Fucking Pajeets and NEETS shitting up the board. I expected more from Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
when pajeets cant afford vpn
Or posters should prove they own more than 0.1BTC before posting
To commemorate, I will be giving out 1 BTC to the fist 5 people to post their address, 0.5 BTC to the following 10, and 0.1 BTC to the last 50.
not a shill, legit
nice try pajeet
discord link bans when?
continent flags when?
1 thread per coin when?
forbidden softporn when?
the phrase "found a wallet with" should result in an instant perma ban
>country flags
No one will take me seriously anymore when they see that I’m from hueland, even though I don’t act like a pajeet. This will basically become a strictly North American and European board, but I guess that’s what you faggots want.
a true fisher of men
>I guess that’s what you faggots want.
Yep, you know where the x in the top right corner is.
Thx, buddy
guess u need to prove yourself worthy then
i dont care about your problems
if it makes my day easier to spot pajeets fucking add it
or have the option to 'hide it' ....that would be even better. As those ashamed of there countries would end up hiding there flags :D
german cuck detected
fuck country flags
then everyone just makes fun of me for being irish
Link next?
No, we can't allow meme flags otherwise whats the fucking point?
Joke’s on you. I use a mac.
>inb4 applefag
It’s convenient for my job. I’m a programmer and work with mobile development.
>discord link bans when?
>continent flags when?
>1 thread per coin when?
>forbidden softporn when?
regretfully agree because some people use thots for avatarfagging it seems
There should be a warning sign next to pajeet posters
Please ban the discord spammers.
>This will basically become a strictly North American and European board, but I guess that’s what you faggots want.
Koreans and Japanese are welcome too.
mods if you add country flags I was succ you
>not knowing how easy it is to ban evade
Ban broken english.
Ban longterm referal links and giveaway posts
Yes. If we could have our own want the world would have all vermin species of human exterminated. It is something that each of us white people knows and feel deep down in our souls even if we will not admit it in the open. When we look at other nations and cultures we see you as nothing more than a quaint amusement. No more than if we were to see a monkey in a zoo. Do we fear you? yes, because you are not in cages. We understand that there are only two species of human on this planet that have evolved enough mental capacity to be truly civil and we begrudgingly accept each other (Orientals/Whites) and even we have breeds we would rather do without in our own sub-species of human (like the French). You see the ice age forces people living in the northern hemisphere to adapt or die, this caused those with larger brains and intellectual adaptation abilities to stand a better chance of procreating. It is basic evolution and a process that subtropical sub-species did not go through. Unlike the Asiatic, Mediterranian and Nordic races. Instead you developed other traits, such as some sub Saharans improved ability to run (sub-saharans who happen to contain 95% of all the genetic diversity ion earth btw, they are more different to each other in many cases than they are to us) So yes, we would prefer that you were all in cages, or at least playing to your strengths (aka non-intellectual pursuits in general but there are outliers in every race or in pajeets case I suppose their strength is begging) but a flag will have to do.
Sources: Stephen J Goulds - The Richness of Life.
many brazilians are white though. they received a lot of immigration from europe
The country doesn't matter only genetic heritage. Believe it or not, I am not 'racist' in a white-nationalist sense, and don't mind other cultures. I just think it is idiotic to not address the fact we have all evolves for vast periods of time in different environments and subsequently have different abilities and genetic makeups. Unless we address these issues and learn to accept them then all we will do is dilute humanities only chance of getting us ALL intellectually off this rock and out there exploring space. There is no reason other sub-species cannot evolve over time to greater intellectual capabilities, but for the moment that is just not the case. They have many other wonderful gifts, however. They should just not be getting 'help' from the 'west' right now or they will never evolve and only become a burden on humanity and eventually breeding down the gene pool to a point where we stand no chance of long-term survival as hairless apes.
