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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Someone mind throwing the link to the actual first Jump and stuff? Computer's too shit to upload anything bigger than the image.
This one has the proper number so let's keep it!
Not sure if I should. She of Fair Eyes is a Solar Twilight Exalted, which means she's able to craft a lot of stuff just out of the gate because that's what she's meant to do. Also whilst she is a minor Solar she is a freaking Solar which means things in their world. I don't want to give too much nor too little.
Understandable but mine doesn't do that you can do whatever you want but Drawbacks add elements to your story not force you into a box. Hell there's an option to be a freaking giant wolf in there, I'm really liking the feedback here. Any ideas for new stuff that I didn't do, like this guy up her . I'd have never thought of the Lintha-bloodline.
Also dude, , I'll need some feedback on this as I have no idea about them other than they are cannibals and nurtured or something.
> Start in Paragon
Hmm might drop Thorns for that.
>God-Bloods vs Half-Caste
Right so I get that most people don't understand what a Half-Caste is able to do so I'll just lay it out. Half-Caste have no mechanical effect other than ability to buy the Charms of their predisesor, they don't get lifted limits on their Essence and still have to pay through the nose for even the simpliest of Charms. That said I'll equalize the two.
>A Scroll of the Silken Scholar.
There is a comic among the books that has someone being hunted because she invented a way to create Yellow Jade reliably but I get you.
I'll set it up so that it spawns a new recipe once a year, is that cool?
>Thaumaturgy, the Mystical Arts
I already noted they use no energy whatsoever, and it also doesn't require Enlightened, but I will note that for you,
Would you guys be interested in a kind of meta Jump-challenge or something?
Say, before you start a Jumpchain (Or near the beginning, anyway, I know nothing's supposed to happen before Pokemon), you could take a set of restrictions/challenges (Like pacifism, or no taking companions, or being chased by some interdimensional abomination) that you'd carry with you from Jump to Jump, until the chain ended.
Dunno how you'd classify it. Maybe a supplement? Oh, and taking extra cp to carry with you each Jump could be optional, I guess, but that seems to defeat the purpose. And I know you can just decide to do this sort of thing on your own, but I figured there'd be more options this way.
No. No thank you.
What essence do you start the Dragon-Blooded jump at?
Also, how strong are the Incarnae/Yozi/Neverborn? Planet-busting? Universe-busting? I kind of want to at least beat most of them into a permanent coma but I don't know how early or late game that becomes plausible.
Well, you're gonna get shit on for just mentioning it, but to answer your question: No. Non. Nyet. Nee. Dim. Neniu. Ne. Palibe. Geen.
Thank you, but no thanks.
Make a jump, user. We can always use more of those. Find a not lewd setting you love and make a jump for it.
How about fuck you.
No. If people wanna do something like that they'll make up their own rules.
I kinda figured that. Was it the way I mentioned it or the idea in general?
And most, if not all, of the settings I'm interested in have already had jumps made about them, so there aren't many options.
Still not seeing where the gauntlet aspect comes in. There's no real danger or goal associated with being a random mortal in Creation.
I can take Savant, Nexus (100CP), Thaumaturgy (300CP), an Echo of a Bastard Child (-400CP) and set myself up with a nice safe life as a wizard for the entire time.
Isn't everything in Exalted like super busted? Someone once regaled me with the tale of a certain combo that allowed you to destroy all of creation in one move.
I know nothing about Exalted, but Echo seems to imply that you're going to have a bunch of the Dragon-dudes busting down your door and murdering you? Is that not how it works?
It was the "take more CP" idea.
>Was it the way I mentioned it or the idea in general?
The idea itself user. is correct: people can make up there own rules about this sort of thing.
That's how we get themed Jumpers and crazy stories. Like the Native Cowboy, he was great. And there was a Megaman Robot Jumper a while back, that was pretty cool too.
And the Dark Souls Native Jumper.
