Why are Magic players so smelly?
If you go to the shop/tournament, could you please be so nice to shower and try to act like a normal bean.
Also ITT: Your shop stories.
Why are Magic players so smelly?
If you go to the shop/tournament, could you please be so nice to shower and try to act like a normal bean.
Also ITT: Your shop stories.
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Most of these shops, tournament areas aren't air conditioned and are stuffed with people. Even if you had a shower before coming you'll be sweating and smelling in half an hour. And people sometimes spend half or a full day there.
You might as well complain that people smell at rock concerts.
It doesn't help that the people are fucking disgusting. Went to a weekend event with a few players, was worried they'd get mad at me for taking too much shower time because there were like 6 guys to one shower.
Nah, they just all fucking rinsed their hair, pits, and crotch in the sink and said that was good enough. In florida. In the summer. Maybe one of them took a shower after me but that was it.
Some people just don't care.
>Shower every day
Well memed. Washing like that ruins the protective oils on your skin and is bad for you
Once a week is fine.
Dude that's just fucking nasty as all hell.
Oh great, it's another Veeky Forums thread where we make up stories about horrible players. Is this what we do to waste board space now instead of quest threads?
do yourself a favor
All part of my strategy
Can't handle the smell? Get out of the gamestore
Yes but people at rock concerts are cool and have lives as opposed to Magic players who spend 2000 dollars on Modern Jund only to find it's exhausting to play at 9 round GPs and that Affinity was a better entry to Modern and WHY EVEN BUY INTO THE DECK AFTER BLOODBRAID ELF AND DEATHRITE SHAMAN WERE BANNED GOD ITS SO STUPID
>people at rock concerts are cool and have lives
Yeah, those 4 or 5 people called "the band" do.
>implying the band has a life
There's something like one-in-nine of the band members, of the major mainstream bands that actually got out of the garage, that do something with their lives.
Try not being fat, eating good and staying in shape
Those things all cost money, which would be better spent keeping my mana-base up to date.
He has a point. Unless you live in an incredibly humid area or are constantly engaged in physical labor, you shouldn't be showering daily. You're not going to be rank until at least day 3 - 4, and that largely depends on the climate.
About twice a week is recommended. Anything more and you're just stripping your healthy skin, depleting natural oils and destroying helpful bacteria.
That might've applied ten thousand years ago, but we civilized now
>"Why would anyone prepare a home cooked meal when there's this wonderful invention called a microwave oven?"
>"We civilized now!"
Progress is not always progress, user.
Honestly I'm more bothered by the faggots who don't shave. Most of you can't actually grow a beard. Stop trying.
This is true
Technology = convenience =/= progress
Though I only use microwaves seldom
Because perfume and similar products are said to cause Cancer.
What surprises me the most is that people still play Magic or Pokemon TCG since it has become so mainstream.
But then who cares?
Just give a free card to players who took a bath and a pentalty of five bucks to those who are smelly. There, problem solved.
This wont work if you live in a tropical country
>About twice a week is recommended.
You seem to have mis-read the article. "you only need to shower twice out of each three days" unless you commute on crowded public transit, work in an unhealthy environment or public health location or go to the gym often. These factors apply to a lot of people.
And this does not apply to people who have naturally very oily skin and/or hair, who do need to bathe every day or the sebum buildup will cause pimples and skin irritations.
Those who have little to no responsibility will tend to groom themselves less, since there's no stigma for them.
People who go to school/have jobs/have a family to feed are the ones who look nicer and smell nicer, because these environments have expectations that you meet minimum hygiene requirements or risk spreading bacteria, which can lead to a layoff, which equals no burgerbux for you.
It all comes down to responsibility.
But we were speaking on the basis of biology, where before modern medicine you had to maintain the normal flora on your body to keep the "good" bacteria competing with the "bad" bacteria. That's why you never give a newborn honey, because they haven't developed a normal flora to compete with the harmful bacteria of the honey yet (even in today's age).
