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>‘Cunning, attempting to drown my mind,’ he gestures to the clouds of null particles glittering around the ship. ‘An aggressive failure, ever your hallmark. I do not revel in the necessary destruction of your race, as many of my kin do. Nor shall I revel in your own. But fate sings clearly to me, Mon-Keigh.’

-Biel-Tan Farseer on the burning of 13 Imperial worlds

What does he mean by this?

Also the Deathwatch launched missiles at the Eldar ship that exploded and covered the Eldar ship with dust like substance called "Null particles". This substance is suppose to disturb psychic activity. What is it made from?

Ground up nulls probably

How are DKoK?
Are they viable in tournaments?

Why are Necrons considered a top tier army ?

Don't get me wrong here, I agree that the Decurion is very strong but I also feel that Necrons are lacking some key elements to be up there with Eldars and Marine cheese.

For example, they don't have good answers to Monstruous Creatures with high armor (such as Dreadknights, Stomrsurges, Rpitides and Wraithknights) which are very strong units by themselves. They also strugle for air superiority because of a lack of good AA and have to rely on wraiths to handle every close combat threat.

So yhea, I get they are good, I would qualify them as a great army. But I don't feel that they are in the borken tier like so many people seem to think they are.

>don't have good answers to high armor
War scythes, heavy destroyers, doom scythes
>don't have good air
Doom scythes, night scythes,
>don't have good aa
Doom scythes, night scythes, pylons
>have to rely on wraiths for every close combat threat
Lychguard with swords and shields protecting Orikan, Zandrekh, Obyron and an overlord with the nightmare shroud and a war scythe is a great Melee unit and they get to re-roll saving throws of one

Chaos Marines might've stumbled onto something good with all the spikes, the enemy can't grab you in close combat if you're wearing the armor equivalent of a sea urchin. The only logical step up is to just cover their armor in stovetop heating elements. Or just be Slaaneshi/Nurgly and make everyone too uncomfortable and/or disgusted to grab you.

>War scythes, heavy destroyers, doom scythes

None of them are good against MCs with high armor, which is the point I was making.

>Doom scythes, night scythes, pylons

No one plays Pylons, Doom Scythes can't shoot at air, Night Scythes, while a fantastic transport, are shit at killing anything that isn't AV10.

>Lychguard with swords and shields protecting Orikan, Zandrekh, Obyron and an overlord

None of these are competitive choices. You can't even take Lychguards in a Decurion.

People seriously underestimate the power of Flayed Ones. Sure they don't pierce armour but 4 attacks on the charge with Shred, Infiltrate and Deep Strike on a cheap unit is not to be forgotten.

So my friend's decided to stick to his Black Templars and build a nice 2k army of them. Focused on mechanized, CC and some fliers. He's thinking of running Hammernators with a chaplain in a Crusader, Stormraven gunship, 2 Stormtalons and bikers on top of his razorbacks, predator tank and crusader squads. Mostly Plas/Missile on his marines.

I'm shitting bricks as I run foot infantry Tau mostly, cheekibreekis and stealthsuits. I don't feel I have enough answers to tanks and fliers especially. Is there any good source of markerlights that can hit fliers without snapshotting? I have a single Remora and that won't be enough.

>heavy destroyers
>not good against armored monstrous creatures
Strength 9 ap 1 sounds great to me

>doom scythe can't shoot at flyers
Yes it can
FAQ said if a blast weapon has the sky fire rule it can shoot at flyers and flyers can choose if they want to shoot with sky fire

>this isn't a competitive choice
How so?

>you can't lychguard in a decurion
Yes you can
Check the reclamation legion


They changed how flyers work with Death from the Skies.

Death watch codex states that death from the skies is optional

Well he's now telling me he'll change the chaplain with Grimaldus for the FnP bubble and ditching bikers for scouts.

May actually use the Fusion Collider on my Ghostkeel now, to ignore all his precious FnP and Insta-kill Grimmy. Or Rail Rifle his ass with Darkstrider.

Reclamation Legion includes 0-2 Lychguard slots.

