Salvaging the scraps edition
MTG Conspiracy 2 Spoilers
Where the poop goes to?
Leovold arrives.
>You may sacrifice an artifact
>You may
The fuck is this for? Why would I roll him down and not sac anything?
If someone sacrifices target creature/artifact, or gives it hexproof or shroud in response to you activating the ability you can just choose not to sac anything.
>the city of me
So yes, white Chalice except it straight up prevents noncreature spells of the chosen number. I can read I promise.
Strictly inferior to Semen Visions.
Fucking Finally.
Death and Taxes? You could Aether Vial it, I guess. Could you do it in response and "counter" a spell?
What's up with mono white getting all the good shit lately? I'm not complaining about the color pie, that card is definitely white, but I can't remember the last time I saw a non-white mono colored card that made me think "damn, that's sick".
>Could you do it in response and "counter" a spell?
no since the spell was already cast.
Woot! No longer shall I pay $8 for a common! I shall not pay anymore since I already bought mine :(
Oh look, ramp for green. Stunning.
Can't wait to play against some smug prick with this and the mythic conspiracy
This+Nissa's pilgrimage=T3 with 5/6 lands.
He's a planeswalker. His poop goes wherever he wants it to. Probably Ulgrotha
It's a reprint. And since Conspiracy is only legal in eternal formats, this doesn't add any ramp to a format that didn't already have it.
>all those nice new clerics
My cleric tribal deck is pretty happy
why is the new Marchesa mardu? what's white about her?
I feel like wotc is just inserting may into everything just as a catch all for fringe situations. They put may on the ghost assassin for her flicker effect too.
She's using the system to her advantage, classic WB
>make a multiplayer set
>give legacy more tools
>Burgeoning reprint
I'm cumming
It's tenuous but lordship, royalty, and hierarchy are white, along with the idea of "ruling with an iron fist". They can also be spun as black though so. They probably wanted to change her colors for the sake of it more than because they HAD to. She dowsnt feel very blue anymore to be fair but she never felt very blue to begin with.
>make a tools-for-legacy sey
>everyone loves the draft
>make a draft set
>everyone loves the legacy reprints and playables
Fuck this being a draft set I'm liking this better than eternal
I'm half expecting them to reveal Damnation in a few days.
For a weird instance in which an opponent removes your desired target, leaving you with only a target you DON'T want to sac. May is good here.
white is law, order, tradition. She is now using ruler, and is pretty apparently using the rules of the monarchy to her gain
Sorin, lord of innistrad is a 'black' lord. He controls innistrad when he wants to, but most of the time he is not actually there. It is something that belongs to him, but not something he really exerts effort to oversee, unless he wants to use it to further another goal. Most of the denizens of innistrad, in fact, do not realize that sorin exists, or that he considers them to be things that belong to him.
Marchedder, on the other hand, is a very visable ruler, who wants to actively govern her subjects (and quite harshly). Shes all about order and making sure that people know there is a heirarchy and she is at the top.
>reprinting WILD PAIR
Crucible of Worlds please.
Cast your griselbrand now and get an added bonus of meandering towershell, absolutely free.
Good, I need it.
>tfw I actually have a meandering towershell/novablast wurm deck that includes wild pair
So what's the deal here? He turns into the pope later on?
I'd rather have it in Kaledesh so we can make Gitrog standard decks
I think there's a story today but I haven't read it yet. It may explain the change. Old Daretti came first as far as we know so something happened to turn him into robohobo who fights the system. I wonder what this means for Grenzo.
Oh, he's pissed because the Academy (the source of education and the creators of the cogwork machinations on Fiora) was disbanded and cogwork was outlawed. So now Daretti is the outlaw workign with Grenzo
Sorry user, Crucible is just too strong for standard. Think of how BROKEN it is in combination with evolving wilds or the Blighted lands from BFZ block. Why, with Blighted Gorge alone you could spend 6 mana and a land drop to repeatedly get an uncounterable Shock. Such an interaction is just uninteractive and detracts from fun we at Wizards of the Coast are trying to foster.
Pretty nice set so far. I feel like wizards is trying to listen to the community more with this and EMA.
yeah new Darretti is angry because
1. academy was closed and he lost his prestige
2. he found out a professor above him who was constantly criticizing his work, was actually stealing it for himself
Now hes out to on a vendetta against old acadmey folks, and marchesa (grenzo was kicked out of the dungeon and hates her for this)
It's a nigger, it doesn't count.
Couldn't we have Daretti as the protagonist instead of ms. platinum who
>tfw no Mishra's Bauble reprint
Fuck off, shitty filter spell getting in the way of my draft experience just because Modern players aren't allowed to cast Ponder and Preordain. Yes I mad. Even Pauper has better filter spells than Modern.
maybe you just like white effects better?
Will these cards be standard legal?
Absolutely not
Fuck off
Casual Player detected
Does Conspiracy got into standard normal rotation? NO.
>tfw no absolute powerlevel Standard and all that good shit streaming into Modern
Is that a card? I mean I've seen some rumours of that being in legacy or modern delver, but haven't checked any results.
A reprint of a $30 card.
The sacrifice is part of the effect, not the cost, which means the opponent can, in response, remove your artifacts. Without "may" you could be forced to sacrifice an artifact you want to keep, without "if you do" you could bounce your own artifact for -1 to be straight removal.
Also known as the best kind of reprints
>Fimarell's eyes shifted between them. Daretti tried to regain his menacing composure. "I..." He stammered. "I...the career I was supposed...where was I?"
