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Why not?
Fantasy wasn't doing well because the high price of entry, instead of trying to fix it they decided to look to 40k for help and try something completely new
They even released Total War: Warhammer right after. GeeDubs is fucking stupid.
age of sigmar nowadays is selling better than WFB a year before it got axed
quit this meme please
Its introductory, and kids can actually understand how to play a Warhammer game for once. So, start them young, then they can more UP.
They literally tell you this. Also, Horus Heresy will be advance game.
Warhammer AoS doesn't take all night to play either. You can have multiple games. Its pretty fun. I like it, and I love that Fantasy had an ending.
GW decided to make all their IP protectable after the Chapterhouse affair, so they pasted more crap-latin names over old 40k. They must have concluded that there was very little that was defensible in the fantasy IP. It began as a game to play with your historical minis and some generic fantasy monsters, and basically stayed that way with some Moorecock tacked on later. So it had to go.
You're a little late, brother.
No it's not.
Age of Sigmar is great :)
Sorry your bitterness prevents you from taking part.
You're a fucking idiot you know. What you said has nothing to do with the comment you linked to.
>being in this much denial
Latest investors financial report says hi.
It being not that good is what prevents me from taking part.
Because it's pretty awesome and idgaf what the trolls say.
What about the setting do you like?
The setting is shit. The models are hit and miss, with the majority of Chaos and Order models so far being awful while Destruction has been alright. The game is becoming competent, and it's nice to see GW actually trying to fix their mistakes for once in the form of adding points/magic items/army-wide abilities back.
Can we all go home now?
Age of Sigmar is great, I'm glad whinging babies are staying away so we don't have to play you.
Never the less, I look forward to you autistically posting in every AOS general, every AOS thread, saying how much you don't like it.
Stealing money from kids with loaded parents and no sense of terrible game mechanics or setting.
Any good wiki where I can check the lore and setting ?
The last stock report I saw showed GW with basically no growth over the year that AoS was released in.
This is including the massive instant sales of thousands of warhammer fantasy kits during their "last chance" sales.
Which either means that AoS is doing not great or that 40k has taken a pretty big hit this year.
But I've also been at training for a month without my phone or internet so I may be wrong nowadays.
>I love that Fantasy had an ending
A shit ending.
I know you're baiting me but god damn I can't even help myself.
Yes, i'm mad.
The lore and setting are sub-par sacks of shit.
But at the same time it only appears that way because of are comparing it to 35+ years of built up old-school Warhammer Fantasy nostalgia and hundreds of Warhammer Fantasy books from our childhood.
When not compared to what it replaced it's just an average, if a bit Sci-Fi for a Fantasy setting, world(s).
So for a brand new player it's not horrific.
The models are generally ehhhh with a few gems; basically GW standard for the last 15 years.
The rules are extremely basic, easy to access, easy to get into, and generally forgiving.
This brings new blood to a gaming population that was terribly stagnant and allows a newer generation the ability to conceptualize the process of how the game works very fast.
Because remember, nowadays warhammer is competing with very fast paced video games, phone games, easier/pre-painted/pre-built gaming pieces, etc...
It's no longer the only choice on the block for hobby-minded youth.
So while I believe the new direction will keep the hobby alive for a few more decades and reverse some of the damage done by WHFB 8th edition I do regret the loss of nearly 40 years of amazing lore.
Once you accept the fact that it's not "Warhammer Fantasy 9th Edition", or even WHFB at all, and give it an honest go as its own thing, it's actually pretty fun.
It's not going to replace the ranks and flanks joys of WHFB, but it does a good job at being a more laid back 40k with a fantasy aesthetic.
See people, that's a healthy mindset.
I have to admit, the ending was shite.
They did storm of chaos, and chaos got its ass kicked.
Then they rewrote the canon to change that, released some really expensive expansions and models then declared bang
chaos wins, all your models are obsolete !
I don't care what comes after, I don't think AoS is bad in itself, but they could have made the ending better.
8th edition was pretty good, but they just put it in the shit blender by making magic too strong, and big monsters too strong.
None of your models are obsolete.
They gave you rules for using your old models for free, you petulant little brat.
Also, no one took away you precious 8th edition (BUY EVEN MORE GUYS EDITION) from you.
GW has been bending you over the barrel since the day you picked up your first Army book. AoS at least had the courtesy to give you a reach-around.
GW relinquished their monopoly in fantasy wargames to let Mantic and FFG take over with better rules.
How nice of them.
do people make threads like this? I really don't know.
Good job proving what healthy community I'm missing by not participating.
But hey, it's Age of Shitposting after all.
