Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Eldritch Moon card image gallery:
Don't post your casual decks here please.
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TIERS ARE USAGE-BASED. A Tier 2 deck may be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific Metagame.
first for Mardu memes
>If no one's playing it, it can't be good
I never said it's bad because no one is playing it.
I implied it's bad because no one is winning with it.
mardu has no beats
whats a good 2 drop in one of the bant colors
current options
wall of omens
jace vryns prodigy
(aleready using snaps)
You could have a 60% chance of winning every game in a 5 round event and you'd still only have a 7% chance of going 5-0 you faggot. If one guy turned up to an SCG event with an insane Mardu list that had a 70% chance to win each of 15 rounds, there's literally a 1.3% chance of him going 12-3. That's with a humongous chance of beating his opponent in every round. Without lots of people playing a deck, there's basically zero chance of it ever making results. That is unless someone popular does it.
goyfs a pretty good one
Obviously goyf. Also voice or scooze.
holy shit im retarded
Voice of resurgence
Coiling oracle
Qasali pridemage
Spicy sideboard meddling mage
should i put eldritch evolution in this deck
>Coiling oracle
No. Sakura Tribe Visionary doesn't do enough for 2 mana.
>If one guy turned up to an SCG event with an insane Mardu list that had a 70% chance to win each of 15 rounds, there's literally a 1.3% chance of him going 12-3.
Clearly your understanding of Magic is rivaled only by your understanding of math.
If you have bounce effects he's not bad. I'm just listing cards to consider
>0.7 chance of winning a round
>12-3 is winning 12 rounds
>0.7^12 = 0.013841287201
Did common core give you a different answer? How many apples did Jamal give Brenda?
Why would you? Also why are you playing 2 random Explore in that pile?
explore is actually one of the better cards
so much tempo
Who is this semen demon?
>so much tempo
ye using a turn to play a land sure sounds like tempo to me
So your defense is that nobody can prove Mardu is a bad deck because nobody is playing it? So, tell me then, why is nobody playing it?
then playing a 4 mana planeswalker on turn 3
i just like the card, its a draw and you get an extra land
So I've been playing legacy for the past few years but never really got into modern but I'm willing to try it now. Does goblins have any presence in modern or is there something similar to ease into? Money isn't an issue.
Nobody is playing it because no one else is playing it, in essence. This is why it's very rare for new decks to appear in Modern and give it the appearance of a "solved" format. Even the best deck needs popularity to appear in top 8s.
>play a some thermo alchemist burn deck on xmage that is mostly standard but placed 7th at a starcity event
>opponent is playing a $1000+ dredge deck
>he asks if its a standard deck
>i tell him it could be
>he beats me
>we go to round two
>he says "you have my respect"
>I tell him "whatever nerd"
>he gets asspained and closes the match
lmao why are mtgtards so autistic
Now, what if instead of implying that it's bad because nobody is playing it, someone were to say nobody is playing it because it is bad?
There would be zero proof either way. Either is possible. What is known, however, is that Mardu is a pile of powerful cards.
>$1000 dredge deck
no such thing
>guy is friendly
>you're an asshole
Cool story?
>I tell him "whatever nerd"
That just makes you sound salty.
>serum visions
>rare-shifted up
>released in a supplemental set
>released in a supplemental set specifically designed for draft
They're going all-out to protect the prices for secondary vendors, even for outrageously overpriced deck filtering commons.
This is not relevant to the thread.
>format staples getting paltry reprints
>not relevant
>Ordered a playset of Eldritch Evolutions for $20 a could weeks ago
>They come in today
>One of them is randomly a prerelease foil
>It's about $17 on its own
That's pretty neat.
How have your past experiences with ordering cards online been?
Then why are there relevant mardu decks in legacy or modern? Are you seriously going to tell us all the teams who test brews and cards by the dozen haven't tested an optimal mardu list? It's not like it got any new toys lately.
WotC are on the investors and collectors side, not the players. That will literally never change.
Conspiracy has an unlimited print run.
You being poor and angry is not relevant to this thread.
>Then why are there relevant mardu decks in legacy or modern
there arent
>It's not like it got any new toys lately.
