Mtg draft problems

>the guy who brought his girlfriend or child who isn't interested in the game. He just has them there to boost his chances of getting a rare card
>The guys who come every week and help each other in the draft and openly talk shit about how many "newbs" showed up this week
>The guy who takes the whole damn thing too seriously
>That Guy
>Those fuckers in the corner playing 3.PF being loud and cringy as fuck.
>The guy who plays silently and you have to ask him if his turn is over repeatedly.

I'm really starting to hate FNM. I keep thinking its a social event where I could potentially make friends, but it is doing the opposite. I hate talking to the guys there. For every cool dude there is fifteen assholes.

MTG Draft bitching General I guess
Pic somewhat related

Stop going


I lack enough friends to play magic with tho

>show up to Eternal Masters draft
>employee points me to the table it'll be happening at
>go sit down
>after a couple minutes someone tells me I'm in the wrong spot
>apparently there's assigned seating for the draft
>get our packs, about to open pack 1
>someone asks me why I don't have a playmat
>suddenly realize that I am the only one at the table with no playmat
>there are options before me
>"Because they're a colossal waste of money"
>"Because I am not a tool"
>"Because they serve no real purpose"
>decide on "Eh, they're just not for me."
>someone eventually "loans" me one
>which is to say that he plops it in front of me and I have no choice in the matter
>I ask why it matters
>it's because they don't want anything happening to high dollar cards that go through me
>realistically, there won't be any of those going through me as I will be picking them and not passing them and there won't be any of those coming to me because they will be picked by others instead of passed
>decide not to say anything and accept the situation so they'll shut up and we can start
>guy to my left is craptalking a storm about all the hatepicking he's doing and how awesome he is at drafts and how much research he did on the set
>he places fourth
The moral of the story is that if most of your creatures fly then draft as many copies of Gaseous Form as you can, which could very well be four since nobody wants them.

Play online

Get into roleplaying and find people through that

Online isn't easy when you are a mobilefag
And I'm making my own DnD group, because I can't find one.
I live in America's butthole. The south. If it isn't guns, trump, jesus, or manly nobody is interested

Ooof, that shit sucks homie.

Well I wish you luck on creating the group. I've found people are surprisingly receptive to roleplaying and such so long as you get them at the table and playing.

To be fair, I can kinda understand wanting everyone to use a playmat. In the scenario where you open a Foil Jace and a Jace, It would be shit if you had trouble picking up the cards and flicked or damaged the edges, which is easy enough to do on an untextured table. It just avoids accidental awkwardness where someone gets passed a mythic that is now damaged. that being said, I think I'd worry about it more if we were redrafting Rares and you decided to play without sleeves.

>that being said, I think I'd worry about it more if we were redrafting Rares and you decided to play without sleeves.

I'd be more concerned that you stooped to playing in a venue that redrafts rares

When you play in a community of competitive players who all want to improve their game by rewarding those who do well in their pods, but the shop cannot afford much prize support, then you redraft rares. Atleast, that's our solution.

Most the time I'd 100% agree with you, but everyone knows the players who goto the shop, so we never get the "opened an avacyn, I drop" scenario because no one would play with them again. Mind you, we only redraft rares if everyone at the table if everyone agrees that's what they wanna do, otherwise we just draft normally.

>go to play 2hg sealed at EMN prerelease
>meet up with some friends and guys i use to play with
>no one yet decided how to form couples
>get to play with a dude that i used to play against but never with
>he also pays for me because he would like to keep the cards we'd open
>get 3d round
>couple of kids, they seem to be brothers against us
>they are both playin with sleeves, as it is suggested for soi and emn
>older kid's sleeves are transparent tho
>seems all right
>he self mills with grave/delirium sheningans
>he has spot a flip card cuz lmao transparent sleeves, boy you should really use a checklist for that you know
-yeah my bad
>grabs library
me and mate-NO dude yo wtf no need put down the library
>he pulls out the flip card
-*m&m laughin* nononono dude leave it here is fine the game is also one sided and nearly to end keep it here
>dont worry i remember where it was
>puts back card in the lib
-dude you just say your whole library like this *rofling*
>no problems guys!
>reshuffles library
>flip card still there watching us on top now
>me and mate lmaoing to death
one of the best time i ever had playin magic for real

Try recruiting through forums, Roll20 surprisingly has a pretty decent selection. A number of sessions there are held on skype so your mmv.

>new player to mtg
>walk into store day after draft
>looking for unrelated stuff and stumble across trashcan
>dozens, DOZENS of cards are in the trash
>I don't know if it's in bad taste to dig them out of the garbage so I leave angry

Seriously, why do so many cards get thrown out? You'd think at least one person would say "hey wait no, let me have those just in case"

>That guy that draws extra cards when his opponent isn't looking
>That guy that tips his spin down die over giving him more life when his opponent isn't keeping track themselves
>That guy that strategically places piles of cards in front of him so he can set down the draft pool and swap in and out useless cards when he opens two mythics or a pack with multiple cards for his deck
>That guy that constantly vets the other players asking "innocent" questions to get an uper hand while dodging the questions if they are thrown back at him
>That guy that rebuilds others decks for them after he beats them to make them play better in the hope they win to increases his final placement
>That guy that constantly watches everything and steal cards at every opportunity netting him cards like mana crypt when their owners look away for just a second

I am all of these things. People just think I'm a good player with a lot of luck when I always come in first and walking away with the best cards.

