Have you ever openly based a character on an established character from a novel, film, etc? How long did it take the rest of the group to catch on?
plz no animu
Have you ever openly based a character on an established character from a novel, film, etc? How long did it take the rest of the group to catch on?
plz no animu
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The BBEG and his destiny was a blatant clone of Euron Greyjoy if every poorquentyn prediction about The Winds of Winter came true. So, it was sort of basing a character on someone else's character that hasn't actually been written yet, only speculated about by fans.
However the party never met him (they weren't meant to) and the situation was resolved without the party's intervention.
They never caught on because they've only seen the television series and the show fucked Euron up to an insane degree.
I once infuriated a GM by making a Druid done in the style of Johnathan Strange and Mr Norell.
He had all of the druid class abilities and powers. But he didn't act like a dirty treehugger who lived in the woods. He dressed and acted like a old timey british gentleman with an eccentric streak who happened to have the secrets for calling upon the forces of nature by well researched ancient contracts.
He didn't wear metal armor because is was damned uncomfortable and he was no soldier, not to disparage that honorable profession. He didn't wield metal weapons because truth be told they are rather ghastly, aren't they? All that cutting and getting blood everywhere. A gentleman should aspire to a cleaner standard of warfare, given the unique opportunity to pursue such a task. Like sleeping spells, or binding your enemy with vines. Or intimidating them into standing down via an army of spiders. Fascinating creatures, spiders, did you know...
The GM was absolutely livid because he insisted I wasn't playing my druid 'right'. I assured him that everything I was doing was within the bounds of what druids were and were not allowed to do by raw.
So, obviously, he had my character torn apart by werewolves in a town where silver was forbidden because it was deemed unlucky. Which lead to the rest of the party dying soon after, because aside from a couple of potions I was their source of healing.
I once played as young solidus circa the late 80's
No one caught on because they don't play vidya. Still have his sheet on google docs:
> mfw I accidentally a character that's a mix of Daenerys and Thoros of Myr.
> My DM calls me out before I even realize it.
I have a player who's character is pretty much a direct ripoff of Booker DeWitt from Bioshock Infinite. Even with the same kinda-growly voice.
I can tell he thinks nobody has noticed because he plagiarizes lines from the game whenever he can
Booker is a pretty much non-character, how do you even rip him off?
Fuck that's a fantastic characer concept, your gm can go straight to hell. British gentleman druid is best druid
Basically by trying to insert lines from the game wherever he can.
Ur awesome and ur gm is a bitch and tard
In that case you need to add Comstock or Songbird into the game as a BBEG
>>mfw I have no face
> no face
> asoiaf
It's like poetry.
I'm going to make Cyril Figgis.
I had an incompetent, immature and self-loathing Sith prone to fits of rage, but it was half a year before TFA came out. He had unlimited powah, although for only thirty seconds.
I want to make this one Faust some day
stat me
I made several different Kriegers. One henderson'd a CoC campaign, using nothing but fire, contraptions, high explosive, manure and a Rush-themed van.
forgot pic
I played a knockoff of Ruroni Kenshin in Tenra Bansho Zero. I was very upfront about it.
Lots of unrepentant Discworld ripoffs have shown up in our games, some from me and more from the rest of the party. They've all been obvious from the get-go, since we're all pretty much in on it.
Years ago I got away with ripping off Father Ted for a CoC game due to the fact that nobody else I played with had seen the show, but nothing particularly interesting came of it.
A friend once played a ranger that was pretty much Shaggy and Scooby Doo for a two-session mini campaign. It was amusing, but he died pretty messily.
Recently our DM has been at least basing NPCs off characters from Evolve and possibly Overwatch. This isn't a new trend really, since he's been doing that with game and movie characters for ages, he claims it saves on time fleshing out side characters which we may or may not ever meet again.
That's no druid.
Don't get me wrong, if I were a GM I'd gladly allow you to run that character, for sure, but if you ever called him, IC or OOC, a druid, I'd drain you a level until you learn. Because it's not a druid.
My players met a Bear Grylls clone who was a survival expert the party met on a weird living asteroid having been grabbed by tentacles and pulled into it.
He belonged to a race of Bio-chauvanist Darwinists who named themselves after their most prominent features. He was called Rear Gills and was host of the show ADAPTED TO SURVIVE.
Surprisingly they only got the reference after the game.
In my Mutant Chronicles game the no nonsense black police detective that gives the party missions is Danny Glover.
His boss is the captain from Last Action Hero, screaming about megacorps climbing up his coco factory.
The Big Bad is Killian from The Running Man, using his shows to secretly perform dark rituals on air. Eventually he'll kidnap the PCs and force them to play in a deadly gameshow.
Some of his allies include Statuesque, a German pop group who are basically the Pillar Men from JoJo.
I played a character for several years who was very closely based off Coach McGuirk from Home Movies. I even talked in an imitation of H. Jon Benjamin's voice. No one ever got it, I don't think any of them had even heard of the show. Then Archer came out, and immediately, they all started saying, "Oh my God, you're character is supposed to be Archer!"
Yeah guys, I've been playing a character for almost three years who was based on a guy in a TV show that just started. Impressive, isn't it?
If that game was still running, I guarantee people would be saying I was basing my character off Bob from Bob's Burgers.
For about two years in a Pathfinder game, I played a Bard who was based on Hunter S. Thompson. I talked like Hunter S. Thompson every week for two years. I would parrot lines from Fear and Loathing anytime they seemed appropriate. I used pic related as my character portrait. My character was an alcoholic and unrepentant drug addict. His profession was journalist, and he would follow the adventurers around to write stories about them, then sell those stories to the newspaper he worked for. I even bought a fucking cigarette holder and a prop cigarette, and spent almost an entire year playing the game with the cigarette holder clamped between my teeth, flicking my eyebrows and talking through a clenched jaw.
No one ever got the reference.
In a Deadlands game I played Dr. Kind, who was a sociopathic physician, gun fighter, and gambler, slowly dying of consumption. I think the GM kinda got that I was riffing on the historical Doc Holiday, but he did not recognize my character portrait. No one else picked up on it at all.
Used this as my character portrait for a dwarf (like an actual human with dwarfism, not a Gimli dwarf) paladin. No one recognized it, or who what I was talking about when I said it was based on a character from the Venture Brothers.
>plz no animu
Fuck you. What the hell is wrong with anime? Are you that triggered by it? I swear to god people like you are the cancer that is ruining Veeky Forums
>knockoff of Ruroni Kenshin
>Ruroni Kenshin
>not Homura Kenshin
this is the equivalent of saying "I played a knockoff of Metroid"
>not wanting to play as a comfy, warm gelatinous metroid queen
mechanically it is
I played a sluttier version of Scar from The Lion King and it was great right up until the other PCs killed me.
Story time?
I'm designing a world that's basically a fantasy reskin of Halo, speciically Halo 4. The Didact is the long lost King of elves, who have mostly gone extinct after a war with illithids.
The world also features my reimagining of YHWH as He was intended: the God who kicks your god's ass.
I have a plan to play a barber-surgeon named Creepy Charlie
I put the Mule from the Foundation series in a DnD game.
Players caught on about 1 minute before I revealed him to be the right hand of the BBEG.
Yeah, I made a wizard called Annatar who was very interested in the process of crafting magical rings.
Only one guy in the group thought it sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.
I remember someone doing a storytime of their warforged. They were small sized, had their hand replaced with a special component that allowed him to use gentle repose on a monsters organ like a medusa eye or an eye from a beholder and use that ability. They were made out of cobalt so they were blue and had another mod that allowed them to jump and control their falls