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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Wait, so does this Ministry enforce silly walks? If so, where can I sign up?
Just in case no one saw it the first time I posted it...
God of War Jump 037:
CP: 1000
Boxed In [+300]
Location: Athens
Background: Drop-In [Free]
Epic Poem [Free]
Scowl of Sparta [Free]
Deft Hands [Free]
Puzzled Sensing [-100]
Gift of Hope [-300]
Titan's Blood [-500]
Olympian Demesne [-50]
Guard of the Lion [Free]
Custom Weapon [500]
Forged by the Gods [Free]
Trying Something New (Stygian Iron .45 Longslide) [-50]
Master [-200]
Cursed [-200]
Eternal [-50]
Beginning of a Legend [-200]
(___) (Divinity) [300]
Resplendent Form [Free]
Empathic Environment [-300]
Eyes of Thunder [Free]
Silica (Peasent) [300]
Steady Weather [Free]
Forge of Souls [-300]
Schematics of the Genius [Free]
Gauntlet's Symbiote (Divinity) [300]
Resplendent Monument [Free]
Empathic Environment [-300]
Eyes of Thunder [Free]
(___)'s Symbiote (Divinity) [300]
Resplendent Monument [Free]
Empathic Environment [-300]
Eyes of Thunder [Free]
AFG: Airfield Princess () [300]
DFG: Max Schultz (Spartan) [300]
Fire-Forged Friends [Free]
Blood Feeding [-300]
Helm of the Underworld [Free]
DFG: Fletcher (Spartan) [300]
Fire-Forged Friends [Free]
Blood Feeding [-300]
Helm of the Underworld [Free]
The Marked Ninja (Monster) [300]
Monstrous Weapons [Free]
Divine Beast [-300]
Coin of the Messenger [Free]
So, the world around me and (___) is now slightly effected by the Symbiotes and they can drop tactical statues of their alien shapes down to give out tips and also, in the case of my own Symbiote, shout lengthy litanies of Correspondence at people, which is hilarious.
Yo, /JC, where to next?
Enjoy not being able to use any of your shit because of a worthless jump.
Since it just came out, why not Boktai?
That logic makes at least 25% of Jumps worthless.
Stop fucking feeding it you idiots.
Stop giving in to the asshole.
How fucking hard is that to comprehend?
Jump # 27 King Arthur – Nasuverse
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Background: Knight (100)
*Half Blood (400)
*Combat Skills (0)
*Prince Charming (100, Discount)
*Morning Hope (200, Discount)
*Dragon Soul (300)
*Magic (400)
*Party Call (100)
*Standard weapon (0)
*Armor (0)
*Jumper Castle (200)
*Musical (+0)
*The French (+100)
*The Knight (+200)
*Excalibur (+300)
*Dragon’s Bride (+300)
Background: Knight
*Combat Skills
*Prince Charming
*Standard Weapon
Background: Drop In
*Natural Disease Immunity
*Half Breed- Fae
*Quest for Adventure
*Book of Arthurian Legends
Adam Jensen
Background: Knight
*Combat Skills
*Dragon Soul
*Standard Weapon
Background: Clergy
*Sword Plant
Tomamo No Mae
Background: Clergy
*Prince Charming
Background: Peasant
*Peasant Skills
*Sword Plant
*Sack of Gold
You try to fight Crowney in Raildex, he's all boastful and shit and you summon JOHN CENA!
So I found myself a knight amidst a strange version of Arthurian legend. Somehow early in my journeys I had found a sister sword to Excalibur unfortunately it had the personality of something made by Zelritch… it even sounded like Kohaku from Tsukihime.
So I got dragged along from humiliating adventure to humiliating adventure. Somehow I also wound up with a Dragon that sought me as his bride. I agreed… If he could get my sword to allow him to wield it within a months time.
The very next week the sword was returned to me with an apology, It appears even my hand was not enough compensation for putting up with the sword. I didn’t mind though It gave me a break of a week from the damn thing.
On one of the 1000 favors for the damnable sword I actually had to play a prank on an old man… who I didn’t know was Merlin in disguise. At first he was displeased and I thought I was going to end up cursed. Then the sword spoke up and they became fast friends. So I knew I was going to get cursed.
So Merlin was ever so helpful with further suggestions for adventures… and a few incidences that shall never be spoken of again. Never.
As my time in the world ended I made a special request of my patron. We paused my leaving the world for a moment.
I stuffed the damn sword in to a specially made rocket and fired the damn thing in to space. I was kind enough to aim for the moon instead of the sun which was my first instinct.
