Mage Master Race Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Mage Master Race Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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I can't see that picture without thinking "DM houserules ritual casting.jpg"
>when Lordaeron sends their people, they aren't sending their best. They're bringing plagues, they're bringing orcs, they're undead. And some, I assume, are good people
Gul'dan will make the horde great again! He will cast off the shackles of the legion and remake the horde! Where Garrosh failed Gul'dan will succeed!
>you can tell this took place far far in the past because of the stunted and thin pauldrons on the warriors
>those bits of the audio drama where Kil'jaeden keeps shitting on AU Gul'dan for stuff MU Gul'dan did until he flips out and yells "THAT WAS NOT ME!"
I've played a human warlock in WoW for 12 years now. Now more than ever, I wish I could join Gul'dan's side.
>can't even impregnate his own daughter & impregnate grandchildren
No vote for you.
>tfw genn was right all along
the alliance and horde should've teamed up and annihilated the forsaken after wotlk
Any of you playing on wow private server guise?
Used to until i got sick of shit not working and went retail
Well some shit and cutscenes is cut out so some quests are like just click two times on guy and get shitton of exp for it.. Yeah.
Have an account on dalaran. It's not too bad. Not sure if I'd be better of going to a tbc one though.
Got retail again just recently. I'm not sure what to do on it though aside from invasions. Seems too late to start raiding after missing wod and I have no fucking idea what im doing with the garrison.
Ignore the Garrison for the most part. They removed the only real utility by turning missions that made gold into ones that gave garrison resources. I will say you'll want a Barn on your tailor and LW, because the 30 slot bag in WoD isn't getting replaced, since the new bag is a 24 slot one. So you'll still make good money.
Can you power level professions through the ah? Or do u need the garrison for enchanting and tailoring?
You can, but since DH don't get a profession buff, they're starting from one. It will be expensive for Enchanting though that may vary by server. I was picking up 200 stacks of Cloth for 100g per stack.
Doable then. I'll clear out some raids I guess. Made 400 last night just off gems from the sun well. And I've got time.
>Reading Anduin comic
>Get to the last page
>Many, many years later...
Jesus fuck Blizzard, enough with the time skips already.
It makes just as much sense to say that they should have annihilated the woofs.
Here's a question, how did the Alliance know about the Forsaken and them attacking Gilneas? It just seems weird to me that they showed up outta nowhere.
I don't think that was ever actually explained.
Sylvanas isn't exactly a master of subtlety. When she moves, it's easy to follow the stink of her plague.
If she's massing her troops for something, and they don't show up on the front in Hillsbrad, the Plaguelands, or the Barrens there is really not many other places they could be going.
Sylvanas is a saint and she smells of flowers
It's only okay to shitpost with Tomaru when an actual shitfest of retarded political discussion is happening, you butthurt loser.
honestly I'd press my nose right up on her butthole if it meant I could tongue worship her vagoo
no homo
>someone posts /pol/ shit
>someone responds with daughter fucker
>bitches about it
How many sexual partners do you think the average elf has? Considering they live so long, I'd imagine they'd get bored of monogamy.
I kind of like it, its cool foreshadowing that our battle with the Legion won't be the end, like we feared it would.
count stars in the night sky, they would still be outnumbered
>/pol/ shit
It's...relevant, though
honestly, it would probably the same one most likely. When you age at a very slow rate, you tend to stick with people you like.
>inb4 you are just like your grand father
What if your grandfather is also your father and brother?
>Implying all the BElf women weren't converted upon hearing about the BOC.
If I posted an image of Tomaru raping Sylvanas entitled "Fuck the Horde", would that be relevant?
Why would that be relevant?
>getting rectally rumpled over the Greymane picture
>orcs keep telling themselves they have big dicks
>they keep dying in wars
>all the orc women are fucking blood elves and trolls.
Eternally cucked.
post it.
Yeah but it wouldn't be even remotely funny/charming because there is just no connection.
