Warden Whisperwind Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Warden Whisperwind Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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What faction or subfaction would you have players be a part of if you were to run a Warcraft campaign?
First for cutest race.
Sylvanas best warchief
I really, really like that night elf.
That isn't a gnome.
The Horde, for the most part Forsaken. I think it's the story I'd be best at telling. I do genuinely want to run this at some point.
Cult of the Damned, post-Arthas
>porting the Dragon Aspects to Pathfinder as gods
>what could go wrong
I need more Domains for Malgyos and Nozdormu.
>Alexstrasza: Fire, Good, Scalykind, Healing
>Ysera: Plant, Animal, Protection, Scalykind
>Deathwing: Destruction, Evil, Chaos, Scalykind
>Nozdormu: Scalykind, ???, ???, ???
>Malgyos: Magic, Scalykind, Knowledge, ???
Everyone gets the Dragon subdomain obviously.
Nozdormu should have time and order as domains
What are some WoW expansions you had thought up it the past, and when did you think them up?
>Post Wrath, Pre-Cata
>Expansion centered around the old gods, with the Nerubians and Qiraji playing a central role in the expansions story.
>All the new zones are underground and the expansion culminates in Vash'jir, fighting Azshara.
>New races of Naga for the Horde, Vrykul for the Alliance.
>New Hero Class: Cultist, melee cloth wearer, uses the powers of the Old Gods against them.
There's a Law domain, but no Time domain.
then Nozdorum doesn't really work, time magic is his only gimmick. Malygos can get ice as a domain though
>Nozdormu: Time, Fate, Law, Scalykind
>Malygos: Magic, Knowledge, Loss, Scalykind
There are a couple of third party ones, if you're willing
If not, you could possibly replace Time with Memory, and have Memory and Fate represent Time.
I wouldn't include anything from after Vanilla, and completely redo Outland so that it looks completely different.
I'd probably include the High Elves as a neutral faction, instead of joining the Horde or Alliance.
Thanks, user!
>Deathwing: Destruction, Evil, Chaos, Scalykind
I'd change evil to earth, since he was the aspect of earth
Steamwheedle Cartel or Knights of the Silver Hand.
Eh, true.
Cutest race, biggest cock
Agreed, spess goats a cute.
But what about Space Dwarves?
Sentinels or Highborne probably. Possibly a Wildhammer/Dark Iron/Bronzebeard campaign as well.
Draenei is love, Draenei is light
Twilight's Hammer.
What about the Mantid?
This was pre-MOP days when I came up with it.
Do void walkers and such count as demons or apparitions ? The one in Hellfire confuses the fuck outta me. Sargeras wants to kill planets to stop old gods from taking baby Titans, but why work with the same shadow monsters you're trying to destroy?
Aww come on! Naga would be great for the Alliance. Imagine a quest line with a Naga and Night Elf being all snarky and hating eachother at the beginning and slowly trusting eachother as they fight side by side.
Not that I ever see Naga joining anyone seeing as they are apparently a large enough faction to take on either the Horde or the Alliance on their own.
Pretty sure Voidwalkers are just demons for mechanic reasons. I don't think they were ever said to be associated with the Burning Legion, even before the retcon in Sargeras' motivation.
HFC bosses are just random enemies from WoD superpowered with fel energy. Gul'dan probably just kidnapped a random void creature from SMBG and had him drink some kool-aid
I thought Naga-Horde because of their ties to the BElves in WC3. That and they'd fit among the more 'monstrous' races of the Horde.
Keep in mind this was 2009.
The flavor text says he summoned him from the void and fed him fel energy to make him cooperate.
He needed a creature who can tear holes in realities.
Speaking of qt draenei, anyone have the image of a draenei walking with her child in forest?
My PF knowledge is minimal, but is there a life domain? Cause that should definetly by on Alex's list. As someone else pointed out, Earth for Deathwing is still important even after going bad.
There's no Life domain, but Healing is a thing.
Illidari should have been a third factions with old Draenei, Blood elfs, Naga and Murlocks as playable races
I totally agree (except for Murlocs); they fit the bill, at least at the time of TFT:
>Good and bad elements
>Unique architectures
>An alliance of different races
>Reason to have issues with Alliance and Horde
An alternate fourth race could maybe be liberated Felguard.
There is the Light and Nature but not light outright except Alexstrazas title and her innate dragon magic thing.
I think this whole void is actually the ultimate evil, demons are just a distraction thing is rather new, considering TBC is filled to the brim with void creatures even though it's floating through the Twisting Nether which is demon country. The bracers that various elementals and voidwalkers wear are bindings
Think demons are the more immediate threat. They're flying through space in cool space ships and figure out how to get a big enough portal to wreck planets.