Better. Gurren Lagann Endgame. Anti-Spiral comes and tries to kill you off before you can rescue Simon and Nia and then suddenly he's interrupted by JOHN CENA!
Wait, shit, now I suddenly got a mental image of him interrupting Alma's spookiness with his shenanigans and her utterly confused reaction. Just her sort of staring and wondering what the hell just happened. And then rather then him taking her out for a week, she just sits in a corner for a week trying to process it instead.
If only it were Hulk Hogan. Out of nowhere with the leg drop.
Summon him against Cthulhu and he would be like "I'm not ready to rustle THESE pythons"
Is it possible to commit acts of violence in the Warehouse?
Are there any add-ons or buildings I can be where it's impossible to commit an act of violence, or hurt another being, even passively.
I want to be able to parley with high power, unstable individuals without them destroying me for daring to speak candidly.
It is perfectly possible to commit acts of violence in warehouse.
You seen Lex Luthor vs Iron man? It would be like that
Undertale has a perk where as long as you're selling them something you can't be attacked, but that's not quite what you're looking for.
Maybe use that one perk from medaka box?
>You seen Lex Luthor vs Iron man? It would be like that
That would be a little amusing, but mostly piss me off. Thanks.
Real Eater? Might work.
Lex Luthor vs Iron Man?
Shit, I would pay good money to watch that movie. Give me Kevin Spacey going up against RDJ. That could be the best fucking thing ever.
... fuck, we need a DC vs Marvel jump.
Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand Jump 038:
CP: 1000
Cross Battle! [+0]
IT’S HOT! [+100]
What Does That Even Mean? [+100]
More Walking [+100]
A Pale Moon [+200]
Frail and Foolish [+200]
The Treadmill [+0]
Location: Fog Castle
Origin: Solar Child [-100]
My Will, My Way [-600]
Put Your Back Into It! [Free]
Our Sun [-600]
From Darkness [-100]
Mysterious Wanderer Jumper [Free]
Lunar Blood [-500]
Hybrid [Free]
Jump Del Sol [Free]
Old Friends (.45 Longslide) [Free]
Modular Weapon (Upgrade) [-300]
Lens: Sol [Free]
Battery: Hollow (Dark & Sol Fusion) [-200]
Frame: Phantom [-100]
Monstrous Powers:
A Blood Moon Rises [-400]
Half-Vampire [-500]
Scarf of Courage [Free]
Neat Goggles [Free]
Pile Driver [Free]
Dark Loans Advance Card: Jumper Edition! [+200]
Finally I'm done, also off that fucking treadmill! I think I may develop a complex about the damned things after this. Seriously.
Biggest event here was me Reverse Engineering the Pile Driver, seriously the teleportation tech on this thing is worth it alone.
Other than that me and my brothers played our part in the plot.
Okay, version 1.0 is here.
I would have finished a few days ago, but I forgot how tedious typing everything out can be.
Anyways, feedback, suggestions, balance and all that.
How would one steal, copy or absorb an Exaltation from someone else? Or, if that's totally impossible, how does one just remove and/or destroy someone else's Exaltation?
>GUNNM Imaginaos body
>absorb Blame megastructure
>import as a spaceship somewhere
>import megastructure-spaceship as a mech in Macross
>Light of Terra penis envy formula: 62 AU diameter + 200% from Experimental ACU in Supreme Commander, +125% from Five Star Stories, and +50% from FFXIV Scenario.
In canon, I believe it's not possible...only because the people in charge of that particular exaltation (US for Solars, Luna for Lunars, Maidens for Sidereals etc etc) prevent it. So if you're stronger then them you probably could figure a way to steal it. And as usual jump fiat conquers all but I've got no idea of any perks that'd work the way they'd need to. I guess maybe if you found a way to get to the exaltation instead of just the exalted person?
>import megastructure-spaceship as a mech in Macross
Nah get fucked. If it's bigger then 30 meters you're banned from importing it.
>you can import a mech who's default height is up to 30 meters tall (with an additional 50CP for every 10 meters above this limit)
>an additional 50CP for every 10 meters above this limit
Mind you he still can't due to the cp cost being above 4.63x10^13
I don't know about stealing them, but the Realm managed to contain the Solar Exaltation's for years and years in the Jade Prison, so there is precedence for that. I think if you had the tools that the Sidereals locked away, alongside the God of Exaltation, you could cleanse the Exaltation of its past life and if you were the most heroic around it might activate but you'd still have to have no other Exaltation.
An Infernal who'd gone full Devil-Tiger of Ebon Dragon and Maliphas, with a theme of Usurper might be able to do it but even then Autobot builds fucking crazy levels of complex redundancies into his systems just as an afterthought, he's basically the living reality marble of MAD SCIENCE!
