How do I make a Paladin of Profit?
How do I make a Paladin of Profit?
Typical Lawful Evil blackguard?
Make sure he keeps a good record of his transactions, pays the local taxes as per the law, and he also donate a portion of his profits to a charity sponsored by his patron.
There nothing unlawful or evil about making money for doing honest work. It just takes work to get past the red tape.
Series of rules and laws that protect and secure profit.
Depends what system you're playing.
Be an Entrouf
"There's nothing wrong with charity... as long as it winds up in your pocket."
Rule 144.
Kindness is its only reward...
Follow the god/ess of wealth, currency or trade
Meme Trek, the thread.
>lawful character
>following "How to be a dishonest deal-breaking exploitative scumbag predatory capitalist: the not-religion"
Worship Abadar.
Was that so hard?
>Implying Quark isn't a paragon of justice.
They follow goodness in their own ways. By acquiring profit.
Are you saying that shysters can't be lawful?
Seems short-sighted my friend.
DS9 was awesome you swine.
In theory you could be a paladin with a code that encourages deals that improve economies while still keeping a large profit for yourself. Just act like some sort of libertarian wet dream I guess for that.
I suppose you could also just have some sort of wacky paladin that just outright substitutes huge stockpiles of money for actual faith. Like some sort of reverse vow of poverty
>Are you saying that shysters can't be lawful?
"A contract is a contract is a contract - but only between Ferengi".
>some sort of wacky paladin that just outright substitutes huge stockpiles of money for actual faith. Like some sort of reverse vow of poverty
That's pretty much exactly what a Entrouf is.
And they're pretty good guys for the most part.
>meme trek
>not voyager or enterprise
Nigga please.
That's a good one. But even so he's still lawful towards other ferengi as stated by the rules of aquisition.
>Thought of the day;
"Faith moves mountains...of inventory."
>But even so he's still lawful towards other ferengi as stated by the rules of aquisition.
But they ain't good.
"Treat people in your debt like family... exploit them. "
"Never place friendship above profit."
"Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity."
Deck that fucker in gold and make him his church's tax collector, that's what I did!
By your standards and practices maybe.
But by Ferengi customs that's as lawful as you can get.
The deal is the deal, and they'll stand by it even if it means having their body turned into a collection of sealed cubes to square a debt. that's their religion.
Capitalism isn't evil. Acquiring money and opportunistic business practices are entirely justified in their society.
>Faith moves mountains...of inventory
Did you just quote the Unwashed Crusade? 10/10.
>Capitalism isn't evil.
Shh don't tell Roddenberry
You could read some Ayn Rand and make a Paladin of Objectivism.
"I do the most good by murdering this bad man and taking his wealth, which I will later distribute to the peasants through unregulated commerce."
>Fortune spelled backwards
What kind of magic is this
Uh... you answered your own question in your pic-related.
Ankama (The french company behind Wakfu) LOVES clever word plays, backwards words, puns, and all kinds of tongue in cheek call outs.
For example Sadida = Adidas
Xelor (who are clock guys) = Rolex
That's not clever at all.
Clever would be naming the guy who has a tendency towards collateral damage and burning down buildings "Dresden".
Throwing it out there, your guy doesn't have to be a hardcore merchant to fight for the good of Profit.
I'm to lazy to actually go looking up the french puns and translate them for your ignorant ass.
So as much as I enjoyed relieving you of your ignorance, you proved that you're retarded and not actually worth the effort.
>"X has clever wordplay"
>proceeds to list anagrams
>someone says that's not clever
>"it's not my job to educate you"
Way to pitch your Euroweeb show
>Doesn't speak french so he wouldn't understand them anyway.
>The show has been over for years they focus on their games now.
>Implying I have a stake in some french kids cartoon that's no longer on the air.
Are you literally retarded?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you if you actually have mental problems.
Be a Jew.
>Sadida = Adidas
Arent they the race of barefoot plant people?
I didn't say it makes sense.
>implying I care
Please, keep posting.
>doesn't make sense
Pick one
A LG one?
This is copypasta, but it might be useful. . .
You are a dealer in slaves?! Slaves don't buy goods, their consumption is limited to what cheap stuff their cheapscape owners buy for them. They devalue wage labor as workers who draw wages have to compete with those who receive no wages, further decreasing consumption. All of which leads to a deliberately inefficient economy!
Now dealer in human chattel, you have two choices before you. Either you free your slaves right here and now, give me all your whips and chains so I may burn the former and sell the latter, dismiss your slave drivers and personally apologize to all your 'stock', renounce dealing in slaves forever and pay them compensation, or I will cut you and your drivers down with this longsword and free your slaves. Either way, your participation in the slave trade ends here.
>I can't see a thing, I'm just following the horse.
He's so blind, he doesn't even know he's riding a pig.
>Implying I care!
>Please keep posting
>Being this bootyblasted that someone called you a dumb nigger on Veeky Forums.
>burning the whips
>not keeping them for use in agriculture
This is on the level of Troll 2 "Nilbog is 'goblin' spelled backwards".
Ecaflip - "Pile ou Face", French for "Tails or Heads"
Escaflip's character wise take a lot of risks, prone to gambling their lives and use spells that can backfire.
Nobody called you a dumb nigger but you, right there, in your post. But please, don't take the advice of your pic, and keep this thread up.
No no user, see I called you the dumb nigger.
Because you're a dumb nigger.
Work on your English comprehension skills buddeh.
Except nobody used the phrase "dumb nigger" until you did, referencing an earlier post with "dumb nigger" in it that does not actually exist. Now, if you had said "being this bootyblasted that someone called you a retard on Veeky Forums" then you'd have a case.
>Can't understand the intent from the words.
>Trying very hard to understand condescension.
You may have autism.
I'm totally serious, you should get that checked out my guy.