The article in probably recommends showering every couple days to maintain your natural flora against things like Streptococci bacteria, which many strains cause debilitating skin infections if they have no competition.
This. I work outside on long shifts and I go to the gym daily. Not to mention I have oily hair and I need to treat it with Heads and Shoulders every day or it gets unbearably itchy. I shower every day and I'm not gonna stop doing that.
Yeah, I quit going to gaming stores due to the rejects that hang out in such places.
It could just be I live in a rustbelt area, but there are a lot of 40+ year olds who live with their mother.
Now, I just play with friends, which means I don't play very often, but getting to play was just not worth the raging man-children.
someone posted this on the facebook page of my LGS after a strongly stenched event and the owner got very confrontational that the sign is adversarial and exclusionary to his customers, and does not reflect the feelings of the store.
I'm sure it's happened before with other, fatter dudes, but oddly the only stinky MTG player I recently encountered at my LGS was this skinny asshole. He was also pretending to accomplish something with his nonexistent facial hair, but the worst offense was playing with an unsleeved mono-black Commander deck.
I mean if he doesn't mind stinkmonsters patronizing his business then that's his prerogative.
kek. If it was anything other than a game shop I might agree but at a LGS, body odor is due to not washing or wearing deoderant like 95% of the time
I went to a gaming store. Started out normally. My friend who drove us had to leave for a few minutes. 10 minutes later he informs me that he just got in a fender bender and I needed my own ride home.
>Guy across the table smelt like rot and fear. Offers me a lift close to my house.
>Convinces me not to get a taxi.
Worst mistake of my life...
>We leave. He has a small car, I open my side, and the smell hits me...rotting food and mildew.
>He has empty drink bottles leaking mold.
>He has greasy food bags which might have been Chinese food once.
>Garbage everywhere. My eyes watering from it.
>He tells me to hurry up, impatient...I hold my breath and sit down.
My second biggest mistake ever.
>What follows is a journey into madness, I saw within myself, found strength I have never seen. My gag reflex had a gag reflex. I was dying, slowly.
>He said he was hot, so he turns the AC on. Blowing death air at me.
>I try to stand my ground, I must hold the point at all costs.
>He sneezes on his steering wheel. Leaving a splotch of snot.
>The enemy has summoned plaguebearers
>Stomach turns.
>Tell him to pull over, jump out, hurl my guts out.
>He asks if I need help. He is holding out a stained napkin from his glovebox.
>Hurl twice more. Grab my shit from the car, and tell him im walking from here.
>Walk 5 miles home. Shower multiple times to wash away the filth.
>Didn't feel clean for a week, used steel wool for it.
To this day, the guy gets all pissed when i see him I insulted him somehow.
Leland stinkmonsters spend the most.
You WANT to cater to them
>Be paranoid of my hygiene due to youth where even if I took a shower and put on deodorant I would still be musty as hell despite 0 physical activity and being inside all day
>Still paranoid and nervous that I smell when playing MTG even though I clean myself right before
S-sorry I am probably contributing to this stereotype.
>He sneezes on his steering wheel. Leaving a splotch of snot.
Fucking gross.
>To this day, the guy gets all pissed when i see him I insulted him somehow.
Well he did offer you a ride and you promptly jumped out of the car, yakked, and fled. Should've just cowboyed up and let him take you home.
You agreed to enter a very small confined space with a person literally rotting away from you across the table. Even if his car hygiene had been on point, you'd have only yourself to blame for ever thinking that was a good idea.
This. Most of these people have never been in battle.
Stench apologists are the worst
Magic players have nothing on YuGiOh players.
I once saw someone who literlly looked like they just work up from a coma and immediately went from the hospital to the game shop.
They had overgrown fingernails like a nosferatu. Greasy hair and overgrown neckbeard. Wearing a bathrobe and pajamas.
Needless to say I avoid game stores now.
I haven't showered in at least 3 monts.
Yeah. I raised flesh eating bugs for a hobby years ago. Smelly people ain't got shit to that.
