Proudmoore Family portrait edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Proudmoore Family portrait edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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female dreadlord when!?
some time between the end of MoP and beginning of Legion
Tichondrius has lipstick if that's your thing.
Rev up those Shade Chants
I will not move
when flame wreath is cast
or the raid blows up
>Not Karazhan edition
It most likely can't be the case because they're two separate races, but I like the idea of Succubi being the females of the Dreadlord race.
But the succis killed all their males for being bitchboys.
Male Sayaad when!? But seriously, Blizzard said they'd include an Incubus option like, how many years ago? 7? And still nothing. Hope when they do include them, they're cute twinks.
run away!
>getting excited about warcraft
>implying BC was not the tipping point of retardation when it comes to WC lore
>>implying BC was not the tipping point of retardation when it comes to WC lore
Second that.
>ywn be raised as a Warlock
>ywn be a naive exemplar of goodwill and innocence, incapable of realizing the evil of the powers you wield
>ywn be completely oblivious to the advances of your summoned succubus
>ywn creep out all your friends by acting like everything you're doing is normal
>ywn bake your cookies with fel fire
>ywn have your Paladin friend tell you the cookies are actually pretty good
Why even live?
You saying space goats were a mistake?
I would've been fine with googling for drow instead of draenei
Can we talk about something that been on my mind?
How do elf eyebrows work?
Is there a stem, be it cartilage or whatever, that the hair grows off of? Or are they very diligent about waxing their 11 inch hairs at regular intervals?
And i guess the entirety of Outland should be a red rock
Draenei butt is best butt
Are you implying that they couldn't have made the outland of tbc without your goatwaifus?
Are you implying that a race can survive a planet getting ripped apart and thrown between dimensions without changes? You act like lost ones got retconned out of existence
They effectively did.
"oh yeah those ones exist but they're not REAL draenei. Focus on these shitty space demon goats."
This is what a retcon looks like, i guess
fuck Akama anyway. I can't wait to torture his ass in Legion, based Kayn
It's very hard for you to speak straight and answer questions.
No I am not implying that or even commenting on that.
It is a retcon though, which Metzen admitted to. That is not up for debate. Draenei as a seperate race outside the Eredar got retconned out because of Metzens poor coked up memory.
He apologized for the self admitted retcon, but it was too late too change.
In the end it still fucking fits, so what the fuck is the issue
Sargeras was good and became evil because he was corrupted by the eredar, the eredar were good and became evil because they were corrupted by sargeras?
Fuck you.
I want some fucking consistency in my fiction. If they just break their own shit just because in the moment they think something is cool then it becomes impossible to take it even slightly serious.
Here, at least you got some pandering for your dick.
too big
I don't like original Draenei, but I wish they went for the "broken" design for standard draenei.
I like how the pure Draenei look (aside from the men being refrigerators), but I actually would probably agree that I'd prefer Broken be the standard. They look more unique.
I still think Broken should be a body type choice players can make. Except Draenei shamans. All of them must be Broken.
What would the females be like then?
Like they do now...but mind broken
And except Paladin, Broken can't be paladin.
Actually, I had a discussion about this not too long ago with my group. I want to retcon the Exodar as being a ship that escaped the opening of the portals on Draenor, but due to all the shenanigans involving being sucked into the twisting nether, it's temporally locked just over Azeroth for 20 years, where for the crew/inhabitants the ship is moving at normal speed, and they're not exposed to the radiation that would create the Broken. When the BC expansion hits, that releases the lock, sending the Exodar on to its collision course as they try and fight off the Horde saboteurs on board. The starting zone for the Draenei would change from "neato keen, it's two islands!" to "Oh fuck we have lost control of engineering, get down there and kill the Orcs, we'll try to get a controlled landing done."
Meanwhile, on Outland, *all* of the Draenei at the time of its destruction are mutated into the Broken, but due to DE LIGHT and DE NAARU, successive generations are less and less mutated after the Dark Portal is opened again.
What are the chances this will actually be new content instead of a cheap rehash like what they did to ZG and ZA?