>gilneas has a wall built to not let hairy invaders in
>also gilneans have a short patriotic slogan that fits in
>getting butthurt because your /pol/ meme cannot fuck his daughter
I incest you get some better taste.
You only gave me one (You). This saddens me.
Clearly no one can rape the Horde harder than Blizzard is doing.
>because there is just no connection
Give Tomaru a Blizzard Logo on his shirt. Maybe give Sylvanas a shirt that says "Lore".
Elves perceive the passage of time differently than humans. Monogamy to them is probably the same as it is for humans, since time doesn't seem to be passing by as slowly.
>Give Tomaru a Blizzard Logo on his shirt. Maybe give Sylvanas a shirt that says "Lore".
>Blizz will never flesh out the languages enough for people to make new songs in them or translate non-WC songs to them
I have a sad.
>brief flashback to quest where I lured a belf to a secluded area with alcohol so I could turn her into a mouse
>in full view of her hungry cat
>because she was with some other belf's guy
I think some might put more stock in it than others
>making a language
everyone with a fantasy world isn't Tolkien
My lore is rusty but how come in the Warcraft movie the Draenor side of the dark portal resembles Hellfire Peninsula? Shouldn't it look like Tanaan Jungle?
Because fuck making canonical sense and logic and shit.
Alt-universe, don't question it.
Because Gul'dan's demon shit was already killing Draenor before it shattered
Warcraft movie is psuedocanon. Like how only the Frostwolves are brown somehow.
Cinematic universe.
Yo were not paying attention
Most orcs were brown, then fewer and fewer were brown until no orcs were brown at the end of the movie
The ratio of brown to green was a visible indicator of how "corrupt" the Horde was throughout the movie, getting more corrupt as it goes along
>tfw garrosh was on the path to redemption thanks to anduin
>tfw garrosh gets offeted time travel by kairoz and jumps at the opportunity
>tfw a garrosh redemption storyline would have been a bajillion times better than wod
Why blizz WHY
Draenor was already fucked up, its why the Orks are so easy to convince to invade Azeroth.
How would you get Vol'jin, Cairne, and Gallywix (or even Gazlowe, who is by far the better Goblin) to unite in an AU where the Orcs never showed up?
i.e. how do you get Horde minus Orcs/Forsaken/BElves?
they found the porn, that's why
lets not also forget
>Gul'dan and kil'jaeden having a touch of understanding between eachother, and a weird sort of trust from the legion that this gul'dan won't fuck up like the last one.
Its weirdly compelling watching gul'dan sort of...I guess mature throughout that audio drama? going from "don't tell me what to do smell'jaedan reee" to "I realize now I need help to conquer the world, so i'll bite the bullet and work with the legion even if it means not being at the super top chain of command"
Him having that moment of realization that if he goes it alone he'll have to contend with the millions of tenacious poorly dressed assholes on this world was a rather nice little bit, a nice bit of maturity for all the wrong reasons.
gul'dan is cool'dan
I feel the Tauren would be pretty buddy buddy with the Nelfs.
And the humans were always pretty close with the high elves.
>wanna play mage come legion.
>Fucking suck at playing mage
Screw me billy.
Pretty much this, and the goblins were always neutral
So without orcs the most likely conflict scenario I see is just the Alliance (humans, dwarves, high elves) Vs Kalimdor (night elves, tauren and I guess trolls?)
Tauren are either extinct or still locked in a conflict with the quilboar and centaur
Darkspear are extinct, wiped out by the other jungle tribes
Gazlowe is still a lowly zeppelin engineer in the Eastern Kingdoms
It would probably be Human, Dwarves, High elves vs Trolls
and Tauren and Night Elves vs Trolls
The Darkspear are the only tribe worth giving the time of day and thats only because the game says so.
to be fair, from what I have heard from people who know the lore, Duncan did a good job of bringing it to life in the cinematic universe.
