Tell me about your character

Tell me about your character.
What they about?
What do they do between adventures?
What about at camp when they're on the road?
Any wierd talents or quirks they have?
How about fears? How did they get over them?
Do they own land? Are they murderho....errr.. I mean, nomads?

Im interested to hear what you have to tell me.

>Masturbating with feet
>Inability to masturbate
>They own a wank mag business.

He's actually a spotty 90s teenager who sells porn to his schoolmates. It's a Call of Cthulhu game.

Interesting. Tell me about the campaign. What are you guys facing?

Well it's a 40k character so that might be pretty boring and lame, but nevertheless.

A World Eater survivor from Isstvaan III who wound up joining the traitors after hiding among the corpses, he harbors intense hatred for anything Angron and World Eater because of the heresy. Though almost above anything he wishes to bring back the World Eaters as they were before Angron took up the reigns of lordship over the legion, dreaming and longing of the nobility and comradery which existed.
He's a very prideful and noble character, often treating his comrades with great reverence. Though, that is only when he is lucid enough to do so. The Butcher's Nails often make it hard for him to retain a decent composure in his personality, often sending him into madened rages and fits of frenzy. Because of that, willpower is of paramount importance to him.
As is he, a small detachment of World Eaters which joined him, and the party and their lackies are cruising around on a destroyer, garnering all the material wealth they can. Essentially chaotic Rogue Traders.
It's pretty lame, now that I write it down.

I think its pretty good.
Does he harbor any resentment toward himself?
How do his comrade feel about a so called coward leading them?

In many ways he does because he did not challenge what was happening, he had simply accepted he and the legion was as broken as the primarch. In many ways he tries to redeem himself however, working dilligently for the party and essentially always honoring deals and works to improve himself, the the party to make up for it. Essentially it is also what propells him to remake the World Eaters in the image he envisions.
Though he hasn't told anyone about his past, and as is he wants to take it with him to the grave. One of the marines who had joined him figured it out through what I presume is GM fiat, and he quickly orchestrated the death of said marine out of what was essentially fear. He tries to make sure secrets stay secret, whether by omission of truth or application of dual chainaxes.

What about the crew?
Who is he with?
How do they not question him being there?
Does he get along?
What is the hardest thing for him to do?

Currently the party consists of Ar-Khrazon, the mentioned World Eater, an Iron Warrior, a Thousand Sons sorcerer, and a Death Guard. The Iron Warrior is essentially the glue holding the party together, as everyone trusts him. Since he is the de facto leader as well he has managed to maintain peace in the party, even to the point where Khrazon and the sorcerer symbolically offered their weapons to one another as a sign of mutual respect and friendship. Though more often than not the Iron Warrior steps in when things start to get heated, and has made sure everyone gets to keep their secrets. Though everyone is vaguely aware that he was on Istvaan III and wants to reforge the World Eaters. Though seeing as he is a veritable melee blender, especially along with the few marines under his command, he has become a useful attack dog at the very least which is another reason to keep him around. He has also proclaimed a dogged loyalty to the party, even going as far as to rescue the sorcerer and Death Guard with the Iron Warrior when they could have easily been left for dead.
Though he has difficulty functioning outside of combat, at times appearing callous and cold to most, more so after combat than other time. He has professed having difficulty maintaining the will to live in such a bloodsoaked universe after his betrayal to the Iron Warrior, which was recieved poorly to say the least. So he struggles on, going almost cataconic in his armor when he is left in his living quarters outside of combat. I'm not sure if taking him in that direction was a good idea, but it's the way it went.

I should ask, though, do you have any characters?

Sounds like he struggling to find purpose.

I like him thougb. Not too edgy, but still has a reason to keep himself from getting close to others.

I dont have any characters. I either GM or the games never get off the ground. I live through other players and write green texts for "What do" or "how should I play *blank*"

It seems I've managed to find a decent middle-ground between standoffish and not too edgy then, which is good to hear. Though true, he has a vague purpose but he does not fully believe in it as his legion is already broken. Or something to that effect, embarrassingly I forget.
That sucks to hear though, I'd invite you to my game though I have no idea if you'd fit in an European timezone game.

>What they about?
Uh, smashing heads, being righteous, and friends and family. Assuming I interpreted that properly.

>What do they do between adventures?
Get poisoned, most recently. Not a lot of downtime. It's work, work, work.