And way too many more to remember or count, I'd imagine.
A supplement would just be sort of… useless. Vestigial. Like an appendix.
>Asgerd through a boomtube
Just a guess, But I think SOMEONE wants to get an extra 1,000 CP out of Young Justice!
Echo makes you look like an Exalt when you spend Essence. I am not Enlightened, and so cannot spend Essence at all. I can't remember any Charms that actually identify a Celestial Exalt, but if there are any I'm unlikely to run into many monks from Lookshy inside one of the largest cities in the world, and they'd have no reason to suspect me of being one, and thus use Charms to check, if I did.
It's cool if you don't allow more points from taking them. It would be a neat idea if it weren't for the fact that it would break all sorts of balance everywhere, and a standardized "balance" is the last thing we want.
A PDF or pastebin or something full of ideas for challenge runs would be fine, though, as long as they didn't provide benefits.
Well, I did say that I thought it defeated the purpose. I didn't say it was necessary.
I getcha. Just wanted to ask anyway. Last time I was here there weren't nearly as many contrary shitheads/trolls. When'd they show up, anyway?
>Megaman Robot
RIP Folke, ded by Soul Eater.
Guys I am in need of some magic circles for my magic, do you guys have any place that is good specifically for making magic circles?
Also do you guys have any good magic circle pics? I have only a lazy ninja to offer in return.
Fullmetal Alchemist
>When'd they show up, anyway?
How fucking long have you been gone?
They've been here for hundreds of threads.
For Path of Exile, here is some late feedback and thanks for the jump.
Minor spell check for Simple Flasks it should be "at any time" not "as any time". Also consider adding a blurb explaining how often they refill and how the refill themselves as you kill enemies for the benefit of anons who jump settings they don't know about. Could you also add a unique flask option? Having a unique option for arms and armour but not flasks is a bit off.
Are accessories (amulets, rings, belts, etc) counted under arms and armour or did you intend to leave those out?
For the Lolsorandom drawback you forgot the "be" between will and equally. it should read -
While forging a sword will still get you a sword, you have no control over just what kind of sword it will end up as, and the enchantments you try to place on it will be equally random.
I like the jump mate, but aside from the intro it doesn't really convey much of the personality of the game and the jump seems a bit sparse as a whole. Would you consider adding some of the microtransaction things? They help the game from being too serious, and would help flesh things out a bit. For example a cosmetic section under the items. Like pay cp to apply a new effect or alter the visual effects of your your magics, skills, armour/weapons, or personal appearance (Footprints, Halos, Wings, etc) in a specific theme, or pay a larger amount for a pack that lets you apply that effect to everything you do. Skin Transfers that let you apply the appearance of one item to another. Pet options that don't take up a companion slot, but don't so anything but follow you around and look cool. Paying a ton to make your own custom unique. Stuff like that.
This last part is just my opinion but I was expecting it to be a bit more gamified. Perks for gaining an inventory, having a HUD, bringing up that beautiful passive skill tree, etc. I did notice the bit in the notes that lets you learn the passive stuff in jump though, and I do appreciate that.
>too lazy to image search "magic circle"
You are beyond salvation.
Nanoha. Your device draws them for you in the air, out of light.
>nice safe life as a wizard
The dragonborn seem to hate uppity mortals on principle.
Also, isn't Nexus the place that traditionally gets blown up in most campaigns?
If you rally want to be safe, be somewhere never, EVER mentioned in any exalted book, that is not a shadowland, or a bordermarch. You may have a chance then.
>Hmm might drop Thorns for that.
>Half-Caste have no mechanical effect other than ability to buy the Charms of their predisesor, they don't get lifted limits on their Essence and still have to pay through the nose for even the simpliest of Charms. That said I'll equalize the two.
True. The same could be said of God-Blooded though.
Also, don't 2e God-Blooded and Half-Caste automatically get access to their essence pools?
>There is a comic among the books...