>you may have autism
No, that would be you, because instead of realizing you've been rused by intentional obnoxious pedantry, you keep posting and respond with sarcastic concern.
I'm worried about you.
Tell me once you get checked out.
I'll tell you for 15 slips of gold-pressed latnium OP
How exactly did Starfleet personnel eat at Quark's if they don't have anything to pay him with?
Some of them definitely have dosh, who knows how they get it (probably from bajorans or something)
Dax loses 2 bars in a game of chance and asks worf for a loan which he refuses. So they certainly have funds.
Also the holo suites need to be rented and O'brien and Bashir practically live inside them so they must be getting latinum from someone.
Yeah but how are they getting it? Federation is a no-money system. When they get things from other races, its usually trading goods and services, but Quark demands cash. Federation stipend, maybe?
They can acquire it, it just takes a tad more effort. The Federation uses a credit system which can no doubt be converted into GPL...
For a fee, of course.
Crusade for the Jewish faith
IIRC Starfleet sometimes pays members a stipend if they're operating long-term in a part of the galaxy where currency is common/necessary
I would assume that's the case on DS9
>there's no latinum in these bars at all! It's just worthless gold!
Great ending
It's a Bajoran station remember, Starfleet just shares the space with them. Like Major Kira isn't a starfleet officer even though she can pull rank on them.
I imagine the Bajoran Government or something must give them some kind of stipend.
>Step 1: Make a Paladin
>Step 2: ???
>Step 3: Profit!
I know what I'm doing in my next D&D game.
Paladin/Rogue is happening.
>I hear there are some backwards planets that still prize gold
Yes it is.
It's more or less a barter system.
Starfleet seems to operate off energy credits, and Quark's bar between the replicators and the holosuite used a lot of energy to stay in business. Then there's the "repair bills" for the engineering crews fixing his stuff whenever the Klingons break them.
All of which Sisko reminds him of in the episode the bar staff goes on strike.
If this thread is still here in the morning I'll upload the scene.
Simple, worship Waukeen
Pillars of Eternity doesn't pigeonhole you in alignment or creed so you can play a morally questionable paladin, but one of the choices for paladin background is Goldpact Knight, who are supposed to be very rational, avoid passionate behavior and for whom providing the just services of a payment received (and receiving a payment of services rendered) is equal to devotion to a god.
Provided 5e there's a homebrew sacred oath called the Oath of Free Commerce that I've heard good things about.
Capitalism and profit as religion aren't really synonymous.
Capitalism just means using capital to get things done, like investing in a company or granting loans.
Profit sort of implies your own profit, which is not selfless.
But a paladin of capitalism could totally exist, he'd even be required to build and keep a large fortune for himself to be able to do his good deeds with (promoting industry and labour in the towns he visits) but when his hoard starts to become a higher priority than the people he helps with it that's about the time he gets close to falling.
Seems like the attitude that would lead to luddism.
When a slave owner can use free labour on his farm he makes an incredible amount of profit which, unless he's Scrooge mcDuck sitting in his money, he has to spend on something. So the people who can't compete in the agricultural labour market can instead refocus their energy on giving him things the slaves can't. Luxury goods and services that raise the standard of living start to emerge. This is called creative destruction.
Don't think it's just the rich land owner profiting from this, oh no. The prices of food products will drop and the income of specialists (who eventually spend all their money, turning it into income for the non-specialists) will rise. Plus, that innovation in the products for the land owner finds its way to the common people eventually, great leaps in hygiene and comfort will be made.
Everybody wins!
Well, except for the slaves.
Slavery is inhumane by modern civilised standards but it really is not some wonder why it has been in some form an integral part of practically every high civilisation throughout the history.
Shit works on both economical and infrastructural level.
>There was a novel named "The 34th Rule"
Yah, slavery pretty much worked until late 1800's industrial capitalism. One of those deals where slavery knocks too many people out of the consumer class and the production of goods has gotten to be in such a fuckhuge amount that you need as many people buying goods as possible just to justify the production levels society is capable of.
Of course in globalized capitalism, you just shift you cheap production workforce to the third world and have you consumer class in the first world.
Though the thing about slavery is that specialists often were slaves. Well diggers, blacksmiths, and any skilled agricultural labor you could think of was generally done by slaves. Hiring a field hand isn't that much more expensive than a slave but hiring an on site blacksmith is much more expensive. That's why a field slave cost the modern equivalent of a couple grand and a blacksmith equal to 100K in modern money. Black codes made it harder to practice skilled labor but immediate post civil war south sees black folk being very common in skilled agriculture jobs and trades because that's where a slave owner gets the most savings at when owning a slave.
Slavery acts like illegal immigration on steroids economically in that it lowers the income for anyone whos job is being done by slaves.
in D&D 3.5, Divine Crusader with chosen domain Wealth.
This is why any trade deals the US gets involved in need to take efforts to standardize labor conditions in US free trade partners.
Only when the whole world is lifted out of slavery can capitalism truly prove that it's capable of functioning without a slave or wage-slave population driving production.
Abadar, the Gold-Fisted is better.
Those countries are just poor. Labour conditions are bad because the standard of living is bad. A weak currency makes it hard to reap the benefits of production in other countries but it does help the country pull itself up to the level of its trading partners.
The fact that things, both products and labour, are cheaper there is what attracts industry and increases the wealth that country.
If we'd purposefully limit oursleves to outsourcing only to countries with a decent standard of living that would be like a trade sanction against poor countries.
Working for rich western countries isn't keeping these people poor, they're not slaves to a richer state, their own less developed economy is simply in a mutually beneficial relationship with richer state.
Feeling guilty because we profit from them is stupid because they profit from us too. Even if you could benefit them even more with charity adding that charity to the trade relation would be better than replacing it.