How many kills in honourable combat is sufficient to be noticed by Khorne and turned into a Bloodletter...

How many kills in honourable combat is sufficient to be noticed by Khorne and turned into a Bloodletter? Or could I just murder a couple psykers and be granted an eternal warrior life serving him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally dependant on how Khorne feels at the time, who you're killing exactly, how much Warp-exposure you're drinking, how infamous/famous amongst Daemons and Chaos in general, and a bunch of other minor things.

That being said, turning into a Bloodletter would be rare as fuck. Most Chaos followers have to go through the whole "race to Daemonhood or else Spawn," thing.

Humans don't get turned into Bloodletters, user. Bloodletters are created by Khorne splitting off tiny fragments of his power into independent-but-subservient beings. The same goes for all the other forms of Khornate daemons, other than Daemon Princes, who are humans that sold their souls to him in exchange for daemonic power.

If you want to become a Daemon of Khorne, you need to become a Daemon Prince, and that's a lot more difficult than merely killing a couple psykers.


People don't get turned into daemons.

They'll pop out of them, they'll get possessed by them

You can still get superpowers from him by sacrificing and killing in his name and shit. But he's got a lot of people doing that so you gotta prove your worth.

But wasn't there a piece of lore that specifically mentioned that fierce warriors of old got the blessing of Khorne to turned into Bloodletters?
What if I went allahu khorne into one of the Astronomicon building? Would it be enough for him to n-notice me?


Khorne is not honourable and he cares not for it. He just wants you to kill anything in his name.

>But wasn't there a piece of lore that specifically mentioned that fierce warriors of old got the blessing of Khorne to turned into Bloodletters?

Wasn't there a piece of lore that "Here is my fanfiction"?

I would see him appreciating that.

The dying part might make it kind of rough to get blessings. If you are looking for him to hook you up with a rez then you need a lifetime of proven badassery or talk w/ your GM.

It's a genuine question dude, don't be so snarky.

These Lesser Daemons are deadly warriors believed to have been foremost amongst the Blood God's followers in mortal life and whose will is as implacable and blood-hungry as that of Khorne himself
Also don't get mad over something as trivial as fluff debate, christ
So what you're saying is I need to do multiple suicide bombing for Khorne to even give 1/3 of a shit about me
Cybernetics is cheap I guess

No, it's something disgusting newfags do all the time.

Let us continue.

Wasn't there a piece of old lore that specifically mentioned that the Emperor was a transvestite Polish midget named Sivtlana?

This is a fluff thread. I can get mad when I want if the OP is caught lying.


You do know that it mixes in headcanon with lore and it doesn't cite sources probably? It isn't a valid source. Bloodletters are fragments of Khorne with barely any sentience.

>disgusting newfags
You know how insecure newfags to 4chin will often call people names in order to prove they're cool and hip like all the other anons?
Fuck off

>disgusting newfags

/v/ plz leave

Which is why it's a debate, it's to point out what's wrong with my original argument by being helpful and not acting like a mad 12 years old
I swear you need to leave or change the notion that people on Veeky Forums screams at each other like they are high school drop outs


Usually all the people I hear about that Khorne loves are the guys who actually fight.

So you'd need the same body count as an explosion...but with a sword.

Ain't no easy mode to get a god's favor.

I am not trying to look cool and I am not referring to him being a newfag in a Veeky Forums sense. I am referring to him being a 40K newfag. The worst kind of 40K newfag. The one that uses the wiki AND does things like this

>Wasn't there a piece of old lore that specifically mentioned that the Orks are the descendants of chavs who made it to space?

What the flying fuck are you talking about?

Dude stop being a baby all you need to say is "Source"

Now are you going to calm down or are you going to continue having a temper tantrum over people misunderstanding 40k lore?

I will continue until you stop this behavior. You will not learn otherwise.This is not a debate. You are not debating. You want to be spoonfed the basics of the setting that are clear in the cosdexes. This kind of discussion drags actual discussion down and soils it. You are a cancer, sir.

