>various elven subraces are cutesy animus with cat/dog/fox/squirrel/whatever ears and tails
How much would this enrage you? What elven subraces would go to which types of animal ears/tails?
>various elven subraces are cutesy animus with cat/dog/fox/squirrel/whatever ears and tails
How much would this enrage you? What elven subraces would go to which types of animal ears/tails?
Nah, I'd be fine with this. Just depends on the game. If we were going for a more lighthearted type of game for fun and laughs it'd be all cool.
"Enrage" is the wrong word. It'd be more like just one more mild disappointment in the quest to find a group that's not a weebs or That Guys. The rage was all exhausted months ago.
It'd be a change of pace, so I'd probably make a fox girl huntress of some kind and see where things went.
I keep my animu and my arpeegees separate, user.
I mean, I like both. But these are not two great tastes that taste great together.
Well, maybe some low-key Berserk references here and there are allowed, but that's practically D&D the Anime, so whatever.
seems fine.
A lot.
Literally no reason they can't be human.
There's no way the Rangers and Druids would allow such nonsense.
I'd go for that. I have terrible taste anyways.
>mfw someone actually found a use for that image
>mfw i've been looking for a reason to post that image for ages
>mfw someone beat me to it
i don't know who you are. i don't know where you live, your financial situation, who your relatives are and where they live. i don't have the means to track you down across the globe. im sure that you are a reasonably well adjusted individual with a house, car, a dog and 2.5 kids. but in this moment, anonymous stranger on a image hosting fourm site, i want you to know that the image you have posted is one that i have had languishing on multiple hard rives for a very long time, and it is the only image in my reaction folder that i have not posted in relevance to a thread topic. in this moment, you have bested me, so completely and utterly that had i the means to, i would send a very well worded letter, written on vellum, sealed with wax, and hand delivered by horse courier fully expressing my displeasure with you.
>how much would this enrage you
Not at all. I'd be pleased to know that my GM is not shying away from anime-derived art/themes, because that's the aesthetic/setting I find the most appealing, by far.
I enjoy the thought of it but would never actually get to play it since when I play tabletop games IRL I keep my faggotry under wraps and will not suffer the humiliation of roleplaying as a female fox girl in front of my friends, nor force them to be in the presence of such shameless faggotry,
>i don't know who you are
You've actually been waiting to post that counter, huh?
A DM I know is doing this now and I'm not angry so much as I feel kind of ashamed.
I'm kind of an 'all our nothing' kind of player, just reskinning a race so that you can pretend to be a dog is such a cop out; if I'm going to start fiddling with races and creatures I'm designing then from the ground up or not at all.
I get that it's all in the name of fun and that's why I'm not angry, but the half-assed nature of these kinds of things irks me.
So it's literally a race of human-looking things with animal parts lazily glued on? How interesting (sarcasm)
I'd ask how are they elves, cause they don't really look like elves. If you wanted kistune and catfolks in your games just put them there up front, not masked as another race that has nothing to do with them just because you think it would be easier for people to cope with it. Cause it wouldn't, anyway, haters gonna hate at any rate.
I thought that shit was cannon. Kitsune.
The only thing raging would be my dong.
I just can't bother to get mad like I used to anymore.
Why not make them animal spirits that used to go mimi so they looked more friendly to other intelligent race, and by a mix of time with croosbreeding with humanoids, they 'forgot' how to go animal again, needing ritualistic stuff and meditation to find their 'true self', a lot just domt care anymore or have the blood too diluted they cant? It also can explain druids, they are people who the grand grand grand father married a girl with wolf earrs, and the animal thing is strong on him until today.
Dude I don't know what the fuck you're going on about that image is appropriate for damn near every single thread on this godforsaken site
>Want's race with animal ears and tail
>Doesn't ask anything related to the race's existence
You already failed
>How much would this enrage you?
I already did that, but with kemono instead.
That image is posted here at least once a month.
No, Berserk is WHFRP the anime.
Slayers is D&D the anime.
I would be fine with this as long as the person didn't try to use some retarded bullshit to justify it. Why and how they're doing it is obvious ("because I want to" and "because I said so", respectively) so trying to bullshit me about it is just insulting.
>I'd ask how are they elves, cause they don't really look like elves.
How do they not?
I'd be fine with it, but I'd ask why even call them elves at this point.
I'd ask why they have them described as elves and not just as an independent set of races since you haven't really indicated anything to make the remotely similar.
Fox = High Elf
Squirrel = Wood Elf
Cat = Drow minus the spider fetish
There is nothing wild about a Dog so I don't know why'd you use them for an elf substitute.
Can Rangers tame catgirls? Can I have a catgirls companion?
Which anime is "D&D the anime" really depends on the edition. If we're talking about BX or some other variant of Basic, it's actually Record of Lodoss War (pic related). If it's AD&D 2e, then it's Slayers. If it's epic-level 3.PF, it's Overlord
But I already do this, animal-folk have basically replaced Elves in their roles as the ancient, haughty civilization of spellcasters and forgemasters.
The pointy-eared Elves assume the role of Hobgoblins and Orcs now, only with magitech and a moon base.
>But these are not two great tastes that taste great together.
Tell that to /pfg/.
I'll allow it
Back to el reddito, caballero.
Are those even in 5e?
To be fair, sarcasm is harder to show through text alone.
/pfg/ has great taste in foxgirls!
If you want fetish shit just throw it out front instead of hiding it behind "Hey look my elves don't have long ears, don't live long, have cat ears, cat paws, and a cat tail."
Eh. Play down the cutesiness and I have no problem with a setting where the billion elf races are replaced with a billion animal people. I've played weirder things.
But what if they live long?
every fucking fantasy race lives long, except for goblinoids
Is that hairpin going through her ear?