Gauss:praying for 6's on the wound isn't the best but it auto-wounds/hulls..(regardless of toughness)

Strength 7 Twin-Linked Tesla seems good against other flyers (even AV 12)

But I do see your point on some levels (no psychic negation, more craven than space marines, less tech than ad mech, ZERO 2+ anything, less durable than effing iron hands…)

Do you guys think the new Eldrad will get released separately? If so, how much longer until then?

I've seen desperate men claw through piles of shit when their life was at stake. It's probably more a matter of Nurgle followers being caustic to the touch, and slaaneshi worshippers being covered in hooks and curved metal.

I play renegade and heretic who worship Nurlge, and I am planning on getting a baneblade tank, so I went digging around the web for some cool variants, but then I stumbled on the deathguard Plauge tank (pic related). So my question is: is it possible for me to use it without having a death guard allies detachment?


After all the deathwatch stuff is gone and done.

Is the PlagueReaper even a thing?

If I remember correctly the last rules for it are from the Apocalypse 2007 book.

Target: Stormraven, AV12 Flier, Ceramite Plating

What's statistically better? 2 shots S8 AP1 or 6 shots S7 AP4, assuming BS5 so 2+ to hit.

Things & stuff:

They've never done miniature releases to fit with vidya, have they? Was wondering whether they might use this as an opportunity to release the standalone genecult stuff.

200 mortifactors left and they get attacked by biel tan
Mortifactors dead chapter now kek

>FAQ said if a blast weapon has the sky fire rule it can shoot at flyers and flyers can choose if they want to shoot with sky fire

Where ? Because I just went throught the FAQs and this is nowhere to be found, neither in the template, the skyfire or the flyer entry.

Guy in pic is not Kharn.

i believe it was in apoc pandorax

good question, talk it over with your locals. and now i remember i still haven't finished my lesser brass scorpion

Doesn't matter for loyalist dogs thou, their armor would brake the spikes. Still, against puny xenos and regural mortal flesh it would work.

Then again, who other than a diluded fool would try to grapple a Traitor Legionarie.

Probably not, the meta is low model count, elite units at the moment it seems.

>I've seen desperate men claw through piles of shit when their life was at stake

Someone needs to call the cops to check this guy's septic tank for corpses.

this is giving me apocalypse nostalgia.

Reposting from the heresy thread, since there isn't one up at the moment and it's still relevant:

For my second ever battle with taghmata I'm fighting my friends orks in 40k, 2,500 points. How does this sound? The plan, so much as it is, is bomb the macrocarid with the myrmidons into as many orks as possible and attempt to out-dakka them, while anarchis and his battlebot buddies lumbers up after them. I've not used a thanatar or a krios, or even the myrmidons yet but they look fun.


Anarchis Scoria 275 points
Xanathite Abeyant 40 points
Homonculex 175 points
Paragon of Metal 35 points

525 points


Thallax Cohort 135 points
3 extra 120 points
6 heavy chainblades 30 points
1 Irad-cleanser 10 points
1 photon thruster 25 points

320 points

Thallax Cohort 135 points
3 extra 120 points
6 heavy chainblades 30 points
Ferrox 25 points

310 points

Myrmidon secutors 120 points
2 extra myrmidons 70 points
10 phased plasma fusils 200 points

390 points

Castellax class battle automata maniple 105 points
1 extra castellax 105 points
2 darkfire cannon 45 points
Enhanced targeting array 30

285 points

Thanatar Class Siege Automata maniple 250 points
Enhanced targeting array 15 points

265 points

Macrocarid explorator 195 points
Two irradiation engines 40 points
Anbaric claw 10 points
Flare shield 25 points
Graviton imploder 15 points

285 points

Krios battle tank 125 points

2,505 points

The dust around the Golden Throne most likely.

>using Scoria against Orks
Dude, he's King of the Pumpkin Patch and wears the Horusmania championship belt. Your friend is not going to have a good time.

Null-tech comes in many forms. From the Pariah Gene to the Animus Speculum to the Null Rods and Null Matrices of the Adeptus Mechanicus. This might simply be another form of technology, one that is clearly weaker but with a wider spread than other forms of Nulltech, which would play havoc with the Eldar technology and reduce the majority of them to screaming and writing in pain,

>writing in pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome: S10 AP1

Why not?