>Wasn't there a piece of old lore that specifically mentioned that the Khorne had a Fiveway with Nurgle, Isha, the Emperor, and Slaanesh?

No, punishment needs to be handed out because this behavior has went on for too long. You enabling him means you support cancer. You are a monster.

That's literally your assumption, are you seriously expecting everyone into 40k is suppose to be full well aware of every tidbits of lore of every damn factions in the game?
I'm the OP and I asked a trivial fluff question regarding the Bloodletter, which I have recently took interest in, you answered it like a snarky asshole while remaining condescending over the supposed "newfags"
You acted like a child honestly
I don't see you contribute any sort of meaningful conversation to this fucking thread in anyway whatsoever, so far you've continued making an absolute nuisance of yourself while calling name like there's no tomorrow
I'm cancer? You mean I'm as disgusting as a terrible disease for simply wanting to make a fluff thread? Fucking wow, thanks for showing me what I truly am

This is what Veeky Forums have come to, can't even make a simple fluff thread that in no way fuck up anyone in anyway whatsoever only to have an obnoxious user to call me cancer
If I wanted this kind of middle school interaction then I'll go on /b/ and let 12 year olds said they fucked my mom

Your mind is trivial and inane. The origin of the Bloodletters and what they are is in the codexes. This is not some lore buried by years,. This is the most basic stuff there is. Instead of reading up on it from the codex or a semi-proper wiki like the Lex, you can here to be spoonfed.

Worse of all you tried to push your headcanon about them being mortal warriors as if it was actual lore through your question. You are indeed cancer.

Do your job by curbstomping cancerous newfags. Those who want to be spoonfed and spread their fanfiction as if it's lore.

I mean fuck. None of you disputed his claim about Khorne respecting honorable kills and you meekly address that bloodletters are not mortal warriors reborn. You are enabling them. STOP

>this behavior

O-oh, you're a /v/ermin.

I'm sorry for feeding you so much, troll. I'm done talking with you.

I hope you starve.

Hey, dude calm the fuck down. All you are doing is feeding the fucking troll. Ignore, report, hide the comment, just stop feeding the troll and it will go back to /v/.

>Cancer is the new meme
Kill yourself, honestly

>Khorne is the most powerful of the Chaos gods, a figure of titanic power who is worshipped by the mad and the violent across the world. Where Nurgle is jovial, Khorne is furious. Where Slaanesh beguiles, Khorne demands. Where Tzeentch schemes, Khorne slaughters. Khorne is known as the Blood God, for that is what he craves above all things, the shedding of blood, the reaping of skulls and the violent acts of war. He is the lord of murder and his bellows of rage echo throughout the eternities. He welcomes all who will worship him, just as long as they are willing to slaughter in his name.

>Khorne’s warrior code is simple: he demands that his worshippers fight, as much and as violently as possible. He has no time for magic and trickery and he cares little for the cunning gambits or ruses favoured by the desperate or cowardly. His disdain for such petty tactics does not stem from honour, however, for Khorne has none. He is simply rage made manifest.

>A true devotee of Khorne will stride fearless into the fray, praising his barbaric name with every axe stroke and sword thrust. The shield wall is Khorne’s church, the ringing of blades his hymns of devotion. Whenever battle grips the world, Khorne’s power swells within the Realm of Chaos, and so it is that he remains the greatest of the dark gods – for there ever have been, and ever will be, lunatics and murderers willing to offer him devotion.

>It is a curious thing that while Khorne blesses his servants openly, he is loath to intervene to save them. Supplicants of other, weaker deities might pray in vain for deliverance or mercy. Not so the devotees of Khorne, who know full well that the Blood God cares not for their lives. Blood must flow – he demands it. Whose blood feeds those endless rivers is of no consequence. He accepts all such libations offered in battle, no matter the source.

-Codex Apocrhya (of 40K Codex Daemonkin and End Times Archaon).

And post actual lore instead of wikis.

I mean, I saw the pattern already but it's pretty maddening seeing some fucktard derail your entire thread for no reason
Thanks, actual good read for once

>Someone called me out.
>Some disagrees with me!
>He must be a troll!

