that fucker.
That's also not the entire Spear of Adun, only the front part. Also I don't know how you can say anything in 40K is bigger than anything when to my knowledge there have never been concrete numbers posted for any of the ship's dimensions.
>Hypervelocity rounds
That's pretty fuckin' hardcore for a basic weapon, but it's definitely not something that would bring down a full battlecruiser.
>still takes several hits to down a zergling
This isn't like Supreme Commander user, fluff and crunch are separate
Hell, terran marine armor is more of an environmental suit and and recoil absorption device than actual armor.
a 40k SM is not fucking invincible and can be killed by heavy stubber fire, i.e. modern machinegun
Starcraft SMs basically fire supersonic armor-penetrating flechettes
mano on mano it will be maybe 1 for 3 in 40k favor adjusted for superior reflexes and training
if we factor in support, Starcraft wins hands down by the virtue of its tech being actual sci-fi and not WW1 tech with eagles on it
Actually firing them at Mach 7 is fucking retarded because it will do LESS damage. At that velocity the spikes will simply shatter and fragment instead of penetrating armor. Terminal ballistics is a bitch like that.
>tech being actual sci-fi
Oh look, a drooling retard who thinks game mechanics are canon! Let us point and laugh at the village idiot.
The explanation for that (specific instance) could be retarded levels of overpenetration.
But I'm hoping your explanation is the correct one.
What about a leman russ vs. a crucio siege tank?
While the over-penetration would definitely cause an issue, surely there would be additional damage from the shockwave and some nasty burns for any organic matter that's unlucky enough to be close to the round. Wouldn't matter too much for a genetically engineered killing machine but I could imagine a Human being pretty fucked up beyond the penetration from a hypervelocity round.
No, it wouldn't overpenetrate. At those kinds of velocities it will simply shatter on impact and fragment. Its armor penetration will actually be WORSE than if it was slower. Increased velocity does not suddenly equate to more penetration- otherwise the Abrams' tank cannon wouldn't be using the same tech for the past thirty years. Speed needs to be within a Goldilocks zone for penetration to occur. Go too fast and there's no time for penetration to occur, the projectile just slams into the target and crumbles up into bits. Go slower and there's actually time for the tip to penetrate through the armor and try to punch through.
Reminder that any power level threads involving 40k are retarded because for too many things there's no unitary "canon" and depending on the source and the writer space marines can either shrug off nuclear blasts while naked and destroy planets on their own, or be seriously wounded by swords and machinegun fire
A Mach 7 projectile travelling through a soft body wouldn't just "overpenetrate" - it'd pulverize the innards and spray them out the exit wound.
>Best starter
1 zealot can kill two marines
4 zerglings can easily kill one or two marines
And marines are the only one with a ranged attack allowing them to hit air targets, offering better protection against early raids from other terrans or protoss going oracle harass. Also, I did say arguably,