Im going for a smoke will be back in 10-15minutes. If we have 5 players we begin...
This game will require more than simply rolling so while we wait please take time to read the very easy rules in the map.
RISK Thread
Ukranian State
back and i see you guys, adding
i dont see any other threads in pol to link to or in tg either... should i start one in pol linking here?
bump this to get players here
>inb4 the other guys now links his game... found one on pol... linked mine
Nah pre determined factions suck do another map
read the map
i would advise against because of b& but who knows. also check /b/, /int/, /qst/, and Veeky Forums.
DO NOT DIRECT LINK /b/. could be construed as cross board raid
>pre determined maps suck
any regular RISK player or host will tell you the same
Its not prediterminated
>you know someone is a newfag when all they want to play are blank maps
it is in the sense that you start with your entire starting nation, but otherwise its absolutely not predetermined
so much this
How is it not? All the nations are already filled.
hmhmhm you dont get more newfag then that, and if people liked playing on already filled in maps then there would be more players in here already.
It is fine bro, i am looking for a quality of player that you obviously arent, but for you to seriously imply that risk has ever always been about playing blank maps... you are mistaken. Blank maps are better for newfags and shitposting kekist.... but im looking for real riskers here man
im calling it guys.
satan trubs are wasted on the children
fly, you fool. we are too fucking old and set in our ways to try and convince you of the wetness of water.
lets just hang. at least i will keep an eye on our lil' still born bread
ill leave the thread up for a bit and see who comes... but...
gonna hop in his thread and fuck it up a bit
hope the usual group shows up. was looking forward to trying this out
lol, did you see that?
we could try the UN rule on a regular map
!W6j are you still here?
Is douchebag's thread on /pol/? imma check out your shennanigans.
>read the name of the file
loool he is funny, i'll grant him that.
yep, lil twerp, lol
going for another smoke... :^\
will return... maybe senpai show
do you want me to give you typographical edits? like errors and such in the rules? LMK
also, and forgive the ignorance as i am an MER specialist only, how do the capitols work? i dont see them on the template...
in i usually do map related and simply ask the player where their capitol city will be... only hosted this once with much worse rule set.. beta test anyway... see pic related... the first time i was going to give capitols.. this time i was going to make you build them.. but this is an example with the two nations we have so far...
also edits and suggestions are welcome of course.
*I usually do it in a way map related.
Can i join?
please do, nation?
you still around?
maybe have them on the map already? might motivate people in their choice of nation, which could be good or bad.
we are on hold waiting for rollers, so sure!
look over the map, read the rules, then tell us what you think in terms of playability.
you know, we could just each take 2 or 3 nations and play a fake game to see how it works. i am confident in my abilities to MPRP to put the map through the ringer for a beta shakedown... your call
this... are you stuZ user
Holy Abacadian Empire
Start in Czechoslovakia
I'm here mane
linking this
Le here,
Week One
If Ukraine doesn't roll i will roll for him.
Also, do you guys want to play user characters to make things interest?
Can I join
Entirety of Sibulan
start in spain
we have someone in Spain would you want somewhere else? We are waiting on ukraine to show back up as well. I was going to roll for him but you can take it if he isnt here in a bit...
Subjugate the Irish subhumans to the United Kingdom.
Take Portugal, it is rightful Iberian clay!
And what do you mean user characters?
Make sure you guys figure out your bonuses... each of you are going to have a bonus...
Ok, put somewhere else then
user characters?
we need a Russia really...
expand czech
Here's the bonus
Ok that's fine
do I put the bonus now?
you have 3+2=+5
and you may roll
We send tanks into Armenia and Azerbaijan equally.
1) Do bonuses stack?
>do we get dominated countries' bonuses
2) I too am confused by an0n characters...
^^ my roll
you must build the cities to receive them but yes... i could cap it though
cant do it man
Expand to russia
i just like you two... who are you invading? if you have spills not specified they are wasted
I meant spill, like cover entire czech
The Ukraine declares war on Belarus and Moldova. We invade both equally
you control the entire czech... who are you invading?
*meant Romania, lol
You said I start in Russia, I'm not invading, I'm filling russia
sorry, yes you are russia... what did you mean by czech here
Nah I was confused, you tagged "expand czech"
to get to czech you have to invade two countires minimum
who you war with now?
>mfw when im not being understood and not sure if its me or them...
fill Czech
It's the rules, I hardly know it. Too confusing.Invade Poland and Austria
you own the czech... do you mean slovakia? also meant spills in your rolls... you lose them otherwise..
i can somewhat work with this
Spill to Greece
wtf, fill the tiles in Czech, spills go to Greece
post mup already
this, pls
yup, not posting the map = more confusion
Spill to Germany/Poland
Build a city in Ireland to activate the Irish bonus, then invade the French Frogs.
Expand to Greece, spill all countries on the way
Build capital in Azerbaijan and then Arminia if possible.
Invade French
Build city in moldava, spill romania
Week 3
you must build the city for a country bonus to take effect bro... you didnt gain the portugal bonus yet
Spill to Greece, invade country that's in the way and not going to hungary/Ukraines territory
Orders are to defend first, fill Romania, and build city if possible
Expand to Germany, ripping through countries on the way (Reverse Blitzkrieg), not invading countries that are PLAYING
Occupy Spain
goes for you too