>love is the strongest force in the universe
Love is the strongest force in the universe
Can a god of love be stoic, Veeky Forums? Been making a god like that but I don't know if it's too "unrealistic" or snowflaky.
>love is the strongest force in the universe
>that love is eros rather than agape
Plebs, plebs everywhere
>drain love from the universe
>use it to generate electricity
>brainwash people to love eachother unconditionally
>create amore-based power plant
>save the world
Yes, yes it is.
Grimdark go home.
Just because you don't wear your heart on your sleeve doesn't mean you don't feel deeply, user. It can work.
Kyubey is that you?
>Love is conserved, never destroyed
>Bitter dictator begins systematic genocide of humanity, finds he can't finish when he sees the last remaining man and woman on earth clutching at each other
>He kills himself, unable to live with what he's done
>With all the love in the world, the couple create a fantasy realm to replace their now - shattered world, rather than save themselves, and die holding each other in their arms
>The new world, bright and brilliant, will never know of their sacrifice
Well yeah, man. God, after all, is love. you'd know this if you've ever been in love.
Love is the choice to give of yourself so that the object of your love may have what it so desperately needs.
In my mind, a love deity could be stoic like and suggest, or better yet, two people, since there is no lover without a beloved: a man and woman, engaged in a constant give-and-take. His dick might be inside her 24/7
I'd like more inventive love gods myself.
I made ur mum's ass agape last night
>Iove is the strongest force in the universe
>it is a force that I will never experience
Didn't you see Interstellar?
I love you user.
>Thought I had someone to love
>They talked shit about me behind my back
You misspelled gravity
*powered by love
I experienced it
it was great until it was gone, at which point it just made me hurt
not really worth it in the end desu
What you're thinking of is gravity. Love is nice and all, but the universe can go on without love. Gravity in the other hand holds everything together.
Gravity is the weakest of the elemental forces, nigga. Even the weak nuclear force is stronger than gravity. Gravity is the Balrog of forces - technically super powerful, but ultimately just a stepping stone to bigger and badder guys.
>The more you know
You need to love yourself first before someone else can love you
The Narcisist's Creed
The less you know
What can you do with love? Don't go HFY on me and say "destroy planets" or some shit. Gravity CREATED the planet, humans created a social construct called "love" that we use to explain our instincts to reproduce and care for direct family and the clan.
I'm not really sure what that image is meant to convey
is it meant to be disbelief or just abject depression?
Fuck that. Love is amazing.
It gives you strength and misery. It makes you passionate and resentful. It can consume your life to the point that nothing else matters anymore. Or it can make you think that nothing was worth it in the first place.
It's a punch you can't see coming, but also an explosion you want to dive head first into.
It's so powerful it can make new life, and it burns so hot that it can make you want to take the lives of others.
Love is an eternal constant for our species and many others, and without it we would be nothing.
>all love is eros, storge and philia
I love this picture so fucking much
Just like we created the illusion of free will and the self to justify actions, friend?
Or at least that's where that rabbit hole leads towards.
It's funny because if I were to walk up and tell someone 'they' don't actually exist, they'd call me an ambulance, but it would probably get a round of applause if given in a university lecture hall.
I stopped bothering with the vast majority of philosophy a while back because every new explanation just gets weirder and less intuitive.
Simply living my life saves me a lot of grief.
Fuck that. Love is more than ephemeral extremes and paltry passions that are as transient as we are.
It gives you your daily bread and then tells you to give it to someone hungrier.
It gets you through the arguments and backbiting and squabbling for power that plague any and every human interaction.
It's patient and kind. It delights not in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
Always hoping, always trusting, always protecting, always lasting til the very end and beyond.
If you don't have love, you don't have anything worth having. If you have love, everything you have is worth having.
Most philosophers are wankers, desu senpai
It's such a wonderful punch to a smug cunt's face.
>It gives you your daily bread and then tells you to give it to someone hungrier.
>It gets you through the arguments and backbiting and squabbling for power that plague any and every human interaction.
>It's patient and kind. It delights not in evil, but rejoices in the truth.
You don't actually know what love is do you.