If Worgen were Druids before the curse doesn't that mean humans can be Druids?
They supposedly only count as Harvest Witches Worgening and contact with the Night Elves.
the druids were minor spellcasters who were more like harvest witches who blessed the crops and other minor shit. being infected with worgen curse made them into the druids we know in wow
>before Worgening
to be fair, worgens were just druids who were shapeshifting into wolf form, but something went wrong.
Worgen were like the feral bear druids from warcraft 3.
Then they went full werewolf in Cata.
I still contend that the change from "extra dimensional wolf monsters" to "Wolf durid is 4 fite" is one of the worst lore concepts ever introduced.
see, the problem wasn't with wolf monsters or wolf druids itself. Blizzard could have done the smart thing and made the worgen forms into various types of wolf creatures, and handwaved it away by saying that goldrinn was returning or something.
Still an incredible waste they didn't make at least cat form a pure wolf.
Being trained by fully fledged druids is what made them druids.
Even the non-druid worgen get trained by druids to get a handle on the form shifting feral side business.
>Him having that moment of realization that if he goes it alone he'll have to contend with the millions of tenacious poorly dressed assholes on this world was a rather nice little bit
It was also really meta.
they drink an alchemical potion for a time and then go to the oak of ages equivalent in gilneas to gain full control over their worgen powers.
>Even if I kill them
>Even if I wipe the raid
>Even IF I break up their guild
>They will respawn and bash their heads against the mountain of my power till it is sand under their feet
>Then they will try it on heroic
>and some of them will be death knights who continuously yell "Get over here"
Citizen! There is hope. Vote for Scourge reunification! Shitvanas for superhell 2016.
Where the hell did this super hell meme come from?
I believe it already looked like Hellfire Peninsula at the time of WC1. In WC2, when we first see Draenor, it's certainly all red and rocky (and Draeneor as a whole is described as "the red world"; it having originally been verdant only came later).
IIRC, The massive amounts of fel magic and Gul'dan fucking up the elements had caused the area around the portal to become a barren wasteland (as also happened on the Azeroth side after the portal was opened) before the thing was even first activated.
It's where sylvanas, arthas, etc... go.
not even making this up, superhell is a place, it's named hel iirc.
I know it's a thing, but why are people calling it super hell?
because it literally is super hell.
>This place is like hell, but like, superbad+1 hell dude
Jee, I wonder why it's called superhell.
>Blizz pushing "high king" warchief bullshit
>Other factions leaders/races now referring to Anduin as high king or even "my king"
>Big ass lengthy blue post defending it
>"We've discussed this a lot in the past, but the title and position of "High King" fits thematically with the Alliance - being an alliance formed originally around allegiances to human kingdoms."
They can't keep getting away with this. Jesus Christ.
Don't space goat's canonically hate monarchy or single rulers and only have Velen as a single leader because the other leaders all fell of where killed before anyone took their place?
On AU Draenor their society appears to be run by the council of exarchs, at least.
Velen's really more of a spiritual leader than leader of goverment (he's space-pope. essentially), but he's the de-facto leader due to his wisdom and the fact that Draenei are very spiritual and thus place a lot of weight on his words.
It does make sense, though they could have called it Supreme Commander like Lothar was during the Second War.
High Elves, Mag'har, Forest Trolls and Broken skins when.
They mentioned they're gonna do them eventually on the Demon Hunter interview, so I'm guessing next expac
The only reason I havent made a shammy is because I want a wildhammer
Which interview is this?
They didn't do that because there is no 'pure wolf' form left for druids. Back when the sycthe was first created it twisted the 'pack form' (wolf) into the humanoid werewolf thing we're used to before the druids sealed them away.
Would make sense. Isn't that more or less what happened with the blasted lands since they were originally a swamp?
How? Worgen did nothing wrong.
>Here's a question, how did the Alliance know about the Forsaken and them attacking Gilneas?
Perhaps their spy organisation.