Watch them remove the chess event because pugs will choke to death on it. Though honestly, I don't mind that. I hated doing that because of how much I saw groups fail.
they won't remove it, if they did people would flip some tables
>still playing WoW
Holy fuck you guys are pathetic.
Remember, this is coming from the nerd game board, and you guys are easily some of the most pathetic people to try and carve out a niche for yourselves here.
I'm a female blood elf paladin on Mal'Ganis, come fight me not irl faggot
Millions of people disagree with your weak attempt at trolling.
Or Priest. Can't connect to Light.
But can be Warlock.
But wouldn't they just turn into demons?
There's billions of idiots out there, and plenty more who have even more embarrassing addictions.
Doesn't stop you from being the guys clinging to a game that hasn't been good for over a decade and pretending it's lore isn't some of the dumbest circular soap opera crap you can find this side of Days of Our Lives.
Tell me about your favorite Warcraft race. Why is it your favorite?
Strongfat, incredibly magical anyway, exploited throughout history.
They Wuz Kangs.
one sounded like megatron
Isn't that kind of a bad thing?
>Legion already has more shit in the pipe during its lifetime than WoD did
>And its not even out yet
I'll go with Frost DK this expansion I guess. They have the only lore relevant DK artifacts since the others are literally who. I guess not all the weapons can be crafted from the remnants of frostmourne. I kinda hope our class campaign eventually involved getting Kel'Thuzad to be our homie.
Reshaad might have been my favourite character in WoD just for that.
Nerubian. I wanted to help them fight the Scourge in WotLK so much.
> Scourge nerubian as usual
> Nerubian empire loyalists, incredibly racist, bitter, hateful but desperate and somehow still the closest to "good" nerubians.
> Nerubian old gods slaves "Good news everyone! Have you heard about our lord and saviour?"
Hell, why not some forsaken-like nerubian led by a freed crypt lord.?
I'm torn between demo lock or fire mage.the problem with lock is it bothers me when I'm questing that khadgar ect are calling me a hero when I'm obviously not.
Trolls naturally. Over the years the game devs have reduced their lore and role in Azeroth to garbage.
Zandalar troll models actually look imposing however, as befitting of the most mystical, knowledge-keeping tribe of trollkind.
I was so fucking hyped for the Azjol zone in WOTLK.
Then it was cut out. Cunts. Deepholme in cata sorta soothed the blow since it was still an underground zone.
Of course not.
was going to play my mage first but now I want to play my unholy DK or my DH.
Go home, Gul'dank, you're drunk.
>Azjol being cut
Titan was so much "wow it's fucking nothing" it hurt Wrath, Cata, and WoD. That's what pisses me off more than anything.
From what I've heard about the new "Karazhan 5-man raid" is that it sounds alot like a rehash of the BC raid, not sure if this will be true or not but to me this is more of the "Hey guys remember when our game was good? Here have some nostalgia so we can reel you back in."
Yeah, Titan and all of its colossal disaster probably did a lot of damage internally. however with it being salvaged into Overwatch and finished, I hope that Legion will make WoW good again.
I too like the Warcraft trolls, best interpretation of the fantasy race imo. Loved how they looked in WC3 and how varied they were.
Shame that we will never see Dark Trolls in WoW and Forest, Frost and Sand trolls will forever be loot pinanatas.
The heck is, or was, Titan? Some off shoot game Blizzard kiboshed?
Well Overwatch was the remnants of Titan but we will never really know for sure what it actually was. Though we do know it was supposed to be some sort of sci-fi shooter under a new brand name
Titan was a game that Blizz started working on some time during WotLK Basically. Not a lot of info was known about it, but what can be discerned is it was something of an FPS mmo where players had characters in a more sci fi setting who led double lives. An ordinary day job sort of thing, and then a vigilante/superhero during other times. Basically, it sounded a lot like Destiny and probably got shitcanned because Activision was also making destiny at the time and the two games might have conflicted heavily with one another. However, Blizzard did enjoy the PVP model they had for Titan, and that eventually evolved into Overwatch, which might be using the same setting Titan would have used.