>What about at camp when they're on the road?
Currently she's travelling with her estranged mother whom she never got to know but is really fond of. Frequently training or talking (which can be considered a form of training, really). She's essentially a mongolian-meets-viking barbarian. Her mother is (extending the metaphor) a chinese sorcerer-meets-loremaster.

>Any wierd talents or quirks they have?
She knows the BBEG exists. Which is pretty significant; he operates on erasing himself from history and then scheming in the darkness. It's been really, REALLY hard for the big ol' barbarian to stop killing people and start telling them they have to STOP killing people, because this war they're fighting has been orchestrated by a secret hidden eneme- No really, guys!

>How about fears? How did they get over them?
Being scared makes her angry. You might like her when she's angry, but generally only from a distance. Like, nobody wants to watch a building get demolished from inside the building.

>Do they own land? Are they murderho....errr.. I mean, nomads?
On one hand, she literally is a nomad who could ride before she could walk and considers almost anyone who can't ride children at best. On the other hand, this estranged mother of hers is a (disgraced) princess of a not-chinese noble house.
She didn't really like it, but assuming she manages to stop this war, she's lined up as heir to the throne. Assuming she can win a scuffle with grandma.

How'd they get thrown out of the royal life? Is the court life something the character even desires?

Grandmother is a *legendary* badass. Hardass, too. An absolute murdermachine, bedecked with titles and claims, shogun unopposed in her day. PC takes after grandmother in a lot of ways.

Then her daughter (PC's mother) was born, basically as a nebbish mage. Grandma apparently decided that no daughter of hers would be weak, or incapable, and fucking terrorized mother until mother was old enough to fuck off and publicly disown grandmother. She'd rather be a Houseless renegade than have to weather any more of grandma's 'motherly attention'.

Barbarian sure as hell doesn't like the idea of court life- she'd rather keep playing Conan, travel, explore, plunder and brag- but the big bad pissed her off personal-like and she swore a black oath of vengeance. Which may have been lifted, for ~reasons~, but basically meant she was/is willing to do whatever is necessary to throw as many wrenches as possible in BBEG's plans.

>What they about?
She is a senior student at the Engineering School in Absalom (PF Inner Sea shit). She's the head of a small merc company consisting of a number of her peers (mostly underclassmen). She has been tryin to find a method of fighting mages mechanically and rid the world of their evil.

>What do they do between adventures?
She has her studies, teaching/tutoring, as well as her merc work.

>What about at camp when they're on the road?
She's not really one to be going on the road. The city where she's at is the trade hub of the entire world, so there's no real reason to leave. (It's a city campaign, so being on the road is the opposite of what she should be doing)

>Any wierd talents or quirks they have?
She's very talented with things mechanical, for a barbarian of course. She's very superstitious, to the point of not being willing to have a friend cast a spell on her. She carries a pretty large cursed 2H sword.

>How about fears? How did they get over them?
She got over her fears the only real way she can, by fighting her way out of it. Kill the thing and move on. She's not really one to be frightened by much, it's more of just another challenge for her.

>Do they own land? Are they murderho....errr.. I mean, nomads?
She owns a house from her earnings. She doesn't really have much in general, just the bare necessities.


I've never played pf. Are barbarians not illiterate?

That sounds pretty radical to be honest, I'd read a book about that or something.

He's an Orc battle mage.
He relaxes, practises pyromancy, reads from his heirloom tome, alternatively writing in it.
Same as above.
He's extremely sensitive to cold and keeps an aura of immolation around him at all times, making snow steam and water heat.
He's afraid of undead, after being enslaved by the BBEG and given a stockholm syndrome that bordered on lewd with the Undead lich.
He owns a glorified closet with a bed and a nightstand in it.

Whats his greatest accomplishment?

Why just bare necessities in the home though? And what's the deal with her and mages?

Joining the Not!Gestapo of the setting before he was dismissed for being a mage, and for making an enemy in the higher ups.

He's killed a great people, but regrets most of it. In fact, he regrets most of his life, but is despite himself proud of the enviroments he has survived, and even flourished in. Although joining death cults involuntarily is hardly an accomplishment.

Its a sentient spellbook. It was sent to this land by Boccob, the god of magic and knowledge to collect all the worlds knowledge for the last century. Its only goal is the collection of said knowledge.

It is a wizard in its own right as well, and can use itself as its own wizards spellbook. Its pages can hold nearly infinite text, and can even absorb real world items, which then display as a page of text. In this way it can *wear* magic items. To gain new spells, knowledge, text, etc, someone can write in it, or it can simply *eat* a scroll/book, which then appears within its pages unchanged from the original.