Nigger, I played 1 game of matched play.
>1k, I had a Bloodthirster, 6 crushers, 10 hounds, 10 blood letters
>He brought 2 plauge claws, 1 funace, 10 rat bases, 2 squads of 20 plauge monks
>Catapults could fire twice a turn and deal 2d6 wounds to a unit if it numbers 10 or more
>Deleted literally everything before I could get there
That's not fun user
>Big monsters too strong
So did you have any Dwarf/Empire players in your meta or
Look forward to seeing you in literally every thread
Fuck you and all the community of WHfantasy, that's why.
>age of sigmar nowadays is selling better than WFB a year before it got axed
Then why is it still in the red?
In all honesty, people are only buying AoS for the bits.
>age of sigmar nowadays is selling better than WFB at is worth
nice argument
At its worse*
Waitwaitwaitwait... what if...imagine this... we put... Space Marines... IN FANTASY!
You too, shitpost-kun.
Not gonna lie I have a Mega Blocks dragon (age 6+) that looks exactly like the centre left one.
>Because remember, nowadays warhammer is competing with very fast paced video games, phone games, easier/pre-painted/pre-built gaming pieces, etc...
this is why they should stop catering to children and instead compete to win STEM neckbeards with too much money on their hands over from other Veeky Forums hobbies, but they're controlled by kikes now so this will never happen.
Because corporations always think that the temporary sales boost from a full reboot is better than trying to improve their products.
>None of your models are obsolete.
Don't worry Tomb Kings and Bretonnia, we gave you rules so you can play your models that have no place in the story, will never receive future support, and cannot be purchased outside of third party anymore. Your not obsolete, your just tacked on and set up to be forgotten!
If you're not happy with that go play fucking KoW you grognard piece of shit.
I feel for you bro. My army is still supported but I just hate the setting and new lore.
>very fast paced
AoS is a slow as shit game tho.
Slower than WHFB and 40K?
Slower than 6th or 7th edition WHFB definitely. This game is a chore to play.
How much has the Fluff of Fantasy and 40K changed since the first edition? Can we expect the same with AoS?
AoS is tarpits: the game.
Seeing how utterly AoS has failed in the UK has prompted me to start really working on a fantasy wargame, though, so I can't help but consider it a blessing.
Fantasy had the basis laid down in the 80's and it kinda pulled more into grimdark territory.
For the longest time mutants weren't kill on sight, vampires could live among humans, there were dwarf vampires, orcs could breed and there were half-orc populations living in nuln, etc...
It started out more like Dungeons and Dragons and slowly shifted into a moren grimdark tone; but everything did slowly get more fleshed out.
The difference is that AoS has explicitly defined it's world as indefinable and infinite. They've made things intentionally vague under the misconception that it's more mythic this way.
You wot m8
>AoS is tarpits: the game.
Nope, bullshit. I know some people think it's cool to hate on AoS but actually play a game for yourself and see. The amount of roll's required to get shit done is drastically reduced. The rules are fast and streamlined with so much bloat cut out. The leadership mechanic's in Battleshock speed up melee massively.
>Seeing how utterly AoS has failed in the UK
I don't know what the hell you're on about mate. Every week at both my local gaming clubs I see at least 4 tables playing AoS. At all my FLGS's nearly every game I see is new and old players bringing their friends along in favor of faster, friendlier and more accessible games of AoS.
Your ignorance is astonishing, really.
There have been tournaments all up and down the country this year with sponsorship and endorsement by various brands and merchants in Bristol, Derby, Leeds, Sheffield, Cardiff, Gloucester and Hampshire to name just a few.
>The amount of roll's required to get shit done is drastically reduced
Not really no. Plus the game suffer from the same special rule bloat and endless grinding close combat.
There isn't even a national AoS tournament in France desu. It's deader than dead.
Buyers remorse over KoW or some other shitty game.
Not to mention the ITC, which is the largest 40k tournament circuit in the states, has just picked up AoS.
He also seems to have no idea the SCGT exists.
It's pretty ignorant to come to the conclusion AoS is dead when it is very much alive and here to stay. I often find when people say it's dead, what they mean is it's dead among where they usually saw whfb players. That may be true, but I have seen more often AoS players come from other games outside of whfb. What this means is I've found that AoS is building a different fanbase from scratch, rather than from the ashes of whfb. And I'm OK with this.
I tried to like aos i really did but it is just shit. Yes it reduces the rule bloat a lot but the removal of all tactics and strategy killed it for me. It is no longer a strategy battle but just a dog pile in the middle of the board. My 2250 pts wood elf army from 8th plays like trash in aos. Yes i can still play them but the rules are just their to keep old warhammer gamers happy (which it doesnt). So unless i drop about $1000 on sylvaneth im shit out of luck
So your predictions of dead under a year obviously didn't come true. Any new predictions of when this game will die?