Rather, I should say Activision wasn't making Destiny. Bungie was, and Acti is publishing it.
Current lore is Sargeras decided to drink the green kool-aid due to the futility of his task. He is to forever guard the realm against a flaw that should be scrubbed clean. Hence why he wants to burn everything to the ground to prevent everything being burned to the ground
Now I know.
This is my choice as well. Of the races that WoW has given its own unique spin on, Trolls are pretty fucking rad from their aztec aesthtics, multiple empires, and being one of the original Azerothian races.
If you don't mind FUCKING GAMESTOP they did a good video series on what Titan could have been and its relation to overwatch.
But Destiny sucks donkey cock for the sole reason of being a fucking online console FPS
Alliance gets High elves.
Horde getEredar
Yes, and?
Do I sound like I am defending or supporting Destiny? No. I am only mentioning why Titan might have been cancelled due to it.
Paladins have it worse. They get Ashbringer, and then "Do you guys remember Tyr? Like the town?"x2
Warlocks and demon hunters are already chilling with their own mini-Legion, though. I assume the amount of high elves left in comparison to blood elves is rather on the low side, and the horde side belves would probably jump on the demon cock due to how addictive it is
Is Gul'dan the smuggest of them all?
>tfw no one wants to talk about incubi and the lack thereof
The various troll tribes games in WC3 were my favorites alongside Parasite. Especially Island Troll Tribes, which I ended up using as my character's background for my shaman. If I get into a tabletop running Warcraft, I'll try to roll a witch doctor with the same background.
I wonder if Warlocks and Demon Hunters would be friends in the lore.
Probably not.
Different ideologies.
Eh, population stats don't work in WoW anyway. Realistically speaking the Blood Elves should be on the lower end of overall Horde population, but if you look at player stats you will see that they are the largest faction by quite a huge margin.
So guys I have a new headcannon regarding Nathanos and his look. Im thinking that he is the Dark Lady's first death Knight. Created similarly to Gen 1 dk. Wielding a rune-bow.
He's actually a Dark Ranger which is what sylvanas is. Esentially he's a necromantic ranger.
I hate how Blizzard gave him the shitty human model and now we're probably stuck with the WindrunnerXHuman Male bullshit like the other two sisters.
Is he a hunter class hall NPC or something, or just a big name due to all the dindu Sylvanas' up to in Legion? Got to be some reason they decided to update his model.
He's involved in the ongoing alliance vs horde story
Don't think he's part of the Hunter hall but he does play a large part in Stormheims story.
So Sylvanas dindu, got it.
Is Blizzard trying to sweep Pandarens under the rug? How come there were no Pandas in either faction during the Broken Isles assault? They hardy featured in WoD either except for Garrison followers and guards.
All of the big name Panda characters stayed in Pandaria. It seems Blizzard lacked the foresight to create characters to rub elbows with faction leaders in the long run.
Aysa was at the funeral stuff for Varian.
>tfw you can summon Ner'zhul & Arthas' ghosts with those weapons
Gee, I wonder.
>inb4 furry
I just love the fact that the Alliance has finally a race that looks fierce and actually dangerous.
Based Genn and Jaina will have their vengeance.
Man fuck you, I play Warrior protection.
>Hey guys, here are your weapon. It would have been relevant 2 EXPANSIONS AGO
FFS Blizzard.
So we just swap races from BC. Yay.
I'm okay with them disapearing altogether. MoP was the expansion I liked the least. Hell, at Varian's funeral, I genuinely needed a few seconds thinking "Who the fuck are you?" Before remembering there were still pandas lost behind a bigass wall next to a pond where no one goes anymore in stormwind.
I go there. It's easy to get to invasions using the cata portals
Oooh haven't thought of that.
Hyjal portal to Azshara
Twilight highlands to Hillsbrad
Uldum to Tanaris
And westfall is right next to Stormwind so no need for that.
The only one that remains semi annoying to get to is barrens.
Your main is now a female blood elf.
What happens RP-wise?
My men go from a rugged gritty massive wolf commander to an eye candy commander.
Well at least a belf squealing "For the Horde/Alliance" is adorable.