Mr. Jenkins. He is a small white mouse that was the victim of a mad psions attempts to create intellegent animals. He is utterly brilliant, and is a powerful psion in his own right.

He hates that he still has a fascination with cheese. You offer him some and he will float over, take it, eat it, and glare at you with hatred the entire time.

They are about amassing personal power and wealth by way of establishing a great personal freedom. She enjoys getting plastered. If she isn't plotting she's making friends for future plots. She has a nack of making the worse kind of enemies ei.thr demon king, the guy who ate the demon king, and a tyrant who could see the future. She's also a halfbreed, does that count as a quirk? There was a panic that her soul would be tortured forever in hell, but a deal with the demon king fixed that. She has family homes in the capital and her families industrial complex #1 on the contenant (built by her father, my previous character). She also has a vacation home where she gets drunk on the weekends with her demigod boyfriend.

What are his living accommodations? Does he live in a den, hole, or a room?
What kind of furniture?
Entertainment? Books?

>What they about?
Hunting witches, mostly.
>What do they do between adventures?
Read the scriptures, practice his swordplay, give unwarranted paternal advice, drink
>What about at camp when they're on the road?
CONSTANT VIGILANCE. He's kind of paranoid so he's pretty much always on watch. If he can manage to calm down he proselytizes and delivers parables a lot, plus his normal downtime stuff
>Any wierd talents or quirks they have?
He has a fantastic voice, but rarely sings. Makes him too sad. His wife used to love his singing. He's also a natural at cooking, though he rarely has the resources to do it well. He's very chivalrous and old fashioned, and gets somewhat flustered when dealing with women. He's also very racist towards elves, but manifests it as being very formal and curt with them. This generally gets interpreted as being polite and deferential, and lead many to believe he likes elfkind
>How about fears? How did they get over them?
Abyssal magic. He can deal perfectly well with lowly hedge mages and would be sorceresses, but true practitioners of the dark arts still scared the shit out of him. He's afraid if he ever gets the chance for revenge, fear will make him freeze up and he'll lose the opportunity. He's also deeply disturbed by worms and maggots. They've always made his stomach turn.

>Do they own land? Are they murderho....errr.. I mean, nomads? He's got a family farm he's not ready to go back to yet, and a few small holdings all over He's finagled/bullied his way into owning.

>What they about?
Killing demons.

>What do they do between adventures?

>What about at camp when they're on the road?
Sleep, cook, stand guard.

>Any wierd talents or quirks they have?
Decent carpenter.

>How about fears? How did they get over them?
Not many. Got over them by killing demons.

>Do they own land? Are they murderho....errr.. I mean, nomads?
Murderhobo but hopes to marry a plump farm girl and live in his own house once enough demons have been killed.

What was the toughest mage he ever fought?
Was he ever planning on being something else when he grew u?

He basically started adventuring to rescue his fiancee who was captured by a mercenary. Turns out she wasn't kidnapped, but left knowingly. Then he was a little disillusioned and enjoyed the adventuring life, was fascinated by the vast world he didn't know existed, so he didn't go back home.

He is a blacksmith by trade but doesn't have a stomach for it anymore, although figures that he might eventually go back to it.

He is trying to learn new languages.

He likes talking to people from different cultures, especially different races.

He is a bit god-fearing and visits temples once in a while.

He used o be afraid of the supernatural but is largely over this, through killing some demons, wizards and other things.

He doesn't own land, but is welcome to his parents' home and workshop which he will inherit when they die.

Tell me about his greatest challenge he has faced.

How about a moral decision thats effected him more than it should?

Any hobbies he enjoys?

How does he interact with the rest of the party?

Toughest mage he ever fought was the abysswalker who mangled his face and who he believes killed his wife and youngest son. Just completely outclassed him and barely left him with his life.
He'd planned on being a farmer, if not necessarily wanted to. Got decent land as a dowry and came from a family of apple growers, so he thought he'd get into the family business. As a seventh son, he was meant to be sent to the church to ward off any strangeness or evil, but His family got a pretty good marriage offer

My character is of an orc-like race at the beginning of its industrial and technological revolution. His home land is rich in rare minerals, which attracts more technologically advanced but less militarily capable societies to attempt invasion. Failed invasions have resulted in various technological scrap to reverse engineer, allowing his race's technological development to begin.

