how does the empire build this shit?
How does the empire build this shit?
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Billions upon billions of slaves? Slaves get the fucking job done, every time.
By having zero concept of rationality, proportion, or logic. Also by having, somehow, less than zero regard for human life.
Also this,
How did dune coons build pic related?
It turns out that if you're a dictatorship and spend hundreds of billions on vanity projects instead of welfare, you can make some pretty cool shit.
They wouldn't even need slaves. Just look at some of the stuff we on Earth have thrown together in the last 4,000 years or so (much of it without slaves or modern technology):
They dropped it in from space then built a city around it
Very carefully
The boundless generosity and selfless devotion of true servants of the Emperor.
>much of it without slaves
>great pyramid
>lighthouse of alexandria
>statue of zeus
>temple of artemis
>Tomb of Mausolus
>Colossus of Rhodes
>not built by slaves
Is the wh40k fluff better than the game itself?
well which game are we talking about here
40k has like ten million games in it, many of them very good.
Not playing the 40k game is the best way to experience 40k. I suggest the rpgs.
The wargame?
Comedically so, yes.
>great pyramid
We've got pretty decent evidence that the actual construction was done by worker class that was fairly well treated and respected.
They were considered important enough projects they wanted people who knew what they were doing and took pride in their work to do a good job.
Not saying the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they just didn't get to make the important buildings.
Dubai does spend a shit ton on welfare and public works. Just for a very small portion of the population that is considered citizens. The rest is fair use for basically slave labor.
Much like the Imperium really.
>great pyramid
>not built by slaves
"The Greeks believed that slave labour was used, but modern discoveries made at nearby workers' camps associated with construction at Giza suggest that it was built instead by tens of thousands of skilled workers."
Great Pyramids weren't. They were built by a rotating system of labor in which farmers would provide labor to the pyramid during the off season in exchange for food. Slaves may have been involved in the construction, but the vast majority of work was done by standard farmers who were given payment for their labor.
You could make the argument that in an ancient aristocratic monarchy, everyone but a tiny upper class is made of slaves, but we're here to talk about giant space statues made by space slaves and not your commie shit.
IIRC there's mounting evidence that the pyramids were built by small numbers of trained craftsmen with the power of geometry/levers rather than armies of slaves.
They spend plenty on Welfare for natives, they just import foreigners as slaves.
You can do lots of cool stuff when you have anti-gravidity machines and whatnot
But the Imperium only has that for like a very few specific vehicles. They dont know how to adapt it to other things.
I bought tau when they first came out, had a single match against SM, won, and then sold everything.
Anyway, that's what I thought. Reading about wh40k is much better than playing it.
I assume you are trolling.
Serfs. Which are slightly different than slaves.
Perhaps more modern architectural wonders would have been a better example of what you can build without slave labour.
antigrav plates can be stuck on anything, dude
They're not STC.
40k has an amazing settings with amazing games surrounding it.
The wargame is not one of those games.
But fuck the models are cool.
But they're examples of shit built with primitive tools and muscle power not by slaves that can be built.
i know, the tabletop is absolute garbage and I do not understand how anyone can defend it. The setting is/was brilliant however, and the vidya are mostly enjoyable.
Please, they prefer to be called "serfs". It's a big difference.
That isn't true. It's a common upgrade for spacemarine weapons in deathwatch.
I for one love the tabletop and I play a non-competitive army.
40k is one of those settings where you find one part that you really like and read about that and make up fluff if you can.
Don't play the game. The game is retarded.
Unless you're playing some of the really good fan-made stuff like Heralds of Ruin.
The government/state has a lot of money.
There are three or four big things that it can choose to spend it on, beyond obvious necessities like the military.
1) Welfare for the poorfags and plebes
2 (and 3)) Infrastructure, development, science, education, etc
4) Giant fuckawesome statues and monuments
40k and humanity in general has a shitload of really cool tech thats all over the place and scattered.
There's floating suborbital continents on Terra during the Great Crusade
30k is pretty fun and playable. 40k is garbage and so is Heralds of Ruin. Just proxy 40k models for infinity.
>and so is Heralds of Ruin
Confirmed for not having played it. Literally got my entire LGS back into playing 40k. Hardly any of us were interested but for two or three hardcore dudes who did it on the weekly, but when I introduced Heralds of Ruin I got another four people into it because suddenly the game was within their price range--and it was actually fun and tactical to play.
I can't comment on the Infinity bit, I haven't played it or seen it played. But HoR is most certainly worth trying.
I wouldn't say absolute garbage, it's just that there are some things that result in some pretty silly scenarios and CHEESE.
Also they seem to have a bad habit of creating absolutely useless units every so often.
How did people without modern space faring technology build this shit?
It's only a model.