White Wolf has a system where you can't mix systems for a reason. Lunar quackery, and the various other mirrors, aside they keep their peas and their carrots separate most of the time. WoD has the Template system, none of which can stack that I know of, and the Exalted world has the various Exaltations which aren't able to mix, if you have one you are instantly banned from the others.
This is all something that the Jumpchain may or may not get around. I don't know if Jump-chan is granting you the ability to stack Templates and Exaltations, I'm not in your Jump.
>WoD has the Template system, none of which can stack that I know of
Samuel Haight the mage werewolf ashtray says hello
He is out and about in our current campaign, skinning werewolves for their pelts.
I'm so sorry you have to put up with that.
And in an Phil Brucato said that Haight was a joke character.
Here you go.
But hey, if that's how you roll I can't stop you. Your Jump is yours after all.
I was talking in the systems as we use them IRL and how they are most often portrayed in WoD.
Dude, it was a joke
Eh. I got a coat and a rug out of it.
Speaking of, anyone know where you can find more info on the exaltations themselves? There's a little sidebar just on them in the corebook in chapter 1 but it doesn't talk much on them, like not mentioning you only have one or this po soul stuff. Was just wondering which book has more info on them?
This was what user was talking about.
Spacey did do a great Lex, tho. That'd be a badass fight.
>Death battle
Eh, yeah.
Some of the fights are neat if you don't think about it too hard.
Not like you can find anything better. Kinda disappointing.
The appeal in a Lex vs Tony movie would be the fact that they can both compete with each other intellectually as well as in direct combat.
Ah, no prob dude. Emotions don't apply to text but I was smiling at the reminder of WoD's personal Mary Sue. In all seriousness there was a story somewhere on the White Wolf forums back in the day that had a Hunter who was basically a Ghoul as well, he cut cocaine with Vampire ashes and snorted it for temporary vampire powers, World of Darkness is a weird place and White Wolf in general is too. Was funny as hell though.
I think quite a bit is learned over the entirety of the books. Auto-Bots books are the most direct but you can squirrel out some interesting stuff if you dig.
Yeah, WoD can have some gems here and there. And if you look at it a certain way, the grimderpiness of some splats and books can be pretty fun too. Stuff like the Pentex book that just turns the whole thing into some cartoonish caricature.
Thanks for the hint, think it's helped me out a bit. Checking the Yu Shan book too. Think I may have figured a way to wrangle multiple exaltations but I gotta confirm it.
Yep, the Hunter in my previous post is actually viable by NWoD. It would be a custom Conspiracy but you could basically do exactly what that dude did, use drugs made with special ingredients to gain temporary powers beyond the norm. The Egyptian faction with all the potions already does that a little.
A Hunter with access to Celerity 2 would be insanely effective up until he meets any vamp with Celerity 5. Jeebus those bastards are frighting.
Huh if you do. Post it. I'm avoiding Exalted Jumps for now until we get a good look at the full scope of the game we could be playing. If you could figure an actual viable way to do it in game then we could do it in Jump, which would be awesome and stop me from just waiting till Infernals comes out.
If Admiral user is here I have a few questions about Deus EX Human Revolution.
Are the origin perks discounted for the relevant origin, is the first origin perk (200CP) free for each origin?
I heard you were planning to update the jump after Mankind Divided comes out, is this true?
Hey HeavensAnon, if you're here, you were planning a Disgaea jump, right?
That wasn't just a beautiful dream?
Will there be the Horse Wiener?
Well, until I've searched all the books I got to make sure there's no hidden limits on more then one, my current idea is this- Get Monster Cat in Soul Eater to have 9 souls. Go nick Lytek's Exaltation tools from his office (Which would be very hard but not impossible as it says in the book, likewise with stealing sparks of exalts later) in heaven, which are written fairly vaguely but one of the things they are said to be able to do is implant an Exaltation in a vessel, whether that vessel is appropriate or not (CoCD: YS p145) (Basically manually putting an Exaltation into someone, even if they wouldn't naturally be chosen. This seems supported by earlier bits in the CoCD YS book that talks about Lytek or someone else doing it to quickly replenish Solar troops way back). Then you just go into his cupboard where he keeps all his Exaltations (Or go find a Monstrance or something I guess) and implant each Spark of Exaltation into the p'o of each of your 9 souls. After finding a safe place, figuring out how the tools work and so on. You know, basic sundry stuff.
