>male players describing their beautiful female characters
>"U-uhhh... y-yeah, she's a really hot foxgirl with huge tits... b-b-but she's also really cute, you know~? :3"
Is there anything worse?
>male players describing their beautiful female characters
>"U-uhhh... y-yeah, she's a really hot foxgirl with huge tits... b-b-but she's also really cute, you know~? :3"
Is there anything worse?
People who go on Veeky Forums to bitch about shit that didn't happen.
That sounds like a more general problem of people who struggle with descriptions. But shaming them for it seems distinctly unhelpful. Why not offer suggestions, or ask questions to help them better flesh out their character descriptions and improve?
Pic related, art of a female character I played at one time. I love floofy dresses.
Playing opposite your gender has been banned at our games since 1995. DM went several sessions setting up special NPC encounter for male player thinking he was playing male PC.
Also constantly using the incorrect pronoun and the DM constantly getting corrected....
I only play chick characters in text based games. Fact that the voices can't even possibly come close to mapping on is too annoying.
Playing pic related in one game. Axes are cool.
I've never really understood this. I've never been in a group where playing a character of another gender has been a problem. Why is a man playing a woman, or a woman playing a man, harder to accept than playing an elf, a sentient magical construct or some manner of demonspawn?
Don't know, given the DM is playing literally everything under the sun and nobody bats an eye.
A DM could role out explicitly and specifically pic related and roleplay it to a T and nobody would generally care.
I don't think its hard to accept. Its just the annoyance of people having to constantly remind DMS or whomever that they are playing a female PC's. Dm's have enough to deal with.
It's the awkward stammering that kills me. Just know what your character looks like, and belt it out, mofo.
>She's a 10/10 Foxgirl with huge tracts of land.
What's wrong with playing a voluptuous fox-girl?
So much going on that they can't remember what gender their PCs are? It's really not hard. Especially if the DM went out of their way to make an encounter based on the fact the character was a male, and he didn't fucking know it was never a male. DM error.
It's pretty bad, but that tends to go away if you play with people over the age of 18 or play places that ARENT random internet chatrooms. Guys in my group play female characters all the time, and for the most part they describe them as looking pretty practical for adventurers. Alot of the time they're not even animu teenagers or anything! The last female character in my group was 42!
Again, this isn;t a problem if you play with people over the age of 18 or not on the internet. Believe it or not, most males are capable of keeping their dick in their pants on game night, especially if they're guys you actually know in real life. Not sure what about playing a different gender is so much different from playing a different race or profession or religion, or whatever. I can't cast magic in real life, should I never be allowed to play a sorcerer?
Nothing. But autists have trouble accepting anything remotely resembling a concept they associate with weebs might actually constitute a valid character.
Take explicitly and specifically pic related for example - such a character might have a relatively low-key and endearing backstory for whatever game you're in. You could have a human who was a wizard's apprentice at a college, and was involved in some magic experimentation that went awry, resulting in physiological changes she's trying to learn how to dispel.
But characters like explicitly and specifically pic related might be hated by autists simply on aesthetic alone, without any heed of explanation or history.
I agree it was his error, but these things seem to be a pattern with other DM's in other places I have played at. Yes, its anecdotal.
There's "valid characters", then there's trying wayyy too hard to justify your fetish when people call you on bullshit.
Sorry user, but when I think "magic experiment that went awry", I think horrible disfigured mutant. Not catgirl demon dressed in a lolita outfit.
>Is there anything wrong about vague, undetailed descriptions?
No, you fucking moron.
>Y-Yeah, she's really hot
What's wrong with this? If she has the charisma score to go with it then yes, she's fucking hot.
>a foxgirl
If she plays the appropriate race then yes, she's a fucking foxgirl.
>With huge tits
Well yeah, to some people huge tits are attractive. Again, if it fits the CHA score, then her tits are fucking huge.
>B-but she's also really cute, you know?
That's roleplay. Are you seriously going to fucking complain about roleplay?