He's a potential heir to his clan's chief (as are his siblings) but left home to pursue a less politically-inclined life. As his home is essentially a third world country, they receive media from other societies, but much later. Consequently, he was raised watching the equivalent of cheesy 80s action movies and attempts to emulate their heroes, which mostly just means bad one-liners and lots of unnecessary acrobatics.

His primary interest is pursuing the life he's seen romanticized in action movies. Unfortunately, he's still realizing that life doesn't work like an action movie, which can lead to some fun role-playing opportunities.

Also I rolled really low on Int, so he's a fucking idiot, albeit an honest and lovable one.

Tell me about his crash pad.
Does he have trinkets he keeps on him?
How does the clash of tribal vs his new life make him feel?
What does he miss most about home?

Does he have other sons?
What are they up to?
How does he protect them?

This is a neat idea, but how does it move around? Does it just sit in a character's bookbag? Is it a spellbook for a more ambulatory wizard?

>What they about?
Aimlessly rooting out evil and destroying it, especially perfidious sorcerers. Longer term goal is to find the storied ancient tomb of the founder of her House so that she can return home. Said goal was pretty much on the backburner until she recently discovered that it was actually real and not just a story.

>What do they do between adventures?
In the very brief periods when her party has taken downtime, she's been helping to repair an old dort that lies between a handful of villages, and establish a voluntary garrison from said villages so that they can defend themselves without relying on the local nobles whom she regards as "a pack of lazy, jumped up bumpkins without an ounce of feck between them."

>What about at camp when they're on the road?
At camp, she'll generally retreat to her plus-sized tent to write letters, play the flute, pine, and idly examine the knife she found that looks mysteriously similar to the one her father used during her childhood. The party isn't super into roleplaying camp scenes, otherwise she'd be a bit more talkative.

>Any wierd talents or quirks they have?
It doesn't come up almost ever, but she is fully educated in courtly etiquette and is a skilled ballroom dancer. She is also a passable flautist and enjoyer of fine perfume. She drinks heavily when the opportunity arises. For quirks, she unconsciously traces at her facial scarring when she thinks, and kisses her engagement ring before every battle.

>How about fears? How did they get over them?
She's afraid of deep water. She's sort of learned to cope a little bit, but is pretty much only able to overcome it when she's too caught up in fighting to notice.

>Do they own land? Are they murderho....errr.. I mean, nomads?
Not personally, but her family does. She can't really go back to them for the time being though.

This is fantastic, who does he travel with? How do they feel about his antics?

How many demons is enough demons?

>What they about?
Arcane knowledge, even of the darker kind, mostly because she's left a younger sister behind who needs a cure for a weird sickness. Cliche background is cliche.
>What do they do between adventures?
Sell some potions, chill, send money and letters home, receive letters, read books, socialise with companions, get drunk
>What about at camp when they're on the road?
She's not one to start a conversation since she's a bit shy (not anime-esque shy, just...shy), but will talk to you if it's a topic she can talk about. Protip: Talk about her village, her magic or even the lucky charms she keeps on her
>Any wierd talents or quirks they have?
She is surprisingly inept at cooking, despite being born as a country girl. Also, when she's thinking about something, she strokes her chin as if she had a long wizard beard, a habit she picked up from her late mentor.
>How about fears? How did they get over them?
Abandonment. She literally cannot function without people around her she can rely on and who rely on her. She hasn't yet gotten over that fear. She was once separated from the group in a dungeon and bawled her eyes out.
>Do they own land? Are they murderho..errr. I mean, nomads?
After her paren'ts death, she inherited a small cottage. However, only her younger sister lives there since her brother is off to fight in a war as a mercenary. The other townsfolk take care of her though. She tries to take the nonlethal approach in combat and is sad when she has to kill.

Right now he's travelling with two companions: an adventurous chef who travels to seek the finest and rarest ingredients, and also with a dragon worshipper.

The chef will try cooking anything, and my character is the self-appointed taste tester/poison detector. They bond over their appetites and exploratory palettes.

He also gets along with the Dragon worshipper because they have a shared appreciation of burning shit down and big, dramatic fires.

His party members were at first wary of baby-sitting an idiot, but have since come around to loving his antics, even going as far as to egg him on in many situations or just outright lie to him about particular social norms just so they can watch the proverbial shit hit the fan. My favourite example is a game called slap-box. They told him it was a common, social game used to pass the time that everyone knows about. I try to have fun with the character without hindering the story progression or dragging the other characters into my messes, and the GM has been pretty fond of his antics so far.