You should at least be able to get the Celestial Exalts this way- Solar, Lunar, Sidereal (They're implanted at birth but I don't think it's technically required, just easier) and maybeAbyssal and Infernal since they're just changed versions of one of the first 3. Wouldn't be getting any Terrestrial Exalts (No spark, just passed down far as I'm aware) or Alchemical (Obviously). Still looking for things that might make this invalid though, which'll probably take a while since I need to comb all the books.
Cool, I see that White Wolf kept you from getting multiple Exaltations by limiting them to one per soul, something we Jumpers have been getting around for a while now.
The only way to remove the exaltation from a host is to kill him. This is one of the most canon rules of exalted. There is absolutely no way to remove the exaltation from a host without killing him. You can't depower people without killing them.
On the other hand, just kill a Solar and the exaltation will break free.
It is possible to manipulate raw exaltations. Yozi, the Heaven, and the Deathlords do it. It is very, very complicated, though, a feat of absurd magic, because an Exaltation will try to break free from whatever magic you can get, but it is possible.
Destroying an Exaltation is impossible. It was specifically made to be reality warping proof. It is said than, when all else will be destroyed in the mouth of Oblivion, when all will return to nothing, the Exaltation will still be here, little pockets of something forever indestructible.
Nah, one of the tools Autocthon made can permanently destroy them. Pretty sure nothing else can though.
That's just for destroying the soul it's connected to, not the Exaltation itself.
Posting this again from a few threads ago since the only answer I got wasn't from the jumpmaker.
>For Incredibles, since Wardrobe makes upgrades shared across all of your suits would importing multiple outfits as suits spread their properties across both each other and any other suits Wardrobe provides?
Well the Neverborn and Yozis stole some Solar Exaltations from the Jade Prison(?), but that's with the exaltations separated from the normal cycle.
Now they're back in circulation, the only canon way I know of is to turn a Solar exaltation into an Abyssal one (either by trapping them in a Monstrance of Celestial Portion until they accept Oblivion and become a Deathknight, or by Void Circle spell Dimming of the Light, which also requires them to be in a Monstrance and "willing").
Then there is a Void Circle spell called Call the Black Sun that traps an existing Abyssal Exaltation in a Monstrance of Celestial Portion - and this only traps a "free" Abyssal exaltation, not one with a host.
That was in 2nd ed. I don't know about the latest edition.
You remove an exaltation from someone by killing them.
I don't believe that any exaltations have ever been destroyed? Actually I'm not even sure that any Primordials were able to destroy any. Might have forgotten something on that, though.
>Summoning in Lovecraft
It depends on the source material.
For example, according to the d20 CoC game, the Summon takes a full round (~6 seconds) and so does Bind (total: ~12 seconds), but it also takes some prep work of having a rock with an elder sign (potential total, ~18 seconds - one round to cast elder sign on a rock, one round to summon, and one round to bind) but of course you could have the rock ready ahead of time.
Whereas Summoning spells in Call of Cthulhu 7th edition takes 5min/magic point spent (and each magic point gives 10% chance of success ), the creature appears 2d10 minutes after the chanting stops, and binding takes a round ("a few seconds").
So it potentially takes a little over 70 minutes (50 minutes for 100% chance of success+20 minutes later+a few seconds to bind), but if you're damn lucky it could take only 7 minutes+ a few seconds.
And in the original literature it would naturally depend on the story's plot requirements.
>I don't believe that any exaltations have ever been destroyed? Actually I'm not even sure that any Primordials were able to destroy any. Might have forgotten something on that, though.
The canon is that the exaltations can't be destroyed by any mean, to protect them from Yozi who are effectively reality warping beings who would try this at the first opportunity. You can throw exaltations in the mouth of Oblivion (effectively a reality warping black hole) and they'll still get out.
>Well the Neverborn and Yozis stole some Solar Exaltations from the Jade Prison(?), but that's with the exaltations separated from the normal cycle.
The Jade Prison is an example of manipulating exaltation. I think a Solar Working could trap an exaltation on the fly, as it goes out its host. Devil Tigers can also choose where their exaltations go. Monstrances and Lilith manipulates exaltations daily.
Slap on the forcefield, communicate through the door with sign language or something. Note: probably not a good idea to do this before fairly late in the jump, unless you have a backup entrance or the like. Also relies on the forcewall being transparent, or at least translucent, which I don't think is actually specified.
Alright, from this we've learned a lot. Copying is almost completely out, Autobot is a God of Invention and innovation several biggatons higher on the scale than Hephaestus, who by the way in Greek Myth created weaponize lightning that could hurt primordial titans and a net that could capture the God of War. We must have multiple souls to manage all the Exaltations we get, as that is the limiting factor of Exalts, however it can't just be multiple souls but multiple souls with a Hun-Po soul structure. Stealing seems to be limited to 'free' Exaltations. Destroying the Exaltations seems to be impossible, perhaps even for things such as the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, but manipulating them doesn't seem outside your reach.