This is why I hate playing with women and their mangina minions: they only play nice until their feefees are hurt. >Why is a man playing a woman, or a woman playing a man, harder to accept than playing an elf, a sentient magical construct or some manner of demonspawn?
Because elves haven't gotten themselves involved in progressive identity politics... yet.
You know what is worse? A faggot that keep posting about this shit. A damn shame they removed sage
Plot: Character who is a super special snowflake is actually a failed attempt at making a chimera. Villain is an alchemist who wants to capture and dissect her. Suddenly, super special snowflake's super special snowflake quest becomes a manhunt.
Solution - stop playing with shitty players
Solution - stop playing with shitty players
It's not that hard, people. Well-adjusted normal people have no problem handling things like "playing a character that's a different gender without it being weird."
But doesn't that entirely depend on the group?
I play in a lot of groups where cheesecakey or animu descriptions are just fine. They aren't disruptive or disliked at all.
>Is there anything worse?
"U-uhhh... y-yeah, she's a really cute foxgirl who looks kind of like a little kid... b-b-but she's actually a boy, you know~? :3"
>Is there anything worse?
She's also literally 12, wields an oversized weapon and behaves like a 20-something weeb's idea of a mature women who knows what she wants.
Very few people enjoy interacting your batant masturbatory images?
You have no idea what someone's intention is when they might play a character who looks (explicitly and specifically) like pic related. You're being presumptive and very possibly wrong when you just assume anyone has a perverted intention just because they have a character with a certain *and completely clothed* aesthetic.
You let your hatred of things that you only personally associate with something else that you don't like cloud your mind. Magic can have any kind of result - it's fucking magic.
Did you just LITERALLY rip-off the WORST plot arc of the Witcher books word to word?
Still trying to hard. The character being a "hot" lolita catgirl demon has nothing to do with that plot . You could just as easily run it if they wern't blatant fetish fait. They're blatant fetihs bait purely because the player wants to play blatant fetish bait. The other players in the group have EVERY RIGHT to be pissed off it that's not the tone of the game or the kind of adventure they want.
Yeah, it depends on the group. If everyone is doing it, that's fine. If that's the kind of game everyone wants, that's fine. If you're doing it in a group of serious players who don't want that kind of light-hearted anime'ish game, then you're being a dick.
Honestly, this user's right. If someone is just trying to pass off a fetish character you can't just assume based on the description unless it's super obvious, like a trap, tranny, or loli. If it really is a fetish character, they'll expose themselves sooner rather than later. Then you can kill the character and the player's boner and drink their tears.
>and very possibly wrong when you just assume anyone has a perverted intention
To hell with perverted intetion. History knows no good animu [insert_animal_here]girl characters with big tits.I don't trust you to break the mold.
>in a group of serious players
Serious players know that aesthetics doesn't determine the quality of a character
Let's be honest, 9/10 times their intention is masturbatory fuel. 0.5 of the 1 times it's not, they're the only one who actually believes it.
Given those odds, it's pretty safe to just give them a DM veto and tell them to make something that doesn't look like it came a fucking harem anime.
I don't know, I can't read.
>blatant fetish fait. They're blatant fetihs bait
Do you have a typing lisp or something?
Sounds like you play with shit people you don't actually like.
Nice sweeping generalisations. I'm sure they're accurate and reliable, instead of being purely based on wildly extrapolated anecdotal evidence. Such a sterling addition to the discussion.
Aesthetics determines A FUCKTON about a character. The way a character looks says tons about them, how they liuve, what they've experienced, whether they prefer practicality or decorum.
I've heard some really dumb things from That Guys, but what you just said is so wrong I can't help but wonder if you even thought about it first. Please don't speak for other players when spouting such self-serving bullshit.
If anything turns me off to fetish players, it's how defensive and butthurt they get when people tell them what they're doing might not be appropriate for a certain game... as the last couple of replies show.
Although, admittedly, the people who tear them down right away are just as bad.