The two trinkets he cares about are a VHS copy of Blade Runner and his lighter that gained sentience via a deck of Manu things. The lighter is now named Flint.

Having originally left home to avoid a life of politics, favouring excitement and adventure, he's coming to terms with the realization that life outside his culture tends to be even more wrapped up in politics and pleasantries. Though he's had a few daring and treacherous quests, he's starting to realize that life isn't quite like an action movie. Still, that doesn't stop him from trying to make his own life like one.

What he misses most about home at this point is the ability to settle most conflicts with a brawl and his former profession. Despite his low intelligence he had a knack for developing siege equipment and other tools of war. His current band of murderhobos lacks the resources to develop such equipment.

Tell me about why she wouldnt be able to go back unless she found the thing.

Why does she wonder about the knife? Did her dad commit some sort of crime then run?

Whats her favorite drink?

What scene do you wish to rp the most but havent had the chance to?

He's got two sons and a daughter by his dead wife, and a bastard by a native woman of the north, who apparently wasn't entirely human. Eldest living son is in a priory studying to be a priest, both to keep him safe and to repay his debt to the Abbot for helping the family after the abyss walkers attack. The younger son and his daughter are in a major city in the border region, a few weeks ride from the farm. They're staying with a cousin of the family until he can make sure that they're going to be safe at home.
The bastard is what's called a Wargr, which is a sort of demi human with animalistic traits (think more sabertooth than furry) and who project their souls into animals/ as animals. He sought my character out to confront him, but the two wound up coming to a somewhat uneasy truce. He's sort of a tracker/squire

I would absolutely kill to be part of this game. What kind of gear does he fight with?

>Why can't she go back?
A secret engagement to the heir of the rival house was discovered by her brother, basically had to duel him to the death to prevent the secret getting out. Rather than go through a trial and have everything come out (which would probably lead to a small scale war between houses and her lover being disinherited), she chose to go into self imposed exile. The MacGuffin she seeks is the ancestral sword of her House and people's greatest hero of folklore, an artefact of tremendous power and cultural significance. She figures if she returns with that, no one will be able to defy her will and things will turn out alright. (A poorly worded explanation but the closest I can type right now)

>Why does she wonder about the knife?
It's just a fancy tableknife that perfectly resembles the one her father used to eat dinner with at home. The only reason it's significant is that she found it hundreds of miles from home in an abandoned dungeon beneath a ruined fort. It would be like finding your dad's old armchair from Mounds View while exploring a Roman ruin. As far as she knows, pops is still reigning at home.

>Favourite drink?
She was fond of the Allish beers of her homeland, but they're almost impossible to find this far north. Since the "beer" in the Anders Dominion is glorified sewer runoff, she mostly drinks wine. By the bottle.

>What scene do I want to RP the most?
It's hard to pick just one. I have a handful of pre-prepared short rants/speeches, but they all seem pretty cringe worthy, and some of them would poke at the already brewing conflict between certain characters.

He uses an oversized greatsword and plate armour. He also has access to some fire spells, as he was raised near an active volcano which largely shaped his race's culture and is also what hindered their technological advancement for many years. He's also working on upgrading his sentient lighter, Flint, into a flamethrower and eventually and fireball shooting mech.

Maxed skills are acrobatics and intimidate (because action movies) and right now he's the group's meatshield, which suits his personality just fine.

The group is really casual and everyone's friends with at least one other person, so we're all really open to theatrics and hijinks. Last quest we did was given to us by Lemmy (RIP) when we were tasked with freeing rock legends from heaven. The boss fight was against the lead singer of Creed but with some angelic powers.

I fucking love my group right now.

There's also a berry-farming werewolf knight named Barry in our group, but he's MIA at the moment because his player is on vacation. His character's our voice of reason and is less keen on my character's shenanigans, but they've developed a friendship through mutual appreciation of each other's muscles and by playing the aforementioned "slap-box".

Two different versions depending on how powerful the campaign level is. First is not ambulatory and requires being carried around.

The second version is the one I prefer, its capable of magical flight, telekenisis, telepathy, and nearly every detect spell as inherent abilities.

