Gryan Stoutmantle Needs More Art Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Gryan Stoutmantle Needs More Art Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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What are some characters that you all think have had recent development in the WoW days?
*DECENT development
Damn it.
Third for Lordaeron
Varian (If you ignore Double Varian combined into one)
Jaina (since she is 100% correct)
Whatever happened to main timeline Gorehowl anyway?
That's pretty much where it has stayed all this time.
Another weapon we couldn't story-wise loot. How did Malchezaar obtain it again?
Does it drop off a TBC boss?
It looks like Garrosh was using it in his Mak'Gora with Thrall in WoD.
Does Veeky Forums think Anduin's cute? I think so.
Yes this is the second time I've posted this, but I really enjoy people discussing my husbando and calling him cute.
He probably stole it then went into the ruins of kharazhan where we meet him with the axe before he stole it.. Hmm
That was Groms axe.
Reminder Bolvar drank the redpill scourge kool-aid and his end game is an army that's:
1. Incorruptible
2. Unresting
3. Unstoppable
4. Undying
Which will make him go full scourge as undead ignore old god bullshit and are very good vs legion.
He had an alternate universe Gorehowl.
Yes. Before he grew a lantern jaw.
He's a dedicated but kind of naive kid, doing his best to try to help a world full of idiots and infighting.
It's sad that his 'Aunt' Jaina, someone Anduin clearly got a lot of his ideals from, is so different from the person he used to know.
>tfw blizzard won't make him and wrathion just say "fuck it" and fuck off into the horizon to raise a family of black dragons
>Groms axe
Gorehowl is Grom's axe
Then grom goes to pick it up afterwards? Doesn't grom use it himself in HFC?
>1. Incorruptible
Oh yeah, Arthas sure didn't get corrupted.
>2. Unresting
There are undead NPCs that lay down and take a load off because they want to.
>3. Unstoppable
We've stopped the Scourge before.
>4. Undying
Arthas, Anub'arak, et al would beg to differ, if they were still alive to do so.
I've been trying to get into the head of various undead forces in fantasy settings, and am primarily looking into the motivation of the Undead Scourge.
So, after the Scourge freed itself from the control of the Burning Legion, what was their end game? To unite the universe in undeath? To satisfy Arthas' ego and prove he's a greater king than his father?
And what is the motivation for the *willing* servants under the Lich King, like the Liches and the other various higher-ranking undead? Immortality to pursue other end goals like greater knowledge and power? Genuine devotion to the Lich King? Sadism?
There's a scene where Gul'dan tosses it in front of Grom, to tempt him with the whole 'Yeah, they killed Garrosh' thing, trying to either gloat or get Grom to drink the blood.
Why he has it in Hellfire Citadel? Probably left in front of him to further taunt him.
Gul'dan drops it at Groms feet after mysteriously getting it himself.
>mained a male Draenei disc priest since fucking early Wrath
>switched to qt female Nelf priestess for a change
>suddenly now draenei priests are recognized in the lore because muh disc artifact weapon is all naaru shit
Oh well, I guess it won't matter since nobody's going to play discipline anymore. And night elf shadow priests make perfect sense in the lo-
>shadow is all about old god shenanigan insanity
Fuck man, RPing is hard business these days.
>To satisfy Arthas' ego and prove he's a greater king than his father?
That's...actually true
Some of the mortal followers were devoted to the Lich King while others joined the cult because of the promise of power.
Not sure what the end game was for the Scourge as a whole but I think it had to do with Ner'zhul and him wanting to fuck with the Burning Legion.
No, Gorehowl was Garrosh' axe after he was given it.
When he went to Draenor he was given Groms Gorehowl.
If you wanna be like that, then Gorehowl belongs to Groms grandpappy or whoever smithed it.
I also think Anduin is cute. I don't like the Wrathion faggotry, but from a story perspective, and indecisive King without the guts to do what other leaders would condone is a good one.
Arthas wanted to conquer the world so he could resist the Burning Legion.
The willing servants have motivations that vary, but back in WC3, when the Scourge was still a cult rather than an army, people joined for.. Power. Immortality. Wealth. Knowledge? Sure. Fear/Respect for the Undead.. It really varies.