But yeah, fuck it. Equality man. Screw the survival of humanity for the sake of giving handouts now... That's what happens when you left women in politics, they want to nurture and care, which are wonderful things but politics is for the defence of your culture, ideals and tribe. Women do not understand this and the men in politics end up trying to help them in their egalitarian pursuits taking their eye off the ball. hence we have the current situation today.
Pic: Pretty sure these are Asians fro the future. Probably the Japanese survivors of a world war to end all wars or merely those who isolated themselves from the interbreeding corruption going on today which will ultimately destroy us.
Found a wallet with your permaban in it user
Whatever happened to 'give a man a fish and he eats fopr a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime'
They have the internet mostly, there is no reason they can't be improving their own countries. They need a few centuries of being purged to genetically evolve apparently and we are denying them this. It is must like social welfare. we are killing them with kindness. Except instead of destroying their drive to struggle out of poverty, we are destroying their genes drive to adapt and survive in an increasingly intellectual world. Welfare and foreign aid must end, it is a greater kindness in the long run and what is better for humanity. Immigration too obviously. Any race who comes to the west under their own power through the correct means (IE: paying and earning that money via tier intellect in their own country first) should be welcomed, those who come begging for handouts should be sent back home including 'muh women and children' (women in politics again). The same is true for people in the west who survive on welfare, including 'muh single moms' as this also is killing with kindness. It is a cancer destroying humanity and must be stopped if we are to progress or we will truly never make it.
Pic: Commies and liberals are part of the cancer and so are most of the tribal groups you find on /pol/ which is itself AIDS and full of propaganda (divide and conquer by TPTB and business interests. A single mom and a single father pay two lots of taxes, buy tow cars etc etc).
OK you can go back to /pol/ now. Nobody asked for a town crier
I don't go on /pol/ and it is in my best interest to inform people of these things on a business page where people may become influential someday. It is humanity that is at stake.
What I say is objectively true. It should be something anybody of influence understands before they buy into the rhetoric currently about today and make humanity a worse place for everybody.
hes right and you know it
but you have to pull pic related
fuck off nigger
this. if we had country flags on Veeky Forums it would literally make giveaway threads logically possible.
ive ran a few giveaway threads when ive made gains off of biz being right but i hate to think that possibly i gave a pajeet any money.
country flags would prevent this fuckery from happening desu.
we should take this to qa and demand flags on biz
48% of the worlds millionaires live in America faggot.
some one did that already
another one went to the IRC where the mods hide and got banned
lmao fuck gookmoot
It's not enough. I want active moderation NOW.
Just make me a mod. I'm always here. No LARPer will go unpunished. NOT ONE.
Your Reddit and Bazingoid are showing. Did you not have time for your soy latte and poppy seed bagel this morning?
You'll be banned for your sins soon enough, LARPing pajeet piece of shit.
Pajeet here
I love country flags. Apart from biz, I exclusively post on flag boards. I love the attention I get from cumskins
>implying Veeky Forums is a place for millionaires
If you’ve already made it, why are you even here, retard?
Back to /pol/
Before you say anything this is still a stupid idea because with simple scripts easily available online you can change your country flag, no VPN needed.
Thank you based mod!
I am not LARPing, I studied Evolution to Masters level at Bristol University. Everything I said is objectively true. As I said, there are outliers in every sub-species and what I said was generalizing. It is all completely true. Socialism is killing with kindness and half of humanity is un-evolved intellectually. Perhaps you are above average for your 'race' but if you were I would assume you would understand how what I said is OBJECTIVELY true. If not then learn to develop the skills you were born with instead of striving towards the unobtainable. Plus hope to god foreign aid stops so your nation can evolve and catch up with the rest of humanity on an intellectual level. It is luck of the draw I am afraid. If the driving factor behind humanities success was having an innate ability to shit on the streets then India would be thriving and dominant. Honestly, India is one of the countries where they are not proving too much aid and welfare to those in need. This is a good thing, in one r two more generations providing you do not fall into the welfare trap you will become a dominant power in the world and this is for the betterment of humanity.
