CoC general

Hello Veeky Forums, I would like to start a Call of Cthulhu general thread, focused on 1920s-1930s, east coast USA.

I'm thinking about nice, few sessions long game with two or maybe three players, with minimal lovecraftian things. And a clever twist, I think.

The twist, in my opinion really clever and nice, offers something more than usual game. Players are members of the Ku-Klux-Klan.

And here is my main problem - I have no idea how to start. I don't know that much about this topic, to be quite honest. Can you help me? Can you provide me sources and infos about the KKK?










as with any pulp noir yarn:

"It all started with a dame..."

"...a dame to kill for."

It'd probably be kind of shitty because KKK was all about being part of a mob.

Maybe you gather round to hang some negroes and from one of them a horrifying monstrosity/curse bursts forth and starts killing clansmen and you have to figure out what it is and stop it before it gets to you and then you gather rest of your retarded brethren and find out where that black dude came from and go there and there's an ancient cult and you try to fite it for white murica or somesuch.

"...or die for."

How about a campaign where you do very tongue-in-cheek references in an investigation of some malevolent Eastern origin horror cult with strange heathen gods from beyond mortal ken?

And it turns out it's just a bunch of Chinese people in Chinatown being ethnic, and that the investigation clues were all just Lovecraft's contemporary racial views/fears.

But then you do a Shamalamadingdong and introduce Professor Fu Manchu and the Yellow Terror as an actual BBEG.

Well, start with the wikipedia article for the Klan. I think that was around the time they were making a run at becoming a national political party.

The Klan went through a lot of different phases (the common theme being the use of terror and intimidation to hold back black political power in the south).

In any case, you could cast the players as political terrorists or assassins (ie, preparing to bomb, kidnap, or assassinate a target) or as common racketeers. The Klan grew very wealthy selling silly costumes, so maybe the players are negotiating a bribe or running weapons or something.

-The players find an old cassette tape in a shoebox. When put into a tape player, they get only a few seconds of heavy, wet breathing before it cuts out. Upon inspecting the tape afterwards, there is no magnetic strip inside.
-One of the PC's shirts is bloody. It starts off as a small stain, but over time gradually covers a wider area, as if they were bleeding. This begins at dawn and ends at dusk, and the effect persists no matter how often they change clothing.
-When on board the elevator, scratching sounds and deep toned incomprehensible whispers can be heard. If examined, the elevator shaft is empty.
-A puddle on the road has a drowning woman hammering on the bottom of the surface as if the water was solid.

>CoC thread
>Opens it with image suitable for some action bullshit

-A large puddle appears after a rain storm. if you look down into it you see a full town submerged underwater.
-The sound of a whetstone sharpening a blade not far off can clearly be heard, yet neither the direction nor location can be discerned.
-A PC's Holy Symbol begins to weep blood from nonexistent wounds.
-PC discovers pieces of the last monster or person they killed mixed in with their rations.
-For one night, there is an extra moon in the sky. It's fully visible and pockmarked with craters. It's gone the next night. The pc's have dreams of this moon the night before it appears, and for one week after.
-When walking down a hallway (mansion, hotel, whatever) the players suddenly notice a set of bloody footprints being imprinted on the carpet, passing from one wall to the other, as if an invisible person just walked through one wall and continued across the hallway through the other wall.
-The character is asleep in his bed, and he wakes up to the sound of drops falling on water. He looks around and the bedroom floor has turned into a black ocean in which he can see things moving underneath the, tentacled things (and they're not octopi).
-The woods are completely silent. Utterly silent. And empty, for that matter, even of mosquitoes. As a counter: the woods are filled with chirps, and the sounds of thriving life. But every creature seen is dead, and in a fairly advanced state of death.


>cassette tape
In the prohibition era?

Fine, change it to phonograph.