>Letting your class dictate what you RP
It sorta does but I have no clue if it's some alternate universe copy or what.
>naaru artifact
Tu'ure or whatever is the holy artifact senpai. And from what we can tell, disc is quite viable, it's just the most pro-active healer the game has ever had with much less bubbling.
Ner'zhul wanted revenge against the forces of Azeroth, since he got turned into the Lich King (after heavy mutilation) by the Legion as punishment for failing his Horde invasion.
Basically, "soften up Azeroth and see that Archimonde gets summoned, then maybe we'll give you the mercy of death instead of endless agony."
Arthas by the end of WC3 has cast aside all of his morality and can't go five minutes without saying he'll be a better king than his father. He wants to rule the world with an iron fist to stroke his own ego.
They didn't really HAVE an end game beyond "I want to control everything because FUCK everyone else."
And yes, Kel'thuzad and the other willing servants wanted immortality. Or were members of the cult of the damned that believed life was suffering, so it's better to die and get turned into a shade. They are not mentally well. Except Kel'thuzad, who is LOVING this shit. He gets a pass.
>>Letting your class dictate what you RP
Race, not class/spec.
Whatever. You get my point.
>No, Gorehowl was Garrosh' axe after he was given it.
There's 2 Gorehowls in existence currently, Garrosh wielded both. AU Gorehowl was returned to Grom
Considering how fucked up Karazhan is, it probably is an alternate timeline one. Assuming it's actually Gorehowl and not some solid illusion
So about Garrosh's corrupted Gorehowl copy we looted, is it stronger than the original in the fluff?
>stronger than original
>There's 2 Gorehowls in existence currently, Garrosh wielded both. AU Gorehowl was returned to Grom
There are three.
AU Gorehowl, which AU Grom has. Prime Gorehowl which is currently sitting under Orgrimmar to my knowledge, and Prince Malchezaar's Gorehowl which is assumed to be from an alternate timeline.
>Arthas wuz corrupted1!
not by old gods.
>Dei rest
because they want to, ghouls don't take naps.
>All the forces of azeroth and still needed to be deus ex machina'd
>Anub'arak came back twice at least, Arthas is kinda, KT has been killed 3 + times
Paladin pls
If you include there's 4
Possibly six if we include the Old God Copy and the one Elaynea Welton the Wind and Sea is wielding.
Did anyone ever tell AU Grom that Garrosh was his future son?
I wish they didn't kill off the vanguard, they seemed like fun NPCs./
Of course they had to be killed off, (You) are the only adventurer getting things done in Draenor.
So, the primary goal of the Scourge as a whole was to deadify Azeroth in order to rebel against the Burning Legion in full force, then? Combined with feeding Arthas' ego.
And the underlings' motivations (the ones that could think, anyway) varied greatly.
Pretty much, if you replay WC3 and WC3:TFT you'll get a better understanding of what the scourge was for under the command of Ner'zhul and Arthas.
>(You) are the only adventurer getting things done in Draenor.
Don't you mean Yrel?
Yeah, it's been probably a decade or so since I last played Warcraft III's storyline. I was thinking about doing it again.
Perhaps Zin'rokh would have made a better artifact weapon.
Or Zul'thraze, or Gorehowl, or Shalamayne.
Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?
>The willing servants have motivations that vary, but back in WC3, when the Scourge was still a cult rather than an army, people joined for.. Power. Immortality. Wealth. Knowledge? Sure. Fear/Respect for the Undead.. It really varies.
they were commies, believe it or not
>Kel’Thuzad returned to Lordaeron in disguise, and over the span of three years, he used his fortune and intellect to gather a clandestine brotherhood of like-minded men and women. The brotherhood, which he called the Cult of the Damned, promised its acolytes social equality and eternal life on Azeroth in exchange for their service and obedience to Ner’zhul. As the months passed, Kel’Thuzad found many eager volunteers for his new cult amongst the tired, overburdened laborers of Lordaeron.
the WC3 manual has a surprising amount of lore, i recommend taking a look. they don't make them like they used to.
>They revived Thunderaan as the new Windlord
I haven't played WCIII in so long. Please spoonfeed me. Weren't the Burning Legion and the Scourge allies? I mean, in WCIII, the Scourge had Nathrezim as heroes.