Also, just my opinion but the way Perfects are treated in Dragon-Blooded is just... inelegant. Personally I would have rather they been edited into something like the Imagine Breaker, where the perfect could cancel everything as long as someone wasn't just constantly feeding the attack. This would have fit the theme of 2nd Edition in that you'd have to reactivate the perfect to continue to be unharmed from a consatant strike, Kamehameha would be an excellent example of an attack that can be just fed energy constantly in this example parrying it would just end in an energy clash where you'd be left holding a massive ball of energy back and the better choice would be to dodge the damned thing. Just my opinion but if the user is on who did Dragon-Blooded is around I forgot to bring that up when I commented on your jump.
It always works off what the In Nomine version of God would do.
I figured always giving you an average result on Resonance check digits was easier than sticking to the game mechanics explicitly and explaining that what the power does can vary randomly with each use. Then bonuses on the check digit just become an expansion to the power. What's the thread think? Should I switch back to the canon but more random and confusing method or is it fine as is?
>Hephaestus, who by the way in Greek Myth created weaponize lightning that could hurt primordial titans and a net that could capture the God of War.
Not really relevant given Exalted isn't involved with Greek myths at all.
>but multiple souls with a Hun-Po soul structure
Personally I think just going to Exalted should make this a thing for your soul/s.
>perhaps even for things such as the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception,
While those are shitty BS, there are certain perks taht would enable them to be destroyed. Perk fiat trumps in setting fiat.
>Dragon Blooded
Personally I feel like the jump doesn't feel like the setting at all. Thewhole attitude that Exalted needs to be heavily nerfed has resulted in a jump that doesn't feel like you're even a Terrestrial Exalted, more like it has a mortal tone.
Hey what are some good first jumps for an absolute masochist?
no mans sky jump when?
Can warehouse portals be made on ANY solid surface? Like, for example, your own body? Could I make a small portal on my back, or something?
>While those are shitty BS, there are certain perks taht would enable them to be destroyed. Perk fiat trumps in setting fiat.
Intent is important. In setting the exaltations were created to be unyielding to reality-warping, black holes, destruction of the self, erasing the entire reality, imposing the concept of death to them, etc.
The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception could destroy the entire reality and impose the concept of death to them, but they were precisely made to be resistant to that kind of tampering.
Ultimately, it is jumper fiat if they can be destroyed by anything at all, because the setting is very clear on that particular.
Are there any jumps that would make it easier to make friends?
Not really sure why you're still talking about MEoDP. I'm saying that if you have a perk that says you can figure out a way to destroy/kill anything or just flat out kill/destroy anything, then you can. It might not be easy, it might be nigh impossible, but you can, no matter what the setting says. I'm not talking about powers from other settings, just about perks that get jumpchain fiat to support them working.
Dark Sun
There are any number of shapeshifting perks, user. Pick your favorite.
Show me that perk though. I understand what you're saying, and of course if a perk specifically tell that you can destroy an exaltation, well, you can.
I don't know. It was one made up to serve as an example for a general concept. It doesn't specifically need to say you can destroy an exaltation, if it says you could destroy anything that'd be just as valid. Perhaps Anathema from Smite might work? Anarchy in the Galaxy from NMH probably would too.
Commoragh, Franken Fran
Generic Magical Girl, Nanoha.
So, what are the big threats to look out for in Person of Interest? I believe I recall someone mentioning an evil supercomputer, but is there anything else?
> Not really relevant
Just making a God vs Primordial comparison and showing that even gods have some impressive feats to them.
>Just going to Exalted should make this a thing.
A decent way to do it, though Jumpmakers will have to cross that bridge when they get there.
>Perk Fiat trumps setting.
> The whole attitude that Exalted needs to be heavily nerfed has resulted in a jump that doesn't feel like you're even a Terrestrial Exalted, more like it has a mortal tone.
I personally feel that Perfects and Charms would lose a bit of their power outside Creation, where the Shinma and Motonic Phyics are local.
Perfects, should I ever gain them in my chain, would have the inbuilt flaw I used here because I'm running on Creation based physics and the rest of the world isn't but I have perks so I do get an awesome thing but it only works for the instant, as Persistent Perfects are BS, and I'd have to reactivate them each second I was 'holding off' the attack or 'pressing' the defense. Again though Just how I personally do things, nothing to do with you guys.
I think the user is talking about the equitable item in Disgaea called Horse Wiener which increases a range of stats.
