ITT: retro fantasy art
ITT: retro fantasy art
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very well then
> you will never be a mind flayer who catches a young female warrior alone, the rest of her party dead, mind-blasting her over and over and watching her cry for mercy each time, until her utterly-broken mind decides you are a friend and she helps you and makes food for you and even pretends to love you, until one night you finally give in to your hunger and eat her brain while she is sleeping, she wakes up as the tentacles bite into her head and her look of fear and shock asks you "why? why did you do this?"
>4 pairs of skellie boobs
That's a good thing user, I'm glad I'm never going to do that to someone.
That sounds pretty fucked up and awful even in the position of the one doing that, but I guess as a monster like a mind flayer one would not have the capacity to empathize in that way
Better than digital art
Stop it, Virt.
A classic. Made me want to play a Paladin for the first time when I first saw it as a child.
Anyone have some retro griffons?
>Another? Oh, I couldn't. I'm completely stuffed.
Sarah Jessica Parker at the end.
Top lel.
perhaps their ability to empathize is what makes mind flayers monsters in the first place
I love skeletons like this, with random "meaty" bits
don't forget the knee-boobs, with sharp spiky nipples
Sick as fuck
This is my favourite of all the pieces posted in the thread, everything about it is perfect
holy shit
I bought an old school DnD monster compendium FULL of amazing A4 artwork like this. I'm super happy about the find/buy.
I hope they reprint/re-release those things somehow. They could make a bunch of dosh.
Whenever you get the chance, hit up an op/charity shop and look for old dnd guides. Amazing.
It will be hard going without my son.
Everybody looks so happy
Where would 80s British fantasy art be without Ian Miller?
>Heroquest goblins
Oh, my.
Oh god please tell me that's it. He just watches them slowly die of old age while struggling against shackles as his homies hoot and holler like it's the coolest thing.
It would be nothing
i've honestly always hated old school art because of how they drew warriors. everyone had a hard-on for Conan so everyone either wears nothing or a pair of cotton pants and a thin shirt.
warriors wore leather armor at the very least, and metal armor was quite abundant, why wouldn't it be the same for DnD world?
However, i like how, comparatively, it was closer to "low fantasy" than today's dragonborns and everyone can fart fireballs bullshit
> Shh, lil' honkey lady.
> 'Dis Savanna Demon Turf
> Don't you be straying outta day lil' white house
> rite, been nice seeing youse
> peace, mah imp
First fap material...
Here's a more well-armoured Conan for you, from 1949
Are the rats controlling the scarecrows rattatouille style? This is important
The first one seems to be made of fail, if it opens outward as depicted...
Also "Mizz Wizz" from the D&D basic redbook cover.
I'm sorry literally everything doesn't please your autistic HEMAfaggot sensibilities, perhaps killing yourself could help
Considering another well-known work he illustrated was about Rats controlling post-nuke London, probably.
>First fap material...
>Hating on someone for having different taste
>killing yourself
/v/ plz leave
sorry i hurt your precious fee fees. go jack off to Arnold and Skyrim, faggot
Needs more Clyde "I Spy Some Ample Thigh" Caldwell
>she wanted that dick
Now I understand where a lot of inspiration for Skaven came from.
Somehow, the single aspect of the wizard being shirtless, and therefore shown to be fairly fit, but in all other ways a normal cliche wizard, makes this image infinitely more amusing than it would be otherwise. And some other tone to it that I want to call vaguely metal seeming but that doesn't sound right.
>Disguise Self
Wait to you get to the bit where the hero's partner/wife has been rat-raped and given birth to a rat-human hybrid.
Also, the rat mother.
Miller did awesome art for A Tolkien bestiary as well.
He also did the cover and interior art for Fighting Fantasy #28, Phantoms of Fear. In that one you're this elven dream warrior who can shift from reality to the nightmare realm, so he was the perfect choice for it.