Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
They made it a rare again edition
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
They made it a rare again edition
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
TIERS ARE USAGE-BASED. A Tier 2 deck may be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific Metagame.
daily post of my shitty deck
help pls
RUG Eternal command is a fun and powerful deck. You should check it out if you like interacting and have the money for jund but want to be a snowflake
>rare shifting again
>everything must be done in sake of preserving limted playability and fun
>It has nothing to do with we wantin shekels
It's fair. Draft isn't very fun when hand disruption this powerful is at uncommon
And yes conspiracy has drafting come first
That deck is all over the place user. You need to decide what you want before making a deck.
>Literally designing walkers for limited when by design, mythic rares shouldn't be showing up in drafts
>Putting Inquisition at rare
>Multiplayer format
>hand disruption this powerful
Oh wow, this was the first.
>Commander 2016 is also a draft first set
I want limited players to die
I want you to die. You're obviously retarded
>Not getting sarcasm
Thanks based limited player
You are directly the reason WotC ruins every product they make
conspiracy is literally a limited set first and foremost. in any other scenario you might not be talking entirely out of your ass, but seriously unfuck yourself for one minute.
Lmao for real. Product is ruined if it doesn't make modern cards cheaper? Funny stuff
Except that trading cards one for one isn't powerful in a format meant to be played with three other people.
Product is ruined when commons are superdumbed down, counterspells and removal are rare/mythic and 90% of each set is incredibly powered down for "Limited"
Not him but then it's even better at rare because you don't want to draft it often
dredge save us.
New format when ? WotC clearly doesn't give a shit about Modern anymore. At this point I wish they would bring back extended.
If they decide to do that people won't trust that the new format won't be forgotten as well, 2 legacys and a modern won't be good for the players
Well, they did axed extended back in the days and people didn't complain that much.
Besides, they pretty much allready burried Modern anyway.
From a financial perspective, I wish it was an uncommon, but.....
I drafted in Rise, and knowing that at least one person at the table would inevitably end up with at least two copies of effectively thoughtseize was an awful prospect. It meant that playing any kind of tempo or keeping any kind of slightly risky hand could and would backfire.
In a multiplayer format, I can see it being not quite as good, but, as with when they printed Control Magic at rare, I can see the logic.
I mean, Conspiracy is literally a set designed solely to be for multiplayer limited, so we should expect to not see them take the chance to drive down the price of constructed much.
mfw the modern subreddit is in an uproar because dredge has suddenly started doing well and they're basically shitting their pants over nothing
So does this mean prices will drop?
So, did I miss something this week, or did Greater Gargodon just spike $12 for no reason?
>did I miss something this week
Take a guess. Completely normal for modern cards to spike over triple it's price in a day. (check mtgtop8 later on)
What is the easiest tiered deck to play in modern and why?
Probably Merfolk. Play/Vial creatures and then attack, you don't even have to worry about blockers because of Islandwalk and Spreading Seas.
I mean, I checked mtgtop8 when I noticed it, and didn't see Living End doing a terrible lot recently.
Like, we had a good showing in the PPTQ in Dublin, and the versions that were shown there weren't even running it.
Oh wait, the dredge list that won SCG ran it. Welp.
Merfolk still has lines thanks to ETB effects, unlike burn
curve out and draw
while utilising some control(dunno what to put in)
..... I'm a moron, I meant Restore Balance rather than Living End.
Both of which are fun, both play somewhat similarly, only Balance runs the elephant-thing.
>reprinting rare-shifted, price-spiked format staples in a set designed for draft
You don't have a full playset of anything. It mostly seems like a pile of whatever Modern cards you had in those colors.
Decide if you want to play a creature based value deck or a more control oriented build and then adjust the deck accordingly. Also take out the new Emrakul, Ajani and Garruk they aren't really good.
ok i want to build 2nd, can you suggest some cards to switch out?
>planeswalkers (except flip Jace)
They don't do enough for you to justify using.
It's just not good
>Coiling Oracle, Thought Scour, Gitaxian Probe
You don't really benefit from filling up your graveyard
>Birds of Paradise
You don't really need mana dorks and if you did you would want Noble Hierarchs instead
I'm not convinced that Avacyn is all that good, but it could work. At least I think you would be better off playing Restoration Angel and some good ETB creatures like Finks, Snapcaster, Wall of Omens and Thragtusk.
Also add more removal and counters and remember that Path to Exile has bad synergy with Mana Leak and Spell Pierce so mix it up with other counters.
If you want to play Bant control I would suggest using Ancestral Visions and Think Twice and Sphinx's Revelation for card draw, Path to Exile, Spell Snare, Supreme Verdict and Cryptic Command for interaction, Explore and Farseek for ramp/fixing, and Elspeth, Sun's Champion as a finisher. Add pic related for spicy instant speed wraths and 'walkers.
what do i change it for is the problem
im having trouble deciding
What is the most competitive deck I could build with both white and black that isn't abzhan?