Like I said. Cancer.

By the way, announcing reports is against the rules.

He didn't derail shit.

You responded to him.

You took the bait.

You got trolled.

Ignore the troll and it goes back to /v/.


The other guy is the fucktard for not knowing the basics. Stop enabling newfag behavior. It's because of guys like you that people think Khorne is honorable in 40K and fantasy.

Not that user but :

The Bloodletters form the core of the vast legions of the Lord of Battle. Believed to have been foremost amongst the Blood God's followers in mortal life, their will is as implacable and blood-hungry as Khorne himself. Festooned with rippling muscles, knotted sinews and driven by an unparallel killing instinct, Bloodletters are fearsome opponents.

This plastic box set contains 10 complete miniatures. These finely detailed plastic kits contain a host of extra parts and accessories, enabling you to assemble your Bloodletters in a large variety of ways. Includes ten Citadel 32mm Round bases.

>Believed to have been foremost amongst the Blood God's followers in mortal life

Now here's the catch :


Like all things in WH and WH40K, nothing is 100% proven, well-understood facts.
The bloodletters might very well be former khornate cultists... or this might just be a rumor meant to motivate said cultists to act to make Khorne proud while, in fact, their skulls are just pilled up with the others near his throne.

I am contributing member of the board. Please continue. Let see your retardation and have fun addressing it.

What next? Will someone mention some old lore about Eldar laying eggs or Half-Tau?

Open your codex and read what does it say with certains terms.

>Like all things in WH and WH40K, nothing is 100% proven, well-understood facts.

False. Plenty of it is understood fact.

Be right back. Let see you stew a while.

>Plenty of it is understood facts
The sole existence of the Guard's Primer is enough to disprove that you're wrong, facts and knowledge in the Imperium and other factions are probably highly edited and hidden to further their own agenda

I gave you a source and the relevant quote to be helpful here.
If you just want to be pedantic, I'm not gonna debate.

Also, I don't have the chaos codex and don't want to waste time searching for a free copy.
Not when a 30 seconds google search gives the official answer of GW to OP's question.

Post the codex or sod off.

>Complained about troll derailing thread
>Still keep feeding

Y-y-yeah well your an idiot and have autism! Haha yeah i bet you kiss girls you faggot! Youre are an idiot and i bet your are and idiot as swell

I will wait foer that to get thru your THICKCKSCKULL becus ur and idiot as well, so i kno ur reply will be a dumdum one

You have been OUTSMARTED BY Master Autismo

>not understanding that there are many posters on that thread.

Nope. The "it's all propaganda" perception of lore is a misunderstanding between the writers and fans. It's simply a system in place so they can claim things that are contradicted by new fluff are non-canon.

You aren't actually so stupid that you actually think 40k books all exist in universe, are you?

And back.

Thank you, my comrade, for educating these newfag scum.

Plaguebearers are made from the soul of mortals so I could see Khorne doing something similar. Not sure if you'd be even close to the same person afterwards though.

>I gave you a source and the relevant quote to be helpful here.

No, you didn't. As an Oldfag you suppose to have a codex next you in times like these. You, mofo, went with "believed" instead of what codex says in certain terms about the Bloodletters. This is why you are cancer like the OP.

I am gonna dumb Khorne stuff. Be prepared. Someone has to be informative and useful around here.

You're literally changing the subject to whether or not most of the established facts in 40k is canon or just imperial propaganda while the main question here is whether or not the Bloodletters stemmed from human worshippers or not

No I'm not. I'm a new poster who came in to stamp down any bullshit notion of "hur dur it's all propaganda" nonsense.

No, he didn't. He answered your retardation.

Or you could post an image of the codex's relevant passage, so nobody would question your wisdom.

Then shit sorry, lots of bullshit going on in this thread right now
Are you the head of 's fan club?

Now with the second image, my job is done in this thread. I leave now to lurk once more, and strike again upon 40k canon misinterpretation.