>giving Anduin a thicc body and chiseled chin
>not leaving him a permanent QT twink
Utterly upsetting.
>Wrathion faggotry
>implying Anduin marrying Wrathion wouldn't be the ultimate show of peace
Especially since the Black Dragons caused so much pain and destruction, especially to the Wrynn house. It'd essentially be Anduin telling the world that he does not judge anyone and is willing to accept anyone, regardless of their past actions or the actions of their ancestors. Also it'd be cute.
Too bad Blizzard will never make Wranduin canon because they're afraid of upsetting the neckbeards.
The Burning Legion controlled the Scourge through the Nathrezim but Ner'zhul was working against the Legion at the same time to win his freedom from his demonic masters. This was the reason why he chose Arthas to wield Frostmourne and why he had him wear the Crown of Domination at the end of TFT.
>And what is the motivation for the *willing* servants under the Lich King, like the Liches and the other various higher-ranking undead? Immortality to pursue other end goals like greater knowledge and power? Genuine devotion to the Lich King? Sadism?
Azeroth is so fucked that joining an apocalyptic cult is a better life choice than living as a peasant. See also, the Twilight's Hammer
>>implying Anduin marrying Wrathion wouldn't be the ultimate show of peace
>Especially since the Black Dragons caused so much pain and destruction, especially to the Wrynn house. It'd essentially be Anduin telling the world that he does not judge anyone and is willing to accept anyone, regardless of their past actions or the actions of their ancestors. Also it'd be cute.
>Implying that's what I was implying
No, if Anduin would marry Wrathion, he would tell the world two things. 1) I don't want to leave a heir and 2) I let a black dragon raid my butthole
Also it'd be really contrived that Papa Wrynn would let him do that, considering he'd practically have to abdicate as king to run off with a sociopathic Dragon leading an order of assassins.
Make war not love ok PS. Praise Garrosh
Garrosh/Zaela best romance
t. Warlord Zaela
The maps can't account for variables like that, one assumes.
>tfw Zaela's last words were begging Garrosh to forgive her
>tfw he was probably already dead by then because no one did dungeons before 100
Even the qtest of twinks grows up eventually.
As a horde player I don't even really know who she is.
We freed her during the initial run through Tanaan yeah? And from there she just became super important to the Alliance?
>2) I let a black dragon raid my butthole
>Implying Anduin wouldn't be the one riding the dragon.
The prince would take charge.
And the fact that he has shown more sexual interest in women through the novels means that the shipping of Anduin and Wrathion was sunk well before it even set sail.
God she's amazing.
She was also pretty prominent in the Talador line.
apparently yes, throughout the campaign she rises to prominence...somehow, I guess, I don't find anything particularly offensive about her but she sort of became a minor important character in draenor, yet we didn't really get enough time with her to see why she's so important. Its just like the rest of the expansion, confusing with a lot of cut content, she was just sort of...there throughout the whole thing.
after like 30 minutes of hanging out with Lady Liadrin she becomes a pretty decent paladin, then does a bunch of stuff with the PC in SMV (where you have to teach her courage so she can stand up to the Shadowmoon orcs). After that she shows up at every other Alliance quest hub before becoming their equivalent to Draka in Tanaan
Dwarf women mostly.
And they sure as hell love him back.
How much did they cut out of WoD?
Not really, she had a story arch involcing her and her abilities as a paladin but she wasn't even important for the Alliance storyline beyond being AU Velens replacement.
She fell victim to the over-hyped bullshit that they did with WoD back when they first announced the xpac but in the end she was a missed oppurtunity beyond the token woman who had to prove herself to herself.
>Even the qtest of twinks grows up eventually.
I mean, Evan Peters is 29, but still looks like a QT.
>1) I don't want to leave a heir
>implying he can't adopt
>implying Wrathion doesn't have some black magic voodoo to make a baby with Anduin
>Dwarf women mostly.
So Wrathion needs to bulk up before he'll catch Anduin's eye?
She was more or less Dreanor's Joan of Arc, according to Blizzard anyway. She went through a great deal with the war on the Iron Horde, she watched her sister get sacrificed, her mentor slaughtered, her people enslaved. And she never gave up hope for a better day and all that shit. So yeah, she basically followed the Alliance player on their journey through Dreanor and represented the local military force, and made the whole war feel a bit more grounded. But I'm also a complete waifu-fag and my knowledge of WoD is spotty at best, so take all of that with a grain of salt.