Have you seen the Ork dex, and taken a good look at Scoria's stats? Never mind you're using the Mechanicum.

You're going to be fine user.

If your friend is fielding anything near an average Ork list he's going to have a difficult time hurting anything you have.
Anything that can actually hurt you you're going to be able to remove liberally, especially considering that Djinn-sight is a thing.
And Scoria will buttfuck anything he touches even more so due to a complete lack of Invul saves in close combat.

Try extra hard to have some fun because your friend most likely isn't going to have any.

Not really, I haven't had a chance to use him beforeSo I should change him out?

Bumping for these please.

he said his base 1500 list will contain the terminator deathstar, LR Crusader and the fliers. The only things I have that can challenge the fliers are a Commander, Ghostkeel and a Remora. I'm hoping that's enough. I don't want to be forced to get a Broadside just to counter that (goes against theme)

I mean I can technically glance the Stormtalons to death with pulse rifles and burst cannons but hitting and glancing both on 6s.. I'd need a veritable wall of shots (average of 36 shots per glancing)

>Scoria against Orks

Don't do it user. The greenskins don't deserve it.

What should I use instead?
I did see I could take a myrmidax archmagos with I think 4 guns total, for maximum dakka.

Orks have an infamously shitty codex.
They're almost universally BS2 S3 I2 AV6+ LD7, everything is over-costed, they have no real invulnerable saves, they are forced to roll on overwhelmingly negative random tables when they do anything, their vehicles are made out of paper and explode if you cough on them, the list goes on.

They're in fierce competition for the title of worst codex with chaos space marines.

Just bring a barebones magos with a cortex controller. Slap him in with a unit of cc Castellax, and send that unit right into his warlord.

Well shit.
What changes should I make so that my friend doesnt have a bad time, besides getting rid of scoria?

Chaos wipes the floor with them easily, so essentially they ARE the worst.

t. Chaos player who gimps himself for theme

Wouldn't a unit of domitars be better for cc?

>Happy Dark Angel thoughts intensifies

I can't say I know Mechanicum well enough to give you advice but a cursory glance through the Codex shows that the average Toughness value is between 5 to 8 making what you're asking for depressingly difficult.

I don't want to discourage you from taking whatever fun stuff you want, just know that it's probably not going to end well for your friend.

That's a fucking cool passionate monologue. You get hype even if you don't particularly care about the Dark Angels.

There is a unit of 10 men for 35 points, up to 20 for 30 more, which are about as useful as grots, which I can then essentially use "send the next wave on." That might make it more entertaining

>Dark Angels
Iiiiiiiiiiit's vow of silence time!

>Which are about as useful as grots

Tech-Thralls are absolutely fucking fantastic tarpits, user, especially if you give them the FnP upgrade.

Have any pdfs of the full Deathwatch codex made their way here yet?

Tell your ork friend to run as many Mek Gunz at full strength with Kustom Mega-cannons as he can and use aegis defense lines.

You MIGHT actually get your ass kicked then.

I thought this wasn't going to come out until 2017. Though, I would have liked another game play trailer.

I just started playing (tyranids) and I have a friend whose army consists of several land raiders, a bane blade, an imperial knight (the walker--is this the correct term?), flamers, and other template-producing shit to wreck my day. What should I use/buy to attempt to counter?

We will eventually play a 750/1000 pt game. I currently have a hive tyrant with 2 twin-linked devourers, 2 carnifexs with the same, a mess of termagaunts either codex or with devourers, a tyrannocyte, a mess of hormagaunts, 6 gene stealers and a brood lord, 6 warriors (currently not armed, I keep hearing the venom cannon is shit, but should I rule it out against his tanks?), a tyranid prime, and one each of a zenothrope, venomthrope and neurothrope, ~10 gargoyles, ~10 ripper swarms and the spores which came with the tyrannocyte.