I know. And like all the comics, it's non-canon.
But yeah, that's cool.
>I already noted they use no energy whatsoever, and it also doesn't require Enlightened, but I will note that for you,
Thank you.
Also, I like the OntheWrongSideofReincarnation for letting me be one of the intelligent animals. Now I just gotta resist the urge to become Beast of Resplendent Liquid, or Ash Devourer, or even a Simhata...
Point is, it's cool. I assume behemoths like the Ur-Snake are way off-limits?
So, anyway... Not sure what else to suggest. Maybe an option to be a beastman or wyld mutant? Appearance perk? Guild merchant-y stuff? Non-magical skills in general? Like I dunno, actual combat skills and stuff? One of (or a set of) the rings that give you a single mote to use, even if you can't otherwise use Essence? Option for a Fae to have forged Graces for you?
Mushoku Tensei has some nice magic arrays/circles
Ritual magic from Sword and Sorcery probably has some
MaoYuu lets you make circles that empower your other magic
No, you're thinking of Gem. Nexus is fairly safe.
>I'll need some feedback on this as I have no idea about them other than they are cannibals and nurtured or something.
The Lintha Family are the pirate group you're referring to, the Lintha Bloodline is the group that built the pirates around themselves.
The Lintha are a special type of God-Blooded, the children of the Primordial Kimbery before she became a Yozi. They sided with her in the war, so the Solars wiped them out. Only a few managed to survive long enough to rebuild their civilization, and heavily diluted by the blood of regular humans. So they set out to bring back their race's traits through eugenics, incest, and breeding with demons. They're a bunch of huge mutts with demon, exalted, god, primordial, and various other bits of hybrid blood floating around in the hopes of looking like the original Lintha.
Looks wise, they're humans with angular but pretty features and taller than normal. They have red eyes and the Night Vision and Chakra Eye Pox, and the modern ones have Gills from all that fucked up breeding.
Power wise they can never exceed Essence 5, can learn Solar Charms up to Essence 2 as long as they don't have the Holy keyword and are not Perfects as well as a few that use Solar Exaltations as a prerequisite, can learn up to the Root of the Perfected Lotus (as well as Terrestrial Styles), and Terrestrial Sorcery as well.
Speaking of less bullshit races, there's no reason not to include Demon, Ghost and Fae blooded as options. There's also Beastmen, but they're icky. Also maybe Relics of the Past (basically purposefully genetically engineered human variants invented in the First Age.)
Symphonia has a perk that lets you make tennis court sized magic circles for all your magic.
There's arguably better stuff to get there, but it's swag as fuck.
Lyrical Nanoha's Devices make huge magic circles out of light for basically every spell.
There's also a perk specifically for that in Tales of Symphonia, which boosts the power of spells.
Pretty sure that's somewhere with Diamond or Jewel in the name.
decided to reduce the price of Wetboys, now that they're basically balanced with the other 2 origins, though I'm considering upping Meister's price given it's current perks.
Either 2 or 3, since you're a very young Dragon-Blooded.
You need to be 3 to take Sorcery though, so if you took The Emerald Circle, you'd start at 3.
>The dragonborn seem to hate uppity mortals on principle.
Thaumaturgy is considered safe even by the Immaculates. The Realm actively trains mortals as thaumaturges, and out in the threshold nobody will give a shit even if you're a sorcerer.
I'm making my build for Fate jump and I have no idea what Servant I want.
Any suggestions?
Quite a long time. Long before the 1000th thread. Wasn't even talked about then. I only visit once every few months, when I'm in the mood to extend my chain. Everyone was fairly amicable, except for the occasional shitfit, which is just Veeky Forums.
Going off the previous thread Elder Celestial Exalted in terms of power/hax are comparable to epic level D&D characters. So pretty buff, but not even close to postspark/ASA shenanigans. The charms you are talking about are more the exception than the rule.
