When's it gonna pop?
When's it gonna pop?
I didnt know Garrison played Magic
Come talk to me when they're as greedy as this
Isn't the price of mtg cards largely so high because the rosenberg buy all the cards and lock them in a vault to artificially inflate them?
A better question is, how do we make a TCG market that's naturally thicc?
It's made me so happy to see Games Workshop knocked from first place of sales of minis. I hope Star Wars continues to eat into its sales.
>Hundreds of dollars for a piece of card
>Not worse than GW
WotC aren't charging hundreds of dollars for the cards, though. That's resellers.
That's the issue senpai.
The reason they are hundreds is due to how they aren't reprinting cards. I bet if Wizards reprinted the dual lands @ common the prices will drop like a rock. Not to mention whenever they do reprint stuff, they usually make the most valuable things rare so the most wanted things are given the least.
It's not even that contested, people would be content with lower value of cards to have more people playing the formats.
Even power 9 isn't a good argument, I bet that the prices for a Black lotus won't even budge if they made it Widely available. People want ABU P9s not for competitive value but for collective purposes, but others would want them to just play the game.
Gonna pop?
MTG is the classic card game.
It's what Star Wars is to scifi, it's what D&D is to RPG's, it's what pokémon is to 90ies nostalgia, it's what Coke is to soda...
You'll always people who swear by the classic brand. It'll never pop, because there will always be a sufficient demand.
He plays dredge.
>common the prices will drop like a rock
yes and no.
We'll assume they have new art, old ones will sky rocket and the new ones will, indeed, be cheap as fuck but not #swag.
>I hope Star Wars continues to eat into its sales.
Hope won't save SW, it's already dead you just don't know it yet.
classic brands... we really need to knock them down a notch.
citation needed
A better comparison is say picking up 400 lands for $20 vs. $200 for a single niche model from GW.
>knock them down a notch
Heh, good luck kid!
The difference is that MtG prices are high because people find their product so desirable and scarce that they are willing to pay far more than MSRP for the product second hand. GW on the other hand just charges exorbinate prices because it knows the few players it has are so committed that they will pay nearly anything for new product.
Old magic cards are rare and desirable to a lot of people. WH players are just that desperate.
The problem is:
>This is about 20% of my army and gives me hours upon hours of enjoyment painting and modeling since it's HUGE it has HUGE abilities
>I pick up an underground sea for 200 bucks
>this is 1.3% of my deck and I need 3 more to finish a chunk of the manabase which isn't even a particularly fun or entertaining gameplay element.
It was attempted. People hardly noticed.
that's not thicc, that's not even good fat art
If Magic the Gathering Card Prices maintains an equal distribution of weight while resting on Economic Reality there's very little chance of it popping any time soon.
What does this image have to do with this post?
Also, I hate this card because I want it so badly to be good. Would it really be that broken if it weren't for the "you can't play lands" bit? I mean, obviously they're worried about burn, but they could have made it "sac a land, draw a card" instead to negate that. And honestly, how many 4 mana enchantments does RW run in the first place?
What does this image have to do with this post?
Also, I hate this card because I want it so badly to be good. Would it really be that broken if it weren't for the "you can't play lands" bit? I mean, obviously they're worried about burn, but they could have made it "sac a land, draw a card" instead to negate that. And honestly, how many 4 mana enchantments does RDW run in the first place?
your problem is:
The two are not mutually exclusive.
>This is about 30% of my army and gives me hours upon hours of enjoyment painting and modeling since it's HUGE it has HUGE abilities
>I pick up an underground sea for 200 bucks
>this is 1.3% of my deck and I need 3 more to finish a chunk of the manabase which isn't even a particularly fun or entertaining gameplay element.
You put it better cunt.
but nobody buys dual lands for their kitchen table edh decks, they spend less money on their stupid Rasputin Dreamweaver combo deck and then have hours upon hours of fun tweaking and playing it
Are you challenging me to a Thicc-off?
>not painting and modelling your cards
>which isn't even a particularly fun or entertaining gameplay element.
this is what really bugs me about it all, to be honest
Why are LANDS the expensive shit? I mean, I know literally why, because of how the mechanics of the game prioritize efficient access to mana. But for fuck's sakes, if SOMETHING had to be expensive, why couldn't it be things worth interacting with?
look you fucking retard
>I buy the big orc for 40 dorra
>I have fun playing with my new toy
>I buy a new commander deck or tweak my existing one for 40 dorra
>I have fun playing with my new toy
>I spend 200 dorra on an underground sea
>this completes my legacy deck which I've already spent 750 on
>I wait 2 months for the next GP
>I enter into it (another 50 dollars)
>I get eliminated 3 rounds in by a kid who smells like ham playin a deck designed to beat mine
>I have not had fun playing with toys
>>I spend 200 dorra on an underground sea
>>this completes my legacy deck which I've already spent 750 on
And invalid because you need x2-3 min duals for 2 color decks prompting it to 600+ on manabase (3 MIND YOU A MANABASE IS 19+ LANDS ON AVERAGE.) alone, fuck off you goddamn RETARD.
If trends continue, MTG will lose more market share to games like Hearthstone and to other video games in general. Especially mobile games.