It's a special item that you can only get by stealing from a very particular zombie whose been upgraded by a mad scientist.
The Zombie also has The Body of Hercules and Mahogany's Brain which are pretty decent equipages as well.
But you're comparing gods/primordials from entirely different settings? I just don't see how Greek Primordials are related to Autobot being a great crafter in the Exalted setting.
Not really? Unless they're going to say you somehow defy canon and exalt without that sort of soul, it seems like it only makes sense for your soul to gain those traits. Everyone in setting has them anyway. It'd be like going to Naruto, being able to use chakra, but not getting a chakra network.
I'm fine with perfects being nerfed (Though I think it's hardly justified given we have plenty of effects like that in the chain for purchase or in setting already). I was talking about the jump in general, such as perks and items, that really miss the feel of the jump.
And stop being so cautious. I don't need you to tell me that 'it's just how you do things' everytime you respond. I'm an adult, I can make simple assumptions like that.
I was thinking more standard befriending, since I feel like I'd need a little help in my attempts to save Asriel.
You can do a more fun version of that by jumping Minecraft then going into space in any jump.
I see your point, and it does set a strong precedent.
Ah, I see.
Not everyone is as such, we've actually had a really good run, nearly a hundred posts and little derailing from Jumps.
Didn't your name used to have an additional T in it?
I stand by my suggestions.
Generic Sugar Bowl, then.
Nope it is a purposeful misspelling of the word Gauntlet, of which was my first proposed Jump.
Okay, I'm building a GATE JSDF jump and I've recently bought the Guards and I payed the extra 100 to get eight.
I want you guys to choose what races my Guards are comprised of.
I don't remember this scene?
How strong do I need to be to help Kratos in his mission to fuck up the gods?
You need an elf in your party.
It's Madoka/Lyrical Nanoha crossover fanart.
Monte Carlo Rally
Kentucky Derby
Boston Marathon
Isle of Man TT
Le Mans
Deedlit and not!Drow Elf are OG qt elves. 10/10, would waifu.
can you Take Avatar of (Element) more than once?
does taking an origin grant access to the Passive skill tree?
Does Crafting orbs ever replenish or should I Get the Gem Mine For the long-term?
There's a perk in Endless legend that makes it impossible for anyone to attack you or your allies as long as you or your allies don't initiate a conflict.
Oh man. I didn't know I wanted this so badly until now.
Woo, finally got good wifi again. Dumpin' builds.
[Tentative Exalted: The Dragonblooded build]
Drawbacks: Political Enemy, Interesting, Found Egg, A Boon (1600)
Elemental Aspect: Fire
Rolled The Imperial City
Dynast: Mnemon
Educated: The Cloister of Wisdom (Free)
Legendary Breeding (1300)
Artificer (900)
Exalted Beauty (500)
The Emerald Circle (200)
Intrigue of the Realm (0)
Sunrise Coffee (+400) (200)
Dragon’s Cigars (0)
You know what Exalted is? It’s a goddamned minefield. Oh sure, everything’s MOSTLY quiet and safe-ish now but the powers-that-be are far from disarmed.
So I’ma to play this one subtle. Page of Void powers, don’t fail me now. PLEASE. To the public eye I’m the an eccentric, ditzy whatever the male equivalent of a bimbo is but also a hobbiest inventor, who also happens to be a coffee/cigar enthusiast but otherwise does nothing of value except give THE Mnemon some headaches over keeping me out of the public eye for PR purposes.
Observant eyes may note that my dilettante lyfe happens to involve immense study into First Age artifacts, the origin of sorcery and the martial arts.
Especially paranoid fate ninjas may notice I intend to conspire with the more reformist members of my family to take over the Guild in a coup, that my latest sorcerous research coincided with the appearance of massive serpents girding the Bordermarches in such as manner as to prevent the Rakasha entry to Creation, that I own the holdings to the company who mysterious lost a shipment of magical plants which promptly spread out of control but reduce the Shadowlands when growing over them, that the Perfect of Paragon’s latest line of magitech is mysteriously unable to be reverse engineered and that young, desperate solars keep vanishing into portals before the Wyld Hunt catches up to them.
…also. I wonder what happens if you substitute Sunlight Coffee into the Unseen University’s patented(?) recipe for pure sobriety?
