>You release a stone that doubles in size every week from its ancient prison.
You release a stone that doubles in size every week from its ancient prison
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Well, now that I know what it does, I put it back. It's a rock, what's it gonna do?
Double in size, obviously. Every week.
Did you not read the OP?
What happens if we seal it in a metallic container? What is the mechanism of the doubling? Does it grow, or just pop into existence?
What happens if you break it apart?
Resal it, I'm not that crazy
Is it pure stone or are there metal impurities in it? What kind of stone is it? What level of technology is there in the setting? Is basic chemistry and metallurgy a thing? Does it double from its original size? What about the broken pieces do they double in size or does it have to be intact? user there are too many questions left in answered
Put it in a bag of holding. Put bag of holding in a portable hole. The astral plane can deal with this shit.
Dump it into the elemental plane of earth. Nobody notices.
Good thinking.
>In 10 years, the rock starts spilling out of bags of holding and portable holes due to the astral plane being full
You blew it user
>Seal it up again
Oh no! It won't fit anymore
I put it in the Lich's dryer.
Better idea. Take it into the elemental plane of air, give it a few months to reach a decent size, then climb aboard and begin my new life as Bricklor the Exponential, Planet Riding Asshole.
This planet is toast, but me and my wizard buds can use it to reach space easily. Time to pack.
Does cutting it give two pieces that grow, or is the effect reserved to just one piece?
Find the spacial location of hell, no gates, no magic, just its location in real space.
Launch the brick at it.
Enjoy that in a few thousand years guys.
If a bag of holding is placed in a portable hole, it tears a rift in reality, causing both the bag and the hole to be sucked it the astral plane and lost forever. And the astral plane is infinitely large.
AD&D 2nd ed Dungeon Master's Guide, bruh.
I tried to find a pic of Doomguy shedding a single manly tear for your idea, but apparently no such thing exists.
Shove it up my ass.
In one week walk up to a bunch of kids seconds before the time I released it rolls over and say "Hey, want to see a neat trick?"
The astral plane is infinite
>Throw it into the abyss
The planes of the abyss by definition are infinite.
Let the demons fight over it forever
>After a year you have a brick approximately 4.5 quadrillion feet long, or very nearly 100,000 times longer than the diameter of the sun.
You dun goofed, son.
Maybe it has diminishing returns.
And the brick can grow to infinite size as well. And a week after that, twice the size of infinity. There is, of course, the fact that OP never specified its mass increasing, which could lead to an infinitely large brick weighing in the vicinity of 1 pound
So's the rock.
Sure. Just give it to a wizard who has access to a portal spell.
doubles in size, but does it double in mass?
Apparently you don't understand the concept of infinity
The mass increases exponentially.
it doubles in size, not doubles in mass, so I don't really care, eventually it will be so thin it will be nothing but fog. And then not even that.
Apparently you don't understand double infinity.
>Nuclear fission destroys the world as the electrons from the brick separate and their stored energy released
"can grow to infinite size"
What if we are already living in the rock?
Sure it does, the rock gets to half infinity and then the next day it's infinite.
Something can not grow to the size of infinity. This is rudimentary primary school maths here.
You have no idea what infinity means.
The size of the rock grows as a function of p^2. While you say "oh well it'll reach infinity" that is simply not true. It starts with a static number, it never reaches infinity, just arbitrarily large.
Also 2^52 (one year) is still only a bit less than a light year across in size. The universe is a stupidly big place. It'll be as large as the observable universe in 90 weeks.
Pretty darn big, but infinity is much larger.
What if we are the rock?
>The universe will someday expand at a rate faster than the speed of light
We are all inhabitants of the rock
one of its small crevasses is our entire universe
Doesn't that also create a localized black hole within the area of the dead retard that did it?
well, then - shit.it's going to be a black hole in under a year anyway.
it's going to prevent the universe from cooling down and drifting away and is for all intents and purposes the universes "New big bang reset button" so it's incredibly important.
I'd use every chunk of divination I could get my hands on to figure out the best way to use it as that reset button to prevent the next version of the universe from getting fucked up.
Give it time, man. It has like a billion years to get to infinity.
And what about pieces broken off from the stone? Do they maintain these anomalous properties themselves? If so why are there not already hundreds of such prisons? If not, why seal it away in the first place when you could use it for limitless building materials, albeit delivered at a relatively slow pace.
But the stone never reaches the volume of "half infinity" because it never reaches "quarter infinity" because there is no connection between finite volume and infinite volume.
We can't claim the stone starts at one eighteen quadrillionth of an infinity or something, because it doesn't.
Well at least you're trolling and not ACTUALLY retarded. I hope.
>not pic related
One job.
It was retconned to be a portal, so the offending player (or now somewhat fortunate victim if you made the crossbow bolt of internet fame) is shunted instead of being obliterated.
Unless you're a rad as hell GM that is. Then all kinds of weird shit happens.
Now. If it collapses into a black hole does that black hole just double in mass every two weeks or what?
