This has to be one of the more interesting things i have stumbled apon on the internet a person so autistic as to create an entire universe complete with not half bad art, and he managed to implement his fetishes too, damn i wish i was this good.
Weird Veeky Forums related things
On a related note, I remember reading about an autistic father and son in an Oliver Sacks book that created a fantasy setting and then meticulously managed every detail, down to currency inflation. I'd be curious to see what thats like, or if its just really boring and, well, autistic.
And that reminds me of this.
Kek. I found something similar on r9k once except it was far more autistic, also the art sucked. The guy who made it was really sad, too. But then that's r9k I guess.
Sounds like a mental illness.
its all right as long as its not consuming their life or any thing
Half the time it does though. If you meet these kind of spergs online you realize that these little projects are their only reason for living. Thus they sperg out when you criticize them. it's very unhealthy.
wow that's actually kinda scary , hears some art from the madman himself!
text:An Ozcura Feather-Warrior of Nurandia.
The Ozcuras of Nurandia where a tribe of Dedian Ozcuras, that lived near the border of the Forest of the Witches of Ded, once stationed there to fight the Kanovs of Nurandia.
The Feather-Warriors where warriors among the Dedian Ozcuras from Nurandia. They where often recogniced for using feather wings, having some of the more skilled ozcura archers among their ranks, and being as well warg riders.
>Sounds like a mental illness.
Well, in an Oliver Sacks book...
Oh man, that art. This is the drow slavery fetish guy, isn't it?
an absolute madman makes a surprisingly interesting universe complete with fetish art of characters and long storied histories for the nations
That chilean knows his stuff, the weapons and armor are top tier, I specially like some of his elf stuff, the Sand and Wild ones. His takes of orcs and goblins is kinda of neat too.
So... many... ELVES.
yeah if you avoid the fetish stuff and stick to the history texts and battle scene's its actually pretty intresting
here, I have something far worse if you are prepared for some high-level autism.
>You will never protect your kingdoms along your warrior bretherns from hordes of sexy orc warrior, and then purge them from the lands, and breed them until they are humans.
okay lets see it.
But seriously, you can like the art more or less (I'm not a fan of pseudo-manga art myself) but the little details in the warriors panoplies are great, and lots of time if not realistic at least plausible.
m8 that's undyne from undertale
Guy makes a huge map of a fake place, and updates it over the course of decades using a set of rules he developed.
>Stupid sexy elfs, with they fancy hats.
>This is the drow slavery fetish guy, isn't it?
>autist autistic autismo
Autists can't draw realistic human figures.
Undertale? Is that a rpg setting or what?
I guess it's a video game.
Really this is kinda hard to categorize, its too detailed to just be fetish but fetish shit is woven in it like with the Amazons.
How do you know?
Battle of Polforia. The human-elven forces of the Army of the Whide Axis breaks the left flank of the demonic army: the assembled, last legions of the Dark Legion in the left flank where the bottom of the barrel of the Legion of the Demons, formations done with unreliable allies, vassals and survivors of previously disbanded legions of previous legions, along with many of the last avaible conscripts in the demonic lands.
The leaders of the Whide Axis detected the weakness of the left flank and pushed further into it, breaking the line. The demons tried to send their last reserves avaible to hold of the left -personal guards of demons and dragons-, but the battle was already all but lost with the enemy heavy cavalry pouring over the center from the broken line:
The demons and their core of most loyal servants retreated to the citadel of Dol-Nur, while most of the last legions, fastened at the very last moment to face the triumphant armies of the Venerable Empire of the Whide Axis, the Unlic Empire of Uslen, the Kingdom of Purpurian, the Five Kingdoms of the Northwest, the Principalties of Hannian and the Dwarven Fortresses of the West, simply disbanded into the swamps and haunted lands of Polforia, seeking to escape the elves and humans.
It's kinds of sad than some random dude invest a lot more into putting a visually varied setting, all his own, while lot of rpg do pseudo medieval stuff, perhaps with more quality in the style but not in originality and little details. Lot's of DnD stuff are way more souless than lots of his random pics.
Autists can't do anything correctly.
Yup, he has a thing with drows.
With dewarfs too.
just look at the kanovs i did not think people could come up with more fantasy races that are not animal men or some obscure cultures monsters, but he found a way
Basically some kid posted on r9k about this world he made up as a little kid and continued to make up shit about it while he was in school or on vacation. It was extremely autistic, all I remember was that the bad guys were called "lice" cause the kid had head lice when he was little. He's like 23 now and is still doing this. All I remembered was the "lice" part so I had to go way back in desuarchive to find it, this is the only link I have so far, I saved pic related that he posted with it as an example of his shitty art.
I'll post another link if I can find more of his posts. I'm just searching "lice" on desu-archive r9k and posting what shows up.
But yeah it's pretty severely autistic.
DAYUM. its not that bad
What's not that bad? The drawing or his story? His story is massive shit, I wish I could find his blog but I cannot remember what the fuck it's called. I think he's linked it in one of his r9k posts but I can barely find any of them.
Oh man I remember this. He posted it here too. I just feel bad.
