What weapon would a diplomatic character use? I always assumed that anyone who wanted people to talk shit through would probably just hold something like a greatshield and a knife in case shit goes sour.
What weapon would a diplomatic character use...
A hand crossbow, laced with neurotoxin.
That actually makes a lot of sense, are there any rules on non lethal chemicals in 5e dnd?
Rapier, for whenever someone's honor has been besmirched or whatever and the social situation suddenly calls for a proper duel rather than talking about your feelings.
What if i was playing a total coward?
As a prince of certain anime named Slayers has proven, the best weapon for a pacifist is your fists.
Speakers Mace. Just in case you need to bonk some unruly heads.
Smoke bomb, so you can run away, carry several.
Probably a rapier or a sabre, if we're talking a fantasy setting. Both of them tend to be carried by noble types of bloke into non-violent settings as a decoration or icon of class, so a diplomatic character can be armed without giving off the vibe of 'I'm carrying this explicitly to fuck your day up' that other weapons might give off.
Failing that, a weighted cane or other concealed weapon will do.
surrogates aka bodyguards aka "special envoys"
A sap.
You're wasting your time here, weeb.
Escaped slave who wants cash and isn't willing to take a knife to the chest in order to get it.
A sword appropriate to the time period just like anybody else of similar standing. Lots of people who didn't even bother to learn how to use a sword carried one just because its what people of their social group were meant to do.
Shields are for war, you don't just carry one around. Knives are for eating, a backup or for when you cannot be bothered to carry a sword/cannot afford one/are not allowed one.
For the noble diplomancer, rapier or sabre
For the sneaky bastard that tries not to look threatening, sword cane
Ostentatiously inlaid greatsword that looks like an heirloom, chain maille with gold trim under silken robes dyed in expensive colours. Expensive riding boots that won't last long in the field. A hat with a large brim and a crownlike gold ring above it, also an ostrich plume. A dark red or blue cloak with white fur hood. And a brazen codpiece.
Dress to impress.
The actual weapon is a poison dagger which remains concealed.
Character of mine had a knitting needle-like dagger secreted in a holster in his bracer. he wore long sleeves over it. As you might think, this made it hard to draw. Crystal of Return (least), mammajamma. Appears in your hand as by Quick Draw for all you backshanking needs.
The ink on the contract might take longer to dry than their blood.
His dick
A penis, since it's mightier.
Your fists. Figuratively and literally disarming you would probably be a violation of diplomatic immunity.