So I just got my mom's credit cards $2,500 in debt from buying mtg cards and now she's kicking me out of the house. Wat do, Veeky Forums?
So I just got my mom's credit cards $2,500 in debt from buying mtg cards and now she's kicking me out of the house...
Other urls found in this thread:
Be a bum.
Commit suicide.
Get a job. Or sign up for welfare.
Buy more cards.
win tournaments, pay your debt
Sell your cards to help your hardworking mother.
THEN commit suicide
Sell a kidney.
Become a drug tester.
Donateven your body to science, and then kill yourself.
What deck are you building?
A Death and Taxes legacy deck.
No seriously just kill yourself
This user has the right idea.
Sell your cards to help your mother. Then get a job and pay your mom back every penny she spent raising your stupid ass.
>commit suicide
And make you poor old mom pay for funeral expenses, in addition to your childish game? No, you don't get the easy way out. You get to clean up your mess, so that your mom can someday at least pretend to feel like you weren't a complete waste of her time.
This can't possibly be not bait.
>But I'm serious
Get a job, dumbass, and pay her back.
Get a fucking job? When I was 16 I got a job so I could buy cards. Sure, I couldn't get into legacy or any of that shit, but I built a decent modern deck after a month or so of working. You're a disgrace to society and your family, kill yourself.
I agree. Total bait.
Fine a place of your own, get a job, pay her back.
Ok, I gotta ask, do we know the source video for this pic?
>This can't possibly be not bait.
This, it's just too convenient given we had a thread complaining about MTG autists smelling like shit earlier this morning.
On the off chance user is serious, the correct board would be /adv/
Pay her back, then become less of a short-sighted jerk if at all possible.
People still do that?
I would have thought that over four decades decades of TV shows warning us against doing stupid stuff like that would have helped somewhat.
Sell the cards to pay her back.
Besides what everyone else said, please provide your full name and physical description.
Because playing with blatant thieves is a really terrible idea and we'd all like to not have our shit stolen.
I recommend investing in kneepads
Sell them at a profit and pay her back.
Borrow money from the Yakuza to buy even more MtG cards.
What could possibly go wrong?
Get a job and pay her back you fucking waste of space.
do this user.
Start making gay porn, it pays REALLY well
It really doesn't pay all that well unless you're:
a) well-endowed & Veeky Forums
b) super cute twink
c) willing to do some fucked up fetish shit
So prostitution pays more than porn unless you are super hot? Makes sense.
Whore yourself out to old perverts OP. Couple of week of slimy gangbangs and you should be good to go.
Go back.
There's a huge following in the gay for chubby dudes, not bears, chubby dudes. They go crazy for them. They also like their porn to be narrative heavy.
So imagine the character of an insecure chubby nerdy white straight dude, getting into all sort of crazy gay situations. The fags would love it.
OP could be sitting in a goldmine.
Suck cock for money in alleyways.
Gay porn is pretty much the only porn that pays well for men, hence the "gay for pay" phenomenon. A woman on the other hand can get loads without ever touching another woman, or another man for that matter (solo, dildoplay, etc.).
Like in reality, in porn the demand for women heavily exceeds the supply while it's vice versa for men.
>chubby dudes
yeah, that's covered in paragraph c)
Nah, porn pays more than prostitution and you have to do less weird shit.
But it's fairly restricted to LA and Tokyo, outside of those areas there isn't really a market to do porn work on the regular, so pack up your bindle stick and hobo a ride on the freight trains to LA, OP!
Can't buy a house with ones and 5s.
I've made upwards of 500 dollars in a week by being fat and eating a lot of food in front of a camera
And that's not even like, my full time job or anything, I just stream after work ever few days.
This, so much
This seems the right and moral thing to do
Wait, WHAT? Are you a woman?
>running $2,500 in debts to into legacy
>its for a cheap ass deck worth maybe a third of the cost if your not buying them for cheap
holy fuck OP, you are a serious failure, kill yourself and everyone in your genetic line.
>OP could be sitting in a goldmine.
He'll end up having a nugget up his ass
OP, it's time for you to become an adult and stop being a childish Asshole.
Like this is some shit my little brother did when he was 12-14. He used my dad's Credit Card to rack up like 5K on one of our dad's Credit Cards through Clash of Clans.
