It's OP is bored o'clock, so you know what that means!
Our current crew consists of:
Denglebert Jones, PTSD-ridden war hero/combat medic
(creation thread here:
Eszeph Ryan, semi-criminal Space Lawyer
(creation thread here:
Roll 1d2 for gender. 1 is male, 2 is female.
Traveller Character Creation Part 3
Other urls found in this thread:
Rolled 1 (1d2)
I take it we're assuming Ryan shipped out as soon as the thread died?
The last post in the thread ended with him taking his free trader and leaving Trypso, presumably for good. Our third crew member, and another man. Roll 2d6 in order for his STR, DEX, END, INT, EDU, and SOC.
Rolled 5, 5, 4, 4, 6, 5, 1, 5, 5, 6, 6, 2 = 54 (12d6)
Oh aye, I forgot he got free trader ship shares.
We gonna say that said Free Trader is the Carrhae that Denglebert shipped out on?
If so I guess any ship shares this guy rolled up could go toward it
Alright, you know the drill. Pick 4 skills to gain at level 1 from the following list.
Admin, Animals, Art, Athletics, Carouse, Drive, Electronics, Flyer, Language, Mechanic, Medic, Profession, Science, Seafarer, Streetwise, Survival, Vacc Suit.
Ain't background skills at 0?
I'd pick mechanic, flyer, survival and athletics
Shit, mistyped.
Anyway, it's time to give this thing a name.
How about James Lee?
Finally, a normal name. Does James attend any pre-career education?
Huh. Is this for MgT2?
Indeed it is.
A reminder: Pre-Career Education gives you a better portfolio of starting skills, but takes up one of James' 5 terms.
My vote is for University.
I'll second that, no guarantee he'll make it through all 5 terms anyway.
Alright, roll 2d6 and add James' EDU mod of +1
Rolled 4, 6 + 1 = 11 (2d6 + 1)
Rolling hoping I did this right
James completes the university entrance exam with a near-perfect score. Pick 1 skill from the following to major in, and 1 to minor in.
Admin, Advocate, Animals, Art, Astrogation, Electronics, Engineer, Language, Medic, Navigation, Profession, Science.
I would say majoring in Engineering and minoring in Navigation
The other two aren't great at getting through space are they? Astrogation and Navigation?
Scratch thisChanging vote to
Alright, roll 2d6 for events.
Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d6)
You join a political movement. Describe the movement, and roll SOC (+0)
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)
My personal vote is that we join a nationalist movement. In any case, rolling.
rolled 1d6 instead of 2d6
How would a nationalist movement even work in space, anyway? I can't imagine that someone with a vested interest in a certain planet is likely to take up piloting and astrogation.
True but I was more or less keeping in mind that this might be a temporary thing for said person. Maybe an anti-government movement would be more apt?
A space-anarchist pilot sounds good. Roll again for the different movement.
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d6)
On it senpai
Turns out most people aren't big fans of chaos, but it was good fun for a few years. Roll INT for graduation.
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d6)
Gimme those good rolls!
James makes an enemy of the higher-ups at the university and is unceremoniously booted a month before graduation. With nowhere to go, it's time to pick a career. Pick from Agent, Army, Citizen, Drifter, Entertainer, Marine, Merchant, Navy, Noble, Rogue, Scholar, and Scout.
I would say rouge.
Considering he's been established as anti-government, makes sense. Roll DEX.
Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d6)
remember to add our +1 bonus user
James cements his identity with some... less than reputable local figures, and quickly begins climbing up the criminal ranks. Choose Thief, Enforcer, or Pirate.
Who am I to deny such enthusiasm? Roll DEX for survival.
Rolled 3, 5 + 1 = 9 (2d6 + 1)
Please survive
You manage not to buy the farm on your first term out. You gain Deception, Recon, Athletics, Gun Combat, Stealth, and Streetwise at 0. Roll 2d6 for events.
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)
For piracy!
James is instrumental in securing a cache of credits from another vessel, but the owner of the vessel wears vengance on you. Who did you raid, and what were they hauling?
We raided Captain Jared Klathu I'm bad with names of the Crimson Hawk Corsairs for a massive stash of stolen weapon tech (if that's ok with everyone else).
Sounds good. Roll INT for advancement.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d6)
Your skills do not go unnoticed by your captain. Choose from gaining Pilot 1 or Gunner 1.
Pilot 1
Do you stay a pirate, or move to a more legal life?
Stay a pirate. We should at least move up in the ranks.
Alright. You begin to gain respect among the crew of the ship. What ship do you fly with?
>What ship do you fly with?
What do you mean by this? Are you asking what kind of ship we want?
Meant to reply to
Well, I can't just keep referring to the ship you pirate on as "the ship" can I?
