This pleases me.
New Space Hulk Deathwing trailer
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And interestingly enough, one guy pointed out that consoles were not included in the trailer.
That would actually be great news.
Between this and Battlefleet Gothic, it's nice to see what seems like actually good games being made by people who actually seem to give a damn about 40k rather than just milking the license.
>fight in the name of absolution
What could they possibly mean by this ?
More seriously, the devs said on the canard pc forums that VR is currently being tested, and that environment destruction is limited to mainl cosmeic damage (so no falling pillars like in this trailer, unless they've done a ton of work in the last month)
Your pants won't be okay.
First thing it makes me think might be that the Angels of Absolution are somehow involved, as they're a DA successor. More likely however its just a poetic turn of phrase about how they're always fighting in the hopes that one day their chapter will be pure again and absolved of their past crimes.
Is it just me or does it seem like Streum On was the WORST pick for a project like this:
"hey, let's hire that studio that made a world that was vastly more interesting than anything Space Hulk related and have them make a co-op Space Hulk adventure!"
"But that game they made was confusing as shit and in order to sell a multiplayer game you have to have a low barrier to entry to keep a playerbase active"
"shut up I've already given them our money"
It's just you.
Whatever they are, they already better than relic and other shovelware crap at this point.
I for one disagree. The gameplay in eye is wonderful. The insanity is just tge iceing on the cake. They even took the effort to make their own damn fancy future language.
I'm not saying Streum On is a bad studio I'm just saying E.Y.E, their only game, was the exact opposite of this new project.
I don't see much difference between games with space knights and sword plus gun combat.
Yeah but people learn. And Focus likes to work with French studios, even mlre so with studios that are absolute fans of what they work on. See Battlefleeet Gothic, it was a huge success for Focus, they threw a party and all.
Streum On always wanted to work on 40k. This times they got the support of Cyanide as well, and a slight (dev said it was a fairly equal relationship, apparently Focus is pretty chill to work with) supervision from Focus to make sure the madmen concentrate their effort.
You don't seem to have played EYE then.
Yeah but in my eyes Streum On being on this project is a waste of talent. Streum On could have been like a French Team ICO where every project was completely out there. To know they're working on such an established franchise kind of tarnishes the vision of these gonzo game developers whose legs are okay.
It's what they always wanted, I mean, it's easy to see similarities between EYE and 40k. Their talent is right where they want it to be, they're not forced or anything.
In the trailer a rocket launcher welding genestealer appears. That's awesome and a bit of fresh air, if all the game were killing melee enemies it would end becoming boring.
No silly glorious imperial music.
Shit trailer.
Well it seems Neo-relic under Sega are the worst people for Dawn of War 3 from the Interviews with brain dead devs who claim to be fans yet don't know shit and openly going against lore by saying its a point of interpretation.
You can find ranged enemies in the gameplay trailer as well.
Apparently the first scenario draft was a bit too much like EYE (i.e. mindfucky), so Gav Thorpe reworked it.
Which may or may not be a good thing, depending on your opinion on streumon an Thorpe.
A 40k game with a librarian on an acid bad trip would have been fun, though.
I like what I see
>so Gav Thorpe reworked it.
Also, idea of FPS is kind of stupid.
To be fair neither do you.
You could easily play EYE as a shooter/shanker with everything else optional.
Granted, delving into those 'optional' systems made the game more interesting and more fun, but the barrier to entry for
MP was quite low:
grab a gun and have a go.
>what is Vengeance of the Blood Angels
>Brouzoufwing is actually happening
Well holy shit.
>Any sword and gun game produced by Struem will be an EYE clone
Yeah, nah. EYE was chock full to the brim with all kinds of wacky shit that just wouldn't port into other games, specially not a 40K one. Space Hulk will be a very different kettle of fish to that cyclical mindfuck.
>Kill the Emperor becaue the Emperor told you to kill the Emperor, based on data from the Emperor
>No, they're not the same person
>No Zael, you are the Emperor
>But now it's over, it was all but a dream OR WAS IT, and you're back on the golden john
So basically left4dead.
If that song does not play every time the Broodlord shows up the game is going to suck.
I never said that. Maybe it was you all along, Rimanah. What I am saying is that they nailed the atmosphere the first time around, and they didn't even have the bloody license.
>Librarian initiates ballet with the luxuriously moustached Broodlord while the non-psychic scrubs play trumpets
It's been confirmed for consoles for a long time now.
>Expecting this to be good
You know how long this game has been in development? Have you seen how painfully slow the gameplay is from people dicking around with it?
It will be shit.
