This is actually fine.
This combined with the new Imperial Recruiter is going to take D&T, already a top deck in Legacy, to new fucktarded heights.
Yeah, but it's fine.
Just relax your sphincter. It will hurt less.
its fine tho
Spot the combo player
No one cares about legacy.
Possible ITT: an entitled legacy player who once took pride in telling other format players to deal when wotc made a move saying "your 'invesents' don't matter to our profits" is now being repaid in kind.
ESL please stop posting.
It is now my goal to mindslaver someone when they have this out and choose some absurdly high number for them like 80 quadrillion
I think you got the wrong user, user.
Mind slaver them with it in hand, user
>when they have this out
I think you've missed a few details.
You know what I meant
So they just end up with a 2/2 for three mana. What's the point being made here?
Or just mindslaver to wipe their field and tap all their mana.
>A turn after, they just flickerwisp it
>one of the cheapest decks in Legacy becomes the new top deck
Seems like a good thing.
You know chalice of the void already existed right?
>Mono white legacy deck gets a few new toys
>People panic
Oh wait yes you can
Magic the Gathering has the most sky is falling fanbase
That fanbase is the one that got us the reserved list. Be thankful our wonderful investments remain well founded, since if we lost the list magic would descend into chaos and anarchy and the game would be ruined and have its top spot taken by Luck & Logic.
As a non MTG player, what's the point of the reserve list? Some of the cards I've seen people talk about that are on the list don't seem that bad at all.
Card strength isn't the reason cards are on the lost, just a lot of old cards were powerful so. I don't know the exact details but it involves an overprinted reprint set that featured those cards that caused card prices to plummet and "collectors" threw a shitstorm about it.
It ensures some cards will retain value since there will never be any more supply of those cards. It was the result of a hasty decision in the 90s that honestly probably kept the company afloat long enough to stabilize and become the biggest TCG.
Officially, it doesn't go away because WotC doesn't like breaking promises.
Speculatively, it doesn't go away because if it does they'll have an army of very rich neckbeards and their lawyers marching on them within the hour.
Bunch of collectors threw a bitchfit. Any imperial taxes on here have an idea what to cut? I'm on a pretty stock monow list.
They don't care enough to break their promise at this point.
Horseshit. It's because of the silent agreement with secondary vendors. Vendors provide Events and Promotion, Wizards protects their market.
I don't think you play Legacy.
Nobody does
Our shop actually has legacy tournaments twice a week, as opposed to modern which they had to cancel.
Miracles was here,
D&T is a loser
What is not ok about it exactly?
It is really really good and slots into D&T very easily.
At my shop we have around 50+ people showing up regularly for FNM and various tournaments. We used to try vintage tournaments but it instantly died when wizards said they would revoke licenses if shops allowed proxies.
>they'll have an army of very rich neckbeards and their lawyers marching on them within the hour.
I think they won't be rich when their 15k$ lotuses become 30$ lotuses (this is speculatively what would happen if they reprinted the RL on a standard legal set)
The lawyers wouldn't be the problem, the closing down of many a game shop due to all the card prices falling into the trash making business impossible would be a problem since WoTC would lose many many places to sell their products.
Realistically, even if the reserve list come crashing down, Black Lotus will never be in a Standard-legal set.
The question is, what do you number? Is this better or worse (or just used in different situations) than chalice of the void?
This maymay again
Stores can live directly of selling sealed product
1 and 6 apparently just shut Miracles down completely.
1 is probably the most impactful. By the time this comes out you'll have already played aether vial and or mom, it takes your removal in the form of swords off the table though.
>tfw have death and taxes
>tfw new toys
Maybe this could be played in a stax sort of variant where you chalice for 1 asap then jam this guy out? Problem is he's 2 white mana so city of traitors, etc doesn't do much
If it makes Omnishow weep it's a benefit to the format.
Yeah because Alpha basic lands are worth $0.15.
And check out that Alpha Serra Angel, $0.50 like the reprints.