So little Anduin likes shortstacks as well as skinny brown boys.
Nothing wrong with having varied tastes.
Does anyone have a link to a PDF of Chronicle?
That was indeed the intent of Yrel. Blizzard's writing does leave as lot to be desired and her story is hampered by the fact that the player still has to be the one saving the day, so some people get pissy that she's even around and ignore everything she goes through because you are still the hero pulling the trigger to get shit done.
Alot, they meant WoD to be the a prelude to Legion as well as a semi tie-in with the warcraft movie but since the movie got delayed due to production and the fact that they had already shifted most of the developers over to Legion they had to cut corners to save on time and get the players out of MoP.
Yeah, they're just having orgies.
So Anduin's going to marry Moira, then?
They may both be titanforged but I think he still needs a human to make an heir.
He, Moira, Kitedwarf, Wraithion, and some human.
>>implying he can't adopt
Do I even need to spell this misstake out for you?
Even he'll no longer look like a twink forever. He'll just evolve into a handsome man, like Bowie or Bjorn Andreson.
>straight Anduin ships
I remember reading that in one of the books, Jaina tried to seduce Anduin, but he was just creeped out by it. Is this true?
Is everyone forgetting that Moira used Anduin as a hostage?
Yeah, yeah, I know, (blood) line of succession.
>Jaina tried to seduce Anduin,
*the dreadlord masquerading as Jaina
Okay so she was kinda forced but also decently received?
Well damn, that's unfortunate. Oh well, at least they didn't cut her or something stupid like that so I can still hear her sexy accent and stare at her horns for hours at a time. And I enjoyed her character arc as well, made Dreanor and it's people feel a bit more alive.
Good taste.
Her dungeon was in the pre-patch, so pretty much everyone did it.
it's not unheard of. it was common for roman emperors to adopt. for example, hadrian (who was himself something of a homo) adopted twice, and his adopted son, antoninus pius, became emperor when hadrian died.
i don't know if there's something in warcraft lore that says kings have magic blood or whatever.
>Is everyone forgetting that Moira used Anduin as a hostage?
Stockholm Syndrome, bro.
>And I enjoyed her character arc as well, made Dreanor and it's people feel a bit more alive.
As did I. I played the WoD Beta and saw all of her arc until Tanaan play out before release. I argued a lot in her favor on the forums pointing out that we had two whole years to see her develop as a character.
Boy did I give Blizzard too much credit.
She's not bad at all. Just pretty bare-bones.
I thank you.
Pretty much, I suppose. If anything, in Legion she'll be at the head of a fuckhuge army of Dreanor Orcs and Draeni come to rape Gul'dan and his cronies up the urethra. So that'll be fun.
Fun fact, one of the outlaw rogue artifact appearances is just straight up dual wielding Thunderfury
>Thaurison kidnaps Moira
>Moira kidnaps Anduin
>Anduin kidnaps Wrathion
Okay, something that's bugging me with the invasions. Helcular is now voiced by Dwight Schultz, using a less high pitched version of Mung Daal, and now I can't hear anything else from him. Send help.
>Thaurissan kidnapped Moira
>implying they didn't genuinely love each other
When will this anti-Dark Iron meme end?
>degenerate that should never see the light of day
>I remember reading that in one of the books, Jaina tried to seduce Anduin, but he was just creeped out by it. Is this true?
No. Probably just from some shitty /ss/ headcanon.
Well considering that Blizz stated that the only characters from WoD Draenor that are coming over to MU Azeroth is Gul'dan and Gul'dan only its safe to assume that they're dropping WoDs storyline and its characters like a baby on fire.
FUCKING DAMMIT. I wanted my waifu to lead the counter attack.
>I remember reading that in one of the books, Jaina tried to seduce Anduin, but he was just creeped out by it. Is this true?
Not sure where you read this but the only time that Jaina and Anduin ever got alone together was when she gave him a hearthstone that was linked to her bedroom in Theramore and the only time he used it was to escape Ironforge when he was a hostage there.