Sorry this is vague and I'm sure knowledge will come with experience but I want to have an army that stands a chance. In my last game against Blood Angels, my hormagaunts were completely wiped out almost immediately and my tyrant is what won me the game. I'm not counting on them against vehicles either.

As an aside, it's doubtful my friend will use the bane-blade, since he's not a total prick, but it'd be nice to know if you all had countered one with Nids somehow.

Because they just don't die. Decurion with three canoptek harvests is nuts and those wraiths can tie up or straight up kill any dangerous units. Except knights on gargantuan creatures. D stomps mess them up. Also fearless tar pits might work.

I recommend buying lots of pic related.

There's more hype if you do like Dangles.
Asmodai, no vow can contain this hype.
user, can you feel the hype?

Hahahaha well I figured I was fucked, but I thought there might be a tactical solution. The tyrannocyte can be armed with venom cannons, and though I risk blowing myself up, I thought if I get another 1-2 of them I could drop them and try to outflank. The spore mines can be taken as troops but can they go in the tyrannocyte? Those rules seem unclear.

>I've seen desperate men crawl through their own shit if their lives were at stake
user I hope you've been to war or something, because otherwise...

Since this is Veeky Forums I'm thinking

Is that berserker doing the fucking naruto run?

CSM are in a tigh spot, their gods hate them and want them to suffer, so some CSM turn to odd things to ease the pain. That Bezerker has turned to Naruto obviously.

They would, but you're against orks. It's up to you but for fairness sake I'd take the castellax.

>They're in fierce competition for the title of worst codex with chaos space marines.
Any CSM player who legitimately thinks this, is a massive retard.

Otherwise I can forgive you for not knowing, especially is you are playing the broken tier armies like Eldar or Marines.

Assuming the Raven gets its Jink save (5+??), 6 S7 shots will take off 1.1 HP, and 2 S8 AP1 shots will do 0.5 HP with a 20% chance to destroy.
I'd go with more dakka. Always more dakka.


Tech thralls are basically superior to grot in every way. I'd even say they're better than Guardsmen(?)

Interesting, so wrecking via glances is the go-to for fliers, is it? Or against these in particular?

assuming no because no replies, but I did update my shitty photo pdf with the missing land raiders and tactical objectives i found

People cope in different ways, user. Most CSM turn to being bigger edgelords.

Or taking a detachment of daemons.

Why do you think they become bigger edgelords? To attract daemons.

Is there a place to find archived lists? Bumping with some painting.

Is this Logan without his armour?

Hey boys ! Chaos Undivided player here !

O was wondering if any of you was playing a list capable of holding it's own against most strong lists, using Chaos Daemons/Codex: Gorepack/CSM, while not being some sort of glorified cabaldogs deathstar
If you know of such list, please tell me :D

Is this list decent so far?

Chaos Space Marines (1,776)
Primary detachment

HQ -250
Chaos Lord
Power armor
Bolt pistol
The Murder Sword
Sigil of Corruption
Mark of Slaanesh
Veterans of the Long War
(joins Noise Marine squad 1)

Chaos Sorcerer
Power armor
Bolt pistol
Force weapon
Master level 1
Mark of Slaanesh
Discipline of Slaanesh
Sigil of Corruption
Veterans of the Long War
(joins Noise Marine squad 2)

Noise Marines x5
Power armor
Bolt pistol
Close combat weapon x2
Mark of Slaanesh
Sonic blaster x3
Power weapon
Melta bombs
Doom Siren
Icon of Excess
Veterans of the Long War
Chaos Rhino
Smoke launchers
Extra armor
Dozer blade
Havoc launcher

Noise Marines x5
(Identical to squad 1)

Emperor’s Children Sonic Dreadnought
Chainfist with inbuilt heavy flamer
Doom siren
Smoke launcher
Warp amp
Extra armor

Daemonic Possession

Daemonic Possession

Chaos Daemons (505)
Secondary detachment

HQ -90
Herald of Slaanesh
Lesser reward
Greater Locus of Swiftness
Steed of Slaanesh

Daemonettes of Slaanesh x15
Instrument of Chaos
Icon of Chaos

Seekers of Slaanesh x5
Instrument of Chaos
Icon of Chaos

Soul Grinder
Harvester cannon
Iron claw
Daemon of Slaanesh
Phlegm bombardment

What's the purpose of that extra armor on the dread?
You are not going to move it, since it has warp amp, so stun and shaken is all the same to you.