Counterfeit cards are getting better and better each day. They are popping up everywhere and becoming more widely circulated. Despite what they'll have you believe, WOTC can't really do much about the issue. Their little holographic security feature is a joke.
Finally, the WOTC reprint policy ensures that demand will always exceed supply. I think they need to experience a severe, negative reaction to their products before anything changes. Only the loss of demand will change their minds.
>implying lands are not worth interacting with
Modern baby detected.
>If trends continue, MTG will lose more market share to games like Hearthstone and to other video games in general. Especially mobile games.
Nope. Totally different target audience. No one who willingly plays heathstone or other mobile games will switch to mtg because they prefer to do some boring bullshit while they poop than to play an actual cardboard based game, thus impact wizard's market share very little.
Lands aree barely an interesting thing you fedora tipping dickwad.
Except shit like lands, but even then your fun lands are cheaper than your "I need mana" lands. Except pendrell.
>what is MTGO
As expected of a memedernette that wants to be a superior eternal player.
>implying that's a thing of any merit
Nope it isn't. It's pretty bad in general, maybe if they reformat it, but as it stands, it's not really competitive. It's just a jank simulator.
in legacy. you need that in legacy. the only people that play legacy are tryhards, like you. the games only expensive if your a tryhard faggot. if you just want to have fun you can play for cheap. I hope this is simple enough for you to understand.
Honestly one of the reasons why heathstone is objectively better than mtg, no "land" bullshit to fuck around with.
it's also the reason hearthstone is fucking casual
sup memedern retard.
>Lands aree barely an interesting thing you fedora tipping dickwad.
Okay, that more or less makes sense.
>Except shit like lands
>but even then your fun lands are cheaper than your "I need mana" lands
Hold on, so lands are barely interesting, except when they are, but that doesn't count for some arbitrary reason?
>Except pendrell
I think you mean Tabernacle at Pendrell Veil, which admitedly you're using as an exception, when, as an assumed eternal player, you know a fuckload of useful expensive lands that are staples of certain decks, like Mishra's Workshop. I think you have a case of the self-entitled durrs, you barely literate cretin. Go read a book during your summer vacation.
>implying I play modern
>implying I don't run land destruction in EDH
Pic related is my dude, faggot, so chill out. I don't play modern because I don't want to shell out tons of money on lands. Land destruction is either 3 mana for Stone Rain or 4 mana for Armageddon, which means it's usually much too slow for constructed formats. Do people actually play Armageddon in Legacy/Vintage? As far as I'm aware, they don't, so I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here.
Are you both just calling each other modern players now? That's kind of pathetic.
>>Except shit like lands
>I me not know deck lands, me am modern player very tiny dick, no brain.
And confirmed memedern retard.
I don't even play modern, I'm casual. You are just trying to be loud and cause a fracas, you live a sad life and I condemn you to obscurity. Good bye forever.
Not that dude but I think he is talking about the legacy deck "lands"
And something lower than memedernettes rears it's ugly neckbeard in
>I'm casual
Why not just put a tripcode so ignoring you retarded as fuck """"Opinion"""" is easier?
Nah, that's because most of the viable builds are either control or burn types and the low range of variety in card types outside of those.
>Hold on, so lands are barely interesting, except when they are, but that doesn't count for some arbitrary reason?
I think he means that "lands that are interesting to play are cheap enough to not really be a problem." Since when we talk about expensive lands we're probably talking about duals, I think that seems reasonable enough.
It seems kind of ironic to call a casual format "neckbeard."
I'd like to play constructed, but the price of playing any of the formats is just ridiculous to me, especially because I like playing different decks every once in a while. For now, drafting/cubing is my favorite format, and I use it to sate my thirst for one-on-one-20-life magic.
I was making fun of you for having the literacy of a child, by using ambiguity as the crux of your argument. But, you'd much rather be an obnoxious cunt about it because you base your self-worth on arbitrary projections about the hobbies you think people have on the internet.
Is everything alright at home? You seem awfully frustrated about something.
get a room already
>It'll never pop, because there will always be a sufficient demand
What deck runs this?
>Why are LANDS the expensive shit?
Because every fucking deck wants lands regardless of what that deck's plan is. Meanwhile any card you'd play with those lands is inherently less sought-after because only a portion of the decks that can play it, want to.
I want to fuck those Magic the Gathering Card Prices.
That image is fucking disgusting.
The card he posted was designed by Markus "Notch" Persson, the guy known for making Minecraft. The person he is responding to said "we need to knock them down a notch" and he posted a card made by "Notch." It was a shitty joke in that it takes too long to figure out and only kind of makes sense, also the punchline isn't funny.
>objectively better
Wake me up when your TCG adds trading and a single market we can talk. Hearthstone is objectively better than MTG in the same sense that Overwatch is objectively better than MTG; in other words they are completely unrelated forms of entertainment.
>needs le ebin trades jewry to make a card game good
Go back to playing with your foil charizards, old man!
When they come out with a new format somewhere between modern and standard that gets extremely popular and then even 2 year old mythics are staying at $40.
>having loads of fun getting shitcanned every Thursday at FLGS.
shit taste desu fampai