If there are "manlands" does that mean there are "manscaping" decks designed to buff and support manlands?
If there are "manlands" does that mean there are "manscaping" decks designed to buff and support manlands?
Yes but no. To mansplain quickly, all manland decks are super janky.
Relative, there is always humility combo fuckery or winning with manlands it's very common in HYPER grindy decks.
I built a deck based around various "if you control exactly one creature" effects, it uses manrocks along with manlands, but is apparently just what OP is asking about.
I mean, there's ensoul artifact darksteel citadel if that counts
Any deck with Sylvan Advocate in it
Embodiment of Fury, Embodiment of Insight, Halimar Tidecaller, Sylvan Advocate and Terra Eternal all help.
>all manland decks are super janky
43 Lands is a super solid control deck.
It also doesn't really do the manland thing anymore. Lands has a Depths combo finish and a Punishing Fire control finish.
this maybe but not with manlands
loam pox is probably the closest, and it usually just plays factories
What I want is a "burger" mechanic where I drop some huge things on the field to feed and buff smaller things, manlands offer something roughly equivalent to what I have in mind for my R/W/U deck
Dear god. I remember losing to this card entwined in EDH. Shits scary, especially with coat of arms in play.
Coat of Arms does nothing as the lands don't have creature types.
The real power of manlands is that they don't need support to be insane. The sheer fact that your lands can win you the game is why decks always run them when they're legal. RTR-THS UWx control used Mutavault as it's only win condition for example.
Manlands do have creature types when in man-mode though
Coat of Arms still does jack shit in the combo under discussion.
Isn't "land" the creature type?
No you idiot.
No more than Instant is a creature type.
Lands only gain creature types of they are explicitly mentioned on their card or on whatever made them a manland.
To be fair this is EDH we're talking about, which is casual - sounds like both players thought the lands have "land" as their creature type and let them get the resultant MASSIVE buff from that when used on 43 rudely awakened lands.
there is a land creatures get +2/+2 green enchantment