Redpill me on monero, want to go balls deep

Redpill me on monero, want to go balls deep

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It moons.

When?! Everyone said Friday but I ain’t seeing it

buy verge instead.

Holding this coin has wiped out my BTC value, so bigly

By the end of friday, buy and HODL it will moon as fast to $300+ as it did to $200+

tfw im waiitng for my bitcoin to arrive on bittrex to buy monero, but after 6 hours, no signal of my btc...
>BTC is the ultimate shitcoin

buying the 100% sure thing to be out*lol*lawed

>Not using Etherume to launder into monero

you know all those people that have made millions on btc and don't want to pay tax on it?

m o n e r o

buy it you stupid cunt

acting like this isn't 1000 people total, all u shitheads didnt hold, have fun paying 40% cap. gains

yes goy

its on sale

there are plenty of bitcoin millionaires

in fact, there are possibly 300 thousand of them, all wanting to buy 1m in monero, that means monero has an upside of USD $300B, if you're not buying it you obviously hate money

I'm all in on monero, lets go brother

Buy into it and apportion your gains by dividing it up.

E.g. $ 1000.00 of monero.

use $ 500.00 to hold
use $ 500.00 as a spread. As the price goes up on a weekly basic, use stoplosses and robots to sell the profit.

Get your exchange to send alerts to your mobile if there is price volatility you want to make more money from.

this guy does not fuck

go balls deep

It's not a moonmission, its long term comfy gains

You can use litecoin too.


does he have a bad idea?

What? Moon mission cancelled? No big riches and lambos?

all in? i'm in. but i'm riding this ship to mars, baby

I'm taking my lambo to the moon

Worse than Zencash.

Or you know just buy Monero and hold it like a man

suck a cuck


this is the only coin you can actually use instead of just hold

but i am a transmonero

You can use it to buy crack on the internet

its basically bitcoin but better and more secure.

yah that was my whole reason i wanted to buy xmr, bcs it is adapted on the dark web, thats exactly how btc started, but this coin is superior to btc.
so im hoping it will cuck the fuck out of btc

its literally the only fungible coin

ymmv user

Upcoming features of Monero

>Mimblewimble side chain
>Light wallets released in next month or two
>hardware wallet released in next month or two

Get in now fgts or forever regret