If only they had some faith/psyker/Dark Age tech that lets them make giant fighting statue warriors like the Shadow of the Colossus.
Make them like a Eclessiarchial version of Titans or something.
Imagine a successful Great Crusade with Humanity and their post human warriors all succeeding and now massively growing their technology and population to fight the upcoming apocalyptic wars against tyranids, orks, necrons etc.
Do you think they would get to the point of individual or esteemed space marines modified to become primarch tier and have hundreds of legions born after the first 'batch'.
Many worlds of the imperium have long suffered high unemployment rate due to rapid population growth checked only by war, violence, the justice system, plague, pesitlence, starvation and natural causes. Any Planetary governer worth their salt knows the best way to get those hobos off the street and to earn brownie points with the various sub factions of the imperium is by comissioning great public works.
Their Great
Their public
Its work!
Bored farmers in the downseason coupled with loads of dosh and a tried and tested formula of geometric shapes.
How easy is it to get into? Me and my brother got one of those army boxes each but got turned off by the fucking stupid huge money for the rules and codexes.
Are there printer friendly pdfs for the rules?
Aliens. Not Aliens.jpg
you had one job
Cheap and abundant manpower. Same way the imperium solves the rest of its problems.
Actually, serfdom falls under the definition of slavery in international law.
>The Greeks
delete this
>how does a space faring civilizations that travel through holes in reality in several kilometer long ships and use massive death robots build large buildings roughly the size of said giant death robots
40k is all about the setting. Nobody plays it for the gameplay
The Imperium has ENTIRE WORLDS dedicated to monuments and OP asks this question
>mfw the jews can't claim credit for building the great egyptian monuments because of 'muh slavery' any more
Oy vey, Anons, when did you get so anti-semitic?
The size or the quality?
Size is easy and there is no shortage of slaves/fanatics who want to build statues of Holy shit.
The quality isn't an issue either since the hood ornaments of Battleships are more detailed, also no moving parts.
There are a fair few planets dedicated to crafting shit like this and have regular delieveries of precious metals and that ick. Once a Dark Eldar Archon took control of one of these worlds and made them stop making their usual stuff and instead make artwork, statues etc in his appearance.
When he left he took one of their eyes and hands and promised to return.
Before you ask, The Masque of Vyle is the source.
Other replies have already well covered the fact that the pyramids were not built by slave labor, but here's the bit they missed.
The Pyramids were, first and foremost, a labor sink. The incredible richness and consistency of the Nile's flood plains meant that by the standards of the era Egypt was blessed with an enormous surplus of food and an incomparable degree of stability and security in their food supply.
This allowed them to support an (again, by the standards of the era) enormous population density, which presented a problem of employment: while food was plentiful, other commodities were not so freely available that welfare support for the unemployed was feasible, but of course if you don't find work, you can't eat, no matter how cheap the food is. Unemployment means idle hands and hungry bellies, and those in turn lead to crime and unrest. Technology of the day had not yet reached a point where it could create demand for labor in entirely new fields; while having a large population with low survival pressures does help to create an environment supportive of scientific advancement, it still takes time for advances to occur, and to propagate through society. Take for example the early steam engines invented in Egypt, which were dismissed as novelties because there was no shortage of manpower that would make such a labor-saving device useful. As a result, Egypt had a problem with surplus manpower outside of the harvest season.
The Pyramids were their solution. An enormous sink of labor across multiple industries, capable of employing both educated architects and unskilled laborers, accommodating of fluctuations in the workforce over time, substituting religious significance for practical function, and serving to glorify the unified nation of Egypt; they were, in many ways, the perfect public works project.
Endless manpower and sci-fi materials +
An adaptation of pic would be spot on.
40k a game with decades of lore built upon. Where is inconsistent help built the setting.
Oldcrons and Newcrons lore can live in the same universe by either being a preview period of time before humanity understood Necrons or a dynasty that work like oldcrons.
You could play a RT like Kirk, romancing Eldar for the good of the Imperium or go full Barbosa and plunder some local world.
Be a high end escort, working for the inquisition trying to uncover heresy or a rattling surviving the war on the Cadian gate during the Gothic War.
You don't like space fantasy, sci fi or space operas?
Well lucky you there is a feudal world with elves, dwarfs, hobbits, sword and magic. In the 40k setting everything is possible.
The Warhammer fantasy world could be in the Imperium or the 40k universe could be inside a bottle of a wizard in Warhammer fantasy. Maybe even both!
In a personal opinion the wargame got too big for the average game, things restricted to huge games where usually multiple players participated where they throw all their collection onto the table reached the normal 1v1 games. Flayers, Gargantuan Creatures, Super Heavies, Titans, and formations, where only for insanely huge games. Now we can see them in small games.
With restriction of those the wargame is actually pretty fun and good, leave the power creep at the door and everyone can have fun.