See if you can contact the Credit Card company and explain what happen, and they may be able to reduce your mom's debt. Then sell off your cards until you have enough to pay her back.
Probably sell all your cards to have a small nut to start off with, because I doubt even if you were able to pay her back right away, it wouldn't help, since you still violated her trust and stole from her. If you don't have someone you can stay with, get yourself a Private Mailbox or P.O. Box so you have an address you can have things sent to you. Your mom might even continue to let you use her address for such purposes, but if you don't pay her back first it might not happen.
As for places to sleep, if you don't have a car and you don't have a lot of money, I know the YMCA sometimes has apartments for those who are in need of a living space for cheap.
Get a fucking job. Even if it's shitty retail job that pays minimum wage, get it. If you can only get a part-time job, then get two. Work and save your money until you actually have some savings. You may need to give up card games for a while.
Alternatively, sign up for the Military, probably the USAF since they mostly just throw you behind a desk (unless you're a pilot, but I kinda doubt you'd be down for that), and you seem like, frankly, kind of pussy. It'll toughen you up, but they probably won't put you in Combat situations. If you're too fat for that, then I guess it's back to Plan A, or you start getting Veeky Forums.
Really, user, it's time to take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
>But it's fairly restricted to LA and Tokyo
Also Miami. Miami is pretty big for porn.
What the fuck is wrong with you buying mtg cards withyour mums credit card.
You could have at least bought yourself a better game or dildos.
>sign up for the Military
basically just do this
>Also Miami. Miami is pretty big for porn.
Yeah but Miami's probably not going to be there in 5 years time, devoured by the sea as it is becoming.
This is solid advice. I would definitely recommend the military if you're healthy enough, because it sounds like you're a worthless NEET with no discipline or structure to your life, and if there's two things that being a soldier gives you, it's discipline and structure. Also a lot of bullshit and hassle, but you dug your own grave OP and now you need to deal with the consequences.
You're gonna hate it, but if you can't deal with some personal hardship in exchange for unfucking your life, then you're probably better off just killing yourself and cashing in on the insurance to pay back your mother.
>Death and Taxes
>Currently homeless and in debt
The irony is so thick you could choke on it.
>all these people saying to just get a job
Is this why Modern players act like such shitters? Are they all just middle aged men who have no idea what the job market is like for people that have never worked before?
>>all these people saying to just get a job
>>Is this why Modern players act like such shitters? Are they all just middle aged men who have no idea what the job market is like for people that have never worked before?
>tfw I suggested suicide
I knew I'm a good person.
Unless you live in fucking Detroit, and what the fuck are you doing with $2.5k in cardboard if you were, there's some job out there. Maybe it means lowering your standards, doing something you'd ordinarily never consider or is beneath you, but it's there. You'll have a bunch of openings coming up if they haven't already from teens better than you who are leaving their summer jobs on top of that.
Why would you do this? What terrible decision making skill you have. Jesus, Christ, dude. What the fuck? Who does this?
You're just learning this now?
Didn't the fact that almost every major tournament at least one guy loses his $10k folder?
Lower your standards, sell yourself like a piece of meat to everyone that's willing to take a resume. Keep it up and you'll eventually find someone who'll eat rancid spam.
>Employers are literally hiring everyone with a pulse where I am
>Then there's this retard
>Didn't the fact that almost every major tournament at least one guy loses his $10k folder?
I already have a job, but it took literally hundreds of applications to obtain a simple interview and at least a thousand before one of them was successful. All of that just for what is supposed to be an entry level position. I'm just saying that it's not that simple anymore unless you were either born with a silver spoon or raised by your parents with employment in mind.
Your situation is an extreme rarity in places like Oregon. You can't just walk up to businesses and get a job unless nepotism is involved somehow.
Where the fuck do you live, and how do I get there?
Unless your economy undergoing hyperinflation, I have my doubts it's that hard to find a job at a McDonalds or 7-11.
He's probably European, they've got massive unemployment pretty much everywhere.
Shit I wish I could have gotten a sitcom-esque job like that, at least when I was a teenager in high school. But no stuff like that doesn't happen anymore in America, old man.