Void gods need Old Gods and rips in reality.
>alexstrasza: fire
>ysera: plant/wood/etc
>neltharion: earth
>nozdormu: wind
>malygos: ice
Anyone else get feels?
>2000's web design
Oh jeez.
Meanwhile in Dalaran Sewers..
I'm really enjoying the new outlaw rogue.
Wow, they didn't even bother to update it past BC's launch?
That things a relic.
I remember when I saw the rapier appearance for the artifact I knew I wanted to make a pirate themed character.
Imagine my surprise and delight when the Outlaw spec was actually pirated themed.
The grappling hook feels so fun to use.
Same. I've always mained a (alliance) lock, so I've always despised rogues, especially undead ones. Still bitter from Will of the Forsaken lasting 30 fucking seconds.
But as soon as I saw that, I went and got a rapier to transmog and am leveling a Worgen rogue with a stupid pun name just to be a wolfy pirate.
When I found out*
Now my sentence sounds complete.
I made a Belf rogue and named her after some real life lady pirate. got the rapier transmog out of gnomergan and an eyepatch transmog.
>Belf lady pirate
So you plunder seamen?
Voljin is dead... Who will be the racial leader for the trolls? There so many renowned trolls life..... for example.....
oh shit...
I considered the eyepatch, but I liked how the admiral's hat looks.
It's blue for now, so I have a lot of grinding to do to get that Bloodsail hat.
Zuljin will reconcile with the Horde and lead the Trolls against the Legion!
Please Blizzard...
He dead, man.
Rokhan, in all likelyhood
I'm not super fond of the admiral hat but if I could wear both I would.
Part of the 'old guard' Horde, before the Forsaken joined up.
We'd probably be running around dealing with hoodoo and voodoo shit in Stranglethorn or the Quillboar in the Barrens. I feel like there are good events happening around that time for small-time adventurers to get involved in.
Being some random scrubs during the Scourge Invasion would also be an interesting game. A footman, rifleman, and healer cut off from the main army in the heart of the Plaguelands might make an interesting survival campaign.
I guess it's just the race. The eyepatch didn't stand out against the dark fur, so I needed something with a splash of color to make it distinct.
Because being dead has been such a problem for trolls in the past.
Oh wait...
Third War EK is so rich, that I'd love to have a game set in that time. I'd love for it start out with trying to survive the Culling of Stratholme.
He can't regenerate, he lost the blessing of the Loa.
fuck yea, get a special mission from kel'thuzad-- find a date to the naxxramas mixer this saturday night!~~
>mouthhole for arresting Illidan's Demon D with her lips
Reminder that Jaina is right.
h and Sylvanas is a war criminal.
>trusting the woman who would've become Lich Queen if she'd tried to save Lordaeron
I like how Ner'zhul just goes "fuck it, going all in" with Jaina as the Lich Queen when she grabs hold of Frostmourne for the first time. He completely abandons all of his subtle plans and pretense of obedience to the Legion just so he can merge with Jaina right the fuck now.
Wouldn't you?
no, because I am a loyal servant of the Light
Whenever I see that picture, I think Jaina should get the armor resized because it looks too big for her.
Memes aside Garrosh did nothing wrong bombing Theramore. Jaina was supplying alliance troops despite all the "defied my king" bullshit.
She was playing along and then when suddenly garrosh wins and reality hit her on the face (in the form as a hiroshima-magic-mcguffing) she freaked out.... You were at war bitch!
........Yeah, killing and stealing from the blue dragonflight was bad, but wiping the major enemy sttlement on your doorstep was not.
Civils from Thereamore were evacuated, actually, this make garrosh less guilt on this matter than the US.
Thrall is guilty just because Metzan is a poor writter.
But Varian was even more guilty, he wanted a war.. and he got one.
Pretty much like:
"How you dare to choose a Warchief as much as stupid as my king? Now we have a war and they bombed my city!!!"
Are there any BBEGs in WoW to fight anymore? Other than N'zoth and Queen Azshara I can't think of any.
Garrosh did nothing wrong
Kosak did plenty wrong, by turning Theramore, a delicate holding that both the Alliance and Horde knew was only allowed to exist because it wasn't a threat to the Horde and thus by all logic should never have been turned into a threat because doing so would cost the Alliance a holding on Kalimdor, into a threat against the Horde.
Kosak ruined everything about Warcraft, everything, the only good things left are minor quest chains written by minor writers with far more awareness and talent than Kosak
All your level 100 toons are now grouped together as an adventuring party Veeky Forums. What happens? Who is the leader? Who is the team quipster? What adventures do you see them getting into?
