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Can someone tell me if the spells of "Book of Lost Spells" are balanced? What about the 5e Edition Feats book?
Is it a good idea for a brand new DM to get LMoP on roll20?
New to 5E and D&D in general.
How much money is considered rich in game? My dude currently has 140ish gold, is he still relatively poor?
LMoP is a good adventure, a simple one, if you're a new DM might be a good thing to start with.
If you want to DM for a long time you might take a look also in Fantasy Grounds (IMHO is much better than roll20, but it costs more)
Depend on who you ask.
That's like a 3-4 years worth of minimum wage. But it's like 4-5 months worth in wage for people with skill or education.
Depends on perspective. The common man, 140 gold is a pretty large sum of gold that could easily set them up modestly for a long time. To an adventurer, however, 140 gold is a pretty low amount. It will definitely keep you well fed and sheltered, but there are far greater riches to be had.
Going by lifestyle expenses, between adventures you could live modestly for about four and a half months, comfortably for about two months, or wealthily for a month.
Patience you must have, my young padawan.
Thanks. I don't think my friend are going to pay for Fantasy ground though..
I have some questions.
Whats a good book for understanding all of the schools of magic in fairly minute detail?
What are some other interesting books that discuss details of certain elements of standard D&D knowledge. I'm mot very interested in setting areas, like books about towns, people, or maps.
Google for Treantmonk Wizard Guide, there are 2 files that will help you a lot.
Umm is this supposed to be a power guide? I was more talking about a lore/fluff book.
So try the Dragonlance books, they doesn't explain every single spell but they have a nice flavour to the spells that they wizard uses.
I find them often too weak to take.
So I wouldn't have problems with godlike characters?
Warlock Patron: The Seeker
Astral Refuge (6th level) questions:
> taking advantage of its timeless nature
You can take 2 actions to cast spells, does that mean you only have 12 seconds to do anything while in there before you get shunted out, or you have all the time in the world, but once you cast 2 spells you're out?
Can you use those actions to do anything else?
> cast spells that target only you
How do you take advantage of this as a Warlock with nil spell slots? At 6th level and higher?
> Astral Plane
Can you bring pockets of extradimensional space with you including but not limited to bag of holding, portable holes, etc?
Also, EK or Oath of the Ancients Paladin if I want to make a dragoon?
It's 5e, basically no spell will do that.
Just even moreso with that book.
That's exactly the point, because the 5e doesn't have many broken things, so I have some kind of fear that if I allow these new books they might have unballanced things.
>You can take 2 actions to cast spells, does that mean you only have 12 seconds to do anything while in there before you get shunted out, or you have all the time in the world, but once you cast 2 spells you're out?
I think it means you have all the time in the world but all you can do is cast those spells.
>How do you take advantage of this as a Warlock with nil spell slots?
Invocations. And you do have spell slots, just not many.
So I'm building Ganondorf in an upcoming evil campaign and I was hoping for some build advice. I was thinking about playing him as a variant human fiendish warlock, but I can't decide on a starting feat or what pact would fit the best.
I'm a little disappointed by it, for example, there's a spell in the PHB that is a second level spell, Moonbeam.
There's a slightly different, most would say worse, spell in Lost Spells called Moonbeam, it's a third level spell.
They're not all quite like that though.
What do you think embodies Ganondorf? Have you asked the DM what custom things you can do to have said traits?
Why don't you make your own character?
With that in mind would I be able to rest / meditate / sleep, or read a book, or research a creature I'm fighting (if I have reference material on hand)?
And yes, invocations, but what spells in general would get me the most bang for my buck in most situations? Being able to cast 2 spells for free is great, but if most of them last after a round or whatever the benefit seems moot.
Floating, eldritch blasts, and evil laughter. I was thinking about going bladelock so I could summon a greatsword or a halberd and be able to hold my own if I get into melee range.
Because I want to play a Ganondorf style character.
Armor of Agathys is always a nice one.
Fair enough, thanks.
Only reason I ask is because, in game, we've recently just liberated a Place of Power. We want to keep it protected (But obviously continue adventuring) so we sought out aid from the local military, who demanded 1000g from us in expenses to send out the expedition. Fair enough, it probably isn't cheap, but I was just wondering how crazy that cost was.
So once per short/long rest, the most benefit I can get from this feature is I can cast Armor of Agathys twice.
Got it.
I would think so. It also doesn't say you have turns in there, so you could Dodge, Ready etc. I think.
Well a modest lifestyle is 1 gp/day, so you could live well for half a year on that without working. Crafting rules let you avoid paying that cost (presumably you can craft some things that let you barter for what you need) and net you 2.5 gp/day (undamaged goods can generally sell for half price). So it is a very respectable rainy day fund, but far from rich.
>Blade Ward, Armor of Agathys, Protection from Evil and Good, Jump
>Invisibility, Mirror Image, Spider Climb, Levitate
>Dispel Magic, Fly, Gaseous Form, Remove Curse, Tongues
That's just through third level.
Where does this "only one spell to cast" meme come from?
