EDH/Commander General

Fatty mana dorks edition

Old thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Other urls found in this thread:



Can't, most of my decks are in a state of flux. Tearing down and building a bunch


Suppose I'll repost. Mostly looking for any advice on creature loadout, particularly whether or not I should try to fit in some of the bigger beasties in the maybeboard. Burnished Hart, Canonist, Forgemaster, and Simulacrum all seem like possible cuts.

I am going to need that GW Hatebears list user. For science.

It's cool, I'm turning my Ruric Thar into Xenagod *Donkey punch and fuck Blue.dec*


It's still a work in progress, I'm going to toss in a Mirror Entity and some other cards to help my mid game and possibly more tax effects since all i really have is the Spelltithe Enforcer. Overall it's a fun deck especially at events since people always assume that it's a hugs deck based on the general.

What kind of groovy tech can I slap in Alesha? I'm not doing stax, I to try a goofier build with a bunch of ETB and "combat damage to a player" triggers

Behind the Scenes
Dauthi Embrace
Break Through the Line

Sac outlets galore, there's obviously tons in black

As someone who only likes Blue for flavor and card draw but think counter wars are autistic, what color combinations should I look for that still give me some card draw, but lemme play fatties and have synergy; R/G maybe or W/G?

Reconnaissance is especially good with dudes like kiki-jiki


Have you tried Master of Cruelties? There is also Drana and Flameshadow Conjuring for ETB.

Goblin Bombardment and Vampiric Rites are good sac outlets.

Etb's you say? Also Keldon Firebombers are the shit with Alesha



Wow that's fucking awesome

>Keldon Firebombers are the shit with Alesha
You can't really abuse them with Alesha's attack triggerthough, since they're a 3/3

Do you like quasi-Infect stapled onto something with Fear?

My bad i was thinking of Avalanche Riders they even sac themselves on your upkeep

Oh that's neato

Man this deck is going to suck


Post Decklist my nigga. I currently run Sydri.

Guys, what is one deck that is fun to play (Always does relevant stuff), but also fun to play against? I am kinda spiky on the inside and whenever I win (which i do most of the time), it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I play hardcore blue control (Kira), G/W Ramp into amgels/cool fatties (Karametra), G/B Aggro +1/+1 counters (Skullbriar) and Esper durdle/ramp (Dakkon)

I'm kinda thinking about making a red deck with burn spells n' stuff, but would that be good or fun?

>Myahaha, if I succeed, it will only take 9 more doses of poison to kill the king! Then castle Grayskull will be mine!


About to finalize this as my first deck. Thoughts? Suggestions? Just don't say Karn Liberated or Sword of Fire and Ice.

So, this is an old list I had. I had the deck, but it was stolen. But new Marchesa has me excited. I can run a similar list with fun stuff like No Mercy and everything.

So, anyone have suggestions for cards to add to this controlling combat theme deck?


It'll be Marchesa with similar effects.

Also try Goblin Grenadiers

Not him, but I'm also about to start running her.

Anyone here that let their color preference control what they build? I dislike Black in the game, but I love a lot of the commanders, like Meren, but I cannot see myself playing Black. I like Blue, but I hate the playstyle but I play it still. Anyone else like this?


Jeleva or Nicol Bolas for a steal yo shit deck? I feel like Jeleva would be stronger for it but it also just feels like a very Bolas thing to do

I'm putting together a budget Jori En deck and am wondering if Mercurial Chemister is a good inclusion. Is it a sick draw engine that kills dudes or a 5 mana do nothing?

Never let gameplay get in the way of flavor, Bolas the whole way.

Grixis Marchesa

Yes, I play mostly White and I dislike black
But I'm getting over that as I made cool white/x decks and now I want to try other playstyles. The last deck I've built is a GB Pauper Combo Aristocrats, I've been having tons of fun.

>nim death mantel + ashnods altar
Holy frickin' fuck that's awesome. I was about to lose, hit that combo, and locked the board down with archfiend of depravity + endrek sahr until I drew something good.

>that feel when your worst deck is significantly better than a group's best decks
I'm going to build jank Kresh to be a bit more reasonably powered, but holy cow, first time that's ever happened. I went 6-1, against some pretty solid competition. Overwhelming stampede and rancor are love.

Not that bad with her though. Considering you want everyone to go at your own pace, Alesha wants land counts at a minimum.

Thats why I run Razia's Purification in my Alesha.

I don't want to go hardcore stax though. Some MLD is probably OK, Impending Disaster might be pretty funny to hold the table hostage

I'm actually in the process of disassembling my Jeleva deck. It's going to become Melek, with some of the black/Dimir steal shit in my Mimeoplasm. My issues were that some times I felt like I couldn't do shit with most of my opponents stuff--mostly because they were almost devoid of Instants and Sorceries. Jeleva works best as a Storm/Doomsday combo general, but she can be fun for like a few games as a StealCopy deck.