>A teeming mass of gore-slick Bloodletters, the Vengeful Host formed the heart of the Daemontide. Every last Daemon in this fell company was born from the Blood God’s thirst for revenge upon Logan Grimnar. They were birthed from the raw stuff of the Warp with his name already burning upon their lips. When the Bloodletters spoke, it was ever to proclaim their hatred of the Great Wolf and brag to their fellows of how they would be the one to claim his skull. They hungered only for Grimnar’s soul, thirsted only for his blood, though they would slaughter any who stood between them and their chosen prey. When the veil tore asunder above Scrap Peak and their chance was presented at last, the Vengeful Host charged screaming into the fray with every fibre of their unnatural forms straining to reach and butcher the Space Wolves’ lord.

-Hour of the Wolf

Or better quotes bout the birth of daemons. Bloodletters born directly from Khorne rage

Everyone ITT thread should kill themselves.

The autistic wanna be oldfag especially, but everyone feeding him is just as bad.
Report shitposters and move on.
It's like Carnac has taught you nothing, and speaking of this thread makes me yearn for his well intentioned brick wall autism.

But user, you just killed yourself.


>Writting a text as if proof of something
>Not giving link or image
>On the Internet

You are quoting codex or books
As I said, I don't have the codex. And I don't have whatever book "the Vengeful Host" is.
So the least you can do is to post an image of the part you are rambling about.

>Khurnac’s rage is unimaginable, and it grows every year. From sunrise until nightfall it rages and thrashes at its chain, and as it tries to break free, other daemons pour from its bath of blood, born of its rage.

-From "Hammers of Sigmar"

Another quote about the birth of Bloodletters. This time they born from the impotent rage of punished Bloodthirster which a much larger shard of Khorne in essence.

I fail to see how this completely negate my original question and the codex information provided Granted, Bloodletters are mainly spawned from the warp itself but aren't there many examples of daemons being borned from other method aside from just crawling out of warp energies?
Says daemons are Chaos spawns and Daemon Prince, all of which have stemmed from mortal being ascended into daemon-hood?

>inb4 Ur a cancer newfag
Nobody is feeding him, relax

I gave you the quote and the name of the book. I will gladly but you must admit that you are cancer.

Chaos spawn are mutated mortals and Daemon Prince are ascended mortals who finished their journey upon the Path of Glory and gained the ultimate reward.

The fact that you thought Chaos Spawn were daemonic means I am right in calling you cancer.

Get out chicken, nobody likes you.

Exactly what is your fascination with cancer and the condescending attitude?
Is this how you function in real life? Just calling people cancer and act like an ass simply because they don't know something? Do you call your child a cancerous piece of shit and that he should go kill himself since he couldn't add 1 and 1 together?
You're not trolling, you're not outsmarting anyone, you're just acting like an ass simply because you can.
Fuck off

Come back in about 5 hours time. Vast majority of people on ATM will be NEETs or school kids on their summer break

It'll be like 12pm over here, I gotta get up early for work lol

Spare the rod, spoil the newfag.

Here is the page from the book "Hour of the Wolf". It's in the download link in the 40K general pastin.

Out of intellectual curiosity, I googled "The Vengeful Host Warhammer". No book title went up.
I searched it on GW website. Nothing.
I searched it on the black library too. Nothing.

So, unless you got the right title, no, you didn't gave me anything.
I did found previous Veeky Forums thread with the exact quote you gave, minus the title, though. So there's that... but it still doesn't give me the source.

>spare the rod
You're not teaching anyone nor being helpful, stop trying to paint yourself as some selfless lore head that contribute to this thread

Ok, I posted too fast and stand corrected.

Have you tried searching "Hour of the Wolf", idiota.

If the text is green it means it's quoted from a book. The Vengeful Host is the title of paragraph from the book. Good you are dumb.

It would be Khorne Ackbar



I did, and here are the 3 top searches for your supposed source:

Exactly why is the quote coming from a book mainly revolve around the conflict of the Space Wolves and Orkz?
Don't speak dindu, sorry


>Exactly why is the quote coming from a book mainly revolve around the conflict of the Space Wolves and Orkz?