We're not talking about animu girl characters. We're talking about D&D characters, which can certainly have an aesthetic like explicitly and specifically pic related and be played well.
I've played plenty of chick characters in the past, and not a single one of them have I ever made a remotely perverted comment about them, described them in a perverted way, or roleplayed them in a perverted fashion. If anything else, all my female characters basically ever have been huge prudes.
I won't dispute that people do seem to tend to sometimes try to recreate their personal fetishes in a character. But I think what people generally tend to do isn't grounds for banning a concept or aesthetic outright. It entirely depends on the player in question.
If we were going for blanket bans based on your criteria there, I would ban chaotic neutral as a character alignment in every single game I DM. But since I recognize that people can certainly play that alignment in a non-retarded way (even though most don't) of course I'm not just going to ban it outright.
It does affect it, or you are devaluating the aesthetics down to nothing. Never mind that in a good character his aesthetics synergize with his personality to make him more interesting, memorable and believable in the context of a setting.
Explain me how fox ears and tail and huge jugs can compliment a nice round character's image and help her fit into the setting. Remember that if you imply an anime setting that you have a VERY PECULIAR TASTE that other people are not obliged to share, and few really do.
In IRL or voice games, I imagine playing a female as male is a bit jarring and hard to take seriously if the voice doesn't match.
But my group plays on IRC/roll20, so we've done fine with players playing the opposite gender.
>and few really do
>[Citation needed]
>tfw roleplaying as a girl online is the closest you'll ever get to being a real one
I fucking hate myself for it, but I can't help it; its the closest I'll ever get. Trannys look ugly and the hormones mess with your brain, and I look too much like a guy to crossdress with any success, so this is the only way I'll ever get to live out this fantasy of mine. It sucks so fucking much, and It gets so god dam depressing at times, but I just cant make it go away permanently. So Roleplaying online is the best way to scratch this itch without looking like some sort of mental patient.
Not at all. Finding people I like just requires going through alot of people I don't like. Good groups take awhile to form, and if they're going to last they require everyone to be on the same page.
As a guy who usually plays female characters, I just do the narration thing. "She says this" "She gives him a dirty look." etc.
What I don't get is why everyone on Veeky Forums acts like this is such a big deal.
If you have players that do weird shit you don't like, then why are you playing with them? If someone makes creepy fetishy characters that make the group uncomfortable, just... fucking say that out loud, like an adult, and if there's a problem after that, just don't play with that person. Remember the #1 rules of tabletop - No Gaming is Better Than Bad Gaming.
It's like... you don't get to talk about how "socially inept and creepy" your players are, if you're so socially inept yourself that you can't understand how to solve these problems like a reasonable adult and instead make blanket statements like "lets not allow people to play female characters!"
>like an adult
There's your problem.
>Is there anything worse?
Yes. Dying of AIDS.
I never said I disallowed female characters at all.
I also don't play with problem players.
Are you sure that reply was even directed at me, because we both seem to be agreeing on the exact same thing here. I'm confused.
>Explain me how fox ears and tail and huge jugs can compliment a nice round character's image and help her fit into the setting.
She's a clever Kitsune that grew up and learned how to human around country folk, who historically have always emphasized voluptuous figures and sizable chests (I recall this being a thing as late as the Victorian era, when the French would mock chesty newcomers as "provincials," aka farmers.)
Give her a country drawl, colloquialisms and a foul mouth (which was another aspect of Kitsune lore, fox-girls in myth tend to be clever but "common") and now you've got a homegrown fox-girl that's quite proud of her big boobs, and enjoy wearing clothes with cleavage because it shows the girls off.
>Are you sure that reply was even directed at me
>everyone on Veeky Forums
Not that user, but please be able to at least read.
Yea, sorry, the "you" in my last paragraph was a general "you", not directed at you specifically.
>Let's be honest, 9/10 times their intention is masturbatory fuel.
Have you been keeping track? Have you considered that maybe you've just met bad players?