Drawbacks: Chaotic Goddess, KND Continuity, Grim Tales, Shadows (1200)
Drop-In, age 35
Rolled The Underworld
Cartoon Logic (Mandatory)
Everyday I had to deal with… (Free)
I’m Your Worst Nightmare (1150)
I’m Not Above Cheating (1050)
Don’t Touch Me (900)
I Always Win (700)
You Little Tyrant! (400)
Sassy Cat Doll (Free)
Supernatural Possessions (200)
Canon(?) Character: Eris (0)
>everything is reversed
>everything is Bleedman
>Grim may have caused 9/11 while Mandy dindu nothin and is a put-upon cosmic punching bag
>somewhere out there are a bunch of kids I did some custom weapon contracts for aeons ago, probably struggling to survive in a world gone mad
…at least RURURS-obsessed Eris can understand why this is a strong contender for the worst of all possible worlds when we’re not trying to out rules lawyer each other.
Well his main problem is really getting from place to place so just having some teleportation/portal abilities alone would help lots.
Oh, and that was
[The Grim Adventure of Billy and Mandy]
because wifi comes and goes but captcha is forever butts
[Circle of Magic]
Drawback: Angry Spirits, Body Politics, Live at Discipline College (1500)
Merchant of Ninver, age (1450)
Born to the Copper (Free)
Bed of Moss (1350)
Plain Magic (1250)
Shatterglass (1050)
The Power in the Storm (750)
The Magic in the Weaving (150)
Mages Kit (Free)
A Fortune In Winds (0)
Oh yes, exile the global corporate conglomerate owning scion with contacts at every level of government and some people don’t even know exist over magical prejudice. Better yet, ANTAGONISE THE MAD ECONOMIC SCIENTIST. That sure was a smart move, family. Well I’ll show you. I’LL SHOW YOU ALL.
Step 1: Kick down the door to the spirit world and scream until I get a refund from the manager.
Step 2: Use financial contacts to boycott my own merchant house, while embarking on a hostile takeover of every other merchant house into the greatest financial force in the world.
Step 3: Unveil the Money Cannon I’ve been building in secret-a massive laser that will retroactively destroy my family’s financial success FOREVER.
Hopefully my teacher will understand that my campaign to become the Dark Lord of Dosh is more important than my magical education.
[Hive Queen Quest]
Drawbacks: Scavenger frenzy, Black tidings (1500)
Rolled Coral
Spin Doctor (Free)
Xeno-Anthropologist (Free)
Brute Forcing Science (1400)
We Can Copy Nature (1200)
Reverse Engineering Genius (900)
A thinker of your own (800)
Fatherly love (600)
The Flesh is Strong (0)
Chemical Synthesiser (Free)
"Ah yes, the Void Gods: The soul-eating monstrosities allegedly waiting outside realspace to feast upon mortal souls. We have dismissed that claim. Several updated starmaps prove that there is absolutely nothing-and has NEVER been-anything situated near the region of space they might have been trying to enter had they been real, and that mysterious rash of archival data errors throughout the galaxy surely goes to show that such superstitions have no substance to them.
The entity known as the Black Queen is clearly a delusional hyperpredator that should be exterminated before it breaks something imported. Attached please find a fabrications unit for unlimited Yen Xing Flames outfitted with Orgone/Black Hole Furnace engine systems and a miniaturised molecular disruptor sword-gun. The AI chip goes in this slot. You’re welcome, and don’t abuse them. You won’t like them when they’re abused
Totally not a good idea to go snooping around that region, though. Might run into a drone with an attached brainwash ray”
-Message received by almost all sentient lifeforms vaguely aware of the Black Queen’s existence, alongside a cache of blackbox technology. The first part of the message appears to have been excised in the case of civilisations not yet aware of the Void Gods.
I’m jumping blind, so I guess I’m just going to watch this Hive Queen do stuff and occasionally drop food near it to see what it does. That ought to break the monotony of turning a cosmic magnifying glass on large parts of the rest of the galaxy.
>random or average on check digits
Hmm. Having both played and GM'd In Nomine, the sheer randomness of the check digit system bugged me, but the lore/fluff indicates that it was (albeit really, really simplisticly) modeling of how Resonances interact with the Symphony. In my games I preferred to use a second check die for a 2d6 spread if the local Symphony was reasonably calm.
tldr, I'd put something in to the effect of "you can always try for a better result with your Resonance, but you always risk getting a worse result instead" and let jumpers fanwank from there. Fits the game since you always had just as much chance of a bad Intervention as a good one (and sheesh, for statistically what should be a 1 in 108 chance, they seemed to crop up a lot more than they should in my games - one of them must've bought that Luck perk, because it was mostly on the players' side too).