I'm just wondering if Yozi/Incarnae are the same, weaker, or stronger. I've heard the Neverborn are actually supposed to be stronger than either, but by how much I'm not sure.
Go Caster for the personal skill discount.
Well, Infernals are corrupted Solars, right? And they're not really minor ones, right? So I think it should be fine, as long as she has the same kind of custom charm cap as we do, it shouldn't be a problem. I mean, it's your gauntlet man, so it's up to you.
Nope. Nexus is safe. As long as you stick to the laws, the Dogma, and never, ever obstruct trade. Ever.
There's barely an DB presence there anyway, it's pretty comfortably outside the Realm's influence.
The Nevrborn are sleeping eldritch being tier. They can drive people insane or empower servants, but not actually fight.
Primordials/Yozi made the world and She Who Lives in Her Name blew up an area 9 times the size of Earth.
The Unconquered Sun is totally invincible and can deal an infinite amount of damage as long as he doesn't violate the tenets of Virtue. The other Incarnae are just really, really strong gods.
Tamamo no mae as caster.
Ignore the shitposter she is clearly best girl.
Wetboys' capstone doesn't on parity with the rest. Seriously, none of it can't be replicated with a tiny amount of training. Maybe, just MAYBE if it was all "standard" weapons then it would be capstone-worthy. As it is now, it's a 300cp perk at best.
Does she have the Killing Stone as a Noble Phantasm? I know that Fate-verse Tamamo is supposed to be really different from the real world myth, but that thing is cool and fitting for an NP.
How do Exalts typically "recharge/refill" Essence?
What are some things jumpmakers do that annoy you?
So how often do you contact Jump-chan or your relevant entity, /jc/? Do you only talk to her before a jump? Does she talk to you in your dreams? Does she ever show up to offer you advice? Can you contact her whenever you want?
As for me, I communicate with the Benefactor (my version of Jump-chan) entirely over the telephone. I've never actually seen him in person and my chain started when I got a weird phone call with a man (who sounds remarkably life Morpheus from the Matrix) asking me if I was satisfied with my existence and if I wanted something exciting to happen. The next day I woke up as somebody else with memories that weren't mine, with a phone number written on my left palm that allowed me to contact him. He occasionally gives me cryptic hints at what I should do or where I should go but he usually refuses to come out and tell me anything.
We've had a troll who has devoted his entire Summer into doing nothing but shitposting at us, so everyone is on edge.
the ability to learn the weak points of anything you fight, ever, on instinct, isn't worth 600 CP with all that other stuff added on?
Really strong gods? Isn't that slightly beneath the Primordials?
We prefer firewood.
I think his problem is less "No Solars ever!" and more "She's kind of a bullshit reward for a non-Exalt Exalted gauntlet."
>Well, Infernals are corrupted Solars, right?
Yeah, but Solars are pretty much better at doing anything, compared to Infernals.
And "minor" only means she's inexperienced, not that's she actually less powerful.
The problem I see is less that she'd break the chain, and more... well. She blows EVERYTHING mortals could do out of the water right there, while she's still getting used to being a demigod. Taking her drawback would pretty much give you the biggest benefit in the gauntlet.
The Unconquered Sun is said to be more physically powerful than any Primordial. Basically, if there's a 1v1 fight in Creation, Sol Invictus is going to win. However, the Primordials have more mystical/creational power, things like unmaking physics and creating universes.
on that note, what would it take to make the basic idea of the capstone good?
Basically it works like this, your origin is obscure but not undefinable as something 'from outside Creation' a Sidereal will either think you're a Fae-Blooded or a Fae and they kill the shit out of most of those.
The Echo is going to register you on the Wild Hunt's radar and one, truly exceptional though you may be, thamaturge isn't ever going to be enough to make Nexus cut ties with their Realm Black Market friends. They will kick you out if the Realm raises a stink, and they likely will because they're being manipulated by curious Sidereals to do so. Sidereals aren't going to be a problem, unless you do something huge, but fate has a way of fucking with people in this world. Mortal Heroes don't stay in a quite life such is their fate.