Like that matters. Bob saw no play for fucking YEARS in Jund lists for absolutely no reason, and yet now suddenly he's an automatic inclusion in any black midrange deck. Pros make it up as they go along. And I very much doubt they test everything they can think of.
>unlimited print run
[citation needed]
You're a perfect dupe, they can increase the rarity to protect every last dime and you'll defend it because muh draft.
>now suddenly he's an automatic inclusion in any black midrange deck.
No it's not. Abzan and Grixis doesn't play it. It's only played in Jund and Mardu (which pretty much doesn't exist).
I forgot the "no"
No I'll not care because bitching on this site won't change shit. I'll buy my cards and that's it. Nobody is forcing you to play this game
It's the same situation as the first Conspiracy was. As long as vendors are ordering boxes of Conspiracy, they'll keep printing it.
Another good example of how arbitrary the metagame is. Remember when Pod got banned and Abzan was king of the format? Remember back when Jund was unplayable (back when lists were basically the exact same lists as they are now minus Kommand and some 4 drops)? Remember when Affinity was going to get banned and now it's dropped off the radar? Like damn son Magic's metagame is dominated by hype so much it's unreal.
Your post makes zero sense because abzhan was king of the format until the pod ban, jund was never unplayable and affinity is still tier 1. But go ahead, take the meta by surprise and get that top 8 spot at a major with your mardu deck.
Someone post the tarfire meme deck
There is no Tarfire meme deck, it was literally just a Temur Delver list. Stop forcing this meme.
My entire point has been that without lots of people playing a deck, how good it is is largely irrelevant as to whether or not it makes a top 8 at a big event.
>Nobody is forcing you to play this game.
Which is a total divergence from my complaints about the ethics of artificial scarcity and inflated card prices?
I mean, nobody is forcing WOTC and the secondary vendors into price gouging.
why does nobody play this card in modern
Is there a general consensus to how Bant plays in modern? Like Midrange, or Control etc etc?
>whatever nerd
>implying he's the salty one here
Because you are going to consistently 3 for 2/1 yourself and you can't even play it a lot of the time because it needs 3 blue cards.
Fuck you it's retarded. Just post it
Calm down lad not even [s4s] takes their memes this seriously.
Except there is an entire thread playing it on mtgs reporting on all their tournament matches. You should check it out and see for yourself why it's sub par.
Learn how to search the archive, you idiot. You'll benefit from it in the long run.
Yea because that will be funny for everyone here today
And they're testing every single variant of the deck too. BWr tokens, grindy midrange, nahiri shell, mentor pyromancer. It's just ends up being inferior in every single one of those archetypes, except for BWr tokens. BWr tokens is a straight upgrade to BW tokens.
If people are copying the OP list, I'm not surprised they're doing badly because it's fucking awful. I just went to the latest posts and they're all just retards. People running Angler with Bob, people asking about Waste Not, people only running 5 copies of Thoughtseize when there's mathematical reasons why 6 is optimal, people not running Liliana of the Veil. It's just a complete mess of poor deckbuilding.
Post your list
Land (22)
1x Blood Crypt
4x Bloodstained Mire
1x Dragonskull Summit
1x Ghost Quarter
1x Godless Shrine
3x Marsh Flats
2x Mountain
1x Plains
1x Sacred Foundry
4x Shambling Vent
2x Swamp
1x Vault of the Archangel
Instant (15)
1x Anguished Unmaking
1x Crackling Doom
1x Dismember
2x Kolaghan's Command
4x Lightning Bolt
2x Lightning Helix
4x Path to Exile
Sorcery (10)
2x Inquisition of Kozilek
4x Lingering Souls
4x Thoughtseize
Creature (9)
2x Abbot of Keral Keep
4x Dark Confidant
3x Soulfire Grand Master
Planeswalker (4)
3x Liliana of the Veil
1x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
Sideboard (15)
1x Blood Moon
1x Crackling Doom
1x Dragon's Claw
2x Grafdigger's Cage
1x Lightning Helix
1x Pithing Needle
2x Rest in Peace
4x Slaughter Games
1x Sudden Shock
1x Wear / Tear
i would take all the white permanents out and replace them with tier 1 green permanents
might seem better
Because if you can find it in the archive then you can post it yourself, you retard.