Nicol Bolas can work as you have a little more flexibility with your Commander. Dragon Tempest/Warstorm Surge can fuck someones hand over with a single resolution of Bolas, and you can pack some misc steal/clone stuff in there.

Marchesa is my second choice and I played her as well. Just note that if you go the Steal/Copy route, Mikaeus will be risky to you. (Undying will return them back to their owner's control so you need to make sure the shit you steal will have a counter if you want to keep them.) I personally think Grixis!Marchesa is slightly better for this type of deck, but Bolas is Bolas. Go for Bolas if you want some slight dragon shenanigans.


Looking for feedback on my Grixis Battlemage Pauper EDH deck, decided to go for a bunch of GY matters stuff like Delve, Flashback, Unearth and Madness and I included a bunch of sac outlets to take advantage of the unearth creatures as fodder after I unearth them.

I'd be interested to see the Geist deck.

Don't do that to yourself, user. Boros is always stupid slow.

Also Zada is funnest Goblin commander

I am starting my first edh project. I am a Biology student in uni, so I was thinking U/G/x

Do I run B/U/G for the Mad Reanimator Doctor, like Dr Frankenstein?

Do I run R/U/G for the Survival of the Fittest Doctor, always evolving to win and grow?

Or W/U/G for the Helpful Doctor, who helps everyone out?

Also, any suggestions for what Commander to use would be awesome. I think W/U/G would be Phelldagrif though

Could I make a deck with Ob Nixilis, crucible of worlds, and 98 swamps?

What else would you add?

Okie dokie, admitedly it's less voltron and more sort of voltron while spirits control and make a pillow fort. Also the list is outdated as I threw in Geist of the Archives but forgot what I replaced him with, going to have to look that up.


Yeah I hear RW is sort of underwhelming, I really like Boros though so it's a shame. Why Zada? Krenko just seems so simple and effective.

>Why Zada? Krenko just seems so simple and effective
Do you like to draw massive amounts of cards? Do you like turning a field of 1/1s into a bunch of 28/1 double striker trampling death machines?

Fetch lands

Drawing cards is pretty fun, don't really expect to do that with red but yeah, sounds fun. How does Zada do these things, user?

>Crimson Wisps
shit like that

Colossal Goblin steamroller engine
>Temur Battle Rage
>Brute Force
>Shared Animosity
>Balduvian Rage
>Fists of the Anvil

It's stupidly fun. You can slap Krenko in the 99 too. It's great because it's all cheap combat tricks that just buff the shit out of your board for very little mana

>Zada niggers
literally worse than shun yun fags

Animar actually has one spell, Unexpected Results.
Zedruu wins by scoops
Mizzix started along side Arjun then got mashed into the same deck.
Kruphix is bad and fun as fuck lots of green x-spells, tokens and card draw

Cool stuff. I have a soft spot for Kamigawa so it's nice to see the spirits in there. How well's it work for you?

If it targets only one creature and says draw a card on it, it's fair game for zada.
You also want anything that makes lots of mana for cheap, like all the red rituals, Mana Geyser, Inner Fire, and stuff.

>I hate fun and anything that isn't Derevi stax

>I hate fun and anything that isn't CrawWurm.dec

zadafags pls go

>I hate anything that isn't magic christmas land full of impracticality and frail combos.
>pls don't interact with my boardstate

>you either play Zada or Derevi stax
>no other options
>black mana isn't even allowed

Fuck you and your false dichotomies you fuckin Zadanigger, bet you're the same Zadanigger that made these false dichotomies last time

It works surprisingly better than I thought it would:

In the 1v1 scenario spirits do enough to trip up your opponent's creatures and negate potentially devastating spells you would want cast, (like most U decks.)

In the multiplayer scenario you can chill and cast what spirits you want to control other players when you see fit. It's certainly more controlly than I thought it would be.

You do either thing while waiting to cast Saint Traft at the right time so he can do the work.

Pretty comfy deck.

Hmm, ok, I'll look into it, thanks for the tips guys.

So, will the "monarch" mechanic here work in EDH?

It'll work like any other ridiculous multiplayer only mechanic. Be hilarious.

I don't know if it'll be worth building around, but Marchesa might be alright for Merde Goodstuff.

Why you gotta hate user

It's not the strongest deck but it's still fun

It will be! Fun on a bun! Pile on the attack me cards!

I'm just tired of reading all of your goddamn posts about how great Zada is every goddamn thread. Any time anyone asks for a commander suggestions one of you faggots pops out of the woodwork and starts ranting raving about how great ZADA!!! :D

I've always wanted a come-at-me commander in Mardu, the colors support it so well.