I think it is dumb to thepoint if foolishness, but not awful, and not as bad as might be reasonable to expect from GeeDubs.
Godspeed, Streumon, you glorious, incoherent, frogs. Someday even GW will escape their cycles of guilt.
Slow speed in fucking terminator armour isn't bad. Or would you prefer Gabriel "Doing Flips in Terminator Armour" Angelos of the low detail Blood Ravens?
>Gabriel "Doing Flips in Terminator Armour"
I have no idea why people are complaining about this. DoW 2 had the characters doing all manner of absurd shit
Not in terminator armor.
Well I guess there is still hope in 40k vidya.
Id wish they stop with Space Hulk this shit has had games for decades.
GW should use some of that plastic crack money to buy the fox engine from konami and in turn make a Catachan stealth game based on the fox engine
I mean left4dead is a proven formula
I am amazed people dont copy it more
>More seriously, the devs said on the canard pc forums that VR is currently being tested, and that environment destruction is limited to mainl cosmeic damage (so no falling pillars like in this trailer, unless they've done a ton of work in the last month)
Could be specific environmental things in setpiece rooms are set to go down, but not any given random pillar.
>VR is currently being tested
>look to the left and right, see only paldrons
Because it makes sense and this is GW.
Well Terminator armor does give the wearer 360 degree vision
>this is GW.
I am continuously amazad at how people are fixated on this company. They just license the property and maybe consult on the lore a bit. That's it.
If you don't like something about the game, criticize the developers not the company that willing to approve basically anything given all the recent warhammer games.
Whats the opinion on Eternal Crusade? I'm playing it currently, it's actually a ton of fun, even in its early access current state.
At this point is tradition to make fun of GW.
Then again GW is like Steam or Apple regarding the shit is done under their name. Simply don't give a damn.
Failed promises and looks worse than the game its copying
I thought Vermintide was pretty much L4D in style of play?
A Space Hulk themed game would be a nice fit. The Space Hulk mod for L4D2 was okay I guess, a bug ridden mess most of the time, but still provided the basis for something to be worked upon.
It's pretty fun.
It's decent. Most of the game is pretty fun, however the melee combat system isn't very good, especially when it's melee v. melee.
The recent ork addition was good, they got down almost everything except the run animations and the voices, but definitely better than the eldar release.
Overall, I'd argue that they can go somewhere good with what they have, but only time will tell us that.
>GW should use some of that plastic crack money to buy the fox engine from konami and in turn make a Catachan stealth game based on the fox engine
Wat, no.
They should buy whatever engine bathesda used to make skyrim and make a 40k game thats based off of Dark Heresy in a hiveworld with PVP battle areas and communal gear crafting / selling economy. One PVP area will be fighting the tyranids / orks outside the hive. Another will be to take down hive gangers and / or mutants in the underhive.
I wanna work my way up as a enforcer from a laspistol all the way up to a plasma pistol. I wanna choose techpriest as a starting race and craft items to sell on the market. I wanna work my way up to nobleborn and be one of an elite few who do. I wanna get medals for serving in the guard and get into drunken fights with gangers from the underhive while on leave. I wanna joing the scholastica psychana and expload into a deamon from pushing my abilities too far. I wanna evade radiation and corruption points as i put my mutant assassin build on the right spire to assassinate a judge. I wanna investigate lost and forgotten hive air conditioning system dungeons for archeotech reminants.
I know that one day this game will be made. Which is why im going to invest in buying shares in GW.
The melee has improved somewhat with the newest patch, but it still needs tons of work.
In the earlier patch, shooting classes were completely fucked against melee classes. Now shooting classes have some fighting change.
Also, Striking Scorpions can do cheeky stealth melee attacks that do tons of damage.
>actually wanting a gamebryo game
Anyway depending on how 2077 turns out, I think a CDproject 40k game could be pretty interesting.
Unpolished, unoptimized, lacks content, it's unbalanced, feels buggy and at times the way things are designed make it look half-assed or a mash of repurposed assets both with 3d models and in textures where they try to cover the lack of detail or effort in them with cheap flashy light effects.
I've had my share of fun playing it and will definitely follow it until it crashes and burns, which may be a few months after launch unfortunately if the devs can't keep up introducing the stuff that actually made the game promising: loads of weapons, armors, trinkets, visuals that aren't the most barebone version possible unlockable in game, elite classes, vehicles, more maps, more types of battle, more PvE and threeways (or more) battles, PvE mixed in PvP, more maps, more players per battle, ability to influence the world map and where to fight in a direct way, command abilities like bombing runs and leader's buffs and the list could go on.