Maybe a player wants to play a cute catfolk because he wants to make the character's deceptive strength part of his "theme". Maybe he wants a story about how even the little and the weak, when pushed to their limits, can make a difference (there was some senile Brit who wrote a trilogy about this and ended up making a pretty penny). Or maybe, JUST FUCKING MAYBE, he likes cute things. Explain to me, in as much detail as possible, what's wrong with wanting to play something cute and heartwarming. Even... no, especially in a Grimdark campaign this is incredibly interesting, to see something cute and innocent confronted with a world where everything is horrible, forced to either break down and become just as horrible, or remain a small yet bright beacon of hope.
Fluffy tails help too desu famalam
> which can certainly have an aesthetic like explicitly and specifically pic related
Posting an anime picture does not help your position.
>If anything else, all my female characters basically ever have been huge prudes.
I repeat:
>To hell with perverted intetion.
It's in no way better if you play your perfect pure waifu - it's obvious to everyone that you've come to the table not to interact with other people via the means of your characters, but to interact with yopr character in a way that, while quite uncomfortable to everyone around you, still brings her to life a bit, which is what you create such characters for. Which is still masturbation, even if you don't touch yourself afterwards.
>b-but I really want to see how a big-tittied foxy waifu would interact with~
Explain to me how a dwarf with a certain body shape, a certain color of beard and eyes, and a certain colored skin can compliment a nice rounded character's image and help him fit into a setting.
It's *an aesthetic*. They just are the way they are.
What is your problem with pic related as opposed to ?
>(I recall this being a thing as late as the Victorian era
*Belle Époque
Plus, you know, this campaign was core races only. Nothing you say is going to convince me to add a race of fox people to the world the rest of us spent 3 years building together.
It's an example you twat, and I thought it sounded fine.
Never thought of that. Seems like a good way around it. I'll keep it in mind if I ever do IRL games.
The user asked me to explain how a viable character can have fox ears, fox tail and big jugs without being fetish bait, I provided an example that has historical precedent and focuses more on her country upbringing than her heaving bosom.
Evidence against- In character art threads, outside of those which specifically request 'no animu', anime-style images make up a significant portion of those posted, implying interest in that style of character/setting is widespread, possibly more so than 'classic' fantasy art, which is often bemoaned as not being posted often enough.
>Posting an anime picture does not help your position
I posed explicitly and specifically an example of an aesthetic. There's nothing "anime" about it. It's character art. That you associate it with anime is your problem.
>it's obvious to everyone that you've come to the table not to interact with other people via the means of your characters
But that's wrong. I'm a writer. I play all kinds of characters, especially trying to flesh out the personalities and their decision-making patterns. Some of those characters are female (surprise surprise). The fact that you can't dissociate a character's sex from your own perverted focus is your problem, not mine or anyone else's.
Was this a view that extends to other cultures and time periods?
I ask because I'm suddenly recalling how the vast majority of artwork and statues give their women cute little perky boobs, with nary a huge tit to be seen.
I don't know about tits, but I do know that in the ancient world statues usually had babydicks to de-sexualize them and emphasize the beauty of their bodies by drawing away attention from their genitals. I think the "black guys have big dicks" stereotype even started with white Americans, with the intention of making black slaves look more beastly and less like humans. The same attitude applying to tits wouldn't surprise me.
Playing using English
Hey man, I actually like anime as an art style.
But anime as an art style comprises alot more than slutty foxgirls and loli-bait.
I'd allow it
>it's obvious to everyone that you've come to the table not to interact with other people via the means of your characters, but to interact with yopr character in a way that, while quite uncomfortable to everyone around you, still brings her to life a bit, which is what you create such characters for. Which is still masturbation, even if you don't touch yourself afterwards.
>He says this while posting Veeky Forums's waifu
On a more serious note, I'd go as far as to say there is no one "anime art style", considering how much one mangaka can differ from another in terms of style, proportions and general aesthetic. Compare the style of Berserk to the style of your average KyoAnus slice of life. When you say "anime", the latter is what people think of most often while the former wouldn't be at all out of place in a D&D PHB if I'm honest.