Sorry someone pooped in your cornflakes and shot your dog this morning

It's a casual format in a children's card game my nigga, chill

>lol y u mad tho
Quit deflecting nerd. Find a new commander to masturbate to-- Zada's getting soggy.

I'm gonna bring it up every thread now to see if you burst a blood vessel from going nuclear-meltdown apoplectic

I like Melek more anyway

>I'm gonna bring it up every thread now to see if you burst a blood vessel from going nuclear-meltdown apoplectic

It's not like you weren't already.

Turning my flip Avacyn boardwipe extravaganza into Queen Marchesa tokens.

Any suggestions on how many Sorins to run? I was thinking Lord of Innistrad and Solemn Visitor max. Also not sure whether to include Gideon, Ally of Zendikar.

Any spicy first strike tech besides Rise of the Hobgoblins?

>literally worse than shun yun fags
That's up in the air, they were pretty bad. I hadn't seen a Zada post for a few threads but Shu Yun was across literally every single EDH thread for like 2 weeks.

>have a few decks that I could break down and turn into 2 better multicolor decks
>enjoy having a bunch of decks and switching between games

I like variety but I feel like combining a few decks into one super-pile would probably make for a better deck overall

I mean I know there's weirdly no explicitly token related mardu commander, but is Queen Marchesa really the best for that? I'd probably use some sort of janky Alesha build with etb token generators or something.

Reposting. Going for a Biology subtheme here. Do not know if to go with U/G for Simic or one of the three color variants.

Sultai for Dr Frankenstein Reanimator
Temur for Wildlife Conservation Doctor
Bant for Friendly Doctor to help everyone.

Go Simic and put Kraj at the helm


Church of Scientology it is

What's the silliest alternate wincon?

The simic dude that says you win on your upkeep if you control four or more of him.

Valor. Rise of the hobgoblins, while cool doesn't jell with Marcheesy since she makes black tokens

Oh he's silly too. I want to try and win with him using Clones but that would take too much setup

Currently building Shu Yun as 3color Zada Heroic

Still could use some suggestions on New Marchesa. Gonna throw in all the cards involving Monarch from today's reveal of course, but I wanna get a primer for the rest first.


What are some good counter measures to tuck into a Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck to deal with the inevitable table hate I'll get?

The cheese way is to Rite of Replication him. The fun way is to Tempt with Reflections and then populate the tokens.

Fuck that's actually way better

Shame I don't have a UG deck and have never built those colors together. Would Edric be good? Game and con the table while I quietly assemble the Biovisionaries?


Can't look at the deck at, but depending on how tuned you want the deck, you probably wouldn't play any of the monarch cards revealed today besides Queen Marchesa herself, since you only need to become the monarch once and you should probably have set it up so that it couldn't be easily taken. All the artifact mana, all the Diamonds, and Signet's, all the best wipes, as much spot removal as possible with an especial leaning toward instant speed so you can use after drawing during the end and to prevent surprise attempts at the crown between turns. Then throw a couple combo wins in to round it out. Game plan should be to ramp hard enough to generate enough mana from rocks or float enough mana to cast a board wipe and Marchesa.

Edric is very good, but he draws a lot of hate and for good reason and a 2 card win the game combo won't do you any favors in terms of friends.

Jeez don't kill the guy

Do people not look at and read every spell that gets cast and every permanent that enters play?

Unfortunately Alesha is fucking terrible and of the relevant token producers she returns I would probably only run Mentor and Pyro which would require a specific build and wouldn't be very strong in my opinion. Her combo finish is boring not to mention easily disrupted while she drags on early and midgame not doing anything important.

Marchesa draws me cards, makes tokens, and passing around a Burger King crown is going to be hilarious for everyone involved.

Oh my group doesn't know about Edric

>Alesha is fucking terrible

I have a friend who used to play a regular 60 clone deck with him- he'd just fuck with people for fun and if the game went too long/boring he'd just clone him for GG. Stopped after awhile though because he got bored by it.

He just finished buying cards for his EDH deck today- still doing simic cloning.

>actually kind of anxious to face him knowing he's just out to spread anarchy and make the boardstate an indecipherable nightmare

>my group doesn't know about Edric
Go to fucking town.

I mean... you're already gonna be running a suboptimal Marchesa deck so it shouldn't be a big deal you'll be playing a suboptimal Alesha deck.

Just drop board wipes to cut that bullshit out

If you couldn't tell there will be a superfriends subtheme which is a nonbo in any decent Alesha deck, not that there's ever been a decent Alesha deck.

Also I'm pretty sure I mentioned the tokens thing and you haven't really given me a reason why I should run a bad reanimator over a token producer in a token deck.


Because there are lots of weenie value token generators and because Marchesa doesn't make tokens all the time, and only when someone else is drawing a card on their end step.

>Alesha is bad
Is this a spicy new meme?