Eldrazi and Taxes
Deadguy Ale
Esper Control
thanks, ill be changing the list, after reviewing tips
WE RARE NAO, nothing should hurt our investors and their precious feelings. At least this isn't a limited print run set.
>At least this isn't a limited print run set
It is! It's conspiracy.
>new emrakul
The product is ruined when standard decks are made 90% of rares as uncommons and commons are so shit that nobody bothers to play them in constructed formats.
I love how they didn't reprint it in the BFZ block despite it making perfect sense thematically, but suddenly it's in Conspiracy because ??????????
It's just pathetic
>It's in Conspiracy because ?
We don't want investors mad ok knthx.
Who the fuck invested in Inquisition of Kozilek
The eternal semite.
What would you say would be the tightest deck out of those? Which one would you take to a major.
What should i switch for 3 birds of paradise?
How the hell can I play modern without having a shitload of money
>Esper Control
He said competitive. Not 3-3drop.dec.
You don't.
>Wotc reprints Inquisition, a
May I interest you in some national socialim?
You can't play Modern without a shitload of money. You can have budget land-bases but when it comes to the actual spells there are often no substitutes.
People who tell you there are budget decklists are more or less delusional as those decks won't perform as well as the upper crust of approximately 20 decks.
There's always burn. But throwing bolts at peoples' faces is the most boring fucking thing on the planet.
>stop zat goy!
>oy vey!
Without cards like Stoneforge Mystic and Wasteland Deadguy Ale is kinda just worse than Junk.
Tokens is just sorta meh. I don't think it would do well in this meta.
Esper can be strong but it's not a deck you can just pick up and take to a tournament. You'd need to practice it a lot first.
So probably Eldrazi and Taxes, then. It's kind of a pile but it can do some really powerful things off the back of Eldrazi Temple.
I forgot that Mardu is an option too, though. So either EnT or some dank Mardu brew with Nahiri.
Esper control might not be as competitive as tokens but is certainly the same tier as dead guy ale and eldrazi and taxes.
You can play ultrabudget decks but they're obviously not very good
Or you can play on Xmage for the rest of your life
deck seems to be doing better in playtesting
early game is mostly spent ramping out
although it seems like it needs something to stick early to block
rhox war monk?
I'm willing to put in time with esper if it is an actual deck and it pays of. Is it a proper deck?
I'm looking at eldrazi and taxes and it looks really vial dependant. Like if you don't have it in your opening hand you're fucked. It also looks likes it's a weaker mono white d&t. Am I wrong?
>is it a proper deck
>I'm willing to put in time with esper if it is an actual deck and it pays of. Is it a proper deck?
The verdict is still out on Esper but it looks like the only person capable of putting up results with it is its creator, Guillaume Wafo-Tapa.
>I'm looking at eldrazi and taxes and it looks really vial dependant. Like if you don't have it in your opening hand you're fucked. It also looks likes it's a weaker mono white d&t. Am I wrong?
I stuck with Mono W because of feels but the Eldrazi version has better results.
Well that's fuckin great
Good job mark rosewater, I guess you don't want me to play your damn game now.
How did y'all acquire your decks?
>How did y'all acquire your decks?
I bought it. With money.
I don't have a real deck, I play on Xmage
>the only person capable of putting up results with it is its creator, Guillaume Wafo-Tapa.
Doesn't that mean it's a very hard deck to play. If he consistently puts up results it can't be luck.
Why do people play 8rack? Is it because they were molested as children?
>How did y'all acquire your decks?
I killed a jew and send his skin to Mark warning he'd be next, next morning I got a package from germany containing a full dredge deck.
You're trying too hard senpai
8rack players are masochists. They like losing so much they've decided to do it in the slowest most disappointing way - to unanswerable topdecks over a half dozen turns.
Thank you, Based Chinamen
>get into a counter war with jeskai player
>thinks he's won
>let my Remand get countered and vial in a snappy to hit it again with the original spell still on the stack
Fun stuff dude
What were you playing?
Look at the post he replied to.
Jeskai too? what a boring match up
So much this
This in dredge?
>RUG Eternal Command is a fun and powerful deck
Collective Brutality my nigga
It's just a bad Faithless Looting
No. RUG Eternal command
It got pushed out by drs when it was legal but it's gaining traction in this new meta.
If nothing else it's fun and has game against all decks.
Opening tarmogoyfs in 2007, dark confidants in 2005, and lilianas in 2011.
>buying packs
What are you fucking gay
If that were the criteria for rares Craw wurm would be a rare.
>not drafting in a store that does rare redrafts and going 3-0
hope you like your $200 goyfs
Nice it's the Conspiracy audience
My chinese goyfs costes 2,5 USD each
Have fun getting DQ'd.
I bet you're the kind of person that doesn't pirate games because he's genuinely afraid that the police will catch him.
I bet you're the kind of person that gets DQ'd.