This is how you tell a kike from a collector.
The important question is of course:
1 or 2?
2 main 1 side I think. Might go in the crusader flex spot. Still need to decide what to cut for recruiter.
>I choose 3
I was actually asking what the number to chose is. Obviously it varies based on board states and matchups, but....
Oops, my bad. I think I'm going to 2 more often, for decay and pfire. One is mostly for miracles.
In legacy it would depend on the deck:
SFM decks you name [2]
Vampire Hex mage Dark Depths [2]
Infect [1/2]
Burn [1? 2?]
D&T [2/3]
>can't cast
They actually can't.
my goal is to set this fucker on 12 when i plop it down for show & tell. i can vial-trick away emrakuls and griselbrands but i really fucking need to stop enter the infinite from ever happening in the first place.
You need to name 1, 2 and 3 to actually stop Burn unless you can win on turn 4-5, as local Chalice decks have learned.
Mine does. They sell no singles. Only tournaments and sealed product.
Reminder that you can Vial this guy into play in response to a Miracle reveal trigger.
>A 3 drop creature that, essentially, does the same as chalice against most decks, is easier to remove, and slots into way fewer decks
Veeky Forums is bad at magic
Except against the most played deck in Legacy, Miracles.
You know you can play non sanctioned tourneys, right?
Sure if you ignore how a Chalice for 6 would require 12 mana but this requires 3, and a Chalice doesn't have legs. When they gave Pyrostatic Pillar legs it became an all-format all-star. Now you can name 2 and make BUG shit the bed.
Yeah, your 3 drop will SURELY work against BUG, I mean, how could it not?
>B-but muh vial
Also, what decks are you going to name a number greater than 0 or 1 against? Miracles?
Miracles has manacosts across the board, all of them able to threaten you or deal with your shitty white creatures.
I could see the card being good in D&T at 2 mana, but 3 is too much for such a mediocre effect.
Remind me again how you arbitrarily decide what to Chalice for after flashing it in with Aether Vial? And change it every time you land a Flickerwisp?
>Miracles has manacosts across the board
Nigger if you think that, you don't play with or against it enough. Without 1 mana spells, the deck literally cannot function.
>Also, what decks are you going to name a number greater than 0 or 1 against? Miracles?
>Miracles has manacosts across the board, all of them able to threaten you or deal with your shitty white creatures.
But thats the point, you can name whatever you need to at instant speed, and then change it whenever you need to at instant speed.
Hit it for 1 and Miracles shits itself, if they try to Terminus you to get rid of it, Vial a flicker effect and hit it for 6.
If you name 4 (which would take 8 mana with Chalice and would still get beat by Abrupt Decay) and have a Mom on the board, you literally just win against post board Storm.
Name [1] and you tag.
Swords to Plowshare (3-4)
Ponder (4)
Sensei's Divining Top (4)
Brainstorm (4)
Preordain (sometimes?!?!?)
Exactly. Miracles cannot function without those cards.
It literally only runs Brainstorm, Ponder, Swords and Top as one drops, with likely one of those already being in play before you vial to 3, and another used to answer Sanctum Prelate with the number trigger on the stack.
Assuming you do name one and they couldn't Swords it the you just eat a Terminus or have it bounced by Jace.
>Assuming you do name one and they couldn't Swords it the you just eat a Terminus or have it bounced by Jace.
How are they going to reliably Terminus when they can't Brainstorm to arrange their deck? If you bounce it with Jace they'll just cast it right again and you're still facing pressure.
Then why not just play vial?
It's in play sooner and doesn't get hit by removal, bar council's judgement.
>You can name whatever you need to at instand speed
This only works for the dream scenario where you get to stick it, and your opponent can't remove it.
The truth of the matter is that you are playing a 2/2 creature that enters play on turn 3, which is way too late. By that point, they'll have played most of their cantrips , removed most of their guys, have their top in play, whatever they can do during turns 1-3, they'll have done it.