The classic 40K trope of the Orks being the warm up for the real enemy.

I am the helpful though wrathful loremaster of this board and I judge you deserving of the lash for being the manifestation of cancer.

>I am the helpful though wrathful loremaster of this board and I judge you deserving of the lash for being the manifestation of cancer.

You sounds like a sociopath, unless you're just trolling to get a reaction out from me then I suggest you hit up a psychologist because no one in their right mind think so highly of themselves while acting like an absolute ass

>The stunning conclusion to the Sanctus Reach Campaign, Hour of the Wolf takes the war into a new and deadly phase as Logan Grimnar and Ragnar Blackmane lead their Great Companies into the teeming hordes of the Red Waaagh!

Hour of the Wolf is a 112 page Warhammer 40,000 Campaign Supplement that follows the epic conclusion to the Sanctus Reach war that started in the Sanctus Reach: Red Waaagh!. Inside you will find the glorious tale of conflict, carnage and bloodshed that follows the bitter war for Alaric Prime, a complete campaign that will take you from the Space Wolves heroic arrival to the battle’s cataclysmic finale, and a host of new formations for both Space Wolves and Orks including a collection of exciting Planetstrike missions.

Unless they plan to have the Orkz died off after 30 pages in then I have no reason to believe why the main titular force got replaced by Chaos in a measly 112-pages long book

Now that we established that Bloodletters are born directly Khorne's rage and do not have mortal origins like the Plaguebearers, we can move on to exceptions that prove the rule.


>The first Daemon to burst through the rift above Scrap Peak was the Herald known as Slaughterborn, an entity spawned from the deeds of an especially murderous assassin. Known to some as the Brazen Blade, this deranged killer hired his services to cult leaders and demagogues throughout the Lonereach System, his only price being the skulls of those he slew. The Brazen Blade dedicated each act of murder to the Blood God, creeping close to his victims through subtlety and silence before butchering them in shockingly violent ways. With each mark slain, his skull shrine grew until, in a final act of blind dedication, the Brazen Blade plunged his daggers into his own throat, bathing the shrine in blood. That very moment, Slaughterborn howled into being in the Warp. The maddened horror was spawned from the life force of not only the Brazen Blade, but of his many victims. These conflicting spirits filled Slaughterborn with a directionless loathing, and a desperate need for violence that could never be sated. So it was that the Herald swiftly butchered his way to lordship over his murderous peers, and claimed a mighty Skull Throne for his own. As the brazen bridge shuddered into being above Scrap Peak, Slaughterborn’s daemonic carriage burst from the Warp at the very head of the Khornate host, its master intent on the deaths of every mortal below.

So to answer OP's question. You don't need no Honorable kills. Khorne cares not where the blood flows from. Only that you kill. Only through rare ritual and the whim of Khorne your life essence might transform into a daemon. It won't be you. It's will be born of your rage and drives though. Colored by your personality and the acts . That's the difference between this and the ultimate gift of Daemonic princedom.

>Unless they plan to have the Orkz died off after 30 pages in then I have no reason to believe why the main titular force got replaced by Chaos in a measly 112-pages long book

The presence of Khorne was hinted in the first book via the prophecy, and in the second book in the half part of the narrative, Orks denote a stolen Warp missile that shatters the walls of reality and allows the daemons to surge forth slaughtering the Orks and replacing them as the foes of the Wolves.

They don't announce that in the book description because it's suppose to be a shocker.

Hum... to avoid confusion here :
This is me.

And this is not.

Now, back to the topic :

On one hand from a book staring the space wolves that says bloodletters are born out of Khorne's rage

On another hand, a quote from another book staring the Empire.

On a third hand (chaos, yeah !!), we got a quote from the website of GW.

Anyone got another source ?

Because if we go by , then we have to either :
A) take the most recent (the website) since it overwrite previous fluff
B) discard the black library since "they don't actually exist"

If we go by the unreliable narrator rule, then bloodletters can be both former mortals and/or rage made manifest.
Which solves the problem of OP : up to the GM, with the ultimate explanation that chaos gods are fickle and there's few rules they cannot choose to bend or ignore.
A follower dedicates his whole life to them and accomplish great feat ? He can still end up a chaos spawn or even just a screaming soul feasted upon by warp beasts.
A mere mortal did nothing but utter a single pray ? The gods may make him a deamon prince if they feel like it, though it's rare.