I'm half tempted to suggest the ship be called "The Ship", but that's too silly.
But in spirit of that, I put forward: The Eponymous.
As I am terrible at naming things I second this.
Sounds good. Roll DEX for survival.
Rolled 1, 6 + 1 = 8 (2d6 + 1)
Another successful term. Now that you've gotten the hang of the pirate life, Captain Wash lets you pretty much do what you want in the time you aren't shootin' or lootin'. Pick Personal Development, Service Skills, or Pirate for training.
Let's go Pirate training
Roll a d6.
Rolled 3 (1d6)
You learn how to control the ship's guns, maneuvering them into the best possible position to turn fighters into scrap. You gain a level in Gunner. Roll 2d6 for events.
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d6)
We're becoming quite the pirate.
Indeed we are. However, this term, something life-defining occurs. Roll 2d6 for Life Events.
Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d6)
The thing that occurs is even stranger than usual. Roll another d6 for Unusual Events.
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Give us something amazing please!
On a brief scouting expedition, your scout craft falls off the radar. You wake up drifting at the edge of pirate space, with no recollection of what happened. What happened, Veeky Forums?
Space Roofies, 2/3rds Satan
You lost me with the "2/3rds Satan" bit.
>2/3rds Satan
The post ended in 66, it's late, I apologize.
Is that a Brad Neely comic? I've never been able to find the source.
Wait, so roofies make your ship invisible to radar?Let's maybe not take that one.
Indeed it is Neely. I got this one from Veeky Forums though.
Somewhat related but here's my version:
our enemy attacked us and we fell off the radar. We were space roofied and thrown out of the airlock, only to miraculously survive.
How'd we survive? Space is inhospitable as it is without us being unconcious.
Ok maybe not thrown out the airlock but instead sent off in an escape pod if that works.
Seems like it'd be more efficient to just shoot us. I'm thinking aliens.
What would the aliens want with us though? The aliens in the traveller universe aren't the kind to kidnap someone and probe them I think.
Well, we've established that Captain Den was operating in the 2300s, so this is a diffrent setting than the Third Imperium. The question of what they'd want is a good one, though.
I'm guessing we were set up as the patsy to some sort of nefarious deed. Pirate mutiny, betrayal to the authorities, extra terrible massacre, assassination of a rival pirate chief etc.
Precious. Bodily. Fluids.
>I'm guessing we were set up as the patsy to some sort of nefarious deed. Pirate mutiny, betrayal to the authorities, extra terrible massacre, assassination of a rival pirate chief etc.
I like this one.
Alright. How were we set up, and what was the act committed?
I say we were set up as the patsy to a terrible massacre. As for how we were set up, I would have to say we were lured to an area following an SOS beacon (we followed this hoping to find some scavanable loot, not because we wanted to save the person) only to find that it was a space station/starship massacred and mutilated. The authorities found us and were quickly accused of a terrible massacre.
At least, that's my own vote.
Are we going to spend the next few years working to clear our name? Not sure how I'd run that, but it sounds cool.
If anything, I think our pirate crew would respect us for being a feared enemy of the state. Really depends on how you want to rule that but I like either option.
Well, I suppose we should roll INT for advancement.
>we followed the beacon hoping to find some scavangable loot, not because we wanted to save anyone.
"It's the first rule of space travel, kids! Always check out distress beacons. 9 out of 10 times it's a ship full of some dead aliens and some free shit! 1 out of 10 times it's a deadly trap. But I'm willing to roll those dice!"
It might have been a free station that was loosely under federal control but dealt freely with pirates, smugglers, and other scum. We were set up by our partner who was in actuality a government mole. They wanted the station's current ruling body eliminated so that more a controllable faction could take over.
Now both sides hate us.
Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d6)
I like this. Not only are we hated by a rival pirate faction, but also by a free station and the government (well the government is a given but you get the point).
In any case, rolling for advancement.
You eventually rise through the ranks and become a captain yourself, but the shadow of the crimes you are accused of still hang over you.
What now, Veeky Forums?
Maybe time to try out a new identity, lay low in the civilian sector?
Interesting choice. Any other suggestions?
I think we should keep on being a pirate. I find it hard that regular society would be welcoming to us, unless we go to some uninhabited system and take up a civilian job (possibly as a worker).
I kind of like the "clearing our name" idea. Not sure what career we'd pick though.
Remember, we have to end up with Denglebert Jones, a man who seems like he'd be violently against anyone who he thinks is a mass murderer.
Maybe a merchant? Try to prove that we can work an honest job? Another user said we might try to be a civilian (works best flavor-wise imo)
Rolled 2 (1d3)
1. Pirate
2. Merchant
3. Civilian
What was this station called?