Humanity fuck you. Post people being killed.
Humanity fuck you. Post people being killed
Just as gay as Humanity Fuck Yeah.
Just tuck your gaydom into the dirt, and let it rest forever.
HFY had some really awesome stories dude, don't just blanket it.
It had it's run and then it went to shit, that's how that internet popularity shit works.
It was always retarded
>hurr we are da best cuz muh adaptability
>just like any creature in fucking existence
No, no it didn't.
It started with shit, and it got shittier.
Which, while impressive, is hardly something to be proud of.
The best way to try and foster pride in humanity is probably to go ahead and try and get people to forget HFY ever existed.
>hurr we are da best cuz muh adaptability
Wow you didn't read any HFY did you?
I'm starting to think you are a troll.
/v/ plz leave.
>blanket statements
>no actual facts or evidence
>just trash talk
/v/ plz leave
>find random thread
>try to contribute
>everyone else just shits it up
That is one shitty picture.
Would've been maybe least shitty if it didn't look like it's good at the first glance, and then you see dozens of things that are wrong with it.
>HFY had some really awesome stories dude, don't just blanket it.
Do you mean proper books where humans win despite various odds, or the shit that surfaces on Veeky Forums from time to time and is dubbed "great" just because it fits the narrative?
The style is rather bad, but apart from that, what's so shit about it?
I'm pretty sure the dude on the right was armed with a broom.
I am pretty sure there are like 3 other versions of this exact picture
I was mostly talking about style, but
Thr Banshees look retarded and not Eldar like, especialy the one without a helmet
The Space Marine is too small, lacks his back pack, and, as other anoj said, his hammer looks like a broom stick.
It took me like 20 seconds to figure out the walker on the left is a Penitent Engine.
And who the fuck is the screaming guy with green pants?
user I think those were meant to be adeptus arbites also I understand living conditions in the imperium are shit but I dont think building towers out of bars would be the way to go
>The Space Marine is too small, lacks his back pack, and, as other anoj said, his hammer looks like a broom stick.
That's not a space marine, it's an inquisitor.
They probably had it coming.
>It took me like 20 seconds to figure out the walker on the left is a Penitent Engine.
Yeah, because inquisition.
>And who the fuck is the screaming guy with green pants?
Probably a combat cyborg, but it could be a techpriest or some kind of macro-flaggelant.
I don't think that's a space marine. I think it's meant to be some kind of power armoured Inquisitor. Like they whitewashed that dude from DoW 1
>Thr Banshees look retarded and not Eldar like, especialy the one without a helmet
They are taller than humans, as befit eldars. They are slender and have pointy ears.
What is "uneldar" ?
>The Space Marine an inquisitor in custom power armor
>It took me like 20 seconds to figure out the walker on the left is a Penitent Engine.
Shows how much they wrecked it.
>And who the fuck is the screaming guy with green pants?
Acolyte ? Sanction psyker ? Guardman with bionics ? Who cares, he is just a (soon to be) dead monkeigh !!
Power hammer... but you are right and I chuckled.
Lamentors are the best chapter.
OP just wants a /b/ rekt thread. He is too elf/gay to say it.
>there is a difference
I could say both but it would be too offensive towards gay people.
Best at squandering invaluable Imperium resources maybe.
Humanity is always the least interesting part of any setting with aliens
I disagree. In 40k for example I find the Imperium's Byzantine bureacracy and politics to be the settings most compelling aspect.
I feel like this is some fetish thing.
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d6)
If that kid has 5+ armor first, and that Tau has 4+ armor second, I wonder who survives, if any?
These sort of threads usually are
I agree
Well, no shit. You're a human.
I want to fuck aliens
is that HFY or just a fetish?
So I think I am running out of pics. I kind of think OP just wanted snuff pics but I dont really keep those.
>Feeling any pity for a non-Eldar
Yeah, no. I honestly find it pretty funny how the race that was dumb enough to orgy Slaanesh into existence can still look down their noses at "lesser" species as much as the fucking Eldar do.
>hurr we are da best cuz muh adaptability
>just like any creature in fucking existence
Actually no, we're not. Unlike run of the mill animals, humans are purposefully able to manipulate chances of their own survival, even on the genetic level with necessary tech. We're the only species in history that has caused a mass extinction a global scale by merely existing.
Humans are special not just because of our adaptability, but the fact that our existence constantly fucks up the prior order of the world and kills it.
Now time to post humanity blowing the fuck out of everything.
The universe will only be good and decent when mankind has killed everything that is not mankind.
That Ork appears to be in a tau battlesuit
I love all the ig combat blades sticking out offor him. Really drives home how fucked you would be.
Who the fuck sends Catachans to fight in the snow
A clerical error probably
>The Vahellens were sent to some jungle planet
This sounds like the perfect anti HFY talking about the clerical errors of humanitys stupidity
That's heresy, user.
W40k is the antithesis of HFY. It's basically Clerical Error: The Setting. All those cool battles we read about in Codices are an exception, not the rule.