Plus if you smelly fucks are in a tournament, I can just tell the judge your "smell hurts my nose" and you have to either get clean or GTFO of the tourney.
Never failed me before.
You play dirty, I play clean.
You have dirty tricks, I have dirtier ones.
If they were socially functional, they would be having sex with girls instead of playing pretend wizard with decks of cards.
>never met a smelly person in a game store
>or a that guy
>or any form of magical realm
I'm beginning to think these threads are exercises in creative writing
>in a tournament, I can just tell the judge your "smell hurts my nose" and you have to either get clean or GTFO of the tourney.
Never seen that happen before and we had tournaments with literal hobo fresh off the street in them.
>either get clean or GTFO of the tourney.
That's one faggy place you're playing at, pal. Do they ask you to mind the pronouns of the other players too?
Where I'm from even if you're laying broken and bleeding in the middle of the floor nobody is gonna call an ambulance
Dude, there's a noticeable difference between "I had a shower but it's hot/I sweat a lot naturally" and "rancid stench of no hygiene".
They ate. It should be apparant shitposters have never actually interacted with anything they shitpost about. Hell there was a confess your /tg sins thread a couple days ago and the first 20 posts were "I don't play traditional games"
Guess I don't live in a shithole.
Basic hygiene is required for state tournaments where im from. Or regionals, or even small hobby shops
Guess my state just has standards to keep.
Glad I won't cross your path in my lifetime, the smell of soap must be to you as sunlight is to a vampire
>once a week
I mean skipping a day is good but fuck
A lot of the people in my game store are completely normal people with like jobs in tech, finance, business, and shit. Some of them even dress up in cardigans and dress shirts.
>complain about people smelling like literal rot is as bad as enabling custom pronoun users
>source, everyone is a heartless cunt where is come from
You have guys wasting tons of money in cards and they can't pool some money for an air conditioner?
But then they are wasting tons of money in cards, forget I asked.
Eh, it's not like we're all that bad, but LGS refused to run a tourney once because we were one player short.
We strategically placed those auto spray air fresheners hanging along the wall near the MTG area. Each morning someone uses bleach on the tables and chairs they use. Keeps it under control.
Also if we smell someone as they walk by the counter, we direct them to the CVS across the parking lot or they can go home until they stop luring flies in.
You're either black or stupid
>Some might argue both
The worst the yugioh scum at our store did was somehow drop a slice of pizza on the floor and leave it there for hours. One employee went over once we realized it had been there that long.
"Hey, you guys gonna eat that?" pointing at the pizza on the ground
"Uh, no." flustered yugioh player responds
"Then pick that shit up or I'll throw you out with it."
Actually took them 30 seconds to pick it up
>"Hey, you guys gonna eat that?" pointing at the pizza on the ground
>"Uh, no." flustered yugioh player responds
>"Then pick that shit up or I'll throw you out with it."
One time I had a dude at fnm try to lie about his life, heard from a friend he'd tried it on her(he had one of those rollers, but he turned it so only he could see it) so I went full autistic and recounted every event in the last three turns to explain how I'd done more than 20 damage, then asked for his graveyard and made a great theatre of pointing out that he had played no healing cards. Apparently he'd been doing it all night, and still never won a match, even with most players just establishing his current life and finishing it next turn. His deck wasn't even that bad, he was just an idiot.
I've met a few people like this but not nearly in the numbers I've seen people claim. The gaming club at my college had its share of odd costumers and it was obvious a few them didn't put much effort into hygiene.
The only really bad one I've seen is my friend's younger brother. The kid's 17 and he's on the fast track track to becoming a category 5 neckbeard.
We get one every now and then, but they quickly piss off once they notice that nobody wants to interact with them.
Take it easy bruh your anxiety is going to kill you.
>trolls trolling trolls
Working in a hot humid place ruins you. Daily showers kinda can be important.
I haven't showered in 2 weeks and no normie can make me.
Musty=/=stinky. You're fine. I mean, unless you have that one-in-a-billion disorder that makes you smell like rotten fish.