How many people ITT think the artist is ITT?
i browse deviant art so im kinda immune to cringe at this point
LOL he did? Anyway I found another link of the full story. Somewhere in that thread he probably links his blog. I can't remember for sure when I saw it on r9k, it was a long time ago and it was a thread of "autistic shit you do" and I always love reading those because the guys will talk about how they scream Star Wars lines in their kitchen and shit. I am 90% sure thats' where I found it, and OP's thread reminded me of it.
Here's the link, anyways:
Also posting the only other of his drawings I saved from desuarchive. it's shit but I like qts with guns,e ven shit ones.
i don't think so, guy lives in some south american country so i don't think he cares about Veeky Forums
Yeah, it just gets me. I don't find it funny, just depressing.
Early era elven empire
Damn this is some pretty good drawing. I love those style helmets the elves are wearing.
Damn it has so much flavor text
Early Elfic Age, Drow-Elf Wars, Empire of Drow, Aels
A noble Neroz dark elf priestess -identificable as one for the armor she is clad in, made of bronze scales-, last survivor of a unit of warriors of the Empire of Drow, prepares herself to fight a last stand against a band of warriors of the enemies of the Empire.
The Enemies of the Drow, a coallition of Elven nations and non-elves where in general armed with stone or copper weapons, being very apreciated the scavenged drow bronze weapons. Aside of the Empire of the Drow: only the dwarves and Draak Harg matched the technological level of the Empire of Drow in their weapons-making skill.
An Illustration taken from the book of the book Heroic Age Elves: The Empire of Drow and their Enemies, of Ossday Military Publishing serie Elf-at-Arms, by J. Dobesh and A. Wendler, printed in Anglasecuarnia, 3184 a.a.H, it isn't completely historically accurate, because while it have been found archeological remains and historical records that speak of the alliances forged between the enemies of the Drow Empire, it's however supposed that often the warriors of each elven nation and the non-elves acted in their own warbands and armies, independently from their allies, rather than inter-racial and inter-species units: only in the final sieges of the Drow surface cities, will be seen armies of different nations act side by side, and often with problems when competing for the loot.
He is very prone to lifting character designs. There's one picture where he literally orcified Revy from Black Lagoon - identical pose as well.
That was the first thing that made me suspect him of shameless tracing. But if he is a tracer, he is one dedicated tracer.
Am I missing something? From the wiki they seem to just be humans.
Maybe he's confused since Kanov womenfolk have very hairy arms.
there basically tougher hairier humans, their like uruk hai to our orks
Slavs, then? They certainly look the part.
that's what i thought too, they look like a cold war era political cartoon
>Kanov womenfolk have very hairy arms.
I think my manager at my job is a Kanov.
How do I check?
If your pelvis hasn't turned into a fine powder, she isn't.
this is what i like about ael's, in other settings theirs one nation for each race but in ael's there are multiple kingdoms and nations for each race i love it.
sorry no pic
I did that in my old world. Ended up with 70 actual kingdoms. Needless to say that world is forgotten now.
They don't look very dark to me
thier more deep gray elves than dark elves
why did you mention it if you were not going to elaborate?
It was something I made when I was 14 or 15 and barely developed. here, here's my old files. Almost all of these folders are empty
The world was mostly shit, I have one campaign left in it and then I will move on to the new world I have created. I did like some kingdoms, such as Evengard and the everseen mountain, that I have recycled into my new settings.
sounds rather interesting, a sample?
This right here puts you leagues ahead of me in world building user.
best i really have.
Damn that's dedication
I was bored a lot in high school. I kinda remade the world, reincorporating the Rakshasa kingdoms among other things
what i don't get is the numbers, what are those for
I'd guess they're points of interest, and that there's a key somewhere.
>Dedication is now 'autism'
Well, at least it explains why you aren't 'autistic' enough to be successful.
then the picture doesn't make much sense, why doesn't he post it?
had to draw this during a game to make clear what was happening
>calls the enemies lice because he had lice
This is fucking brilliant. I wish I could have an ounce of his creativity.
God I love this shit.
It's awesome to see people actually creating stuff.
>The United Nation-States of America
I forgot about those character sheet making threads
i need to use this
I really, really hope you are being sarcastic
Also I finally found the link to his blog, he posts shit constantly and is completely ignored yet continues to post, it's pretty fuckin cringe:
>making fun of someone and calling them autistic for creating their own fictional universe
>on a board which is entirely about spending hours upon hours not only creating fictional universes but roleplaying in them
come on
come on
his art is good. I wish I could draw like that
No we are making fun of hte other guy, but okay whatever u say user
Fuckin A
Just think, OD&D itself was exactly this kind of project, only the art was much, much worse.
Is this really any different from a modelling warhams or a big model railroad?
So in your next campaign, during the first session, the supreme God comes down from heaven and says this:
Wat do?
This is actually pretty cool. Might steal some of it for my worldbuilding.
Delete files and kill self
That world looks like shit
that world doesn't look like anything though. user said it's mostly empty folders, and those names seem to be random associations of phonemes that sound "fantasy" enough. But apparently for some anons quantity of names = quality, even when the poster himself admits it's not good at all.
The has a bunch of Dwarf Fortress art on his Deviantart, so I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of this stuff of his came from there