That's basically an answer that doesn't answer anything, I still think it's pretty correct regarding all the mumbo jumbo sources that have been given tho
So to sum it up, you roll a dice to decide whether or not you attain daemon hood, thanks for the answer dude

>implying that's not a GW quote

Don't be a massive cuck. Everyone knows Bloodletters are made of mortals.

>On a third hand (chaos, yeah !!), we got a quote from the website of GW.

The GW quote says the in-verse guys believe that Bloodletters were mortal warriors transformed.

The out-verse perspective from codexes, novels, and CBs says they are born directly from Khorne.

Ergo, actual facts say they are born od Khorne.

>B) discard the black library since "they don't actually exist"

There is no such thing as unreliable narrator unless it's an in-verse source.

And are you trolling Black Library?

Now you see why Newfags are cancer? They invent rules as they go regardless of reality.



Everyone knows that according to the actual lore from the books that Bloodletters are born from Khorne's rage.

The belief of Bloodletters being mortals is an in-verse belief by the ignorant inhabitants of the setting. Eat a dick.

Nonsense. Find one mention of them being born from "khorne's rage" from the current books instead of mortal soulslurry in the Blood Pits or something. GW has added the fluff years ago.

Already did in this very thread.

All quotes about the mass birth of Bloodletters within these thread has them being born from Khorne's rage.

Found the cancer in the thread

No. Post quote and page number from current codex.

I hate to break it to you, but he's right.

Humans can only become three kinds of Daemon: A Possessed, a Daemon Prison, or a Chaos Spawn. Bloodletters and so on were never human.

The novels make it pretty clear. Abnett, McNeil, Ben Counter and ADB all established Daemons were never human. They're splinters of the Warp created from their patron gods.



Campaign books are equal as codexes.

Well find one quote from them, in books that have been published since the 6e Daemon book, that says all daemons are splinters of the warp created from the Chaos Gods and definitely not mortals. There isn't any. And if there was I could immediately point out how the current Daemon codex mentions even a nurgling that used to be a mortal. Not plaguebearer, a nurgling.

But that's exactly my point : from a in-verse perspective, why couldn't it be both ?

OP is asking how many dudes his character has to kill to become a bloodletter.
The answer is "a lot... and it might not work" because it might VERY MUCH not work.
For hillarity's sake, the GM could even decide that the slaughter makes a bloodletter appears and attack all living person around, including OP's character.

>ITT Thread

Care to share ?

>It's like Carnac has taught you nothing, and speaking of this thread makes me yearn for his well intentioned brick wall autism.
...You honestly can't tell?

He's also in this year's Daemonic Incursion edition of the codex, in Nurgle artefacts section.


Nah man, he wants warriors, not suicide bombers or bomb-dropping pilots. You go wash those hands with blood or you going nowhere.

True. Khorne does not give a fuck. As long as you kill in his name and without magic he's fine with it.
The whole honor thing is as much of a false flag as Nurgel being nice, Slaanesh about love and Tzeentch about progress.

Yeah Nurgel likes to makes mortals into demons. The other three not so much, I think.

This further reconfirm that Papa Nurgle is the best Chaos god with no bad qualities
Join us and you might get to be a Nurgling too OP

Actually, there was a mortal who used the heart of Kairos Fateweaver to transform himself into an immortal daemon of Tzeentch. Tzeentch commended the mortal for his genius. However, since Tzeentch hates cheaters, Tzeentch sentenced the newly made daemon to 99 eternities of torment. After the sentence is done, he can enjoy his daemonhood.

Which is basically playing hard to get, while went through such efforts when you can just easily pick up Nurgle plague and then be reborned as a forever happy lesser Daemon? Hell, you can probably make it big after awhile if Papa paid special attention to you