Not officially but I did find a couple on DMs Guild. One was full of overpowered bullshit wankery while the other one was actually a lot more reasonable and went for the trickster fey angle.
Even dwarves, who should really be living shorter lives die to the extremely unhealthy conditions found underground, which they spend their entires lives.
Don't care, it sounds like standard fantasy to me, but with a consistent theme outside of
>they're humans but not
>Elves are humans with pointy ears
>Dwarves are short humans
>Orcs are big green humans
And so forth. I really don't get how this is any worse. It isn't better, but it isn't worse.
>Elves are elves
>Dwarves are beard-elves
>Orcs are shit-elves
>who should really be living shorter lives die to the extremely unhealthy conditions found underground
You don't understand fantasy, do you?
>Literally Elder Scrolls
%95 of things anime touches turns to shit. This idea is no exception.
>>various elven subraces are cutesy animus with cat/dog/fox/squirrel/whatever ears and tails
Honestly I wouldn't care just based on that
>How much would this enrage you?
Not at all
>What elven subraces would go to which types of animal ears/tails?
Whichever ears and tails are the fluffiest
>female fox girl
Are there male fox girls?
Ain't that a question
Why do they have leaves on their heads?
>I keep my animu and my arpeegees separate
Do you don't play Shadowrun, Ryuutama, Nechronica, Tokyo Nova, Infinity, Eclipse Phase, or 40K?
Your loss, I suppose. Except for 40K. That shit is awful.
I thought THIS was a male catgirl.
Record of Lodoss war is D&D as the GM wrote the campaign.
Slayers is D&D after the players got through with it.
Some sort of Japanese thing, I don't really know it but I've seen a lot of mythical based transformation powers require a leaf on the head for some reason, the fact that you can see it probably means they're not transformed though, but they can do the "puff of smoke into [whatever]" trick
My only (minor) complaint is why are they elven subraces of all things? I just don't think it really suits elves that well to have random animal parts. If I had to pick a race to have animal ears and tails I'd probably go with halflings
>mfw the elves got to genetically engineered cat girls before us
Sure why not
I'm pretty sure slayers is literally an anime adaptation of the creators pen and paper RPG experiences
Calling those lower beast races "elves" of any sort is a disgrace upon actual elves
Don't forget Rune Soldier Louie, which shares a setting with Lodoss War, but is written with Slayers sensibilities.
Drow have bat ears
>How much would this enrage you?
My favorite setting already has animal people of all sorts of kinds, from 'cute girl with cat ears and tail' to 'talking cat that can inexplicably hold things'. It is, in fact, part of why it's my favorite setting, because kemonomimi are cute.
>What elven subraces would go to which types of animal ears/tails?
They're rare, but Birahni elves can be found with features of any beast that runs, slithers, climbs, or crawls (but NOT birds or fish). Also, there are probably elves in Helt and elsewhere that married hramath; the resulting children would be half of each.
>play any game with customization (vidya or tabletop) with friends
>1/2 to 3/4 show up as girls
Get better friends, senpai
If I remember correctly, Savage Worlds has a setting where elves are plant-folk who create and enslave lesser fae creatures who are like halflings with animal-like traits.
That's sort of close.
What setting is this? I'm interested.
Uresia: Grave of Heaven.
That's good too.
>Live in some backwater shithole
>Didn't even know, let alone have interest in TTRPGs until some 15-ish years ago
>No one around shares my interests and i'm too introverted at this point
>Can't do any normal campaigns let alone weeb/magical realm shite
>Surprised when i see my country representative at a fucking MTG tourney on Twitch
Where do you fat bastards even live
What country?
Eastern Europe is probably tied with northwestern Central Asia for "most backwater area of the world". I think it's fun that eastern Europe has such a significant presence on /int/. Even though /int/, like the rest of Veeky Forums, is kind of a shithole, it's nice to see eastern Europe have a presence on the internet.
Try Roll20 or some other online RPG platform.
Backwards foot. The big toe should be on the inside, not the outside.
>Sun elf: cat
>Moon elf: dog
>forest elf/wood elf/wild elf: badger or squirrel
>drow: fox
You know it's true.
>drow: fox
Foxes don't go underground for anything but sleep, maybe.
>elves = catboys
>elves = fae
>elves = fae catboys
It's a perspective/stylization thing.
I'm tired, please don't make me draw it and show you.
I don't think that is.
Are sea elves cute merboys and mermaids?
>Beast races are elf-analogues
>Beast races are generic animu cute
>Not making your beast races based on orcs
>Catpeople that are not able to bench press a troll
I know it's Veeky Forums, so shit taste is guaranteed, but can you guys not be THIS terrible this early in the morning?
Veeky Forums is always terrible
Nonplussed for rhe most part. Elves like that makes some kind of sense.
As for the second part, depends on the setting/system. If we're talking D&D, I might insist on the return of dog-lile features to kobolds.
Pretty sure it originated from this board some years ago even.
I like the cut off your jib.
I know
Maybe if you had it spayed it when it was still small.
It's our only escape.
Things seem to be changing though. I'm living in a middlingly major city in Serbia and I have my pick between four FLGS' to frequent, and I know there are two more I'm not interested in. I think it's because someone realized you can register your club as an NGO and get tax exemption.
alot of beast people in my current setting have an elf-like appearance and can only be identified as such if you get your hand into their pants and search for a tail
>it's nice to see eastern Europe have a presence on the internet.
I got 10 MB/s, i'd say that's pretty average in here
Tail is an extension of the spine. Races that walk upright would have disproportionately thick spines, like humans do. I can't see how it could be practical or comfortable trying to hide that in human clothes.
protip: the tail is thinner than the rest of the spine. and flexible enough to wrap it around your leg/waist. considering most people are wearing those puffy pants they are easy to hide