>Explain to me how a dwarf with a certain body shape, a certain color of beard and eyes, and a certain colored skin can compliment a nice rounded character's image
He can be as plain as plain can be, underlining his unprepearedness when he is thrust into a unconventional situation, or how he identifies with the collective and places the needs of the many above any personal identity.
He can look too tall for a dwarf, making him a constant butt of racial insults and finishing him with a blunt, humorless personality.
He can bear marks that reflect elements of backstory, which is built by character's past actions, not mother nature giving him big mammaries.
Everything a first-time player would come up with here is a far better aesthetic than "my tail is fluffy and my eyes are up her". Kitsune mythology a shit, and has nothing of value aside from fuel for your unhealthy 2D waifu obsessions.
>There's nothing "anime" about it
That is a deliberate lie and you know it.
>But that's wrong. I'm a writer.
Are you sa good one?
>Some of those characters are female (surprise surprise). The fact that you can't dissociate a character's sex from your own perverted focus is your problem, not mine or anyone else's.
I have nothing against female characters, even ones played by males. In this post chain I only attacked the animu hawt cat/foxgirl image. Stop projecting so hard, it's embarrasing.
Literally the only 2 character arts in this whole thread I'd accept in a game.
Maybe depending on the description of what's under the mask.
This one any better for you?
Is there even a consistent definition of anime aesthetic? Seems like anything people can come up with also encompasses other types of "cartoon" art styles as well.
You're saying other people are projecting, yet you refuse to believe that anyone who wants to play something that isn't MUH TRADITIONAL WESTERN TOLKIEN/DND FANTASY must obviously only be doing it because of fetish reasons.
That's... projecting pretty hard, man.
>better aesthetic
Brilliant rebuttal.
Those are medium sized tits AT BEST.
I thought Amaterasu was a Wolf, not a Fox.
It's a #1 best seller, so it must be doing something right.
(Actually I just wanted an excuse to join in the art dump by posting this.)
>MUH TRADITIONAL WESTERN TOLKIEN/DND FANTASY must obviously only be doing it because of fetish reasons.
You can do a fuckton of non-traditional archetypes or even something original and end up with something good.
Maybe even get someting anime working.
None of them involves a big-tittied Kitsune. I'm being quite specific in what trope I attack. Your strawman of "wah you don't like anything that is not beaten road" is really low and disgusting.
>That is a deliberate lie and you know it
Can I have some of your crystal ball mind-reading powers? That way, I can know that whatever those powers tell me is always false, just like you keep seeming to be!
I'm a good writer, yes.
>In this post chain I only attacked the animu hawt cat/foxgirl image
I don't see how adding tails or ears to an otherwise human looking race is problematic. Nobody flinches at elves. Nobody flinches at female halflings. Yet God forbid you have a demi-human race that doesn't reproduce by budding and has women with that race's characteristics.
Nothing is wrong with pic related whatsoever.
>I thought she was holding a bundled up baby in her hands. I was disappointed.
Amaterasu is a wolf, not a fox, but that's not Amaterasu. I forget the character's name but she's from Muramasa: Demon Blade
If you've never seen this happen, I envy you.
I'd probably allow this despite the boob plate and battle heels.
> there is no one "anime art style", considering how much one mangaka can differ from another in terms of style, proportions and general aesthetic
So do different Disney artists and animators. There is still such a thing as a Disney style. Anime-aesthetics are a large umbrella, but it certaily IS a thing. And please do consider how some of your weeb shit that I keep consuming in hopes of finding something DECENT at least! anime titles deliberately avert the traditional aesthetics as part of their thing. They do not move said style out of any boundaries - they are still defined by it. When it no longer is, people don't call it anime anymore.
As a DM, my issue isn't with someone coming to the table with a 10/10 big titty waifu.
It's when they get bored of that 10/10 big titty waifu and bring an identical but different 10/10 big titty waifu that it becomes a problem.