See It's like I'm back at school, double infinity times a million you have lurgy. I win.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Imagine if the rock was also magnetic and had traces of uranium
it would be a pretty fun place to banish people post collapse
There are ways to do it at a distance. If memory serves, the rift is something like 10 feet in diameter. Players have famously weaponized this.
Also, the rift closes up, so it's not like you're creating a permanent tear in the space time continuum right there in your backyard.
this is a terrible idea
Do not underestimate exponential growth.
>these nerds still think half-infinity is a meme
I'm not competent enough to argue with people normally, so I take baits to remind myself I'm not completely retarded yet. I don't mind.
So what happens if you fire an arrow right after the other?
What does portable hole + bag of holding do inside the astral plane itself?
If I destroy the Rock, grind the rubble to dust, and then burn the dust into glass, does the magic property of the rock no longer exist?
No, but you might finally smell what's cooking.
There is even a diagram.
Infinite anything is a meme in mathematical and physics terms
Has no useful applications besides "its a curiosity"
Half infinity is still infinity.
On the note of Arrow of Total Destruction, what if you chipped a tiny bit off the rock and somehow managed to feed it to a foe? Provided you do something to ensure it doesn't pass through his intestines immediately, how long would you say it takes to kill a man if it was the size of a grain of sand?
The volume V_a of the astral plane is infinte.
Let's say the "double in size" means double in volume, and its initial volume is 1 for ease of calculation.
The rock grows geometrically, with every week t doubling its volume. Thus:
>V_r(t) = 2*V_r ( t-1 )
>V_r(0) = 1
For any given t, the volume is finite. Any finite number is smaller than infinity.
>QED it will fit.
infinity / 2 = infinity. Learn to infinite calculus, bitches.
>But at t = infinity
t is never infinity. What you're looking for is t APPROACHES infinity. At which point the function APPROACHES infinity. It's still not AT infinity, because it never will.
Read the story of the chinese man, rice, and checkerboard
>It's still not AT infinity, because it never will.
You're just being impatient man. It has infinite time to get to infinite size.
I know this story, but I know shitall about anatomy. Have we established yet if the growth is gradual, or if it just goes from 1 square foot to 2 square feet in the blink of an eye after a week?
I know I'm being baited here, but it doesn't have infinite time. It has arbitrarily long time, whihc is not the same.
Here's a thought experiment:
Name any number of weeks. A trillion? Graham's Number? They're finite. Any number that exist is finite. Any number of weeks that can fit into the equation is finite. You cannot fit infinity into the volume function, because nothing can be infinite. So everything is always smaller than infinity.
Sounds like you'd just get a lot of dust that grows into rocks
Kinda like rock seeds!
Except for half infinity apparently.
>This magic space-rock in a magic space-void doesn't obey the laws of physics!
seeing as how time doesn't pass in the astral plane i assume the stone would be pretty harmless there
half of infinity = infinity
I cast dispel.
Now there's a fair point. If it ever were to leave though, time would affect it retroactively, and the sudden expansion would probably tear reality a new one
how? every stone you pick away from it will double in size as well. every building you make from them will crumble in a week.
Then it's useless. Anything you could use it for could easily be accomplished with other means
But who says a piece broken off from the whole would have the same properties. And again, if it does why are there not already hundreds of such prisons?
Even the tiniest spec of fucking dust broken off from that thing would start doubling and eventually form just as big of a problem.
I gate it to the elemental subplane of bricks.
Or the building will double in size.
you guys are not seeing the problem
if you dont get rid of the rock it will be impossible to live in the universe very soon
im not doing the math maybe someone can but i know less than a year the stone would be bigger than the planet
So just live on the rock.
put it in the astral plane
>Veeky Forums traditional calculus
y no
Okay, in a year it is
3.56792E+50 Kg at a starting density of ~1400 Kg/M^3 (Based on the starting picture, assuming it's average for that sort of masonry block)
obviously eventually it's gong to build up it's own gravitation, and increase in density, I'm not doing that math right now
it was likely a black hole before we got to a year though I believe.
This isn't about physics, it's about math. And since it's described in mathematical terms, it obviously DOES obey the rules of math. Otherwise its size could never double.
I like how everyone just up and ignores the 2 videos explaining infinity, how a finite volume can reach it, and how theres varying sizes of infinity such as twice infinity and thrice infinity down to half and quarter infinities.
The sun "only" weights around 10^30 kg. Milky Way weights in around several hundred billion solar masses. This stone is going to have mass measured in hundreds of millions of galaxies.
Well, I mean, it's going to be a black hole before that's an issue anyway - so... meh?
Well then, shit's gonna be a black hole after the first few months.
Infinity don't matter bitches, big crunch is coming.
Now - does gravity have intraplaner effects?
Depends. Does its mass increase? If it doesn't then it won't. If it does it will just be a blackhole that increases in mass.
According to some theories it has interdimensional side-effects.