It's a game that sells on potential and there's a pretty big potential here, but it either is taking too much time to get expressed, is wasted on people missing talent or passion, or something happened to the funds.
I like it.
Not great example of FPS.
No mariachi music either...
>They should buy whatever engine bathesda
stopped reading
Wow, that execution animation was a let down.
I think it's pretty fitting.
Arrogant, casual, and callous. Something that fits the eldar very well.
Call me picky, but the design and movement animations for the space marines in eternal crusade look terrible IMO. Space Marine 2011 was far superior on both counts
Too bad Relic didn't used it even for dow3 trailer.
So when are they going to remake this?
>Deathwing used to wear regular power armor.
Good luck explaining why genestealers and necrons are working together on the same ship.
Those were Chaos Androids.
And to answer the question, there were Khorne aligned genestealer cults back then. So itąs basically just Chaos.
Your feeling is right.
It looks like EC is being cheap and superficial on motion captures.
Which is a shame. With Space Marine we finally had a 40 game with the sense of weight, momentum and power with these characters, and all you should have to do build on top of that. I guess Regicide was okay in that regard, too bad it's only chess.
That's fucking wesley snipes
How do Space Hulk teams not run out of ammo like immediately?
Well it says here here and here that warhammer 40k doesnt need to listen to logic
Terminators are huge and carry lot of ammo.
Melee helps, plus storing extra ammo.
>CDProjekt Inquisitor
Release date when motherfuckers
Do tell. I played it and the expansions for some 500 hours. Please jog my memory of this "Absurd shit" you're speaking of.
Oh wow, I didn't know that.
Wargame: 40k
Just give me Wargame: 40k.
I want a toybox with titans and thousands of troops geting obliterated by artillery strikes.
Play Final Liberation, fire vortex missiles at five boyz because there's no kill like overkill.
Maybe the frogs will decide to add mod support to the next game [spoilers] jokes that would split the community :DDDDDD [/spoilers]
>Please jog my memory of this "Absurd shit" you're speaking of.
Oh, I don't know, Thaddeus does his assault teleport or whatever and blows up everything around himself. Individual characters soloing whole maps.
Don't fucking tell me you played for 500 hours and didn't severely abuse some of this shit.
What is this and what are the naval options?
It's a shop of the Wargame game serie, not an actual mod.
>Using Thaddeus
>On Primarch
Ya, no. Too little health, dies like a bitch, what's the point of jump infantry if the second they stray from the squad against more then 1-2 basic enemies they get obliterated? So much for melee expert. Also on bosses he's pretty much dead weight.
>blows up everything around himself
That's an exaggeration. Yes, when he jumps there's a small-decent radius around him that has enemies either take damage and fly back or turn to mush. He'd be even more underpowered if there was no radius and it only was damage in his occupied space. Furthermore, if you have some suspension of disbelief, you could imagine how an heavily armored, 1000-2000lb metal giant propelled by rockets slamming into the ground could cause a shock wave, and crush things underneath him. That isn't the same as a Terminator doing front flips.
>Individual characters soloing whole maps
Not on Primarch you won't. Cyrus is the only one *capable* of doing that. But if you're referring to how strong a small squad of SM seems, then hey, some like it some don't. I enjoy my SM being lethal warriors who're dangerous along and deadly together. Short of full-scale mass war, SM don't deploy en mass. They often accomplish rather daunting objects while having small numbers, and 1-3 casualties is a rather big deal. I like how the game reflects this on Captain/Primarch.
I've helped Eugen since European Escalation, and seen them spiralling down towards red dragon and act of war. It wasn't amusing.
Fuckers didn't even think about making a map editor that would allow them to port their maps from one game to another. Not to mention user-created maps.
So here's some more footage (unfortunately with a couple of German dudes blabbering for most of the video)
Is that an incoming bolt?
>No they didn't, heretic!
>abdomen armour
Fuck outta here, how am I going to get shot in the gut for the Emperor now?
That's the beauty of Mark VIII coming to a chapter near you eventually.
muh dick
Eldar would be horrific in this.
Utterly horrific.
since Terminators can teleport I just assumed they could teleport in more ammo as needed
That's a good way to teleport ammo into someone.
just teleport it into the gun and it saves everyone time and injuries
All power armor has abdomen armor, it's only stupid artists who fail to include it for "reasons".
>tfw no survival horror DOOM fps set on a space hulk
A bit late but he's probably talking about Chaos Rising where Thaddeus got a big buff and a skill allowing him to actually blow stuff around him when he teleport in termie armor.
I'm calling bullshit on Thaddeus soloing maps however, he did got an huge buff in CR but only Cyrus was able to solo maps on Primarch.