Sorry, I thought you guys were into dank memes
for someone who has played on Xmage and the like but lacks a substantial physical collection, what's a good deck in the 100-150$ range that I can bring to FNM and have fun with and slowly upgrade into an actually powerful deck? I know Monored Burn is the obvious answer, but was wondering if you had any other suggestions
Goblins. Living end when dredge gets banned.
That's about it really.
Either way, if your end goal is to get someone to post it or just to see it yourself, finding it in the archive lets you satisfy either goal. Asking for someone else to post it because you can't navigate a search bar is pathetic.
How are your MU's? Any reason why you would play this instead of junk or jund? But I must admit that list looks nice as long as you can protect the Bob and sgm
bogles with budget manabase
bw tokens
Weaker than Jund and Junk to combo due to slow clocks, but good against basically everything else. Affinity, Zoo, and Merfolk are complete roadkill to it. I also don't auto-lose to Bogles.
>Abbot of Keral Keep
Why? It's effectively anywhere from a 3 to 5 cost card and you can never play it on turn 2.
You're easily the worst kind of player
Don't suggest tokens to the guy. It's not a tiered deck and can't be upgraded into anything.
I'd liken it to a Bloodbraid Elf that can make land drops. I only run 2 precisely because I never want it on turn 2. Turn 3 is fine though honestly. So long as I have a fetch in my hand I'll happily take the risk since I'm most likely going to flip a land, Bolt, Path, or Thoughtseize.
I feel physically ill looking at these modern prices. Made a little count on those few cards that I own and I could easily pay half a years worth of rent with that money. With a shitty cardboard pieces.
Have you tried mentor instead of the grandmaster? If you're running a 2/2 that requires other spells to be good you might as well run one that ends games.
What are you even trying to say here
I always found that tapping out for him generally lost me the game. You can't under any circumstance tap out for a sorcery speed spell in Modern, because you're going to lose when you pass turn. Karn will land, you'll take 10 infect, you'd be forced to trade your Mentor into a Goblin Guide that'll just get pumped off a Command anyway while you eat 3 damage. The only 3 mana spell I'd ever tap out for in a deck like that is Lilly because she's also a removal spell.
>I always found that tapping out for him generally lost me the game.
From the same man who just endorsed Abbot of Keral Keep.
Nobody taps out for mentor though. It's a turn 4/5/6 play depending on your hand
But I'm a girl
From the same man who says he's a girl on the internet, then.
Fuck you got me. I'll probably end up retesting Mentor though
is there a viable jeskai burn deck?
and would fevered visions be playable in it
Just play Naya Burn like a normal person and only sometimes let your opponent draw lands.
If dredge has to be banned then you'll have to ban affinity too. It's just as explosive if not more so,you have to side for it and pray you get the sideboarded cards in games 2 and 3.
i have naya burn. I just think jeskai would be fun.
Daily reminder that major vendors are given prior information about new sets and that reid duke's(channel fireball) brother works in rnd.
the difference being that affinity has almost infinite hate cards against it while dredge has like 3
Shut the fuck up already
This is something i do not understand. The players buy packs. The vendors cut wotsy out of the secondary market
Bajuka bog
Tormod's crypt
Nihil spellbomb
Grafdigger's Cage
Rest in peace
Scavenging ooze
Anger of the gods
Path to Exile
Think of it this way, people are perfectly willing to play Dark Confidant and pay 2/3 for a free card. The 2 damage you might deal each turn, which is not even guaranteed, is paltry for free cards. You're probably better off playing Electrolyze and you're not doing great as a burn deck if you are.
What are the rankings of various Midrange based decks? I wanna play Midrange, but cannot shell out over a grand for a Jund deck
Having a thriving secondary market lets them essentially gauge how much their own products are worth. If every card sells for pennies, cracking packs is meaningless, but knowing they have cards that are worth $30 they can use as a hook gets people to buy. It's the backbone of the Masters sets, and it's integral to selling precons.