The details of why magic works the way to does fluff-wise actually depends on the setting. Eberron, Forgotten Realms, and Dragonlance all have different explanations, while Greyhawk and other settings don't explain the fluff behind it at all; magic just works.
So I was thinking of writing up a Ghostbusters style adventure for Dmsguild. Have any of you ever done one? Would you buy one?
Thread got archived right after i posted so i'll try again.
My players will be coming up on a town that is under attack by orcs. I need some ideas for objectives that will help fend off the attacking army. So far i got
1) retaking a city gate and lowering the portcullis to cut off reinforcements
2) defend or repair a breach in the city wall
3) defend a bunch of commoners in an inn
4) retake a barracks to arm the commoners to form a militia
5) free some acolytes in a temple to bring healers to the defenders
also any ideas how to determine overall failure would be appreciated.
You could add something related to rescuing military/civil/whatever leader
I don't think it's imbalanced, and the fluff definitely fits into some games, especially if the moon is less spiritual and more lunacy inducing. The 1st level feature doesn't seem overpowered, but perhaps a bit overtuned. Consider simplifying it a bit.
6th seems pretty fair, since it's on a short rest recharge, and Warlocks don't have but so many ways to deal psychic damage.
10 is fine.
14 is actually a really cool mental image and concept, but I'd consider allowing non-hostile creatures to be unaffected. It's already ridiculous when a Warlock jumps into battle in a cloud of darkness and their allies are blocked out, but also being damaged by it...
It's in playtesting phase m8. Level 1 ability is weaker than fiend level 1, at least going into levels 6+ from how I'm feeling it. I'd originally thought of making the damage maybe 1d4, but after playtesting it, I think it's fine. Less than a a single 1d10 die in damage and only on a failed save is pretty reasonable, and the effect only lasts a turn. So you spend your action to deal not alot of damage to only potentially make them lose their next turn, a max of 5 times a day.
>but I'd consider allowing non-hostile creatures to be unaffected
One may already do that ^_^
It's the second-to-last sentence on the page.
R8 my paladin build. My proficiencies are athletics, medicine, persuasion and religion.
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 11
Constitution - 14
Intelligence - 9
Wisdom - 13
Charisma - 15
it's a Paladin
It is
That's....not really a build.
Before or after racial modifiers?
Are those rolled stats? If they are, you allotted your stats how I generally would.
But like says, that doesn't really constitute a build.
It's the base stats, I'm playing as a human tho.
Mostly was just making sure I allotted my points correctly. Thanks user
So what's the deal with Cantrips? Do you have to allocate one of your known spells a day to put it in your roster? Or is it + for spells usable per day?
I didn't mean the level 1 ability was too strong, it definitely seems weaker than others. But it's a big block of text and perhaps worded a bit strangely. Also, why roll a d8 when there are 3 effects with 50%, 25%, and 25% of occuring?
And I did miss that sentence.
If you're a variant human (and you should if you're playign a human), I'd put one point into Cha for sure, and then probably one into Str or Wis. I'd do Str if I was playing a tank and used my feat for Heavy Armor Master to get my starting Str to 18, or I'd put the point into Wis if I was going 2-handed, usually using my feat to get Polearm Master.
Oh alright - yeah. The description is, almost word for word, the description of the Umber Hulk's "Confusing Gaze" on page 292 of the Monster Manual. I figured if I had specific WotC precedent for the mechanics of the ability that it would be fine to just go ahead and use it, especially given Lunar Glint is only on use that one has to worry about it, while an Umber Hulk's Confusing Gaze is every round and passive.
thoughts? my brother and my sister-in-law want to play but they've never played dnd before so I'm going the "come up with archetypes and then we'll figure out your characters" way of character creation, and she is an avid buffy fan. Found this on some nerd site, but I'm sad there isn't a favored enemy feat in the PHB I could add for her or something for Undead (ala vampires). Is there something in the DMG Workshop chapter that can help me with this?
Here's what you do:
Give her the favoured enemy feature.
It's a ribbon, it won't really make her stronger at all, so you aren't hurting anything.
>dumped Wis
>high Str
Maybe it was built with 3.PF in mind.
>high str
Dumping some homebrews I've been working on the past few weeks. Already had some good input here, would love to hear some more before I tidy these up, make some graphical changes, and throw them on the DMsGuild.
Barbarian Paths
> Primalist - Spellcasting variant
> Warboss - Ork inspired
> Dervish - Tazmanian Devil
Bard Colleges
> College of Faith - Divine healing / support
> College of the Phoenix - Martial Support / buffs
Monk Ways
> Way of the Beast - Animal styles for better martial options
> Way of the Wukong - Mage Slayer variant
> Way of the Kensai - Sword Wielding sandal wearing weeb samurai
Ranger Archetypes
> Dreadstalker - Inspired by Spirit of the Night MTG cards
> Maverick - Trick shooting ranged option
> Sky Sentinel - Niche fluff centered ranger of the skies
Rogue Archetypes
> Revolutionary - Stop the gubment!