>strip abandoned houses for copper
>sell the copper to buy a cheap gun
>shoot some drug dealers
>loot their bodies
>use their money to buy better guns
>become a wandering killer
>provoke the race war
>hide inna woods while the cities burn >organize a militia
>become a warlord in the wasteland
>go mad with power
>enslave millions
>work them to death building an obsidian ziggurat in the ashes of Chicago
>reign forever from your black throne under the black flag
>finally have your mother brought before you
>pay her back the $2,500
also, OP kill yourself
I'm 27. There's always menial work, and it's not like the economy is collapsing.
What don't you understand? $2.5k would buy you a single proper competitive modern deck in MtG, you need multiple of those.
Get a pair of sweet pants that show off your ass and whore yourself out like the rentboi you are.
Charlie Manson? That you?
No wonder so many people flock to Germany. I feel bad for young Spaniards. They're paying the price for their parents and grandparents bad policies.
Read it again
Except there isn't always work, people my age are lucky if they can make the cut to become a cart pusher or janitor, and that's with partial college education. You are denying reality.
Vanessa Blue, don't knwo which movie though.
There's menial work, but the hours are often miniscule and thus they pay less than they used to, so each menial worker now needs multiple menial jobs to pay as much as one menial job used to, which in turn increases the demand in the market and thus job scarcity.
The real probloem with millenials is they aren't doing what the unemployed of the middle ages did and camping out in the wilderness in bandit groups who waylay travellers.
I live in reality, and I've found plenty of work with dick-shit for education just by handing out resumes.
He did nothing wrong.
>This, it's just too convenient given we had a thread complaining about MTG autists smelling like shit earlier this morning.
But user, we constantly have threads calling out MtG players on being horrible autistic manchildren because they are.
There really isn't. I had to travel all the fucking way to alaska to find a job that paid more than I spent just eating and driving/taking the bus to work.
Even if you have skills (I'm a licensed fisherman, hunter and plumber) people don't thrust anyone anymore, they want perfect daddy's girls with 10/10 tits, padded resumes and a recomendation from Jesus himself just for that 4hr janitorial job.
Shouldn't he use the suicide to commit a political statement? Bum rush Killary screaming TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP or similar?
Get a job
Pay her back
Kill yourself
Get a job?
Apologize. Sell the cards and give your mum the money. Look for a job and look hard (you may or may not find one, but you damn well better look), pay as much as you can to your mum each month until you've paid back the debt and interest.
Do the right thing; it's hard, but it's not complicated.
you're right. We are.
Kill yourself.
Seriously, stealing your parent's credit cards is completely unacceptable.
You're an adult, you piece of shit, people get killed for less.
>25.5% youth unemployment
>starting job is 35k€/year
wew dodged a bullet there
Guys, looks like it was just bait as there's no OP here.
It depends on where you are. What's the big industry there? I live in LA, and a few years ago I got into the Entertainment industry as a Post-P.A. and became an Assistant Editor not long after that.
There's also always retail and restaurants and shit like that.
Though you can also do something like Jobcorps. or Americorps. JobCorps is basically a program for people to learn a trade and travel to another part of the country, and I believe you make some money as well. AmeriCorps is basically like a Government funded volunteer program that sends you where help is needed (Think disaster relief and such), and non-profits sometimes tap them to get help as well (Like the Red Cross or Habitat for humanity), so you end up picking up skills along the way. Also you get a bi-weekly stipend and you get around $5K to put toward Education at the end. In both cases you don't need to worry about food and housing, and I know for a fact that in AmeriCorps, your debts get put on hold (thanks, Uncle Sam!) and will not accrue interest nor will you have to make payments (though you can if you want) until your tour is over.
Or just join the Military.
Are you uncharismatic or a minority? I've only ever been turned down twice, and both times those were for promotions at an already existing job, competiting with multiple people I knew were more qualified for. I was also a nervous sack of shit, and interviewed poorly.
Once I fixed that problem though, I've had nothing but ease getting jobs.
If you're a minority, I don't know, try to avoid the places with people who will be racist against you, and find the people who will be racist for you?
It'll be easy for you to get a job, just explain that you stole $2500 from your mother to pay for a children's card game and they'll understand.
What the fuck did you buy that racked it up so high? Or have you been making small purchases and being an ignorant fuck and not calculating totals?
netherlands master race
win a ptq and go pro
that will show her
Kill yourself, give TG the cards.