What system would you use for a tabletop game? I tried Warcraft RPG and WoW RPG but I don't feel like they set the mood really well(even though I have no problem with 3/3,5e). A friend suggested adapting Warhammer Fantasy RP 2e but i'm not too sure about it due to lack of experience with it. Any suggestions?
devolves into an orgy
The hell is this from?
The male troll warrior develops a crush on the older, female troll warrior. They probably both switch on being the quipster.
Leader is the old, crotchety orc warrior who's seen it all.
The dwarf warrior is wondering how he got wrapped up in all this.
Why do you have four warriors
Goblin hunter is party lead by virtue of having the funds
Belf monk is the voice of reason
Orc Shaman and Tauren Druid are reluctant employees
Belf priest is the quipster
They spend probably literally 99% of their time doing questionably legal things to make the goblin more money
PotM acts as the mother of the group, and the only voice of reason.
Draenei loves to get drunk and get into fistfights, then end them with hooves.
Human warlock probably playing angsty teen to piss off the PotM, otherwise enjoying lighting herself and her surroundings on fire.
And the outlier, belf rogue coming along for the ride just so he can kill trolls, like the good ol' days.
Because I never found anything that was as fun to play.
Beating the shit out of things with a massive ax is just fun. Everything else I tried felt boring.
Goblin Mage who is trying to come up with the next thing to make his money back after the island sunk, Troll Warlock who can't make up his mind to be affliction of demonology, a troll Death knight who just wants to go back to the forest and a feral Tauren Druid.
So it could work I guess.
The Warcraft manga, an episode where everyone has nightmares because Xavius is fucking with the Emerald Dream.
My draenai death knight becomes the stoic, no-nonsense meat-shield of the group.
My night elf rogue is the practical pessimist of the group and is usually testing the results of her alchemy on the group as a whole.
My worgon warlock is an absolute horndog who is always flirting with any women they come across and trying his best to get laid (and failing, miserably).
My draenai shaman becomes the practical joker of the group that also uses humor and horrible puns while beating the tar out of people with her hammers.
My Gnome mage becomes the mad scientist with a passion for blowing things up and cooking.
Finally, my human warlock becomes den mother to the rest, somehow keeping all of their antics at a minimum while suffering from a chronic headache.
Funny enough there is a Warden named Whisperwind in the demon hunter starter. She fights with two fucking death fans. Probably a distant relative to Tyrande.
Male Troll Balance Druid
Female Draenei Survival Hunter
Female Blood Elf Demon Hunter
Probably will be joined by Male Worgen Rogue
BE and Draenei are at each other throats, Troll is constantly stopping them from killing each other. Worgen is a quipster.
These all seem like they will end in sex.
Of course. I fap to the idea sometimes.
My Draenei DK will act as combination Team Dad and "I'm too old for this shit."
Human Warrior will continue to tinker with goblin explosives until his Shredder actually works.
Human Priest will probably just shake her head at the antics of the rest of the group and wonder why Paletress doesn't have to put up with this.
Human Paladin will probably lead the Dwarf Shaman and Panda Monk into a drinking contest, using Cleanse liberally on his opponents and himself for kicks.
My Outlaw Rogue and Worgen Hunter will probably start comparing firearms in a corner, leading to broken bottles.
My Draenei mage has nothing going for her, I wanted a teleport bot.
And my Worgen Druid will try and figure out how to get home.
do you really
i don't think you do
Ok, I don't. The idea itself is not enough to make me cum. Maybe one day I'll get a commision artist to draw it for me, then I will do it.
Which one is yours?
My Male Dwarf Hunter (First character from vanilla) acts as the team leader, due to being a sergeant in the second war. Bitter and battlehardened.
Male Worgen Death Knight is the ultra nationalistic heavy hitter, good relationship with the dorf, less so with the warrior.
Female Undead Warrior who used to be assigned to the same squad as the dorf during the second war. Went about lamenting the fact that she's a monstrosity, flipped of Sylvanas and became a merc. Stopped being a moody bitch after the Lich King fell, but still a merc.
Female Goblin Rogue who's just in it for the money, classic dick ass thief. Used to be part of the Blackwater Raiders. Lived in Silvermoon for a while and met the Mage. Quipster together with the Mage.
Female Blood Elf Mage. Joined the group during the Argent Tournament, never got over her homeland falling and despises Trolls. Nationalistic and quipster together with the goblin.
There is also the Night Elf DH that they've been bumping in to while fighting the Legion, but she's not part of the group.