/v/ and /tv/ esk shitposting styles.
True that, it's nice to see the AoS thread these days full of new, competitive-minded players now that the general handbook is out. The balance will probably have a great impact on the local scenes.
Any kid who could not understand WHFB is an idiot. I was buying the old army books for fun as a kid, so did lots of people.
desu I honestly don't know where it's selling.
2/3 of my LGSs don't even stock it aside from a few bits and bobs.
People keep saying it's doing better than ever but I've never even heard of a game being played; and I live in an area that brings in 30+ players for local tournaments of 40k and (previously) fantasy.
What I really like is the move away from all-free rules with battletomes and the handbook. It was really making the game look cheap.
I don't know. There is honestly 2 people playing it at my LFGS, one is collecting the minis because he likes them and the last would like to play but nobody wants to play with him.
Why do AoS fanboys keep bringing up 8th edition as an argument? 8th being bad and killing WHFB does not stop AoS being one of the worst games on the market.
>AoS being one of the worst games on the market.
Is there actually a worse game ?
Not to mention GW now has an easy way to balance this game. All they would need to do is release a new GHB every year with updated points and they have the opportunity to 'patch' the entire game yearly, instead of just one army book at a time. Not saying this will be the way they do it, but it's an interesting idea.
Lawd yes. Points costs for formations is something 40k desperately needs. In AoS the battalions went from "it's stupid not to take this" to "is it worth the extra unit i can buy to give an existing unit special rules?"
I have no idea, the issue with AoS is that its a game that is dreadful in basically every way but its made by GW. So it automatically gets a headstart denied any other shitty game.
Did they include the last chance sales of Warhammer models in the AoS numbers?
Because that would make a huge difference.
The best thing is since there is points now, there is clearly better cost/efficiency units we can buy to make our army unstoppable without being accused of unbalance.
I'm pretty sure they did, but I doubt it made THAT much of a difference. I doubt the reason AoS is staying afloat is from the panic buys up to this point.
I guess we won't really know until next year's report. But I don't think it will really matter because the goalpost will continue to get moved.
It wouldn't make that much of a difference. If AoS didn't sell more than an actual dead game it would be pretty appalling.
How the hell did the fanboys go from accusing anybody who gives a shit about balance of being a powergaming shithead to welcoming official point values like the second coming?
WHFB jumped the shark ten years ago and it has been in a constant decline ever since then.
Because AoS can't really compete with previous editions, and AoSposters know that. Or they are 14yo and don't know better.
Because gw didnt say "we are stopping support for warhammer fantasy but you can keep playing it"
They said "we are cutting off warhammer fantasy completely and you must now play aos if you want a fantasy setting"
Instead of easing people into it they just cut off 40 years of history with only 6 months of "end times"
My wood elf book was valid for a year before aos ruined it.
>storm of chaos was 12 years ago
>lustria conquest book was 11 years ago
Time flies way too fast.
>wouldn't make that much of a difference
They moved almost their entire remaining stock of warhammer in a couple days because of panic buying.
Selling thousands of kits is always going to make some sort of impact.
Yeah but in the end it won't matter for AoS playerbase. They can post it all they want, those models won't see the tables.
If anything, they can gloat about having a game as active as the latter-years whfb. Wew.
I do remember it getting worse sometime after the Lustria book. I think it was around the same time that they switched editor on the White Dwarf.
Yeah, around late 2005 or early 2006, around the 7th edition. The WD from that time are probably still in a box somewhere.
>muh anecdotes
Sure. I've seen plenty of anecdotal evidence of the game being a failure, and my anecdotal evidence is backed up by GW's lack of growth since AoS was released. At very best, the game is doing as well as WHFB was.
Shut up you butthurt fantasyfag. The new competitive game is AoS, deal with it.
that still doesnt make grammatical sense
>le last chance sales meme
Hahaha keep grasping at straws
Bear with me please, english is my fourth language.
>whfb fags still 200% booty blasted their shit game was killed off
>implying AoS doesn't sell as well as WHFB 8th edition
Shitlords btfo
I seem to remember that GW just stopped doing fun things with the setting and it went full status quo for several years.
I think the studio was bootyblasted when SoC didn't end up the way they wanted (chaos wank).
You presuming that GW cares about Chaos is silly.
>implying whfbfags aren't racists
You are mad because there is black people in AoS, including stormcasts. Deal with it.