In addition I'd like to see if anyone has any suggestions... and here they come.
>Children of the Mighty
Yes... I'll discount it for them.
> Cool.
>On the Wrong Side of Reincarnation
Behemoths aren't natural beings of the world, they were basically built as living weapons from what I remember. If this is not the fact then I'll put a note in.
>Beastmen and Wyld Mutant
As a drawback perhaps.
>Appearance Perk/Guild/Non-Magical Skills
Yeah that's in the works.
>Ring of 1 Mote (The One Ring?)
Will look into making a few minor wonders on this level, suggestions.
>That Spoiler
>The Lintha
Whoo boy that's a lot! Essence 3 is capped because you'll explode otherwise. Charms that aren't native to your bloodline simply don't work, at least this is how I've always been told it works, so while they could do some Demon and Spirit charms they wouldn't be able to do the Solar's.
>Children of the Mighty and Relics of the Past
I might work on them but I wanna flesh out my perk trees and items first.
Thanks for being nice about it, and this .
You might not like my complaining, but the fact that Caster cheats on you is absolutely true.
Ok so, how many Elder Scrolls jumps there are? Last I remember we had a skyrim plus one other...
Well whatevs', so, Thu'um: How does it work?
There's the language in the wiki with enough words to warrant the 600 undiscounted, but how complex can the shouts get?
Also, can the language/scripture be used as runes?
Also, is the Thu'um affected by the base volume of the voice? Like, having a bigger form or a super-voice power.
End of jump.
Mine shows up in paper thin disguises and she uses her omnipotence to convince everyone she's legit. Often wearing a false moustache. She's convinced all of my companions she's a figment of my imagination and my jumping is just from me having no control over my powers.
She is extremely annoying and knows how to grate on my nerves, too. And now she and Claude are BFFs. I am literally at the mercy of a pair of omnipotent teenagers.
Scenarios that are basically them telling me what I'm doing.
Thankfully that doesn't happen as much anymore.
I also don't care for when drawbacks hype themselves with things like jumpchan telling you not to take them.
If she didn't want me to take them then why are they availible?
I feel the same for obviously suicidal drawbacks like things that turn off your powers while also expecting you to do absurd tasks.
If I can avoid bitching endlessly about the innumerable anime jumps we have, you can avoid bitching about the anime pussy user wants to have it with.
Oh, well that's a fair point. It's just that if I'm going to take care of someone and protect them from a world power with an army of demigods, I'd kind of like to take them as a companion for further adventures-
Wait, what. But, Infernals ARE Solars, right? Sure, they're corrupted and the Yozis are trying to keep them suppressed, but they should be on the same level, right?
>Minor doesn't mean less powerful, just less experienced
Double what. That seems like an odd description, then.
A couple of ways. They recharge it slowly over time in a process referred to as "respiring Essence". They can gain additional recharging sources on top of their natural rate from prayer directed at them or attuning to a Manse, which is a special structure that caps a geomantic locus to harness its its power. Manses can do other things than Essence regen, by the way, they're probably one of the most useful things for an Exalt to invest in. Back on topic, there are also a few artifacts and alchemical compounds that can do instant recharging like mana potions, but they're rare. The main way an Exalt recharges quickly is by stunting their actions. Exalted works partially on narrative logic, if you can make your actions cool enough the universe will reward you for it. One of the rewards available is a few motes of Essence. It adds up. There's also a similar concept called "Overdrive charms" that give you a separate Essence pool from the rest of your motes that's filled solely by acting in a manner dictated by the Charm. Like, there's a Malfean charm that fills your Overdrive pool whenever you use excessive force, stuff like that.
So before, you said you weren't nerfing anything, but both the Mage and Wetboy capstones are kind of totally godawful compared to what they were in the previous version. People were worried earlier that Drop-In would be weak compared to other origins, now it seems way better than the others. Unless Talented gives you the power to wield Curoch by itself?