Not everyone grows up in a broken home, user
Can love bloom on the tabletop, Veeky Forums?
love is a good thing while it's reciprocated, and when it burns out all it does is sap your will to live and lead to hurting
love isnt this be all end all that you and that other guy make it out to be, it's a facet of human relationships that people make a gigantic deal out of because they're under the sway of hormones and chemicals in the brain
I wish it would, I've been single for 6 years
You have yet to love beyond your ken. But you aren't a horrible human being, are you, user?
You're just hurt, and scared, because that's how the world works; you loved at some point, and it hurt you, didn't it? You opened your heart and it got filled with a mountain of cynicism and pain.
But you never really ceased to love, you just decided that hiding behind your definitions and your science to explain a phenomenon that we already know but try to arbitrarily explain in an attempt to remove the magic from it, unaware that even if we do so it does not cease in its beauty.
It tells us to protect our clan?
Then our clan is all humanity.
It is a social construct?
Then let us make something great.
You are loved, user, even if you can't love yourself.
I wonder if there are stores that do singles night.
Especially since I am a smug cunt
You mean every night?
Ugh I forgot that fucking story.
So fucking goooood
>Abandoning critical thinking for a pathetic gotcha attempt.
You need to get laid my dude.
Only guys will show up, because the girls will know that only thirsty guys will show up and want to avoid that crowd.
Same reason a club may not let you in because there's no girls in your crew.
Not projecting, I grew up in a stable two-parent household that raised me right, unlike most of my friends
>>Abandoning critical thinking for a pathetic gotcha attempt.
This is good. I'm going to use this on people. Thank you, user.
We're not your friends user.
You're right, you're not.
I love you guys anyway
I'm on Veeky Forums and SOMEONE has to make the fedora comment. Besides, willpower is the strongest force in the universe since it premeditates every action and powers these guys.
>chemicals are capable of telling anything
Why are people so dumb?
Glad to be of service my man.
I love you more!
Because chemicals. No, nitrogen is not a chemical. It's an element.
All you are is a product of Chemicals user. Love is a chemical reaction, but so is the rest of you.
...you are projecting what your friends are on the user...
Oh, you~
>"thinkin' of fast"
The phrase is referring to the brain operating through neurotransmitters and shit. If thought, reason and logic are just the brain firing off synapses with no actual intelligence behind it, then isn't the conclusion of such irrelevant, since you used thought, reason and logic to reach that conclusion? DD is saying that the only reasonable answer is that reason is unreasonable.
The analogy is flawed. The toaster consists of atoms, just like us. Yet the toaster does not think, but we do. Does the atom think? Does the atom expect us to believe in it? No. The atom just is, or isn't. There is nothing hypocritical here, and mickey can go fuck himself. The arrangement of atoms as in the human brain in certain patterns will emulate thought, and by the virtue of the existence of atoms, so does thought.
I'm this person; how is what I said even approaching Fedora?
Do I even want to know?
>love other people for the good of humanity
>you should love yourself
>fedora comment
Are you just using it like a buzzword?
>Does the atom think? Does the atom expect us to believe in it?
In Ender's Game, the smallest unit of matter, called a philote, is in fact sentient. The strongest philotes either turn into the central philote of a massive object (like a planet) or into the central philote of an intelligent being (like a human, or the Formic Queens).
But the very chemicals my brain consists of has no motivation to lie to me, it is meaningless to ask me to place trust in existence
What metric do we have to consider the toaster as incapable of thought, though? I mean, it's not like us, and it doesn't operate in a manner similar to us, but isn't deriding it's capacity to potentially have sentient thought fall into a 'Attempting to Prove a Negative' fallacy?
And how are we aware the Atom itself is not necessarily aware?
It's a figure of speech you fucking autist. It's not about talking chemicals, it's about the validity of rational thought when everything is assumed to have irrational causes.
Thats dumb. How can you even ask the question in the first place without it? What is the alternative?
The alternative is you can't actually function like this in day-to-day life so philosophers make the excuse that we have to pretend like free will and independent thought exist anyway. It's a belief that by definition cannot be practiced.
>But the very chemicals my brain consists of has no motivation to lie to me,
Yes they fucking do. They lie to you all the damn time.
What does that even mean? Who is pretending here?No they don't. Please explain what you mean.
Okay so you wake up tomorrow morning. You have a job to go to, and you have a red uniform and a blue uniform, either is fine with the boss, as long as its a uniform.