Let the weak die (not in terms of your children ofc, inferior adults and their offspring). I take it you are not weak and so should take no offence to anything I have outlined above. Or perhaps you are and would rather ignore the reality you live in, to the detriment of all mankind.
there were so many "give away" threads yesterday something had to be done
fucking brainlets posting their addresses still...
Pajeets are destroying crypto.
Every bounty campaign is filled with pajeets who will immediately dump it all at the exchange, regardless of how much the coins are worth
And bitcointalk forum has turned into a cesspool of pajeets with broken engeesh looking for freebies or clogging up comments with nonsensical ramblings.
What happens when a guy actually gives out money though? Remember the guy who gave out a bitcoin to random anons? Believe btc was at 6k at that time, was insane.
Why not retard?
seriously i want country flags, if mods are reading this then you know it's important; example somebody posts STELLAR PARTNERSHIP WITH PAYPAL CONFIRMED but is from India i just ignore it.
That is more the Koreans. they don't have gambling in S.Korea so crypto has become a kind of gambling for them.
There are other places that actually happens but I am sure if enough proof was provided the mods would allow it. If somebody genuinely wanted to give away money to a bunch of neckbeards and pajeets on Veeky Forums for some reason.
Less incentive, brainlet. But then answer me: why shouldn’t non millionaires use Veeky Forums? Because that’s what the original post implied. They are the ones with the most reason and incentive to make riches.
alright listen here germanishit
how may times, does your autistic westerner ass have to be told, that exterminating our evolutionarily challenged cousins is wrong since better alternatives exist
You can literally solve this with an asymptomatic virus, that injects about 10 genes, and is extremely contagious, fixing everything within 1 generation
what must be destroyed however, is the western world, since any attempts to improve it have been dropped by the current leading elites, sad
best day ever
India, China, Korea, etc. The 'Pajeets' are not just Indian. It would not solve it. I am sure many P&D groups contain nationalities from all over the world. Pajeets is a meme. The 'poo in da loo' thing is real though.
oy vey! noooooooooo!
PRetty much. Throw in kiwis and aussies and that’s enough for me
we need country flags pls, mods
The board would be so much better
I would immediately ignore the leafs, pajeets and niggers
I'm a Muslim living in Europe.
You can't stop me from shitting up your white internet.
Any serious pajeets that actually want to shill will just use VPNs or scripts to change flags. You'll never win.
I am not German and viruses evolve so you would have no ability to control its genetic targets with reliability.
The leading 'elites' are also found in every race and culture around the world. The west is not the sole provider of (((them))) and no that does not mean jews. (((they))) are no more Jewish than you are a lemon. The Jewish faith has merely been used by western elites to hide behind for generations. Yes the Rothchilds are a large part of the problem with their banking empire but they are not the sole cause of the (((them))) problem and neither is the west.
The only part of the westen world that needs to go is socialism. It is being used subversively by the elites (as above 2 single parents pay more than a stable 2 parent family) and on a fundamental level, it does not work. The current epidemic of government-funded research instead of privately funded is also going to end up leading us down a dark path. Private enterprise is the only way forward and a survival of the fittest attitude to economics and life. Bailing out the banks was a sign that this is not the case currently. Yet for some reason, people want more socialism. It is clearly not working yet people ask for more to fix it. Madness. People are acting as they have been programmed, like cattle. I fully understand why the elites want to reduce the world population by several billion, you are all mostly idiots.
>all these posts asking for country flags
You amerifats are in for a rude awakening when you realize that most of these “pajeets” are actually from the United States.
I hope they get added though. Just so I can see that moment.
There are con artists and salesmen in every nation all working crypto and boards like this.
Country flags are pointless, people would just use VPN to troll.
>how do you know somebody is an Apple fan?
They will tell you
not normies or newfags