There's no reason not to shower daily. Daily shampoo and conditioner helps keep your hair healthy, unless you're a nigger of course, and at the VERY least running water over all of your cracks washes away any build up you could be having in there and any oils, dust, or dirt you have on your skin.
If given the option of a daily shower the only reason to turn it down is if you want to have poor hygiene.
Bait. Try harder
>Big LGS
>Run by jew
>everything is the cheapest it can be, cheap bulbs, cheap plastic stools, cheap tables
>limited or standard, spike pro tour wannabes
>filled with teens and people who think being rude is a tactical advantage
>everyone cheats
>smells like a high-school locker room
>Small LGS
>Run by old fat metalhead and his fetishy rockabilly daughter
>Used to be a shoe store, everything is wood, cool, dark and cozy
>playgroups for commander, legacy and proxi vintage gather here
>mostly older people
>Spells like pine and leather
>Big LGS charges $5 for three-pack draft
>Small LGS doesn't bother because no one is drafting
>his fetishy rockabilly daughter
I was like that back in middle school
don't worry so much about. If you wash yourself properly, brush your teeth, and use deodorant it's not your fault if you still stink.
The musty smell comes from your fucking house, it has festered into your clothes. It's like smokers who quit and their house and clothes and skin still reek of sick death.
Somewhat ok story from my lgs
>be me 15
>be at FNM
>be with 3 friends
>see there's cards in the trashcan
>sit down and tell friends about cards
>snotty kid from across the table pipes up
>"heh if you knew anything about value you'd know why they're in the trash can"
>friend pipes up
>"well if you knew anything about investing you'd know that you could sell bulk commons and uncommons on eBay"
>the whole lgs was quiet and giggling
>snotty kid shut up and sat back down
>never threw away cards again
Well that's the story
>Sees garbage cards in garbage
>Scurry over to friends. Plan to raid the trash so you can make a better deck.
>MTGnerd spots you. Challenges you
>Jew friend wrings his hands and says "pennies and pennies and pennies"
That's for hair, you idiot. And even then, that's only for long and thick hair that will straight up fall the fuck out if you use standard shampoo every day. You won't go bald or anything, but you'll basically be constantly shedding and it'll turn to frizzy shit in about 3 days. You need to either get good shampoo (Which is stupidly expensive for something that you wash down the drain) or washing it a few times a week and rinse and come the SHIT out of it to make sure it stays clean.
It's not a problem many people have, but trust me it's a problem if you do have it. Worth it for the glorious, flowing locks, though.
I meant to say "Rinse and COMB the SHIT out of it", but I suppose come would maybe act as a conditioner to give it that glossy sheen.
I remember the shop that did this
Still going strong to this day too
I'd love to have a cozy game coffee/bar/library that ran frequent fun events with a healthy mix of customers...
But i just know the unwashed NEETs will flock to it and get embarrassingly drunk after a couple of drinks and awkwardly pervy and confrontational.
I couldn't take my players anywhere nice. I would be too embarrassed as their GM/handler.
>Why are Magic players so smelly?
Fat people.
Fat people have trouble wiping their butt, so their butts are often poopy most of the time.
Fat people sweat a lot, sweat runs down their crack, takes the poop with it.
The poopy sweat soaks their underwear and shorts / jeans.
Fat people often walk around with poopy butts, underwear and shorts / jeans.
Self-hating fatty detected.
Stay fat, Americlap.
>n-no y-you're the fatty
It's ok user, it really is, no judgement here
>Small LGS near mall
>previous owner absolute bro-tier, current owner is great
>employees a bit offputting but good at their games and helpful too
>FNM drafting and standard are great
>Wednesday Modern nights though
>a third of the players smell like weed constantly
>obese anons refuse to move at all, even to get parings
>mostly unkempt, greasy kids who don't shower
Why the fuck does Modern attract the worst scum of the earth?