>Fimarell spit out the page in his mouth. "The manuscript I stole from you..." he said cautiously.
>"Oh yes," said Daretti. "'s you who is the..." He paused. "Very well. Let's get on with it." Daretti reached under Fimarell's legs and heaved him up and through the window. He tumbled down two stories and landed with a heavy thump on the street below.
Wow, I thought that was genuinely humorous. Also, for a red character, Daretti is surprisingly uncomfortable in disorder.
Not really. If people's collection lose too much value magic as a whole will be hurt
Red is also passion and creativity. You don't have to embody every aspect of a color to be part of that color.
>A $30 green enchantment reprinted at rare will destroy magic
You're such a faggot.
I love this mindset. This only effects retards who dropped hundreds of dollars on singles, and people who sell singles. It isn't a surprise that the onl people who make articles/videos over this conveniently sell singles themselves.
The plan the sets over a year in advance. When they were putting Conspiracy together they didn't know Bauble was going to spike yet.
One or two is fine but not more outside of the masters sets otherwise prices will lower too much
It spiked?
>magic as a whole will be hurt
according to who? Faggots who spent thousands?
Maro shill detected
I really don't get why this means he is partly black now. Being angry and abandoning reason for revenge seems more red to me than he was before.
Nope. Only dead formats will hurt (Vintage, legacy, etc)
cute tummy
How did you feel about Khans fetchlands?
Fuck. The. Secondary. Market.
If I want to play with a card, I shouldn't have to pay more than $10-20 for any single card. The secondary market and the people that mass buy up copies of a card are cancer.
>Going from a static $10 to mid $20-$30 isn't a spike
They should lower. Fuck insane price gouging. I bet you're a vendor faggot who spent his life savings on cardboard and now you're afraid that maybe that wasn't the smartest idea.
>If people's collection lose too much value magic as a whole will be hurt
How? Because the true die-hard collectors care about the completion of their collection, not the price and the second-hand market """collectors""" don't even spend money on sealed product, they just buy and sell singles that they speculate on. Cheaper card prices does NOTHING to Wizards bottom line.
>Only dead formats will hurt (Vintage, legacy, etc)
Wrong, cheaper prices would help make these formats live.
Its probably mostly because he's allied with Grenzo now and they want to show it more than because he is explicitly black. I don't get a very black vibe from him in the story either. Maybe flavor-wise, it's because he's willing to do the crazy shit Grenzo does to get back his power and prestige whereas a purely red character wouldn't care about that and would want revenge for the sake of it?
Lets say you pop him and there are only two artifacts on the field. Their sol ring and your sol ring. Your opponent wants to be a tricky dicky vengeful fuck and destroys his own sol ring leaving yours as the only viable target.
If may was not there then you would be forced to sac your own sol ring. With may there you just laugh at your opponent for being a dumb ass.
>If people's collection lose too much value magic as a whole will be hurt
I know you're doing this for the (you)s but a group of jews thought this and that's why we have the reserved list
Holy shit, I didn't even know it was worth $10. I just had about 15 sitting around since the Cold Snap set and just been using them in every deck I've made. I guess this means I should sell a few.
If you're playing eternal formats, you've already given up on value for money. Will a playset of these really provide you with $120 worth of enjoyment?
Some people really want to play eternal formats, so maybe.
Plus some stores do eternal tournaments.
Get Garfield on the phone, he was adamant about a single never costing more than $20
>Will a playset of these really provide you with $120 worth of enjoyment?
The fact that they are being reprinted means they won't have to give $120 worth of entertainment, because they will be cheaper now.
The only people who will be hurt are secondary vendors. Players want their staples to be cheap so that they can have a fluid meta. I for one want Tarmogoyf's price to plummet despite having already spent a fortune on a play set. I don't want to spend that sort of money on cards and I don't want my fellow players to spend that sort of money on cards.
These formats will be dead due to everyone and their fat neckbeard fathers wanting play sets of dual lands which only 3,300 of each exist, except volcanic island in which 2,200 exist.
Same could be said of vintage players. Does that playset of volcanic island really give you $1,200 worth of joy?
That won't make it suddenly reasonable to play Vintage or Legacy. How much does a whole deck in those formats usually cost?
>These formats will be dead due to everyone and their fat neckbeard fathers wanting play sets of dual lands which only 3,300 of each exist, except volcanic island in which 2,200 exist.
Then the solution is simple
He was commenting on the cost of just that card on it's own. Apply what I said to any card worth more than $10 at most.
Black is also amorality, selfeshness, and rule breaking.
Sometimes I think people get hung up and think that t black always has to be nuanced. I would argue sometimes black can be evil, black can do malicious acts simply because they want to there doesn't always have to be nuances and reasons.
Not only did Daretti want revenge, but he wanted it done his way, he wanted to goad, belittle and then kill professor.
That seems pretty black
That jew that tried to scalp people for their AIDS medicine just bought a ton of black lotuses and was posting about how he was going to publicly burn them.
Some other dude was buying out reserved list cards too.
Hopefully this'll get wotc to stop being retarded
>Garfield comes back
>First order is unban dread return and new unset
Though conspiracy 2 seems vaguely un
>grenzo was kicked out of the dungeon and hates her for this
>get a real job grenzo, we're replacing you with a kaladeshian
WOTC doesn't deserve any credit here.
Fuck the reserved list too, then there can be more of them. Not a hard concept.
New un would have reversedredge and inverted yard.