You idiots will argue about anything...
Star Wars vs Star Trek
You idiots will argue about anything...
Star Wars vs Star Trek
both are supremely overrated and have obnoxious fanbases full of faggots and casuals
edge of the empire is pretty alright though
>You idiots will argue about anything...
No we won't, fuck you bitch!
Yes we will, fuck you bitch!
Seriously how does Star Wars even come close to the same level? Star Wars has only 3 good movies (I'm optimistic for Rogue One though), and the Rogue Squadron games. Star Trek has two phenomenal series, three good series, more good movies, and an upcoming series that'll probably be alright as well. I like both, but Star Wars was run into the ground after Return of the Jedi.
>Star Wars has only 3 good movies
Yeah. Phantom Menace, Revenge of The Sith, and Force Awakens
>only the RS games
>what is Jedi Knight series
>what is Clone Commando
>what is the first two Battlefronts
>what is KOTOR
>what is Bounty Hunter
Get the fuck out of here, you argumentative poopyhead
Listen you dickweed, you've got no right to complain about who is or isn't in a thread. Who died and made you a moderator?
Sorry OP, we can't. The two are so different you really can't compare them. A better comparison set would be
>Lord of the Rings vs Star Wars
>Star Trek vs Battlestar Galactica
Even then I'm pretty sure those two sets aren't great comparisons, but they're better than
>Compare high-fantasy-in-space series and sci-fi series
Star Wars is more of a cultural touchstone. Its special effects completely blew the minds of people when it was first released, and as a result everyone watched it. Its a simple story, but simple doesn't mean bad. Its very accessible across ages and cultures, has a distinctive visual style, and for better or for worse no other franchise has managed to be Star Wars better than Star Wars has. Its had some big missteps, but its slowly crawling back and now that Disney is driving the car it will probably get good once we are past the shakey transitory period.
Star Trek is also a cultural touchstone, but one that is less accessible. Owning and watching a series takes more investment than doing so with a small number of movies, and until recently the Star Trek movies were really just extensions of a particular series so you were unlikely to get a huge surge of people not already interested in the franchise. I think that Star Trek has better themes and overall execution than Star Wars, but for a lot of people its hard to penetrate the outer shell to get into the franchise, whereas you can pick up all but a couple of the Star Wars films and be ready to go (only Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith are heavily punishing to new viewers as their first film, the others are survivable for someone stumbling onto them on TV).
I think Star Trek, at its best, eclipses Star Wars. But Star Wars is a much easier journey, and is easily weaponized into incredible nostalgia, in large parts because of that god tier soundtrack.
implying LOTR is even on the same level as Star Wars...
>not tie-fighter
There has literally never been a better star wars game than that one. It's got thrawn, it's got set up for RTotJ, it's got the T/D. literally the best, never bettered before or since.
I would argue that whilst Star Wars is a touchstone it also takes element from past touchstones as well - old republic serials and so forth.
I knew I was forgetting one. Point is, almost all the SW games are great.
Star Trek is a space wagon train story, which is a subcategory of the western genre. It deals with politics and personal questions such as philosophy and compromise of belief.
Star Wars is a space epic, in the same vein as myths and legends. It deals heavily with spiritual themes including faith, predestination, mercy, martyrdom, and forgiveness/repentance.
Both are good. Different strokes for different folks.
All fanbases are fucking terrible. By default, a fanbase is a bunch of casuals and autists being creepy or annoying little shits.
Like what you like, don't rely on other people to justify you enjoying it and don't contribute to the group mental illness that is fandom.
Part of Star Wars's remarkable identity is the fact it took things we've all seen in movies a million times over--cowboys, Nazis, sword fights, knights, princesses, wizards, chariot races, pirate battles--and present them in unorthodox ways which we never even knew we wanted to see.
George is not the best writer, but he's an incredibly imaginative person. I'm the on guy on Veeky Forums who really liked TFA but my one gripe with it is it didn't quite have the same unexpected sparks of "whoa that was cool" you got in movies where George was involved. Even the Prequels had a few of those moments buried in the shitty writing and shittier acting. The closest we got was that all-too-brief throwdown between Finn and TR-8R. That was straight out of a samurai movie.
I love JJ but he's not a very imaginative person when it comes to things not involving monsters. He's good at writing love letters to stuff he likes but not great at making it truly his own. Rian Johnson is much more creative and I'm looking forward to how he'll surprise us with Episode VIII
Babylon 5 obviously.
Star Wars is mostly loved by teens and manchildren trapped in the 80s.
Star Trek is mostly loved by middle age science nerds.
They both have RPGs. So, totally Veeky Forums related.
I lobby this: They both suck, everything sucks and the only things that are good are considered good because of people biases towards things they don't realize suck yet.
What's it like not being able to enjoy things that are fun, user?
Critical theory is satire.
They're not really comparable, but they're both pretty great.
That's a good argument sir and I'm not sure I have much of a counter to it. Besides, it's not my place to tell you what you can and can't like.
Star Stars vs Trek Wars
I'm masturbating to Star Wars porn while listening to Star Trek-inspired filk.
Checkmate, atheists.
>Trek Wars
Wasn't that the mass migration of Star Wars fans?