Yes, I'm fucking talking to you, buddy. I know you're in this thread.
>depending on the description of what's under the mask.
She's the BBEG of my campaign. Basically changes her face to someone else any time the mask comes off thanks to the Realistic Likeness feat. Nobody knows what her real face is.
Though more than likely it's she's just the standard Pathfinder kitsune under it.
>Dat spoiler
Being an anime fan is hard. Fuck... why is 98% of anime that comes out nowadays complete and total garbage? (Actually, don;t answer, I already know of the reasons, with the fanbase being #1 on the list...)
Because it's mass produced garbage to capitalize on a starved fanbase. Anime fans are desperate retards that will consume anything just to remain anime fans. Worse yet, they'll tell you it's good because they have such a loyalty to a mediocre fandom and invest so much of their own personal identity in it, that to admit that anime isn't that good would be the same as criticizing their own lack of personal appeal.
>sits back down in his armchair.
Fair enough, I'm not actually sure what cringe answer I was expecting, aside from the typical heterochromia naruto eyes with multiple pupils.
Isn't that the point of the fox mask? That the person wearing it is irrelevant because their face will just be different each time the mask is removed?
That was one of the powers associated with Kitsune, if I recall. Clever little foxes were masters at being tricky assholes.
It's so hard to find good art without boobplate.
>I'm a good writer, yes.
Hey if you won't pat yourself on the back - no one will, carry on we don't mind.
>tfw one of your party members plays a hot female pc who's kind of a patronizing bitch as well
Is it bad if anime's main appeal to me is mostly that it's the only art style I can kinda somewhat draw in?
And no, it's not hard. It's hard to do in any kind of anime'ish style though, since anime'ish art tends to be all about exaggerated expression and it's kinda hard to "express" a character covered in "realistic" armor (especially if they're wearing a helmet too). Boob Plate lets you instantly know a character is female, and in mangu and anime that usually tends to be the most important thing about a female character, sadly.
And people go at me as at a hater when I don't want any more of that AT least at the gaming table.
Hell yes I am a hater! Show me fucking WHAT not to hate in contemporary anime industry and fanbase, and with every title watched and day spent in touch with the community I'm only more certain that it's fucking cancer that has no redeeming qualities by now.
My editor, family, uni professors I maintain correspondence with, and the two groups I DM for and three I play in all seem to enjoy and praise my writing. Of course they're all liars though~
>Is it bad if anime's main appeal to me is mostly that it's the only art style I can kinda somewhat draw in?
Yes it is. It makes o sense to limit your creative inspirations to your familiar comfort-zone. Plus it's shit.
Nah man, not hating you. I actually agree with you , for the most part. There are a few good things out there. I enjoyed Magi for awhile, and I'm enjoying Dungeon Meshi right now... but those are small gems in a septic tank full of waste.
That's why I always describe my awful characters in clinical terms.
'She's a conventionally attractive pugilist bar owner with macromastia who dresses like she's ten years younger than she really is.'
>it makes 0 sense to pursue and perfect an artistic niche
Stunning conclusion. Brilliant.
No, they just have awful taste or don't feel like paying any actual attention to your work and go through it like through pulp. Which is likely, since being an actually good fantasy writer means instant publishing by now with how low the bar fell in the genre.
You're just not agresively awful, if we assume you're not full of shit now. You'll be a good writer when user learns your name and starts shilling it on Veeky Forums. Maybe. user still loves pure shit sometimes, you see.
To be fair, I actually agree with the comfort zone part, if I had any "aspirations". I don;t though. I just sorta casually drawfag characters for friends from time to time.
That being said, nothing I;ve done is impressive enough to post without bringing me great shame... so onwards with anime-styled stuff I DIDN'T draw.
>my editor doesn't pay actual attention to my work, despite critically reading it page by page and making and suggesting edits
Here is a well-deserved reaction image my friend, that I think is very fitting in this instance of conversation.