>I am all of these things

No, you're not. You just want attention.

Which you got, but hopefully this will be your only response, troll.

>I pulled a $50 card in my pack, I'll drop
>Wow what an asshole for not giving away his $50 card to the luckiest drafter. Let's shun him!

>It just avoids accidental awkwardness where someone gets passed a mythic that is now damaged.
Is the card less effective if it isn't in mint condition

I have no idea how any of this Magic stuff works

>go sit down
>after a couple minutes someone tells me I'm in the wrong spot
>apparently there's assigned seating for the draft

What is odd about that? If you could sit anywhere you risk people just grouping up and passing on stuff to each other.

Assigned seating is for elementary school, not drafting.

Why do you say that user? Its surprisingly easy to cheat if you put your mind to it and are observant.

Because a lot of people aren't douchebags?

Do you get angry when you travel on a long distance train or a plane as well then?

I do it because I get a thrill out of it. Every time I successfully draw an extra card or tip my life counter my heart flutters and I get a rush.

It feels even better when I'm doing it against a faggot that got lucky and pulled all the fucking angels in Eldritch moon and built his deck around drawing them and recurring them back. I cant stand losing just because someone else was more lucky in their drafting. It gives me vindictive pleasure to just keep drawing extra cards to keep answering them. That frustrated look they get when they spend 2 cards then tap out to play sigrid only for me to murder her is wonderful. Then they recur her tap out again to play her only for me to ride down her. All with the extra 4 or so cards I drew. Wining games and matches I should of lost due to bad draft luck is addicting it feels even better than when I'm the lucky one and get good pulls.

it sure is thrilling typing things user.

>my opponent got some 4/4 flying angles in his deck
>I'll ancestral recall myself twice, that will show him who is supposed to win on even grounds!

There's a difference between paying $200 to fly to Colorado from Louisiana and paying $9 to play a card game.

Yeah, there is a difference between playing a card game and going to school as well. I just want to know why someone has such a problem with being asked where to sit.

Your argument pleases me

Don't worry, the guys in the corner feel the same way about you.

Huh. I never really thought about it like that. Makes sense to me.
If that had happened, we'd already established that replacement packs were allowed so I'd have walked out with a Jace, a second foil Jace for my collection, and whatever cool thing the new pack had.
My third pack had a Jace and I scooped that up immediately.
But yeah, I can understand that perspective. Just feels a little rude to me to force that on somebody.

People who play too much don't want 147 copies of the same common.
My shop solves this by having a cabinet-type-dealy where people are free to leave and take out common/uncommon cards

Not him but that's even worse advice.

We have what are called the Pauper Boxes. At FNM when everyone is bored of the normal formats we each blow a dollar and search through about 20 large cardboard boxes filled to the brim with Commons and Uncommons, all for a penny, and we play official Pauper format with it.

It's worth much less money. The second hand market is basically what keeps the game alive

The reason you get assigned draft seating is that you're supposed to sit across from your first round opponent while picking, so the assigned seats help keep things in order. If you're playing official draft, that's how it is. Don't like it, don't play.

The guys in the corner are playing on a night when the store's holding an event, even if it's a small one. They can deal with it.

Where in the south? For most of my life we've been surfing on anus territory but someone finally opened an FLGS and now it's actually worth living in this shithole.


>scrubs being scrubs in magic
what a surprise

I'm in Arkansas. There's one good gaming store on the other side of town but since it's such a fringe activity here the store is full of sperglords.
I'm not amazing. But I'm not a sperglord

please lurk more

Iron Man Tournaments in the 90's would have melted all you special snowflakes with your card sleeves and your safe spaces and your playmats. We ate beef jerky and slapped bare cards on the table and laughed when someone had to burn a Shivan dragon.

Not like you kids today....

My FNM drafting experience is a mixed bag. One time everyone at the draft was super cool. It was a mix of older magic veterans and younger guys like myself. The atmosphere was relaxed, everyone was cool, it was a great time.

Another time at FNM I had two rednecks, a hell-bent control freak (who played blue of all colors) and one other guy who, like me, just wanted to have fun. The control freak was a nightmare to play against and the redneck was a redneck, so you know how that goes. Terrible experience.

So that's why if I can just gather six friends to draft any set of our collective choice at a friend's house, I always choose that option. Another reason why I choose friends over FNM people is because pretty tired of drafting shadows/eldricth moon 3 times in a row, but the game store always does that.

I'm in South Carolina. Luckily, the closest store attracts the less-competitive types, as there's a much less close store that has a much more competitive meta (for EDH, anyway.)

>and laughed when someone had to burn a Shivan dragon.

That still happens today because it's worthless.