>26 stone Brit makes fun of 370 pound American for his weight
I've gone 10-12 days without a shower while working in the field, and I'm sure military personnel have done worse. When there is nobody around but a pack mule what's the harm. You reach a point where you can't really smell any worse than you do.
That said when I'm home I shower everyday because I'm not a fucking animal and live in a society.
>thinking that's actually true
They don't spend 1 penny at the store except for their entry fee they always buy their cards online in my experience with people that smell.
Longest i've gone is a week when i was a teenager camping and i have never wanted to smelll like that again.
I don't know, user. My local LGS is run out the back of a hairdressers, and has only two regulars I see playing Modern. One's short, fat, and makes a living betting on CSGO matches. the other's slightly taller, still fat, always wears a jogging outfit and trainers, and smells of weed.
I'd probably be more interested in the format if those two weren't my only playing prospect. And the owner wasn't a n overpricing, lying dickhead.
I can usually find a river, creek, or something I can rinse off a bit in, but I still think that after 2-3 days hiking you reach peak stink and anything more isn't noticeable. Hair gets greasier and beard more itchy though that's for sure.
I mean it also varies from person to person. I shower everyday and use deodorant, and stay on top of laundry, but i still have people come at me saying my BO was enough to bother them, especially during the summer. Like I'm just sweaty, i guess.
out of curiosity, I haven't played since mirrodin - why does anyone give a shit about keeping their mana up to date? I'd be perfectly happy to play my alpha mana until I die.
>three retards watching and playing yu gi oh
>they're losing their minds at the incredible moved yugi and joey are making
>rules not consistent within the episode let alone within the game as a whole
>God I wish it would end.
Different tournaments have different allowed sets of cards, most allowed only from the last 15 ish years (modern) or 1 ish year (standard)
This. So many people don't realize living among mold and filth contaminates you and everything you own. A friend once dumped some old warhams on me to sell to people who still play. His house is a moldy shithole. The miniatures stank to high heaven of mold. Including the ones that were unpainted pewter.
I have only once recently come across someone who stank up the place badly. Was at this convention and there was a game tournament going on. It was a bit of a poor room what with the decorations they had up not so smartly blocking the airflow, so that contributed to it a bit, but this really fat guy in front of me got called up as it was his turn, and when he stood up, suddenly the most foul smell of ass flooded my senses. I literally gagged at it. I could see the people he walked past all reacting to it as he made his way to the front and I knew I had to get out of that room before he came back.
Luckily, my FLGS crowd seems to know well enough to shower, but I only ever get there once a week for Armada night. I never took magic seriously enough to play with the scary people who inhabit the competitive scene.
Am I the only one who runs into the opposite?
Overbearing body spray, deodorant, and cologne?
Normal beans?
What liked baked beans?
we used to have some regulars at my local games workshop I called "Sweaty Gomez(s)"
One day one walked to the counter with his usual BO so bad it chased off interested families. I turned to him and said "fucks sake, you smelly cunt. You can afford 23 quid on 5 plastic men but you can't get a can of Lynx" (Ax to any Americans)
He stormed off and the manager actually thanked me as he had wanted to say it for weeks.
Every time I face someone from my blood bowl league both of us arrive with damp hair from our recent shower. And always, when we finish, we stink as if we had been sweating for a week. Dunno if it's the stress of rolling dice or what.
>have clinical depression
>work in a hot ass warehouse
>zero energy to shower regularly
The only time I manage to shower is before I go to the lgs. The days when I can't find the will to shower, I usually wind up in bed all day instead.
That being said, there are days where I just don't give a shit and go without showering, but they're rare.
Hair stylist here
Expensive shampoo is only for women and men who have expensive dyes and weaves in their hair. I use head and shoulders myself and recommend it to my clients unless they need special attention.
You should have a light shower every day to clean the pits, behind the ears and crotch and to rinse off the sweat and dirt from your body, but a deep cleanse is something you need every three days or so, which is a proper exfoliation and hair treatment.
Basically exfoliate your skin with a loofah and shampoo and condition your hair twice to three times a week for best results.