Even then, it takes you an entire turn to set up Flickerwisp, which gives the miracles player another turn where they are able to do whatever they want, except for whatever spells you restricted.
Sure, you'll win the games where you drop creature after creature and disrupt your opponent so hard that they're unable to work during their first turns, but you were going to win those matches anyway.
>the number trigger on the stack
How about you read the card first, laddy.
>Assuming you do name one and they couldn't Swords it the you just eat a Terminus or have it bounced by Jace.
Well here's the thing, without those one mana spells, your ability to drop miracles when you need them is severely dimished. And without those one mana spells, your ability to find Jace is also severely diminished.
This isn't even factoring in that Phyrexian Revoker probably has Top named already.
Basically, if you don't respond to Sanctum Prelate by doing something to put a Terminus on top of your library to draw into next turn, you've basically lost.
>By that point, they'll have played most of their cantrips
Let's just conveniently forget those SFMs too while we're here as they couldn't draw those either and instead drew all lands.
>except for whatever spells you restricted.
>Except for their entire fucking deck
This thing is way different than Chalice in that it can hit any number for 3 mana (when chalice has the dropoff for any number over 1 counter), gets tutored by that new recruiter, can be flickerwisped to get it a new number, and can be vialed in at instant speed.
And don't forget that it also ATTACKS FOR TWO.
Chalice of the Void can't stop an Abrupt Decay.
And you can slap a Jitte/Ice&Fire on it to do even more and get utility.
This is a bigger deal than people are giving it credit for. Decay practically warps Legacy.
Legacy warps Legacy.
It warps itself so much it's become this intricate twisted format of beauty like the twisted patterns in DNA.
If that's what Legacy is, what's Vintage?
A quantum superstate.
I've never played Legacy and this thread interest me. What is D&T exactly ? Google gives me deck lists but i don't quite understand the mechanic behind what's looks like a stack of angels with a twist
World war 4 technocrats (shops) vs isis (dredge) vs nwo (storm control) vs it (everything else)
it only has 1 angel which is serra avenger
its a deck that revolves around controlling your opponent through mana denial (thalia, waste, port), denying removal (mother of runes, mirran crusader, flickerwisp), etc... with all kinds of tricks with cards like vial and beaters/finishers like bskull and avenger
its the definition of a hatebear deck and is most closely comparable to GW hatebears in modern
Due to the new imperial recruiter being a likely 4 of in every new list, I'd say you'll only need 1 and maybe 1 sideboard.
2 main might still make sense, but I'm concerned about the curve going too high.
That is incredibly rare currently and wouldn't be a realistic plan against D&T without heavy support anyway.
>It was the result of a hasty decision in the 90s that honestly probably kept the company afloat long enough to stabilize and become the biggest TCG.
Now THAT'S a claim I've not seen.
How? What about making a strictly limited supply of cards kept the company afloat?
It bought back the faith of a sizable chunk of their consumers, people that, maybe, they simply couldn't have sustained themselves without.
Strong card but very overrated
The reason it doesn't get reprinted is likely a combination of deals with resellers and to preserve the value of senior managements personal collections (I highly doubt the top dogs there do not get a print of every single card).
The lawyers have nothing to do with it, there's no way they could ever win a legal case that boils down to abloo bloo you can't sell your own product because my clients put a high value on it. Otherwise everyone who owns commodoties like gold or oil could come up and say you guys can't produce any new gold ingots/barrels because you might crash our market.
>>can't cast
The joke.
It is called Death & Taxes because it is White Weenie. And there are three things in life that are inevitable, Death, Taxes and White Weenie.
The fact that it has a number of "tax" effects is purely coincidental, I guess.
Most stores don't even make most of their singles money on $500 legacy cards that only sell once in a blue moon.
It doesn't say "choose an integer". Just pick -i.
Pick something with a decimal in.
But they do make money off of the $15-$50 cards they sell on a regular basis