Hey I'm running a setting that's technologically around 1200 with art heavily influenced by the 400-700 period. with a little bit of magic thrown in. I need art of Byzantine and Italian stuff from 400-1000. English and German stuff is appreciated. I just need stuff that isn't Scandinavian, as I have too much right now. Also general Medieval History thread.
Non-High Medieval Art
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Do you want just realistic stuff or is fantasy armor also ok as long as it is based on the countries you mentioned?
Fantasy is okay, just need good art. I just need it to not have plate armor or fantastical looking castles because the wealthiest regions look more Roman, Byzantine and Arabic in appearance.
This is awesome man.
This is something I wouldn't have thought of and looks cool. Thanks!
Where does that kind of picture even come from?
Also I need citizens, farmers and non-combatant people. Pictures of town life and whatnot are also appreciated. But post whatever you think is relevant. Maybe even some good NPC ideas or character concepts. Thanks guys.
Osprey books, /hwg/ has literally hundreds in their mega archive.
Osprey are an ok introduction to history, and the pictures are pretty. Unfortunately they have a tendency to repeat old myths and the pictures include all sorts of dubious interpretations, and they are not above making stuff up if you are particularly unlucky.
If you are not a total history nut they can be fun, but know their limits.
Admittedly some of that tech was super cool. I just have enough Scandinavian art for the moment. Most ships in my setting have them, as well as star charts and mage tower stones.
Finally an answer. Been wondering forever. Thanks
Thanks I'll have to go plunder my local library for the art and whatnot. I prefer reading more primary source material for historical reference, though a lot of secondary source books are exceptionally useful. Historiography is super important to me so Osprey and Penguin books don't quite meet what I need in terms of detail or scope.
And here's my baby that I use as a walking stick since I'm almost out of art to post on my phone.
Also the Osprey books cover pretty much every period in history, so if you need character art from the Bronze Age to modern conflicts, they have stuff for you. And for conflicts with notable historical personalities, they tend to have a couple of plates with those individuals illustrated.
Fuck you too, Creighton
Hey anyone got good pictures fitting the theme that are adventurer types or merchants?