Drawbacks: The Restless Dead, A Missing Link, A Pale Moon, Sweet Blood (2000)
Solar Smith, age 15
Back to Basics (Free)
The Finer Things (Free)
With This Herring (1900)
The Sum of the Sun (1800)
The Blood Will Tell (1600)
Light Side of the Moon (1400)
Twice As Bright (1100)
They Who Hate Life (500)
Mysterious Wanderer Jumper (Free)
Lunar Blood (0)
A Forge (Free)
Smith’s Hammer (Free)
I thought about Taioyh (no hotblooded exclamation for me) but…I’ve been involved with the light of the sun before. It ended-well, not exactly badly but. It really put my priorities in perspective. I’m just not ready to be in so intimate a relationship with a reserve of solar energy, to say nothing of my…issues with the thematics.
Anyway. A long time ago when SoLanon told me about this setting I likened jumping it to being tricked by the Benefactor into crawling up my own ass and I’m not entirely sure that’s not the case here.
This doesn’t have to end in bloodshed. I have no ill will against the immortals or the Will of the Galaxy, but at the same time I’ve seen this exact conflict play out too many times to hold any optimism for yet another genocide to solve it. The issue is human evolutionary potential threatening immortal stasis. What if I were to create a localised subspace bounding the human settlements a la Avalon based on Webway construction principles, and bestow immortality on humanity? That way, they’ll be freed from the cycle of life and death, be able to expand in a region of space which won’t threaten the galaxy and have time to understand the folly of reproduction after they appreciate the nuances of immortal existence.
I’m going to resurrect Django as a gesture of good faith and proof of concept. Then I’m going to figure out how to defeat Hel in a dance battle to end this nightmare once and for all.
Prosperity, not War isn't it? Man, that's basically the best perk in jumpchain for non combat jumpers.
Disgaea is my next jump, yes. That said, I'm on break from jumpmaking for a little bit.
Maybe. Maybe not.
[In Nomine]
Drawback: Louis Cypher (1100)
Rolled Los Angelos
Divine, age immemorial (1000)
Angel: Seraph (900)
Symphonic Awareness (800)
Wordbound: Narrativium (500)
Vessel (Free)
Role: Librarian (450)
Flaming Sword (Free)
Holy Grail (300)
ChoirX8 (0)
-Elodie: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: DETERMINATION (0)
-Sunny: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: Stand
-Miyako: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: Enlightenment
-Brigid: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: Soulfire
-Anhel: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: Fold Wave
-Avacyn: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: Mystery (Nasuverse)
-Amane: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: Persona
-Daedalus: Divine, Angel: Bright Lilim (500), Flaming Sword (Free), Divine Intervention (400), Symphonic Awareness (300), Wordbound: Abnormality (Medaka Box)
Now, it may SEEM like this is an absolute betrayal of my principles brought on by long-repressed guilt and lack of self-confidence. HOWEVER, such a superficial analysis is EXACTLY the kind of impression I’m going to cultivate in my infernal enemies! FOR YOU SEE, I’m not just throwing empowerment at the wall and hoping for the best-I’m MANIPULATING humanity through their ALLEGED boons as a STRATAGEM against Hell!
While the rest of the gang goes forth and unleashes ANIME, I’ll be flashstepping through all of L-Space to cultivate narrative archetypes of humans overcoming malevolent supernatural forces in the name of stability, gradually encircling the world with a grand narrative that ends with the ultimate futility of Hell. With my Word and Talecrafting, I’ll be able to subtly mould the mortal world into utter rejection of Hell-while simultaneously exposing and cutting out the rot in Heaven.
Yep. It’s just a creative exploitation of local and alien metaphysics to secure one more victory for order against Chaos. With my skill, the return to Destiny will be inevitable. Man is but a fickle puppet who can’t afford to have his strings cut. Free will was a mistake we can't afford to current but can steer-
…yes Elodie, I suppose INCIDENTALLY humanity will have much greater leverage to self-determine its’ own place in the Symphony. That is a risk I’m willing to take when they can so clearly be-well, OF COURSE the keikaku's going to be fairly hands-off! That's just how sophisticated it is!
No, there’s nothing else to it.
I don't want to talk about this.
We’re not having this conversation.
Technically it "can be opened on any surface". Doesn't even have to be solid or flat. So, if you want to fanwank that your Benefactor's a swell ROB, go for it I guess?
Why are Exaltations so strong? Aren't they just shards of certain celestial's power? Why are Celestials so apparently powerful relative to everything else? Why are Primordials so weak compared to both, didn't they actually create both of them?
>magical plants which promptly spread out of control but reduce the Shadowlands when growing over them
Ooh. Are those plants from any jump in particular, and/or something your jumper cooked up?
Because Exalted is trash and needs to be destroyed.
Nice to see you live! What is in nomine?