Also, Icon of Excess on squad of 5 noise marines is a terrible waste.
Use those points to add seekers.

Anyone think the way that the DaoT has been wanked is a bit overblown? A decade ago they were just higher-tech humans who knew their shit. But now people expect them to be able to match pre-fall Eldar and War in Heaven Necrons

How is zarakynel? Worth it or too much for a daemon LOW?

Melee or shooty soul grinder?

Reasonably they could not match War in Heaven Crons, and Pre-Fall Eldar would be too much. But Blackhole guns are fun.

Shooty. Soulgrinders are some of daemon's only actual shooting. Take advantage of it.
Plus a "melee" soulgrinder is just +1 attack with the sword and it doesn't replace weapons, so why not both?

Thanks for the feedback. I'll have to keep the Seeker unit at 5 because I'm using the OOP Diaz models but I forgot to mention the Herald will be joining them. I plan to keep an Icon in each NM unit and I found just enough points to take each unit to 7 man (8 with HQ) and bring the list to 1,849.

They have them in my story, but they're meant for capital ships only. Like a nova cannon. And they can't fire quickly.

But the problem is. WHY! How the -fuck- do they have time-travelling black hole rounds? Not even the Necrons or Eldar have those.

Sadly didn't hold well with the powercreep and all.
If the rules for Zarakynel would come out today from GW, it would cost little more than a third of what it cost now.

>my story
Uh, user?
>But the problem is. WHY! How the -fuck- do they have time-travelling black hole rounds? Not even the Necrons or Eldar have those
The Emperor willed it. Do not question it.

Right now it's a bit awful, least on the CSM part

1. Why the lord ? You don't need fearless for your noise marines, plus he's a CC character in a shooty unit.

2. Why the sorcerer ? He might be the right choice, but you may want to unmark him (Slaanesh magic is really awful compared to biomancy or telepathy) and give him ML3 and a spell familiar, to make him a reliable asset. A bike is nice for the 12"/spellslinging/12" turbo boost mobility.

3. Noise Marines are nice in three configs:
-10 men in a rhino with blasters+IoExcess, Your normal flavor of spiky spehss muhreens, but a bit better
-10 men in a rhino, doom siren, no other weaponry, IoExcess, CC oriented
-5 men, one blastmaster. No other equipment whatsoever. Heavy support for your other squads, squatting an objective asap
Try to think what you want to achieve with your squad. Maybe 1x10 with siren to go with your lord and 2x 5 with blastmaster + 1x10 with blasters to go with your sorcerer

4.The sonic dread is some heavy support sitting behind, maybe make him more shooty, or keep him on combined arms and have him sit in the middle of your shooty stuff

5. Two heldrakes is nice. Against strong armies they will see some use. But against some armies they will totally kill the fun for your opponent... Caveat usor

Have some fun with your noisy spiky marines :)

But castellax are better than domitar for being cheaper

I'm writing a story about a DaoT colony managing to hide inside a warp-storm. But I'm trying to keep it grounded and as non-wanky as possible.

Necrons have portable Black Holes/Pocket dimensions (tesseract labyrinths). They also have the Celestial Orrery, look it up it's fucking amazing.

>I'm writing a story about a DaoT colony managing to hide inside a warp-storm.
In a Warp storm? user, that sounds like a very bad idea. They must be crawling in daemons now, end up like Forge World Kai, or both.
Isn't that the thing where you can blow up planets by poking their holographs, or the thing that uses a star as ammo? I can't remember.

IA:13 was updated not that long ago

The first. They can, if they so choose, sneeze and wipe out most races.

From FW.
They are good in internal balance, and in fact is fine, but it can't compete with the other big guys from the other faction (which are severely undercosted)

Not DaTo writefag user, but maybe the planet has a planetwide gellar field?