A regular person says "I like red, so I'll wear the red uniform today" and puts the red uniform on.
The philosopher says "I don't really have a choice in the matter, because my mind is conditioned to like the color red, therefore I am predisposed to want to wear the red uniform and so I'll probably wear that one. But this is exhausting and I'm going to be late for work so whatever" and puts the blue uniform on.
But some Philosophers also say, "Fuck the system, fuck colors, and fuck the boss most especially," and promptly set themselves ablaze to realize their radical freedom in the universe.
Typically by killing themselves.
That's not a joke.
You're thinking of Buddhists. Philosophers make sure to write a book before offing themselves.
I always figured Buddhism was a particular Eastern Philosophy. Isn't it?
Ok, I think im getting it now. Even if you conclude that life is meaningless, wait no, I dont get it. Either he had a choice or not, which one is it? Is this about determinism suddenly? Because QM is a thing, and its stochastic. I get that just because life is meaningless you dont have to go on a narcisstic killing spree, but I dont see why that is hypocritical. Or, if it is, then hypocritical isn't really a bad thing in my mind.
It's so Eastern it started in India then moved to China and Japan.
Candy, fast food, drugs, chemicals will tell you that you need these things when you don't. Hell, chemicals will tell you that you want these things when you don't.
And that's not getting into stuff like adrenaline and other shit that's your body saying "don't worry, everything is fine" when it very clearly is not.
The main idea is that the only way to operate as a human being in the world in any time period and location is to operate on the assumption that you can make your own choices. The philosophy being discussed says "You cannot make your own choices, because choice doesn't exist". Of course, the people who come up with this theories need to put food on the table, so they say that the only response is to try to ignore the theory and just live your life.
but sometimes I might need them, and sometimes I might not. We are not here because the chemicals in our brain were "lying", its natural selection and all that. Its extremely lazy and technically incorrect to say that my brain is lying to me. These chemicals do not have an intention, genes are not "selfish" as dawkins wrote, it was just done so to make morons accept certain ideas without having to get a phd of their own.
>but sometimes I might need them, and sometimes I might not
Yeah, so you don't just mindlessly listen to them because they lie to you.
> Its extremely lazy and technically incorrect to say that my brain is lying to me
> Extremely lazy
Maybe for a brain scientist or somebody who is dedicating to perfectly understanding how the brain works. That ain't me tho.
>Love is the strongest force in the universe.
Then I am in fact quite weak...
>hypocritical isn't really a bad thing in my mind
Not other user, but you are now beginning to understand philosophy. Being good doesn't matter, being right does.
i call bullshit on OP, thats an objective lie and you know it.
love is the worst and most terrible power in the universe yes, but nowhere near the strongest.
love is only good for death and pain.
What part of talking about you behind your back means they don't love you?
I've never heard someone use the phrase "talking about me behind my back" as anything but negative gossip (is there positive gossip?)
You are looking at it the wrong way. The chemicals, rather, your senses etc, are misinforming you, or, you are drawing the wrong conclusions based on the information you receive.
Fuck wrong poster
>is there positive gossip
Turn down the edge, bro
Love is powerful not because it has direct, concrete effects on the physical world, but because it directs those with power towards ends that serve love. Love itself is a concept that encapsulates a feeling, not a force which actively affects the physical like strong nuclear force or gravity.
Strong nuclear force and gravity give context to physicality, and create the arena on which reality is played out. Love directs sapient beings (at least humans and animals) towards certain conscious and unconscious goals.
This user knows.
Love destroyed me. Now I just want to escape like never before.
>The value of love has decreased do to over-saturation of the market.
Doesn't the mage from that Final Fantasy comic drain Love from the universe for his death beam?
Fuck willpower, greed is where it's at
Larfleeze for president of the galaxy
Black Mage from 8-Bit Theater is the one you're thinking of.
>Villain is one who loved and lost and just wants to love again
If it's selfless and considerate and such, just not lovey dovey emotionally, then yes.
>greeks had so much autism they had to separate "love" into categories
Don't tell Zoph Escher.
He's also the god of Fathers, and Defence of the Home. (extra titles: god of fertility, virility,monogamy, romance, and children). Though, can a stoic god be romantic?