Did Orks ever stomp Eldars? What are the biggest Ork military achievements? Let's talk about Orks.
Did Orks ever stomp Eldars? What are the biggest Ork military achievements? Let's talk about Orks
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>Did Orks ever stomp Eldars?
More than one Exodite World got stomped by a WAAAGH! Also Craftworld Iyanden got severely wrecked by one too.
>What are the biggest Ork military achievements?
The Armageddon campaigns and the Beast WAAAGH!, by far.
There was a short story, a few paragraphs in the Ork codex about how an Ork Warboss tricked some Tau and ambushed them, stole their guns went on a waaagh with all this stolen gear. Ork players smiled at this short story.
Tau players were incandescent with rage, how DARE the Orks win in a small bit of fluff in their own codex, no no no! They never forgot this bit of story telling, they were furious, dozens, hundreds of threads exclaimed it was bullshit, it would never happen, they demanded satisfaction.
So in the Tau codex, Commander 'pssh nothing personal' Farsight, massacres this Orks Waaagh, kills every single Greenskin, and personally keeps the ashes of this warboss he no doubt killed with his bare hands about his person.
So, a silly little jokey win the Orks had in their own codex as undone as Tau players were so mad their salt made GW undo a minor ork fluff victory.
Tau are big babies that can't handle the thought of their faction actually losing.
>More than one Exodite World got stomped by a WAAAGH!
Don't want to down play the Orks in general, but that isn't that impressive.
Let that be a lesson to all of you.
If there is something you dont like?
Spit the dummy out, shake your rattle and cry as loud as you can and mommy will burp you.
i remember when i used to play tau players being the biggest fags. weasel looking types same type of ppl that played skaven idk never liked them hated playing them
So, why does Farsight have hatred Orks? Cannonically, he never lost the fight that gave him the hate.
IIRC it's because they're constantly pressing in on his turf. It's not just one battle, its their constant presence. They're like the opposite of everything he stands for, too.
Probably thrown in just to give him some "Personality". If anything he should have a personal hatred against Ethereals
Orks kickstarted the event that ended up with Farsight fighting Chaos Daemons, looking at a Warp event directly, losing faith in the Greater Good, losing all of his Ethereals and splintering off from the Tau Empire.
I'd say those are enough reasons to give him Hatred: Orks.
But I want to see a legitimate Ork victory over the Tau, other than the short story mentioned above and the War of Dakka.
>What are the biggest Ork military achievements?
Getting killed by Marneus Calgar himself.
Unrelated Ork question, has there ever been an Ork warband lead by a kommando Boss?
I mean I've heard of Mek Bosses, but not of Kommandos unless Snikrot counts.
Bluddflag? He had alot of Kommando nobs
War of the Beast?
Though some parts of that book werent very orky....that entire Prax situation seems like something chaos would do
i love skaven
Orks suck. They're nothing but a bunch of pushovers that serve to other purpose then getting shot.
>Tau players were incandescent with rage, how DARE the Orks win in a small bit of fluff in their own codex, no no no! They never forgot this bit of story telling, they were furious, dozens, hundreds of threads exclaimed it was bullshit, it would never happen, they demanded satisfaction.
You made this whole thing up. Come on, go to the archives and pull a few of these hundreds threads. I dare you.
This is an obvious attempt at propaganda from a troll.
Anyways, if I want to talk about a fandom full of retarded manchildren, then I would pick the Orkfandom. The infants thought the Beast was the size of a titan and had the head the size of a building. They argued intensely about it. All this based of a OFFSCALE image that an Imperial guy saw.
Turns out the Beast wasn't the size of a titan. He was merely 10 meters tall. So not that much taller than a Primarch. When this nugget was revealed, Orkfags quieted down about the Beast series because they knew they got BTFO forever.
The Tau won that one.
And unlike you guys I can prove that these threads existed.
Orks the size of titans? Fucking Orkfags with their imagination. What do they think 40K is? AoS? So far only AoS had Greenskins the size of mountains but it's a high fantasy setting so it's excused. 40K is comparatively more grounded.
Also there the retarded claim that Orks are outside the galaxy and populating Ork galaxies. All based on a probe that the Admech sent 15K years ago.
Assuming that it was at FTL (highly unlikely) the probe would take 100K years to across the galaxy. Add also how many it would take to reach the nearest galaxy. Way more 15K years don't you think? Even ignoring that, to think that the probe can send communications from that far away without an astropath, it dumb as hell.
Ergo,. Orkfandom is full of manchildren. *Drop mic*.
When I read about that probe, my thoughts were that it was a probe still within the Milky Way, just deep within territory that the Imperium has never touched. Maybe territory that humanity has never visited before that probe arrived.
Close enough that lightspeed signals could be received by the admech.
>Also Craftworld Iyanden got severely wrecked by one too
They got wrecked 10x harder by the nids
10 metres is a fair bit taller than a primarch, they're around 5 metres tall (give or take)
The probe indeed never left the galaxy and was simply on the outer most star systems of the galaxy
Its not about winnin, just about having a good rumble
>Assuming that it was at FTL (highly unlikely) the probe would take 100K years to across the galaxy.
Assuming that it was FTL, it would take AT MOST 50k years to leave the galactic disc unless it was fired directly at the galactic core or something equally retarded. If it was fired out of the plane of the galactic disc, it would only need to travel around 5k light years.
Orks never win because they always attack something bigger, they can have a planet or two be stomped but eventually it either has to end with either the WAAAGH getting defeated, defeating an entire faction or being still ongoing.
I have a fluff related question about orks that just hit me recently; how do orks get named? I mean their personal names. I understand that they earn nicknames and titles depending on their actions, feats and personalities, like the Face-Rippa, the Burna, Killboy etc. But who gives them their "ordinary" names like Grukk, Uzgob or Nimzod? Do they choose their own names, are they named by the first bigger ork they come across at birth or what? Just curious.
>10 Meters
That's more than 30 feet. I'm not sure about the exact height, but that's nearly knight titan size
>B-boss! I'z already called Snok!
Indeed knights are described as 9=10 metres or 27-30 foot, so a 10 metre ork, while not titan sized, is still around the size of a knight