Usually just between jumps, but it isn't entirely odd for jumpchan to just kind of show up when something profoundly stupid happens. When they show up it's in a kind of blank white space with my warehouse in the distance, where my mind and soul kind of just pop over to, to talk to them. This has also happened a few times when I rolled for things and the random number generator gave me an error, I consider that to mean that reality glitched for a second and jumpchan shows up to apologize and then fix things. First time that happened was in Monster Hunter, and I like to consider it to be that the jump lost it's gameplay mechanic thing and became entirely realistic for a bit.(with several of my powers having stopped working until jumpchan fixed things).
/jc/ how often do you help with relief efforts, or work to prevent natural disasters?
It's not the best time to live in Louisiana.
>Whoo boy that's a lot! Essence 3 is capped because you'll explode otherwise.
Not for Lintha, unless you mean 'in my jump' and not by canon.
>Charms that aren't native to your bloodline simply don't work
They do and don't have any. Basically, their Charms are renamed Solar charms. By lore, they invented these on their own and US decided to snag them for his Exalts.
>they could do some Demon and Spirit charms they wouldn't be able to do the Solar's.
Again, unless you mean 'in my jump', by canon yes they can learn Solar charms.
On the matter of Demon and Spirit charms, there's such a thing as a Demon-Blooded Lintha who has more demon than normal, and they CAN learn Spirit and Demon charms (but not Essence 2 Solar charms). However, the regular Lintha that I mentioned cannot use Spirit or Demon charms, but CAN learn Solar charms up to Essence 2. All by canon.
All the time. I also help orphans and save people in burning buildings.
This time I only said anything because he mentioned me. Making no promises I won't bring it up again, though.
I've been experimenting with the idea of me convincing Jump-chan to go on adventures with me instead of just watch mine, and having her be a Companion while suppressing her powers to make it fair. Mechanically it would just be me buying one of those "create your own new OC Companion" options in one of the jumps that have them, and saying that it's Jump-chan stepping in to keep me company. She'd never break character and cheat with her powers for me, because this is meant to be my adventure, still, but she'd get to have some fun times of her own.
>how many Elder Scrolls jumps there are?
Theres Skyrim, as you said, then there's regular Elder Scrolls, set during Morrowind I believe. Somebody was working on a Blood Moon gauntlet at one point, but I think only the first part was ever completed.
That just swings it too far in the other direction. If your background is strange enough that Sidereals are after you, you're dead because there's nothing in the jump that can protect you from a Sidereal. You just have to take the Solar drawback and hope the little Solar girl can beat the fate ninjas for you.
...Except it sounds like the Sidereals aren't actually after you, even though they care enough to make an international incident out of you? So you can hide and escape their attention, but you can't because fate will make sure you'll do something big?
I'm really confused about what's going on in this jump.
Nothing, as it stands it is a perk that reads as a minor buff to the skills you would have just by being a Wetboy. Anything you do to make it a proper capstone would turn it into a completely different perk. Damn this is the Witcher all over again.
Wait, did they create the world (a place comparable to but noticeably larger than Earth) or did they create an actual Universe? Did they do that casually? Because there's a pretty big difference between creating a world and a universe.
Well, okay I missed that. Maybe in raw power it's comparable, but it's just lacking that flair...
I don't know, it just seems really uninteresting compared to the others?
Actually, I think that all the training might be better as a 300cp perk instead of what you have. You could roll DMW into the 600cp perk instead.
tl;dr: Poisoning food, "balancing on rooftops, "blending" into shadows, and knowing how to use 10 "standard" (whatever that means) weapons doesn't feel as unique or competitive as a capstone normally would.