A giant suit of semi-possessed armor. I say semi possessed because the persons mind was permanently bonded to it and treats it as his new body. He made a pact with a demon prince for this powerful, nearly indestructible body. Of course, the binding process was insanely painful. The adamantine armor was welded together around him in a hellforge, then a powerful brimstone acid was washed over the entire thing. He had to make constant will checks to maintain his sanity and to see how well he melded with the armor while his body was scoured away.

The armor is nearly 20 feet tall, and wields a greatsword so big the sheathe is a bag of holding.

>a greatwsord so big the sheathe is a bag of holding

I really like this.

Rhaine an Rhedeg map Galwyddel Dda, A.k.a Rhûn Hela'r Dryw

My character is about making money, studying Welsh history and being a cunt to her older brother.

Between adventures she plays video games, watches Wyrmtalk with Lofwyr and practices at the firing range.

While at camp or on the road she usually reads and does drugs. Occasionally picking fights with Angles and running from Lonestar officers.

Despite being a shadowrunner whose a drugging with an obsession with dragons, is an expert on British history and can sing archaic Welsh in. Perfect alto voice. She also is currently power ranked #1 in Odense for a swordfighting sim game. Also worked as a dominatrix for a month before landing a job in Denmark.

She's terrified of ghouls and exotic diseases, also has an aversion to the city of Gloucester and Leeds. She's still not over either fear. She's also afraid of inner Africa and tropical areas because of exotic diseases.

She owns an apartment in Odense Denmark, Carmarthen I. Wales, Manchester England, and Asheville NC, UCAS.

Overall she travels a lot and is reasonably friendly as long as you're not a British nationalist. She also is a bit too selfish and arrogant.

God damn user, you're a lucky son of a bitch.

What game is this? What drugs does she do? Colour me intrigued.

Believe me, I know. We don't even have that guy. Unless that means I'm that guy.

>What are they about?
He's pretty heavily influenced by the Highwayman from Darkest Dungeon, he's the team's sneaky beaky who wields a flintlock and a rapier. Despite being a former highway robber, he always tries to intimidate or otherwise talk enemies down rather than jumping straight to violence.

>What do they do between adventures?
He drinks, tries to avoid as much contact with the party as possible and occasionally takes odd jobs for pocket change.

>What about at camp when they're on the road?
Maintains his gear and acts as the idiot wrangler.

>Any weird talents or quirks they have?
Other than having a tell when he's lying (fidgety hands), not a whole lot.

>How about fears? How did they get over them?
He's got a slight phobia of toads

>Do they own land? Are they murderho....errr.. I mean, nomads?
Pretty nomadic, he's not really the type to settle down because that gives him time to think about the lingering guilt he's built up over the years.

Thanks m8, on behalf of me and my GM.

Guess I can toss in some random other tidbits that sort of build on things;

The houses are dragon-bloodlined. Mom/Grandmom/PC are Red. PC's foreign father (whom mother loves very much, even if she hasn't seen him in two decades) was a much more diluted Blue bloodline.

The war she's trying to stop is between the local Blue-bloodline house and her maternal family's Red(losing).

Red-bloodline royalty has a augury that they can only have one child each, an unbroken line descended from their goddess. Which isn't normally an issue, apparently, right up until mother disowns grandmother, and suddenly grandmother has no heir.
Which was why barbarian grew up without her mother; mother left her with her father, because mother didn't want to risk grandma seizing PC and raising her as the new heir, complete with "I'll make a queen out of you" hellish upbringing. (Barbarian only learned this like, a month after arriving in this land. Which she did four months ago.)

"Anything necessary to thwart the BBEG" has a few bounds, but not many. Anything honorable, basically. Barbarian's father, long isolated, wound up remarrying to seal an alliance. Given her exposure to the idea, and how it's one of the few things that might adequately translate between barbarian tribes and courtly Houses, it's something she has considered- it helps that there's even a prince in Blue house she was sleeping with briefly, before she really found out about her mother's side of the family and let it be known who she was.
On the flip side, she's not too keen on it- likes the whole Conan, traveling adventurer thing- and more importantly the current politics are so fucked up that *someone* has to die before peace can be considered, and grandma almost certainly has to be dethroned. Work, work, work. At least it keeps her from having to make that choice.

Have a picture of grandma, past her prime & sans an arm, but still p. dangerous by all accounts.


>Despite being a former highway robber, he always tries to intimidate or otherwise talk enemies down rather than jumping straight to violence.

That's how a highwayman operates, though. "Stand and deliver, your money or your life".

Robbing is much more efficient than murder.

That's a big sword