Well, Nix and Mandrakk aren't really meant to be used together, they're opposing forces. But yeah, it's literally just Mobius I need to finish now. And unfortunately for me, his character in the DCU can be literally summed up as "Like Doomsday, but for the entire multiverse."
I do like Blood Feud, and I can't believe I forgot it. I actually really like seeing Wizards do Fight variants, and I'd really like to see more. I thought Ezuri's Predation was brilliant. Oh yeah, and that new one, the one that makes blocking creatures Fight each other, that one's really cool too.
>I am not a flavor guy.
That has its positives and its negatives. For me, sometimes it's a nightmare to come up with an idea for a card because I can't see past the flavor. I think some of my best cards are ones like this, where I just come up with the concept in just a few minutes. Really, I happened to notice the art, and though it was cool enough to make a card for and that was it.
I did notice death triggers for Bait. And yeah, Wizards had a bunch of "When this dies" triggers to help out Exploit. As well as that one that could recur itself forever. River Trawler? Something like that.
I think you could make this 3B actually, maybe even less, though it does have Cycling. Wizards always puts a discount on cards that make you play with an opponent's cards, probably because it's a lot harder to really exploit. Imagine using this on the guy playing turbofog or owling mine. Ouch.
Oh, speaking of ouch. Seriously, same cost and cast window as Tribute to Hunger, but a cantrip and you lose life? Not a fan. Really, one of the problems with edicts is that the opponent chooses the creature, so they still lose something, but they'll try to mitigate the disadvantage. And with this, this just lets your opponent have their way with you. I really don't want to lose 5 life just because the guy has a wall or something. It'd be much better if it destroyed, like Vendetta.