Jump-Chan and I are both incredibly hammy, so we communicate in ridiculous ways. One time, I climbed to the top of a mountain, and screamed her name at the sky. Cue her showing up in some crazy combination of that one image of God reaching out to Adam and Mufasa's cloud form, except taken up to eleven while some kind of angel choir went insane on the guitars in the background. Another time, she took on the form of a giant robot space dragon and roared in a voice that sounded like a female version of Brian Blessed, except even louder and even hammier, with Norio Wakamoto providing a reverb.
Thu'um is speaking the language of Dragons.
Unlike humans, who weave magic using their hands and magicka, dragons directly manipulate the fabric of the world itself by speaking. Their words themselves possess magical power; a dragon doesn't "breathe fire," rather he "speaks the concept of fire" and the air ignites as a result. The power of Thu'um depends on the mastery of its user. The Dragonborn, possessing the soul of a Dragon, has an innate comprehension of Thu'um and the ability to absorb the souls of Dragons to advance their powers and understanding where it would require a normal human decades to do so. At its highest level, however, it becomes a tool of nearly unimaginable power. The Greybeards possess such a mastery over the Thu'um that their tiniest whispers can shake mountains and their Shouts could rend the skies apart, forcing them to speak only in very tightly controlled whispers to prevent accidentally tearing apart everything around them and bringing the very concept of their words into existence on a massive scale. A feat like summoning a huge storm to obliterate an army is something that would be effortless to a true master of Thu'um. Volume doesn't matter. It's the act of speaking, of imposing the power of your words onto reality that causes the effect. It's speaking the dragon tongue itself that matters, not how loud you do it.
Since Wetboy's had Ka'Karifer at a discount in previous versions, you should probably put the cost of the perk at 300 cp instead of 600 cp. Especially since their current capstone isn't nearly as good.
>Casual reminder that of FGO other aspects of Tamamo are apparently summonable
>Such as for some reason Berserker which is "Tamamo-Cat", for some reason combining catgirls and foxgirls
>Beach Tamamo apparently implies "Tamamo Shark" is a thing
I don't understand Nasu
The world isn't the only part of Creation, and Creation is all there is because everything else is the Wyld.
>caring about a bunch of subhuman niggers
300? You know all those skills would be yours just by taking the origin, you would just be getting fiat insurance on maintaining them and making sure that they translate to other settings. The later of which should happen anyway.
>how many Elder Scrolls jumps there are?
Two. Oblivion/Morrowind and Skyrim. And a Blood Moon Gauntlet, but it's still in progress, I think.
>Thu'um: How does it work?
IIRC, it's a kind of 'true language' or something, that describes the true nature of things. In game it sort of pulls power from your soul (harmlessly) and has it's own cooldown, independent of normal magic.
>how complex can the shouts get
Three words, max. Pretty sure you're limited to canon Shouts, too.
>Also, can the language/scripture be used as runes?
There's no indication of that in setting, to my knowledge. Only the spoken words seem to have any power.
>Also, is the Thu'um affected by the base volume of the voice? Like, having a bigger form or a super-voice power.
I wouldn't think so. Physical size doesn't seem to affect the base strength of Shouts, but the only points of reference are Dragons (which are huge and instinctively know the language), the Dragonborn (mortal that steals knowledge from slain dragons), and normal mortals (who have various powerlevels based on how much they studied).
How big is this Creation you speak off?
The entire world and heaven and anything else the Primordials made.
Not him but it all links to fucking pinterest.
Was he speaking in engrish or jap?
They created a universe. Creation's geometry is weird. Think of it as a diamond. As you approach any of the vertices, space hyperbolically extends. So as long as you stay to the inside or the edges of the diamond, it has finite size (and you can even exit it, if you reach one of the edges and keep going), but you can go infinitely far in any of the cardinal directions. However, the farther you go the more elementally-warped the landscape gets by the Elemental Pole of that direction, so in practical terms you're not going to travel too far before you reach endless flame or water or sky or solid wood.
Anyone have any idea how much it amplifies your spells?