> Ruffian - Thug, hooligan, bruiser
> Time Bandit - Prince of Persia
It's not supposed to be minmaxed you fucking retarded elf manga shitposter. Get out.
Don't listen to
Keep posting elf manga.
It's just bad. Strength is almost literally useless and Wisdom is one of your most important scores.
>dumping the stat that a huge amount of your class features are based on
>"not minmaxed"
I guess you're technically right. It's more like... minmined.
Question: is it ok for a DM to play a character, interacting with the story with said character the least he can?
Never played before, so forgive me if it sounds retarded.
It's generally looked down upon, for good reason.
To expand on what says a lot of people use GMPC's to show off, making them the center of attention and overshadowing the party. Theoretically it's fine but it's better to just...not do it at all.
All DMs make NPCs. What people don't like are bullshit overpowered NPCs that steal the spotlight from players, or are designed with the intent of seeming "cool" to them. If you mean "some guy to travel around with the party" then you should use a generic humanoid from the Monster Manual with a lower CR than the party.
It's based on what the person who made the sheet thought the character from the show's stats were, dumbass. Learn to read you 12 year old faggot.
What if I just want to make a tankdude because we're only 3 people and 2 of them want to play squishies? I would be just a hired bodyguard with nothing to say about the story.
It might be best to just work around it, you certainly don't NEED a tank.
What's the party composition?
Are Blade Pact Warlocks shit?
I had a hard time justifying smacking something with the weapon instead of just pelting it with Fireball.
Yes. Blade pact warlocks are shit.
Don't play one.
There is very rarely a reason to justify it as it practically invites the DM to abuse his powers.
Make a story excuse for them getting a free bodyguard, e.g. they save his life or something.
Let them control it, not you. Just ask one of the players to do it. If you want to be fun at the expense of some character faithfulness, let them take turns controlling the guy and roleplaying as him.
I've made a low-Wis Monk before.
It was fun.
You just don't rely on the stuff that uses Wisdom.
No, all you can do is cast 2 spells targeting only yourself. You can't take a long rest or anything
...could you elaborate?
You mean like your armor class? Or your stunning strike? Or the most rolled skill in the game?
Cantrips. Not in your spell book. You just know them. Cast at will. RTFM.
Why be in melee when you can *NOT* be in melee and just eldritch blast for *MORE* than melee?
Try Monster Hunter Fighter or Hunter Ranger
The sword is a backup for when you run out of spell slots (Which you should, you get them back on a short rest. Use those fuckers.) and an enemy has the motherfucking balls to get up close and personal with a caster. Pact boons do not define your character, they are just the icing on top.
...yes. You know it's ok to have a character be sub-optimal, right?
Some people might even find it
What happens if you don't have 2 spells to cast that target yourself (lack of spell slots, etc.)
Do you have to cast cantrips? Is there a time limit? What if you are missing cantrips that target yourself?
Yeah I was worried about this. Like, technically I think that Blade Pact will do more dmg since you can add Str/Dex + Cha to their attacks but you are such a vulnerable target and I'm not sure how many weapon swings it would take to outdmg Scorching Ray or Fireball.
Warlocks have some neat tricks like Armor of Agathys but I was wondering if there was something that I was missing to the specialization that makes it pretty badass.
If being worse at what your character does is fun for you, you go right ahead. Not gonna stop you. And if your character isn't performing as well as other people you'll have not a thing to complain about!
Not the user you're responding to, but in my experience, building a character around a thematic concept, especially an existing fictional character, and then not having that character be able to mechanically exhibit any of the abilities of the concept they are based on, isn't particularly fun.
>Like, technically I think that Blade Pact will do more dmg
A RAW reading is that you only return after you cast two spells, which could include cantrips. Any DM would just let you come back whenever.
Just remember that its a timeless instant so the only two actions you can take is to cast a spell targeting only you
always found it to be more rewarding for players that i know who have played awhile to roll with lower stats.
Please see Warlocks who choose the Blade pact boon are not intended as front line melee combatants.
So how would one salvage path of the berserker?
Take exhaustion off frenzy. Make their fear into Way of the Long Death monk's fear, and base the save DC on Strength.
At that point it's fine.
By growing a pair and just playing it already.
>Horribly complicated chart
So I'm assuming that you can pimp out Eldritch Blast enough and can spam it more often than the attacks that the math turns out it does more dmg on average?
That's really awful reasoning. Eldritch blast is a cantrip and thus will never run out, and is still better than using your pact weapon.
>all monks are wise
Such a dull world you live in. How many martial arts movies have you seen? Fuck how many people have you met?
When you take agonizing blast, you get Cha on all your Eldritch Blast rays. You get an extra ray to shoot when you cast it at 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level, meaning you can shoot 4 rays of 1d10+5 as your action. Contrast that with a blade warlock, who gets a max of two weapon attacks period.
>If being worse at what your character does
There is a difference between sub-optimal and shit ;)
You mean like the entire monk class was shit in 3.5? I'll bet you'd have played it anyways. You know. For fluff reasons.